• Published 20th Dec 2011
  • 755 Views, 3 Comments

Tale of the Six - Andy586

It's about the main six, and their quest to save the Princesses and the Elements of Harmony.

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The Rise

Chapter Two: The Rise

Sharp Eyes approached the building with caution. He saw a tan pony with a gray mane sitting behind a desk shuffling some paper work. She wore a white collar with a turquoise accent, and had golden rimmed glasses. He cantered forward toward the desk, "Hello I'm looking for the Mayor."

She looked up at him over her spectacles, and appraised him with her eyes, "I'm she. Did you need help with anything?"

"Well, yes, I'm Lt. Sharp Eyes of the 2nd Scout Brigade, part of the Equestrian Royal Guard. I was told to report to you when I arrived."

"Ahh, I've been expecting you, just a second." She got up and started flipping things from a box on to her desk, "Where is it...I know it's in here somewhere...AH HA! I found it, here." It was a library card with his picture on it. "This is your cover. You're to go to the local library and become friends with our librarian Twilight Sparkle. She is the Princesses prized student."

"What I'm I 'supposed to be? Am I to ask her anything specific," asked Sharp.

"Um, well she didn't really say in her letter, I was simply told that you and Twilight are to become friends, and you are to watch over her, and her friends. Well sorry here take this, I need to get back to my work, there are many a pony that need their buildings inspected to make sure they're up to code. We've been having problems recently with a lot of...accidents."

"Er, yes, sorry to keep you. Thank you for your help." Rather confused as to exactly what he needs to do, he guesses he'll just wing it. That's what he's done most of his life, and it's worked out for the best more often than not.


"OW!" said three ponies, and a dragon in unison.

"Twilight! I though you said this wasn't going to hurt!" yelled Spike.

"I'm sorry guys! Really, I didn't think it was going to hurt, it doesn't say anything about it hurting in my spell book..," Twilight trailled off as she saw her friends all on the ground rubbing their flanks.

"I didn't even have time to try and fly to stop me from falling...," squelched Rainbow Dash.

Flutter Shy stammered, "I..um...it's okay Twilight...it...really didn't hurt...that much..."

"I really must say Twilight...you really need to work on our landings, this is the third time your spell failed," proclaimed Rarity.

"Again I'm sorry guys...I'll keep trying it on the stuffed animals for now, I'll call you guys back when I'm ready to try it again..sorry again," Twilight said trying to be as nice as possible to her test subjects.

"Well then, I really must be going, I have a HUGE, order from a VIP from Canterlot, good bye everypony," Rarity then burst though the front door of the library and trotted off towards her store.

"I'm gunna' dash too Twilight see'ya!" With a blaze of rainbow, Rainbow Dash was gone.

"Um, thank you for having me over Twilight, um I have to go feed Angel now, bye," Flutter Shy said as she too walked out the door, closing it behind her.

"Ugh! I could have sworn I figured out this spell!" yelled Twilight, "Did it really hurt that bad Spike?"

"It wasn't really the spell, as much as it was hitting the....BURRRP. Oh boy a letter from Princess Celestia!" Spike yelled out.

"Really! Who is if for?"

"It's for you Twilight. Oh no!"

"What? Is something wrong Spike?"

Spike started, "Twilight Elements of Harmony Friends Save Equestria. That's all the letter says, and it's scribbled. That's not like the Princess at all! Twilight, I think the Princess might be in trouble!"

"Com'on Spike we need to go!" Twilight and Spike start heading for the door when they hear someone knocking on the door. They share a quick glance, as Twilight uses her magic to open the door, "Who's there?" She stands ready a purple glow slowly coming from her horn.

"Woah, I don't mean to bother you, but do you happen to know Twilight Sparkle?" choked Sharp who was not even standing in the door way slightly scared of the unicorns magic.

"What do you want with her?" queried Twilight.

"I was hoping to check out a book on Military Tactics.."

"Oh, I think I have one around here some where, but I'm a little busy, I think the Princess might be in danger."

"Princess Celestia?" asked Sharp.

"Yes, I just received a letter from her.." Twilight was cut off.

"Oh no..this is what she feared..." Sharp started to get quiet and was lost in thought. A few moments passed Twilight just looking at him about as confused as he was.

"Wh-who are you?" asked Twilight.

