• Published 29th Aug 2012
  • 682 Views, 11 Comments

The Importance of Family - Crafter

A direct sequel to "Acceptance". We follow the lives of Crafer and Ditzy after marrage.

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Chapter 1

Today was the big day, the day that Crafter and Ditzy finally got married. They chose to have the wedding at the start of summer, as much as they both enjoyed the winter; not everypony shared their love of the cold. It was the perfect day for a wedding, the afternoon sun giving off just the right amount of warmth. A cool breeze was scheduled to roll through the town and allow those who prefer the cooler temperatures some comfort. The nice weather was specially scheduled so the wedding could be held in the center of Ponyville Park.

The bride-to-be was in a private tent away from the main ceremony getting ready, with her friends Carrot Top and Rainbow Dash helping with the finishing touches and giving moral support. “I can’t believe you’re getting married Ditzy.” Carrot Top giddily stated, bouncing a bit. “And before me too, I'm so envious.” She added with mock jealousy. Both Rainbow Dash and Carrot Top wore beautiful matching dresses made by Rarity.

Ditzy replied with a squee as she giddily bounced in place, the nervous energy coursing through her body. “I know! I'm so excited!”

Rainbow Dash chuckled a bit, leaning against the vanity. “I don’t think I've ever seen you so giddy. Better hope that dress holds together or else Rarity is going to have a fit.”

“Darling, you have no idea how right you are. Please sit still Ditzy, or you’ll ruin the gown.” Rarity scolded. She was present as well to make sure the dress remained in perfect condition.

To say the dress looked stunning on Ditzy would be a massive understatement. The fabric was a golden yellow, matching the color of her beautifully kept mane. Streaks of light brown and sky blue followed the stitching of every part of the flowing gown, as much as Rarity hated to admit it, Ditzy wore brown well. It wasn’t as elegant as some of the other gowns the dressmaker had made but, like Twilight, simpler looked more natural on Ditzy than the more fancy designs.

Ditzy stopped her excited bouncing. “Sorry.” She sheepishly replied, doing her best to remain calm.

“I know you’re excited, but Rarity is right.” Carrot Top hesitantly agreed. “She may have different reasons for wanting you to be calm, but either way.”

“There is nothing wrong with making sure the dress is flawless.” Rarity defended. “And besides there will be plenty of time afterwards to be ‘giddy’. Trust me when I say there is a time and place for everything.”

Ditzy, Carrot Top, and Rainbow Dash sighed. If there was going to be a buzzkill, there was a fifty percent chance that it would be Rarity. Suddenly there was somepony at the entrance. “May I come in?”

“Who is it?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“It’s Ditzy’s mother. Is she dressed?”

Rainbow Dash quickly opened the tent flap to let Mrs. Doo in. “Hey Ditzy’s mom, long time no see.”

“Hello Dashie, indeed it has been a while.” Mrs. Doo greeted. She was an older pegasus, the color starting to fade from her blue coat and streaks of grey forming in her blonde mane. “Now where’s my daughter?”

“I’m right here mom.” Ditzy sighed, this was the part of the wedding she dreaded the most, the part where her mother would ‘marvel’ the dress and get all emotional.

“Goodness!” Ditzy’s mom gasped, hardly believing her eyes. “I hardly recognized you in that pretty dress.” she teased. “You’ve grown up so much.” Ditzy rolled her eyes, she hated when her mother went off like this. “And I see those photos you sent weren’t altered either, so he really did help with your eyes.” Mrs. Doo said, trying her best not to cry. To see her daughter finally get her wish of looking normal filled her with pride.

“Yes mom, he did. Just because he’s a unicorn doesn’t mean he can bend reality to his will,” Ditzy gave her mother a supporting hug, trying to calm her down. ”as much as he likes to pretend it does.” She added with a chuckle, trying to lighten the mood.

“Yeah, you should see him after a Hoof Wars marathon.” Rainbow Dash added, holding back a laugh. “He wears the bed sheets like a cape and won’t stop quoting Darth Canter.”

“He does not!” Ditzy protested, with a light blush on her face. That was a something that only a select few were allowed to witness, as much fun as it was to partake in, it was a little embarrassing to tell her parents about.

