• Published 16th Oct 2020
  • 738 Views, 5 Comments

Discord - AppleCider120

How do you turn a kind soul into a monster? What if the monster doesn't want to be this way?

  • ...

Time For Two - Chapter 11

Even with his little Changeling huddled up with him in their bed, Discord still found the morning to be somewhat unbearable. This was nothing to do with his past, or his uncertain future; this was just a human thing. And it seemed that Eris shared his "enthusiasm", as she lightly growled at him when he tried to shift her so he could get up. So, instead, he opted to lay where he was, looking to see if he could find any scraps of his food laying around to regenerate.

Discord finally realized he could seriously abuse this power when all was over; a shop that could endlessly regrow its food would make him a rich man for the rest of the planets history. This was also the first thought about returning to humanity he had since he was taken so long ago. How would he even fit in, again? From what he could gather during talks with the White Tail, the humans had moved on quite well since he disappeared. From what he could tell, now, however, was a new year starting. Noticing some unusual scratching on a stalagmite in his cave, he saw that Mother's message was clear.

This is your third, and final year. For this, two trials will take place. As with your second, I will not give you any indication as to what the next six months hold, nor the next six. IF it takes you that long to complete the tasks.

With this, he worked on his strategy for working his way out of his bed. Eris was proving slightly difficult, but with some managing with Errant, he finally managed to get the little Changeling to cuddle up with the canine. Triumphant, he made his way to his counter, clearing up some of the mess to start making breakfast. Knowing Eris was likely full, he simply made her some of her favorite grape juice; for Errant, a few vegetables to go along with whatever she might hunt down when she was ready to move about.

Much to his dismay, and likely starting to wear on her, Errant was beginning to become far more independent. Especially during his last two months of the previous year, she would leave him be for often up to a couple hours. Sometimes it was even a full day before she returned. Discord hated to admit it, but he felt she was getting ready to leave; and while he knew it would hurt him, he wouldn't stop her.

While you raised her, Discord, he thought to himself, it is almost her time. She had grown well under you, but you can't hold onto a wild animal. Maybe she'll be the one Timberwolf Eris won't have to look out for.

And he knew it was time to shift some focus to the Changeling. As young as she was, Discord figured her distant human curiosity might still be innate. He had to start watching her if she ever wanted to leave the cave to play. He knew the wolves and Minotaurs respected him, but they would likely not show Eris the same courtesy.

If you think about it, Discord, he thought again, maybe that was one of Mother's gifts. You could understand the young Changelings when others couldn't. You could understand the White Tail; though, that could also be some of their magic at play, too. They seemed to harbor something they weren't showing fully. Perhaps like Mother, you could try communicating with the Minotaurs.

This thought made him chuckle a bit. If they didn't tear him limb from limb upon trying, he couldn't definitely give a shot at trying to learn about other species. Errant could be an easy ticket to help him calmly approach the Timberwolves while the Minotaurs already seemed to respect his boundaries. All of them knew he was in this cave, and did nothing. Perhaps they had tried to speak to him before.

Why not try talking to Errant? he thought, eyes widening as he hadn't even considered that before.

This thought, and even some of the whisperings voices in the wind, would speak to him until he heard shifting from the bed. Glancing over, he say Eris sitting up in the bed, rubbing her eyes.

"Daddy?" she said softly, looking around.

Hearing her little voice call him that made him nearly fall over, whenever she said it. Discord loved nature, that was true; he loved Errant with all that he could, as fleeting as it now felt. But Eris had grown on him unlike anything else. He would never understand it, but he felt that maybe this is what Mother felt like. She had clung to him so tightly, and seemed so elated whenever he finally starting calling her "mother" in a more familial sense, than if trying to talk to a goddess. If this is how she felt, Discord never wanted to lose it.

"I'm just fixing us some breakfast, Eris," he said, smiling brightly at her. Though he hadn't noticed much before, the White Tail did mention that since they had met him before, his smile seemed a little wider. But, it never seemed to bother anyone else. "Did you sleep well, last night?"

The little on nodded, leaving the warmth of the Timberwolf behind, and climbing off the bed, stretching out slowly. Errant was soon following, now much larger than before. She was full grown, and Eris looked even smaller when the canine stood next to her, stretching out her own body was well. Discord knew it would be just a bit before Errant was ready to head out, so he set her some water, and a little bit of a strength potion; he was now curious if she was ready for bigger game, so he wanted her to be strong enough to take them on.

