• Member Since 24th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen May 28th

Cold Blight

whinnying and neighing in the distance

Comments ( 31 )

This is very well done. The slow burn and lead up makes it feel much more "real" and less about clop. Keep up the great work!

How're things coming along? I'm looking forward to this story continuing. Hope it isn't yet another good fic that gets abandoned!

I'm currently working on Chapter 5 and the start of Chapter 6. I don't wanna write a chapter and have nothing to fall back on in case something happens, so I'm creating something available to upload at pretty much any time.

This story is gonna be a long one, it's just not easy writing it when I work 48+ hours a week. :twilightsheepish:

Comment posted by Cold Blight deleted Oct 20th, 2020

love this story just wanted to know when the next chapter is coming out

You're called Cold Blight, and yet your story is a warm, fuzzy blessing...
False advertisement if ever I saw it.
This is a really sweet story, and I look forward to more Chestnut and Cloudjumper!


Thanks man! More is being written, just slowly. Dealing with quarantining and working on art for money at the moment so storywriting is being (very temporarily) put on the backburner for now. =)

This story sure is slice of life. It helps that they don't screw a day into meeting each other. The build up is sweet. I hope this story continues soon and we see more of Cloudjumper interacting with Chestnut's family.


A buddy of mine is actually helping to toss suggestions/rewrite the first couple of chapters, so hopefully that'll become a bit more enjoyable too. He'll be credited alongside the other editors in the future.

Also, thank you! While I'm not against the usual one-shot fics, I personally find it weirdly rewarding and wholesome to have the characters know more than the lower ends of each other before they start performing bedroom shenanigans.

I just finished a second read-through. I miss this story so much I wouldn't mind commissioning more chapters.


I wouldn't ask or accept someone paying me to write a story that I'm developing between me and my friend's characters. I appreciate the thought, but I'd rather do it at my own pace and not feel obligated to do it because monetary value is involved :twilightsheepish:

Sorry if I offended. It's just sad to see a great story go unfinished. Honestly since I made that comment I've started reading stories that, looking at their post history have updated yearly a couple times! I'll learn to cut people slack and let whatever happens happen. Good things come to those who wait. Thank you for letting me know!


It won't remain unfinished forever, I'm just fleshing out how I want it to continue. I thought I had a good foothold of how I wanted things to happen within the story, but I've hit a roadblock on how I want them to progress. I'd love for the story to go 'all my way', but I have this bad habit of writing stories out in a way where everything just magically works out and no conflict happens at all, which I'm trying to kinda work out.

It's basically created this wall of writing block for this specific story alone, but I feel like I'll be able to get over it if I sit down and really think about what I want them to do. Also, keep in mind that this story is written with someone else's character; Cloudjumper is not mine, she belongs to a close friend of mine while Chestnut is mine. I prefer to go through them to see if I'm writing them correctly for character accuracy since I'm really picky about it.

Gotcha! Thank you for the look into how your processing this story. I can't wait till that wall comes crumbling down.


Very soon! Between work, the holidays, personal matters and a plethora of other things, I haven't had a whole lot of creative flow up until about a month ago!

Basically, Chapters 7 and 8 are already roughed out, I'm finishing Chapter 6 up as I type this response! Tidying up, grammar corrections, etc, which are possible thanks to a couple of editors.

I’m still here, and still can’t wait for another chapter! Great to hear from you again.

Very, very well done.

I love the story and I love the way they interact. They make a good couple.

“Her hands were still bound with rope, she debated an escape before all the stupidity gave her an aneurysm.” -Scarheart

Welcome back to the land of updates. :D This is a great read.

Love to see this story back!

I was under the impression that Chestnut was an only child with how the story spoke of how he took on all the work. Sad to see he’s a deadbeat. What’s next? A little sister thats been away at boarding school? lol

I like how slow they’re taking it. I read so many stories for the bone-ing. It’s nice to read good stories that focus on the implications of doing it.

“The tuna. Save the salmon for later; best for last,"
I actually have found I like tuna more.
It might just be the quality of the salmon ive been exposed to.
I also once ate an entire half salmon and that kinda ruined it for me a little

Looking at the upload dates, welcome back! This is cute, honestly. i like it

Chestnut and Cedar are both far from deadbeats. I was going to explain later in the story that Cedar is a lumberjack, and while near his homeplace, he's a surprisingly good/hard worker. Just needs some attitude adjustment.

Well it’s good to know that his brother isn’t a complete lost cause. :)

Wow a LumbarJack! Maybe there is merit to him getting ladies. Just a little.

I'm super happy to see this updated as i found Chestnut and CJs dynamic so cute, also loved the latest chapter and it didn't feel rushed at all, only mistake i saw was

he looks through the isles anyhow

When talking about shopping its aisles, isle would be island

I somehow never found this, probably because I filter out stuff on hiatus and cancelled fics, pretty unique I have to say.

I've read a lot of words on here in my 10+ year tenure, looks really promising because it's not just spicy because it needs to be.

You lay out the emotions well by showing rather than telling more often than not, which is just so much better in my opinion. I also like the fact that Chestnut isn't some completely clueless rube even though he has next to no experience with intimacy, blockheads are cringe.

I just love the maturity him and CJ have in general as well, I'm sure they will have their share of difficulties, but it's great when they're not 'woe is me' over every contrived issue.

Huh, you got me to write 4 paragraphs on my phone which is more of an achievement than you'd think, I'm usually a 👍 kinda guy and that's it, so excellent job! :yay:


I'm doing my best to progress the story in a way that's not boring to read, but also not a metaphorical fuckfest through and through. I want them to experience their ups and downs! They've (in practical terms) only just met, so for now it's going to be mostly ups—in a sexual and get-along sense.

I never realized how hard it was to write realistic characters. Probably spent too much time RPing on the side, or something cringe like that.

Thank you (again!) for your comment. I'm not the greatest at expressing my liking for seeing feedback in the comment section of my story, but I genuinely appreciate each and every little one I get.

Stay tuned! <3

Aw~ CJ is pretty adorable with her concerns, about Chestnut becoming bored of her. It seems like he isn't so concerned about it, but there's always the chance that he just hides it better.

I do like how Chestnut seems completely unconcerned with losing his V card, but CJ seems more nervous than anything. I personally think she has some deeper rooted insecurities that are holding her back, and she doesn't understand that because she actually loves this guy, (and not just his dick) that it's just making her worry more.


We shall see! I'm glad you're finding a liking to both of them :D

Another chapter! \o/ Yay for updates. The OCxOC fleet is strong today.

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