• Published 30th Sep 2020
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Chapter 35. Trusted Advice

"Good morning, Indigo. How are you?" Sugarcoat asked as she took a seat across from the athlete. The air conditioning of the mall was refreshing after the trek through a warm afternoon.

"Hey, Sugarcoat. I'm doing alright, y'know…despite the circumstances," She chuckled. "Thanks for coming."

"Of course. Your text seemed urgent, though I must admit, I do not think I would be the most qualified for the subject." Sugarcoat thought aloud as she rested her hands on the table in front of her.

"Well, I needed a logical thinker. Let’s be honest. You’re probably the best bet I have.” Indigo chuckled.

“Logical, yes. Emotional? No. I have made no secret that I’m not the best with emotional attachment.” She said, "Though I am not without it, things like relationships are difficult for me."

"Right…" Indigo sighed. "Did I touch a sore spot asking for help with this?"

"Not at all. I would offer my friends assistance whenever they ask. I would just suggest that you not take my opinion as law and get multiple sources." She adjusted her glasses. "Now, I assume this is pertaining to yourself and Sunny."

"H-How did, why would you think that?" Indigo asked, a little red dusting her cheeks.

Sugarcoat stared at her flatly. "Seriously?"

"Is…is it that obvious?"

"Indigo. Half the school probably thinks you two are an item." She said with a shrug.

"Oh…" Indigo sank in her seat, blushing harder now. "Wh-Why would people think that? Do we-"

"Yes. You absolutely show obvious signs of affection towards each other. The way you two are almost always together, visit one another between classes, you stay late just to watch her practice in the theater." Sugarcoat began listing off, one for each finger. "Your inadvertent closeness has been a topic of many discussions. Indigo, you have had Sunny sit on your lap more than a handful of times." She said, "The fact that you are just finding out is baffling to me."

"I didn't think about it, alright?!" Indigo grumbled, exasperatedly, covering her face in embarrassment. "Why did none of you say anything?" Though the question came out muffled from behind her hands.

"We figured it was something you would have to work out." She shrugged. "It took longer than I had expected, but here you are."

"Thanks." Indigo said flatly. "How do I not fuck up my friendship with Sunny?" She sighed. "I didn't even think I would ever have these thoughts for another girl." She hid her face behind crossed arms, resting on the table. "This is wrong, isn't it?"

Sugarcoat bristled at question momentarily. She stopped and took a breath. "Why would you think that?"

"I mean…isn't it normal for me to be into dudes?"

"Normal?" She asked, hoping to draw out more of an explanation.

"I don't know. Isn't it just like…" She groaned. "I don't know! I never thought I'd be in this position."

"Indigo. If you knew someone who was a lesbian, would you think less of them?" Sugarcoat asked bluntly.

"Huh? Well…no, I mean if that's what they want. But this is different-"

"Because it involves you."

"I-," She blinked. "I just…what if this ruins everything..?"

"You are scared. It makes sense." Sugarcoat said more softly. "Take time to come to an understanding with yourself. You clearly have an interest in Sunny. This is not about what other people think. At the end of the day, it is about you two."

Indigo nodded along as she listened.

"While I reiterate, I am not the most qualified for this discussion, I believe…if it makes you happy, who cares if people think it is 'wrong'?" She asked.

Indigo took a deep breath. "Y-Yeah…well, that's step one…step two is telling Sunny." She bit her lip. "What if she-"

"Then you tell her that you understand and try to just be her friend again. It will be difficult, but it is not impossible." Sugarcoat said simply. "You will still have everyone, albeit things may be a bit awkward. Though I doubt that will happen."

"What do you mean?"

"Sunny has not rejected your advances, even if neither of you were aware of them." She explained.

"You think I have a chance..?"

"It is possible." She shrugged. "But I am not the one you should ask. If I were you, I would just talk to her."