Eris, meanwhile, came over to their little makeshift table; it was constructed from the usual wood and stone. With some help from his Changeling friends, during one of their last visits before his full departure, they did help him make some more solid looking furniture. He even took a few from the Changeling Queen's old collections, and used the Changeling's blackstone substance to solidify the body of the tables. Eris watched as Errant wandered out, tilting her head.

"Where's the puppy going, Daddy?" she asked, yawning.

"Oh, she's becoming quite a big girl," Discord answered, bringing the little one her grape juice. "She likes to hunt for her own food, now. She used to hunt for me, too, when I first got her."

"How did you get her?"

"Well, in a sense I found her. Do you remember the tales of Mother I would sometimes tell you and the other younglings?"

Eris nodded slowly.

"Well, she gave me Errant. It was in the blink of an eye, as well. One second she wasn't even in existence, as Mother had me in my first trial. But, the moment the first trial was over, I could hear whining coming deep from within the cave! This little pup appeared out of the blue with a stalactite holding her in place."

"Oh, wow!" Eris said, giggling. "Just like magic?"

Discord nodded. "Exactly like magic. Well, it was magic. Since the entire year before that, I had no living things to interact with for a year, beside the plant life."

As Eris drank her juice, and Discord started to eat his breakfast, the mood in the cave could be felt shifting. It used to be a dark thing for Discord. Even with his friends visiting, and the sleepovers, the aura always had some hint of hopelessness. Now that he has someone to fully adore, he has so much less of that old aura in his head. The whispering still held on just enough to make sure the hopelessness remained, but much less so, now. He could genuinely smile for the little one in front of him. And her smile seemed quite genuine as well.

Changelings are definitely prettier when they are happy, he said to himself, watching the little one drink as he finished his meal. Errant was almost on cue as Eris finished; as Discord had hoped, she was dragging in some larger food as well. Instead of some small rodent, this was a large deer. To Discord's surprise, it was a white tailed deer, like they had been struggling to find when they met the White Tail. The grey coat wasn't like the stunning, quartz-like ones of this deer's cousins.

Discord laughed, clapping. "There you go Errant! That's a good girl!"

He walked over to her, patting her wooden head, making her tail wag. His conversation with himself from earlier shown itself again, and he looked down to Errant as he ate. He started to try and focus on her, though he felt like he wouldn't get too much if she was engulfed mentally with the food.

"Errant," he said softly, "do you understand what I say most of the time?"

The canine's wooden ears pricked up. "Sometimes I do, but I get lost when you start talking about your potions and stuff."

Discord stared, eyes widening slowly. Errant felt his stare, and stopped her eating, staring into his eyes. This little staring contest went on for a few minutes, catching Eris's attention when she noticed it.

"Um," she said softly, "why are you two looking at each other like that?"

Discord looked into the dog's eyes, smirking. "Well, that's good to know. I guess my long talks about the potions put you to sleep?"

Errant's tail returned to wagging. "You just... well, yeah. I'm not exactly capable of using more than what you offer me. How are you doing this? You never understood me before!"

Discord chuckled. "Well, magic pollution is the culprit. I've dumped so many concoctions into that old hot spring that some side effects have started making themselves known. I don't know how my particular potions didn't make it a death sentence, being that they contained so much of that blue flower. But, I'm feeling good about where it's taking me!"

Errant went back to eating. "Good! Now I don't have to smack you every time I need to go out of the cave."

Discord nodded, remembering easily how often he has felt a hard wooden leg hit him in the side of the head during a nap, or in the middle of the night.

"Yeah, that's a bonus," he said, looking to Eris, winking.

"Oh, you can understand her?" Eris said, giggling. While she seemed generally surprised, Discord hadn't quite revealed how he understood her so clearly now.

"Well, yes," he said, motioning the Changeling over. When she came close, he pulled her onto his lap. "It's like you, actually."

"Me, Daddy?" she asked, tilting her head.

Discord nodded. "Yeah, I'm sure you noticed, but some of the higher Changeling's could not understand you or your sibling's speech. For them, and me, it comes out as chirps, sounding like a bird or a cricket sometimes."