Sharp snapped out of his moment of confusion and pondered what he should say. He knew that he was supposed to stay undercover, but it looks like the Princesses fears already came true. He was told he needed to gather Twilight and her friends and take them to the castle in Canterlot, but he was not told for what. "Yes, I am Lt. Sharp Eyes of the 2nd Scout Brigade, part of the Equestrian Royal Guard. I was sent here to watch over you and your friends in case something happened, but it seems something already has. What did the Princesses letter say?" Spike re-read the letter aloud for a second time. "Then I guess I'm to take you and your friends to the Canterlot castle and re-unite you guys with the Elements of Harmony. Please if you would, gather your friends near the exit of the town, I have to talk with the Mayor and let her know what's going on."

Twilight was lost for words, she had no idea what was going on. What happened to the Princess? Why is this scout here? What does she need to do? All these questions continued to run though her mind. She simply nodded, and went to get her friends together. She first went to Flutter Shy, who was sitting in her home tending to Angel her bunny. Twilight told her to go get Rainbow and to meet near the edge of town to Canterlot. She told Spike to get Rarity and Pinky Pie, while she went to Sweet Apple Acres to get Applejack. They finally all met at the edge of town confused as to why they were all there. Twilight explained that the Princess might be in danger and that they were to go to Canterlot and get the Elements of Harmony. As Twilight was explaining what they needed to do, Sharp ran up with a carriage, drawn by two large stallions dressed in Canterlot guard armor.

"All of you, please, get aboard the carriage quickly. We must get to the castle as soon as possible," said Sharp, out of breath. They all got on the carriage, and made their way to Canterlot. On they're way, Sharp explained who he was to the rest of the ponies, Pinky Pie, making it very clear that she was the first to meet him in town that day.

They pulled up to the gates of the city only to be greeted by fear. The two guard ponies that where normally standing tall guarding the entrance to Canterlot where on the ground in pools of blood, with wounds that appeared to be bite, and tear markings from some other ponies mouth. The gates where open, and the two stallions pulling the carriage continued though the gates, again with more painful sights to follow. All along the streets there were more bodies of motionless ponies scattered about. They all had similar injuries as the two guards at the gate. Then Flutter Shy spotted some pony moving in the distance.

"There!" shouted Flutter Shy, the loudest she's ever been, "Some pony's still alive!" She rushed out of the carriage and flew over to the pony's aid. "Ar-are you okay?" questioned Flutter Shy.

The pony looked up to Flutter Shy with drone like eyes. They were lost of most of their color, a very pale blue. She was bleeding from her side very bad. Flutter Shy leaned over and grabbed some paper she saw on a table near by and used it to apply pressure to the pony's wound. The pony groaned very loudly, frightening Flutter Shy nearly to the point that she ran way, but she buried her fear and continued to try and help the dieing pony. The wounded pony started to shake violently, Flutter Shy tried to hold her still but with her frail frame, couldn't hold her down well.

"Are you guys going to help me or what?" Flutter Shy was yelling again at her friends for aid, but they were all stunned. They've never seen anything like this before. Unlike Flutter Shy fear got the better of them. The pony on the ground stopped shaking and then stopped moving all together. Flutter Shy was crushed. "WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS COME TO HELP! WE COULD HAVE SAVED HER!" Flutter Shy screamed, tears now flowing from her eyes. Then she heard some movement, she turned to look back at the pony on the ground.

".....pain......agony.....thirst......hun-.....hunger......" whispered the pony, so quietly Flutter Shy couldn't hear her.

"What? Are you okay? What do you need?" Flutter Shy asked, re-applying the pressure on the wound.

"..................PAIN............THE PAIN! MUST.......FEED!" yelled the pony, as it jumped up to it's feet pushing Flutter Shy back many meters.

Twilight finally snapped out of her daze and yelled, "RUN SHY! GET AWAY FROM THAT PONY!" Flutter Shy struggled to get to her feet, now frozen in fear. "RUN!" Twilight yelled again. A rush of gray light swept pass all of them in front of Flutter Shy. It was Sharp.

"Quick Flutter Shy, run." He nudged her up and pushed her away. "OW!" While helping Flutter Shy he was bit on the left side of his flank. "Quick go!" Flutter Shy quickly flapped her wings and flew over to her friends who all watched in horror at the sight before them. Sharp returned the bite with a kick, kicking the undead pony in the face. The pony stammered for a few seconds before regaining composure and charging Sharp. "Everypony, into the carriage, I'll hold this one off as long as I can, you MUST get to the Elements of Harmony! Don't just stand there GO!" Just as the last bits of sound left his lips he was met head first with the undead pony they started to fight and exchanged kicks and nips. Twilight quickly rushed her friends back to the carriage and they fled towards the castle looking back at Sharp as he fell to the ground.