“Search your feelings; you know it to be true.” Carrot Top said dramatically, imitating the deep voice of the character quite well. This caused everyone to laugh. Even Rarity enjoyed a good chuckle before going back to attending the dress.

Ditzy face-hoofed. “Walked right into that one didn’t I?”

“That you did, but it’s good to see that he has a sense of humor.” Mrs. Doo chuckled, she didn’t tell anypony, but Hoof Wars was her favorite movie.

Another pony approached the tent. “It’s almost time to start Ditzy.” The voice came from the other side.

“Ohmygoshohmygoshohmygosh!” Ditzy squealed.

Carrot Top placed a hoof on her friend’s shoulder. “Calm down now, no need to be excited.” Everypony stared at her, not quite believing what she had said. “Ok maybe there is a reason to be excited, but as Rarity said: there is a time and place for everything.” Carrot Top corrected, trying to hide her embarrassed blush.

After taking a few deep breaths, she was ready. Ditzy and her bridesmaids left to their rehearsed locations as Mrs. Doo and Rarity made their way to join the rest of Ponyville in the audience, practically half the town was invited and the other half showed up anyway.


Standing at the altar, Crafter shifted about nervously. He was a big fan of routines, today marked the biggest change in routine he would ever experience, the sooner it was over with the better. Crafter wasn’t a fan of formal wear either; the suit he wore was beyond uncomfortable.

“Relax. Keep calm and everything will go smoothly.” The teal pegasus that stood next to him said, pushing up his glasses. Clockwork was an old friend from engineering school; they kept in touch as much as they could after graduation.

“I swear that’s like your catch phrase.” Crafter teases, welcoming the distraction.

“Only because it’s the truth.” Clockwork calmly replies. “I say it from experience, staying calm and collected always brings the best results.”

“Except during mechanics 304 when your project practically-”

“We don’t speak of mechanics 304.”

Crafter fought the urge to laugh. “Right, if you say so.”

If somepony were to listen to them talk, at first glance they might not have seemed like good friends. The thing that bound their friendship was their love of building; they believed that advances in mechanics would bring about a better future.

Before Clockwork could formulate his reply, the music started up. “Remember. Keep calm.”

All Crafter could do was gulp, he never thought this day would come.

First to walk down the aisle were Ditzy’s bridesmaids, Rainbow Dash and Carrot Top sported matching gowns of grey and yellow. After they took their place opposite of Clockwork, the fillies known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders skipped down the aisle leaving a trail of flower petals. That’s when he saw her; Ditzy, being escorted by her father, walked down the aisle. Crafter’s teal eyes were locked on with Ditzy’s, she looked more beautiful than an angel as she walked towards him; eyes fixed on him lovingly.

As she took her place at Crafter’s side, and her father took his seat next to Ditzy’s mother, the unicorn minister began the ceremony. “Good afternoon everypony!” He greeted warmly, sounding very jolly. “We are gathered here today to witness the joining together of these two ponies in eternal matrimony.” He looked at the couple before him, the groom was beyond anxious. “Craft Repair Masonry and Ditzellia Esmeralda Doo, have you come here freely and without reservation to give yourselves to each other in marriage?”

“Yes.” Both Ditzy and Crafter replied without hesitation.

"Will you honor each other as husband and wife for the rest of your lives?"


"Will you accept foals lovingly from Celestia, and bring them up according to the law of Equestria?"

Both Crafter and Ditzy internally rolled their eyes at how the minister was describing Celestia’s role in things. “Yes.”

The minister smiled and nodded. “Since it is your intention to enter into marriage, join your right hooves, and declare your consent before Celestia.”

Crafter took Ditzy’s hoof in his, and recited the lines he practiced in the mirror for weeks on end. “I, Craft Repair Masonry, take you, Dizellia Esmeralda Doo, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

Ditzy looked into his eyes, and said what she had practiced weeks on end. “I, Dizellia Esmeralda Doo, take you, Craft Repair Masonry, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life.”

The minister’s horn lit up a royal purple as he retrieved the wedding necklaces, and placed them around the bride and groom’s neck. “I pronounce you, husband and wife.” He looked to Crafter. “You may now kiss the bride.”