"So, you can understand me, but they can't?" she asked.

"Exactly," he kissed her forehead softly, making her giggle.

"Well, guess it's a good thing I decided to come with you!" she smiled.

Discord shrugged. "I guess so! Could you imagine not being able to communicated with your own family? Though, I guess it is more strange that you have a stranger from an entirely different lifestyle that can talk back to you."

The trio sat and talked for quite some time through the morning, becoming an intermediary between the Changeling and the Timberwolf. Eris was delighted to learn more about her favorite canine, while Errant was surprisingly posh in her speech. Though, the speech was more of a telepathic sense ability than direct speech. Discord was unsure how to classify the distinction between them. With Errant, he could only understand her telepathically; with Eris, it was more along the lines he knew exactly what the chirps and other noises meant.

Perhaps it is that simple, he said to himself. Errant doesn't have a language, but Eris does? Is it that simple, or is there no solid explanation?

As noon came around, Discord looked around as the group started to become a bit bored of their current situation. Breakfast had been eaten, leftover meat had been stored, and a little Changeling was full of energy after her juice. After thinking of some of the spots he knew around the area, he figured he'd make a trip to a section he had not visited to frequently. There was a section of the forest he could see form the top of his cave that seemed to house many of the Minotaur camps. And not too far from those camps, was an stunning lake, which had almost crystal clear waters.

While the Minotaur herds did frequent the area, he had also seen packs of wolves and other creatures there. After suggesting that they go for a swim, and feigning shock that neither of the pair knew how, he settled upon that as their goal for the day. Before the day was out, he would teach Eris how to swim; biology permitting, that is. So, after packing some snacks, and checking outside for any signs of foul weather, the trio went on a hike. It took longer than Discord had anticipated, but they soon found themselves in front of the wide expanse. Though, they also found themselves within eyesight of a major party of Minotaurs on the banks.

Some were relaxing in the sunlight, while a few were bathing in the water. Not wanting to cause a fuss, he motioned to the pair to stay put in their current section of the woods; he would see if he could talk to the beasts about sharing the water. He warned them that if anything happened, return to the cave, before adding to return to the hive.

With his instructions clear, he walked out into the clearing around the lake. It was in fact as beautiful as it appeared from the top of the cave-- which was a decently sized hill. Perhaps that explained the large ceilings of the natural structure. As Discord made his way out, he turned towards the herd, and started walking to them, keeping his hand down to avoid being seen as a threat. The Minotaurs did not notice him at first, as it was a bit of a distance; thinking back, he probably would have been fine. But, this was for Eris and Errant's safety, not his; the Minotaur knew Discord in passing, but they didn't know the other two.

At first, all seemed to be well, as he approached, he got down on a knee, so he could be noticed without calling them out. And, in fact, they seemed okay with his appearance. Then he decided he would need to speak to get their attention.

"Excuse me," he said out loud, shuddering a bit at the stares he was receiving from a few of the larger bulls. He gave them a little bow. "Would you approve of my small group bathing on the other side of the lake?"

The groups bulls looked to each other, and they seemed to nod as one made himself more presentable, in a sense. He stood a bit more straight, walking out of the pack, and towards the human, who remained on a knee. The large, brutish-looking bull looked down at the human, who looked at him. Without a word being spoken, Discord stood slowly.

"It is an honour to meet you," he said. "You said your name was Iron Will?"

The two stared a bit of a share, the human clearly taking in what he said; the fact that he said their lead bull's name made the others of the herd turn to look at the pair.

"Indeed, we are a small group," Discord answered. "It is me, my daughter, and our companion."

A little bit of a glare came from the bull's eyes, with a following snort.

"Not at all," Discord said, raising his hands defensively. "I have not come into contact with any humans in over one hundred years, Iron Will."

Another grunt followed, with the bull crossing his surprisingly human-like arms.

"Yes, I am over a century old," Discord said, chuckling. "I am estimating close to roughly 150, but I haven't had much reference. As for my guests, the first one is a Changeling toddler, and she is of no threat; she does not feed on anything more than me."

The bull gave a nod, followed by a more firm grunt.

"I understand your likely apprehension," Discord said, "being as I have seen your past bouts, but I can assure you our pup will not come in to harm you or your herd."

