• Published 16th Dec 2020
  • 464 Views, 6 Comments

The life of a Gary Stu - Silent_Knight

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This is how my life starts

Author's Note:

hello this is my first ever fic and i am so excited to FINALLY start it i have been playing with this idea for... months? or was it years.. idk anyway i hope any who read this enjoys and doesn't take the title too literally yes this is a Gary Stu but at this juncture i am unsure which direction i am willing to take him since i am writing this on the fly and even tho yes OPness is my goal i want this to be an adventure he has to earn. there will be small instances of instant and short power that will take care of certain situations but again as i said... oh sweet dark-side of the moon goddess I'm repeating myself too much


Hello whoever is reading this. My name is Ethan Theodore Rhodes. I use to be human till a strange creature popped (and yes, I mean popped with the * pop * sound and everything) into my life and turned it topsy-turvy. But that is for later, for now I think some context is needed.

Before the ‘event’ (as that’s what I’m referring it to) I was an average 17-year-old with an average family and an average life. At least that’s what I think now but any 17-year old doesn’t think that way during the time. Yes, I was moody and yes, I had issues but overall, they were mundane and not worth the emotion I put into them. That was then and one day during my algebra 2 class a strange man walks in and introduces himself as Mr. Douglas Courd (pronounced kôrd) and was wearing the most ridiculous outfit. Now I’m not into fashion at all and even I cringed and the mismatched yellows, browns and greys that made up his choice in attire. He took a look around the room and I swear the stare I got peered into my very being and for once I had the feeling that today was going to be… chaotic.

After Mr. Courd introduced himself as our substitute stating the regular teacher Ms. Felwether was feeling under the weather and was laid up at home, he then turned to the dry erase board mumbled something and wrote out an equation that had most of us baffled. As he turned to look at us and saw our expressions he looked back at the board and said “whoops that’s an advanced calculus problem, my bad” and erased it while giggling. It was at this point I started having serious doubts as to his actual credentials to teach, but let it slide because he seemed more tolerable than our regulars droning voice.

It was after class now and during lunch that things took a turn for the weird. I had just gone through the lunch line and sat down at my usual spot by a window so I could people watch while I ate. I took a peek toward the cafeteria entrance when the sound of the doors opened a little more forcibly that I was used to only to see my worst nightmare made flesh. Henry MacDowell strutted in and upon seeing me made a beeline straight my way. After reaching me he the proceeded to knock my tray so the contents would drop to the ground but not before most of my lunch made a mess out of my shirt and jeans. “Hey Fuck nugget looks like you decided to wear your lunch again HAHAHAHA” all I could do was make my way to the nearest restroom and ponder why bullies still existed past middle school. It didn’t help that the situation was so cliché by him being the quarterback for our football team and me having the reputation for being smart even though my GPA was only 3.5.

As I entered the restroom to clean myself, I grabbed as many paper towels as I could and started cleaning myself in the nearest sink. After about a minute I heard the door open and assumed that Henry was back to finish what he started however as I turned, I heard the voice of the newest occupant. The words “Couldn’t help see you got a little something on you during lunch” come through my thought process from my math substitute, not only the least likely person I thought I would ever hear joke like that but the last one I wanted to hear that from.

"hello Mr. Courd, how can i help you?" i asked hoping beyond hope he would let me work out my embarrassment in private. As it turns out my luck is not that good.

I got a look that basically said ‘really? Gonna try the nonchalant route?’ so I just sighed and told him what happened. The weirdest thing was Mr. Courd didn’t even react to the fact I was for lack of a better term dumped on and only had one thing to say. “I have an idea that might get you away for a bit. However, in no way shape or form are you to mention who did this favor. I have a reputation to uphold and I also don’t want to make a certain someone angry with me.”

“Well what do I have to lose?” turns out I had a bit in the long run but that’s later. I know I probably should have thought things though a little more and trusting this person after only having one class with him as acting teacher was possibly the dumbest idea I had, but I was kind of wiped emotionally at the time. As I got cleaned up, I took the time to ask a few questions such as “where is this getaway?” and “how long would I be gone?” I may have jumped the gun in agreeing but that didn’t mean I had to be stupid about it. But like all mysterious and cryptic people he deflected each and every one saying something to the effect of “It’s a surprise!” or “where is your sense of adventure?”

It took about thirty minutes to clean my self between railroading my questions and the gunk of my meal, I was somewhat decent for now. Mr. Courd and I left the restroom and almost immediately I regretted it as who should show up but Henry himself acting as though he made the funniest joke since the whoopie cushion. I know I said Henry was my walking nightmare but actually he wasn’t that bad as bullies go. As in he didn’t go out of his way just to make my life miserable and I wasn’t scared to let him know just what I thought of him. Also having him as my personal bully for 7 years made me kind of desensitized to his level of bull shit and add to the fact that he sort of found the limit I was willing to take around year 4 by way of a broken nose and fractured right arm he mellowed out only going so far. As I walked I toward Henry I noticed Mr. Courd staring (I wouldn’t call it a glare but it still had glare like properties) at us as though interested in how this would play out. “what do you want MacDowell? I have places to be and I don’t have time for another ‘session’ now.” I really need to think on the dynamics of the relationship I have with Henry. “aww, don’t be like that you know damn well that’s how I treat those I find interesting. Also why are you hanging with the sub? Tryin ta earn brownie points for when Felwether comes back?”
I don’t think he actually disrespects our regular teacher and prefers a more relaxed with people he meets although I could be wrong.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about Henry, but I think who I ‘hang’ out with is my concern not yours. Also, that stunt in the cafeteria was uncalled for. I hadn’t had any breakfast and was actually looking forward to lunch.” I saw for the first time in probably two and a half years Henry look apologetic. “sorry dude” he says “If I had known I wouldn’t have done that and waited for a different moment.” well I’ll be damned, a considerate bully. I couldn’t help it; I broke down and laughed. “Hehahahahahoooo well I didn’t expect that.” After I calmed down a bit, Henry and I said goodbye and I was on my way.