As Crafter and Ditzy shared a passionate kiss, the crowd erupted with applause. The town was glad to see that their favorite mailmare had finally found somepony to share her life with. Rainbow Dash took off into the air at lightning speed, her dress falling to the ground where she was standing not a moment ago. A second later, there was an explosion overhead and the sky was lit up as a rainbow shock wave rippled across the sky. As the newlywed couple walked down the aisle, Ditzy rested her head on her husband’s shoulder. In turn, Crafter placed his head on top of hers.


To say the reception was festive would be an insult, the entire park was filled to the brim with ponies laughing and enjoying themselves. The music was provided by non-other than DJ Pon3, or Vinyl Scratch as her friends knew her. Loud club beats filled the park, ponies dancing wildly to the music. After the formal nature of the ceremony, it felt good to unwind. Crafter and his new wife Ditzy owned the dance floor, wildly dancing and not having a care in the world. With the amount of ponies at the reception, the planer, Twilight Sparkle, threw her hooves up in defeat. She had originally planned on having some form of structure for how things were supposed to go, since the whole town had shown up, ponies were just following their own schedule. She was relieved to find out that everypony was respectful and waited for Ditzy and Crafter to get the first slices of cake before digging in. The head chef, Gustave LeGrand, had to make several more for there to be enough for everypony.

The party lasted well into the night, it was the biggest party Crafter had ever been to and he loved every bit of it. Ditzy and Crafter sat on a park bench, having ditched their formal attire for the usual nude, gazing at the stars in the night sky. Their star gazing was interrupted by a squeal of happiness from their favorite little ball of energy as she jumped into their laps. “Mommy, Daddy that was so much fun!” Dinky exclaimed happily. “I'm so happy that it’s official now!”

“Me too Muffin,” Ditzy said longingly “me too.”

“Why don’t we head home now? I think everypony else has gone home already.” Crafter suggested, trying his best not to yawn.

“But I'm not tired daddy.” Dinky said defiantly, already enjoying calling Crafter ‘daddy’.

“Let’s at least head back to the house.” Ditzy suggested. “Besides, me and Crafty have to plan our honeymoon.”

“Don’t worry about planning any Ditzy; I have everything taken care of.” Crafter said with a sly smile.

“You do?” She asked, giving him an odd look.


“Well what's the plan then?”

“Oh nothing too special, just a week long trip to Prance.” Crafter casually replies.

Ditzy’s ears perk up. “D-did you say?”

“Yes, I did say Prance. Like I said, it’s nothing spe-” he was cut off by Ditzy tackling him.

“Nothing special???” She practically yells; a large smile plastered to her face. “It’s Prance, Prance!”

“By the look on your face, I’d say I made a good choice.” Crafter says slyly.

“Daddy, where did you get the money for that? Prance is expensive.” Dinky asked, genuinely confused. She knew that Crafter didn’t like charging ponies for his signature repair work, and Ditzy didn’t make that much at the post office.

“Well until those guards Celestia sent out here go away, I am currently charging for repair work.” Crafter painfully answers. “I managed to save up enough bits for a week-long stay in Prance at a nice hotel.”

“It still pains me when I have to call Twilight to come over to cast those spells on you.” Ditzy says, letting out a sigh of discomfort.

Crafter nuzzles his wife’s cheek. “She said it wasn’t fatal remember? I’ll be fine, a little uncomfortable, but still fine.” He says, trying to comfort her. “Besides, I'm not suffering when I have you around to keep me company for the rest of my life.”

“Awwwww.” Dinky coed. “That’s so sweet.”

Ditzy gave her husband a passionate kiss.

“Ewwww.” Dinky pretended to vomit. “That’s so gross.”

They broke their kiss and looked at Dinky. “Well which one is it?” Crafter chuckled. “Love can’t be sweet and gross at the same time.”

“I think I want to go to bed now, before you two get all mushy on me.” The filly stated.

“That’s what I thought.” Ditzy said with a laugh. “Come on, I’ll carry you.”

Dinky climbed onto her mother’s back, curling into a ball. She was out like a light in an instant. Quietly chuckling, the newlywed couple made their way home.

From this point on, they are now officially a family.