The bull seemed to be getting more angry, stomping a hoof.

"Yes," Discord answered, a bit hesitantly. "But, as I said, she will not be a threat to your herd."

The two shared a decently extended period of stares, almost a full minute.

"It would take me some time to explain how I came to take care of her," Discord said. "Do you know of the goddess, Mother Nature?"

The bull snorted, almost as if mocking him.

"Iron Will," he said, giving a slight grin, knowing he was about to start digging a hole, "I can assure you, having not seen you in my one hundred years in the Everfree--"

Discord went to a lower tone, chuckling.

"You are no sort of god," he finished.

The bull groaned, letting out a loud moan.

"Indeed," Discord answered. "I should know, as Mother has made me. I told you my name, but not my purpose. I am Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, and Deception."

The bull leaned in, almost seeming to grin.

"Indeed," Discord said. "It makes sense that you could question all that I have mentioned here with that sort of title. Deception is not an easy skill to master, but honesty is. And if you wish to test my title, then I must challenge you to a 'Battle of the Gods', minus one."

With this statement, Iron Will let out an almost roar-like moan. He walked back to his herd as Discord looked around for something to place, wandering over and inspecting some sticks on the ground nearby. He made sure they were sturdy, and grabbed the two largest that he could scrounge. In case the bull wanted to battle with weapons, he threw them on the ground between where they had been conversing. After his discussion with his her, he returned, talking with him again.

Discord listened to the rules that the bull laid before him, nodding to show that he was listening.

"I can easily follow those rules," he said, smirking. "While I did intend to disrespect your assertions of godliness, I will respect your herd's traditions; being the challenger, it is only right."

With just a nod of agreement, Iron Will looked down at the sticks, and back to Discord.

"I wasn't sure what you battled with," he said, shrugging. "These were just in case your combat rules were weapon-based. But, I can handle a hooves-on approach."

Iron Will and Discord nodded in agreement, and turned their backs, walking several steps in the opposite direction. As they reached the supposedly appropriate distance, they turned back to face each other. Discord was ready, as was the massive bull. One of the other bulls came to stand halfway between, raising up a red object to serve as the starting motion.

Discord chuckled, having still been talking with Iron Will as they waited. "I am not the kind of man to walk away from a challenge. Just don't be surprised by the results. Tell me, are broken legs a problem in your herd?"

A few moments of silences passed.

"Indeed," Discord said. "While those are the rules, I cannot guarantee that I will completely follow them."

Before the bull could return a response, the mediator dropped the red stick, at which point Iron Will dipped his head down, starting to rush at Discord. Discord did not move, however, keeping his eyes on the logs as the bull approached them. To the herd, their leader was moving like a wad from the human's hand cannons. Discord, though, could easily track his movements, and before the bull could cross the stick barrier, he snapped his fingers.

Making sure to focus on what he wanted in that moment, knowing the true randomness of his unfocused magic, he kept his focus on the logs. In the split second from the snap, to the bull stepping between the logs, time seemed to move slow for Iron Will. First thing he knew, he was barreling at high speeds towards the still human; last thing he knew, he was face down in the sand, without a broken leg.

Contrary to Discord's assumed intentions, the base of the missing twigs on the log instantly formed a harmless snare; Iron Will's leg was caught in the snare, sending him harmlessly onto the sand of the lake's banks. All of this, without harming anything more than Iron Will's pride.

iron will did struggle briefly, as Discord came up to him calmly, leaning over with a smile.

"Surrender," he said. It was not a request, but a command. For just this instance, he was going to use his status to take what he needed; though, as he would later reflect, maybe it was a bit childish to do just for a swim.

Iron Will battled with the strong snare, trying to break free, only for Discord to make it repair itself whenever a bit of the limbs would show signs of stress. Soon, the bull started to relax, and Discord finally let him break out of the wooden snare.

"This is why I asked you about your leg," Discord said. "I originally planned to just break your leg, but with how serious it was to you, I decided to do this. Unlike your herd's traditions, I do not take pride in taking another's life at this time. I am a spirit of chaos; I will play with that definition as I see fit. For me, I am not an agent of death, I just make things interesting. Therefore, I offer you mercy."

He then turned to the herd, having heard some of their chatter.