Mr. Courd and I walked a ways down the hall and next thing I knew we were stopped in front of a door. I tried the handle only to find it locked. “what are we here for Mr. Courd? A locked door doesn’t seem like the perfect getaway I thought about.” I look in the direction of my teacher to find a huge shit eating grin and amusement twinkling (I kid you not I swear I actually saw twinkling) in his eyes. He reached for the door no key in his hand and opened it with a flourish of his hand as though saying Tada.

All I saw was a couple of brooms and a stack of chairs. Next thing I hear from my teacher was this “oh puhlease, Mr. Courd is too formal instead call me… Discord!” then I felt what I thought to be a hoof kick me into the closet and the door close. As I fell to my hands and knees just before I blacked out because I swear, I hit my head on something I hear a cackling laughter that would put the cheesiest villain to shame.

“Stupid ‘Discord’ and his stupid face” as I came to, I expected to be met with a laughing teacher exclaiming how hilarious I looked. I prepared to tell him off and yell for assistance but what stopped me was the realization that I wasn’t in the closet anymore. As a matter of fact, I wasn’t even in the school. It was at this point I started having a small panic attack due to currently unknown data. Looking around I noticed a bunch of trees and foliage. However, the most prevalent piece of information I gleamed was how nasty the air smelled.

It was at this time a primal growl erupted around me and before my very eyes I shit you not the fallen leaves and dead branches started moving on their own to form the fiercest looking wooden wolf I have ever seen (includes would carvings and sculptures on display at a wildlife display at the zoo). I would have screamed or run but my survival.exe was currently malfunctioning so all I could do was sit there and hope that it was friendly… yeah right like that was going to happen. Luckily, I didn’t have to worry long as just as was about to become fertilizer to the wood wolf the WIERDEST thing happened.

A neon orange colored looking creature jumped out and yelled in what I can only describe as a southern accent so stereotypical that I was surprised it didn’t yeehaw… wait never mind it did as it literally hogtied the wolf with a length of rope that not even I could see where it came from.

“Howdy, name’s applejack.” It took me a few to reboot so to speak to realize I was being spoken to. “yeah... yeah t-thanks, I guess. My name is Ethan. Ummm don’t mean to be rude but… what are you?” I know I might be butchering the first contact protocol but at the time I didn’t care enough. “well ah was about ta ask ya tha same. Never seen tha like of you anywhere. What was ya doin in tha Ever-free? It’s a dangerous an’ frightful place. By tha way ah’m a pony. Earth pony ta be exact.” Well that answered one of my questions if not maybe two. “I am what is known as a human… though I guess by your reaction my ‘kind’ doesn’t exist here.” I probably seem as though I’m taking this quite well but trust me once my brain catches up, I will most likely need some room to properly freak out at the fact I am holding a conversation WITH A FREAKING PONY.

As we talked, I noticed a shrill sound like a fighter jet screeching across the sky. The next thing I knew I was knocked from my position by the living embodiment of skittles. As I flew, I also took notice that I was relatively unharmed. I mean, I thought I would be dead from the impact alone but I guess whatever ‘Discord’ did left me more durable. My thoughts came to a sudden stop as I hit a tree… then another and three trees in I hit a cliff wall… HOW AM I NOT DEAD!!!!!????? I got up from the three-foot crater I left in the wall and shook the dizziness from my mind and yelled the first question that enter my mind “WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON??????”

After a few minutes of me rambling a pair of… I guess ponies from what the last one said only these had wings and one of them also had what I assume is a horn. The one with a horn and wings came up to me and started asking the most ridiculous questions I ever heard. “How did you get through the mirror?”, “Why were you in the Ever-free?”, “How did you survive that?” you know… ridiculous. As I stood there, I saw the other one with wings sort of shrink in on herself. At this point I knew she was either shy or antisocial. Either way I ignored ’20-questions’ and went over to kneel Infront of the other one. “hey, I’m Ethan. I was wondering what species of pony you are? Also do you know how I ended up flying without wings?” my attempt at levity was rewarded by a small giggle and the quietest answer I have ever heard.” My name’s Fluttershy. I’m a Pegasus pony and Rainbow Dash thought you were threating our friend…um I’m sorry for that by the way.”

A purple… aura I guess?... surrounded me and lifted me then turned me around till I was facing ’20-questions’ and she started asking me the same question I heard before. I just sighed and figured I would answer to the best of my ability. “In order then. What mirror? I don’t know, ask Discord. And see previous answer. Can you let me go I don’t like being floated against my will.”

As she put me down, she said “sorry, I get kind of worked up when coming in contact with an unknown and I don’t do very well when stressed. My name is Twilight Sparkle… WHY ARE YOU LAUGHING????”
I was literally rolling on the ground because I couldn’t help laughing at sparkly vampire the name. after about 5 minutes I was able to get myself under control enough to answer. “Sorry I wasn’t laughing at you. Your name reminded me of a terrible book series back home that’s all.”

“how can any book be terrible?” she asked with such reverence for the written word all I could do was tell her that should I find a way home and back I would get her the series and she could be the judge.