"Easier said than done, dude. How would you feel if I just walked up and said 'hey, how's it going? Anyway, I'm gay and have a crush on you.'?" She asked, at first annoyed, but it shifted into surprise. As if actually saying it aloud did something.

"Are you okay, Indigo?"

"I…dunno." She looked at her hands. "I feel lighter..? Is this normal?"

"Well, I have read that coming out can be a liberating experience." Sugarcoat noted.

"Did I actually just-" She chuckled. "How much more underwhelming could that have been? In a 'what if' scenario?"

"Well, congratulations. I will keep it a secret for as long as you need me to." Sugarcoat gave a slight smirk.

"Man." Indigo sighed. "Maybe I should just talk to her about it."

"It would prove the simplest solution. Are you sure you are going to be okay? That was a pretty big thing to learn about yourself."

"I'm still not sure if I believe it." She admitted. "I mean, I've been attracted to guys before. Never dated though. That was a 'distraction'." She made air quotes, rolling her eyes.

"Maybe you are bisexual." She shrugged. "Someone who has not had time to explore their interests could find out a lot about themselves."

Indigo nodded. "I guess, but what if this is just a quick thing? Like…don't people just have crushes that go nowhere?"

"I suppose, though it would really be up to the two of you as to how long you would be an item." She said. "I think gently broaching the topic could help you understand more."

"Right. That…that sounds more doable. Thanks for the talk, Sugarcoat." She said with a smile.

"Anytime, Indigo."

"Oh, one more thing."


"So, were you like…actively avoiding contractions?" She asked, tilting her head.

"You picked up on that?"

"You were somehow more wordy than usual. Yeah, I picked up on it." She shrugged.

"I am. I figured it could be a good way to keep up the practice with my…stutter." She cleared her throat. "Those have happened too many times lately."

"Have they? I haven't noticed." Indigo said. "I don't think you should push yourself so hard for the opinion of some controlling asshole."

"I suppose we do have some common ground there." She chuckled. "It is difficult to push past that mental barrier, you must understand."

"I do, but my opinion on the matter is, you should try to change things in your life for you. Not because someone didn't like it. If your goal is self improvement, sure. But if it has anything to do with the old man…I don't like it." She said, crossing her arms.

"I understand. Our struggles may be similar, but they are different. Your will and my own vary. You may overcome your father's abuse before I overcome my grandfather's words."

"Abuse. You also went through abuse, Sugarcoat. You're downplaying it. Trust me, I get scolded about the same thing at therapy."

"I know. I just cannot bring myself to acknowledge it as such." She sighed.

"Dr. Waller is a pretty good shoulder to lean on, I have one of her cards in my bag." Indigo offered, pointing her thumb at the backpack on the back of the seat.

"It may be time to consult a professional." She cupped her chin in thought. "I have not seen a doctor since I was young."

"Aw c'mon. You guys were all over me about it. Now I'm turning the tables." She teased.

"Seems only fair." Sugarcoat chuckled. "I'll look into it."

"Ah, I heard that." She pointed at her with a smirk.

"Oh, stop." Sugarcoat gave a small smile. "It is surprising though, it was not that long ago that we would have never trusted one another with such information."

"Yeah? We sorta fell out of touch after middle school. Sorry about that." She frowned. "Dad said that if I didn't avoid the 'lowlifes' that he'd have to take care of the problem. I didn't know what he meant by that, but I didn't like how it sounded."

"He really threatened a bunch of kids…what an awful man." Sugarcoat frowned.

"It's not much of an excuse, but you kinda understand why, right?"

"I do. You should not worry, Lemon and I have already forgiven you."

"I can still feel bad about it." Indigo huffed. "How different things would have been with you girls…" Her gaze fell to the table. "Maybe it wouldn't have gotten as bad."

"Stop." Sugarcoat frowned. "Beating yourself up about the past is not going to help you. Especially mentally. There are always more options than we noticed when we were younger. That is hindsight. At the moment we may not have had any other choices." She explained. "Dwelling on it like this is only going to lead to worse feelings and I will not let that happen."