"And do not dare cast Iron Will out," he said. "I could hear your discussions over there. While I understand your traditions, your clan did not anticipate what kind of person I would be. If you intend to cast him out, you will have to answer to me, understand? I could have easily used these logs to take him down permanently, do not make me turn that threat to you."

After a moment of observing their expressions, the man let out a sigh, letting his shoulders drop.

"Look at me Iron Will," he said sternly, though a bit exhausted with his little outburst. "I did not intend for it to go this far. I offer my apologies for insulting your heritage, but we came to a very childish conclusion to a simple request. My trio and I would like to swim in the pond opposite from your clan, and you have my promise that they are of no threat to you."

Iron Will stood, sharing a bow with Discord, though Discord's eyes widened.

"If they will let me," Discord said, "I would love to introduce them to you."

After a few moments, Discord nodded, turning, and coming back to his companions. Eris and Errant had made their way a bit closer to watch what he was doing. He knelt next to them.

"They will allow us to swim in the lake," he said, smiling. "In fact, they want to meet you, two. So, we won't be completely alone for the time being."

After they agreed on their approach, Eris, Errant, and Discord returned to the site of the herd, where they began to mingle with the group. To Discord's surprise, they were quite welcoming outside of battles. While he did have to intervene a couple of times on Iron Will's behalf, the new friends he made were quite quick to embrace their new friends. Though they showed apprehensions towards Errant at first, they worked their way past their experiences, and some began to play with her.

As he expected, Eris stole the show, a bit. She was more of the focus of the cows and younger Minotaurs, but Iron Will and his entourage of bulls did seem to appreciate her sweet demeanor. Discord did learn of some of the minor skirmishes the Changeling's used to have with Minotaurs, but that they hadn't had trouble for almost two whole months. Discord filled them in on what he had been doing, and the herd declared him the peacekeeper.

Well, Mother,, he said to himself, I hope your are quite pleased with this. Your creatures are no problem for me to work with; makes me hesitant to try working on the humans if I ever meet them again.

After a few hours of discussion, and teaching Eris the basics for swimming-- which she actually picked up quite well--, the trio finally made their way back home. Arriving at sundown, Discord decided now would be a great time to start taking their baths. Being so young, Discord did not want to try and cook Eris in the hot springs yet; so, he settled with bathing her in the smaller clear spring. Using some of the gel he was gifted by Chrysalis, he polished the young one's carapace, shining her up nicely. He left her in there to let her bath some as he went back to the hot spring.

He got himself bare, dipping himself down into the spring carefully, stopping in surprise. The spring was not hot, as it usually was. It was still moderately warm, but was no longer bubbling and steaming. Despite the offsetting change, he continued, bathing himself completely, relaxing in the water. Eris soon made her way out of the water, and over to Errant, who started to tongue bath the little one; Discord soon followed suit, putting on another suit of clothes that Chrysalis had sent him. The queen insisted on sending him the full wardrobe of male clothes from her stash, gifting him a decent supply of clothes to make himself more presentable in the future.

All seemed to be going quite well, and Eris and Errant were waiting for him in the bed; but, Eris's eyes weren't focused on him. She seemed to be looking behind her father, and he watched to see if she would look at him if he stared long enough. Sure enough, he got a glance, but she turned back to whether she was seeing. Upon following her gaze, Discord turned to see what her, and now Errant, were seeing.

Standing at the edge of the formerly hot spring, where Discord had just been, was another man. Fully bare to the world around it, stood Discord, again. This one was a bit strange, as this one's hair was white. He was the same height, and he had everything Discord did. But, this wasn't him.

"Daddy," Eris said softly. "Why are there two of you?"

Author's Note:

Hope you don't mind what I did with Iron Will, I can't write narcissism/third person referencing, nor rhyme worth a buck.

I do hope you guys are enjoying this universe's interpretation of the characters and their dynamics, so far. I personally love the idea of the gods being so human that you could literally relate to one, barring the assumed immortality. I also hope you guys like the DiscordxEris dynamic. (And that there's finally some Celestia-forsaken action in this series, though battle scenes are not my forte. Though, I think for just a bit of a setup, that this should be alright; I have something planned for later.)

Also, what should this universe be labeled? I'm thinking "Mother's Universe", or something.