Indigo sighed with a smile. "You girls are too good to me, what'd I do to deserve this?"

"You gave us a chance and opened up to us. Luckily, it was after we had all done some growing up ourselves. Counting myself among your friends is one of my happiest moments. As cheesy as it is to say." Sugarcoat said quietly. "I like you and the girls. I know that without you all, I would be miserably lonely."

"Well, I'm glad that some good came out of all of this." Indigo chuckled. "You're a good friend and I'm lucky to have you."

"You think so? I wonder sometimes. Because of how I handle things logically instead of emotionally, I worry that I will say something wrong and hurt one of you while trying to help."

"Really? You always seem so sure of yourself. I never figured you fret about that." Indigo blinked.

"I have many thoughts I sort out before choosing what to reply with. Sometimes I come off as more harsh than I intend and I am aware of that. It is something I struggle with." She admitted.

"Is that why you would always give Sour a pass whenever she blurted something out?" Indigo asked, "Before her diagnosis, of course."

"You know as well as I do, there is something about Sour. You can just feel her intention, for lack of a more descriptive explanation." Sugarcoat adjusted her glasses. "When she means something, you know. Like when she compliments you. It is a struggle for her, though you can see the effort she is pushing herself through to do it. That speaks volumes for her intention. Even if the compliment is very tame."

"Yeah…I get that." She nodded before chuckling. "Wonder if that's just a thing we all picked up on or if we're just crazy."

"Lemon has surely noticed, and if Sunny could pick up on your tells, I trust she also sees it."

"Wha? What do you mean 'my tells'?"

"I shall refrain. If you were to know how we can tell you need to talk…you would actively work against us, even if only subconsciously." She smirked. "It helps when you are being stubborn."

Indigo slammed her hands on the table, pushing up. "Is THAT how you guys text me whenever I'm bummed?!"

Sugarcoat gave a knowing smirk. "Lemon was the first to share. Sunny keeps her notes to herself."

"She'd probably only have really specific examples…" She crossed her arms. "I know when I'm really low energy I'll binge watch a series or something, Sunny's caught me on those days before."

"And how has that gone?"

"Well, she's pretty good at cheering me up, but most times she's just joined me and we'd watch stuff until we crashed." She said with a faint smile.

"Good to know she has your back when we do not. We cannot know all the times you are upset. There are also times you should be alone, of course."

"I get those too. She always sounds really sad if I tell her I need to be alone…" Indigo frowned. "I hope she doesn't think I'm holding things in," She rested her elbow on the table, her chin in her palm. "I'm getting in my head already and I haven't even asked her out yet."

"Already planning to ask her out?" Sugarcoat asked.

"Is that not what you meant by saying to talk to her?" She asked.

"I suggested that you gently prod about her opinion on same sex relationships before anything. That would probably be good to know before making the leap."

"Shit. You're right."

"Although. Maybe doing things the 'Indigo way' would be more effective." Sugarcoat mused. "Rip the bandaid as it were."

"This isn't something I should rush though, right?" She asked.

"I cannot say how it will go, I just suggest getting more information before making an informed decision."

Indigo nodded. "Yeah, yeah. I think I got it. Thanks for the advice…"

"Anytime I can offer assistance I will, gladly."

"Wanna get lunch while we're here?" Indigo asked.

"I could go for something to eat." She nodded.

"Alrighty. I got you, as thanks for the talk." The athlete grinned as they began to stand.

"Oh, one more thing."


"I will take that card."

Indigo grinned. "She's gonna have to start giving a finder's fee if I keep sending her patients." She teased as she dug into her bag.

Author's Note:

I feel like I don't have enough Sugarcoat in most cases. This chapter is loaded with some Sugarcoat. Giving her some time with Indigo as the duo I have interact the least...it makes sense to me that Indigo would value her logic in such a sensitive topic.

Anyway, thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed!

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