• Published 1st Oct 2020
  • 1,060 Views, 3 Comments

Spooky Scary Sirens - JSA

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This is the only chapter. They're gonna go trick-or-treating.

It wasn’t easy being this beautiful. It was no small feat for you and the stylists you frequented to achieve perfection like this. You gave the hairspray can in your hand another vigorous shake, pressing down on the nozzle to unleash its contents into your masterpiece. The spray fizzled and sputtered it’s contents into your mass of magnificent mane. Satisfied that the can had been completely spent, you tossed it into the small garbage can next to the sink to join with its friends.

You stepped back to admire your handiwork in the mirror before you, your reflection showcasing the excitement that shined in your eyes. ‘Adagio Dazzle, you’ve outdone yourself this time.’ you thought to yourself as you slowly twirled around for full effect. As much as you missed your true form in recent times, you would be lying if you didn’t admit that the human body allowed for a great deal of...creativity. As you ran your hands up through your voluptuous locks a series of loud bangs echoed against the door behind you, and a muffled whine filled with childlike anticipation could be heard from the other side.

"Daaagggiiiii are you ready yet? I wanna go now!" Several more raps sounded off against the door. "You've been in there for, like, forever! All the good candy is gonna be gooone! C’mon Dagggiiiiiiiii~"

“Alright already! I’m done!” You growled. With care as to not ruin your hard work, you carefully grasped the doorknob and pulled the door open.

Sonata greeted you on the other side of the doorway, bouncing enthusiastically and grinning from ear to ear. Sonata's choice of costume was an unsurprising one; She had chosen to go as a fairy princess. She wore a puffy pink and gold dress that cut off in frills just above her knees. Flimsy wings were strapped to her back that frantically waved and danced as she moved around, scattering tiny flecks of glitter across the floor.Tightly clutched in her hands is a small plastic bucket in the shape of a smiling pumpkin and a pink frilly plastic wand. The bucket bobbed and bounced around in sync with Sonata as the pace of her hops quickened.

"Cmon Dagi, Cmon! Aria is-" The small plastic crown that sat on top of Sonatas head slipped off and clattered to the ground before she quickly picked up and plopped back onto her head. ”I think Aria’s ready! Let's go let's go let's go!"

Sonata quickly reaches out for your hand, but you pull back before she can touch you. “Easy, Sonata! Do you know how long it took me to do this?” With a proud smirk, you extended one hand out for your sister to see.

Painted onto each nail was a series of small lighting bolts streaked through a pitch black background. You had intended to go for the effect of shooting lightning from your fingertips, and the wide eyed curiosity Sonata had for them told you that you pulled it off well.

"Woooooooooow, Dagi! That's, like, sooooooper cool!” She gently took your hand in hers and leaned in for a closer look. “That must have been really hard!

You rolled your eyes “Yes it was.” You huffed, making no attempt to hide your exasperation as you recalled the painstaking effort and concentration it took to get them right.“And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t mess them up!”

“Sorry.” Sonata laughed nervously as she withdrew her hand. “Um, what are ya supposed to be again? I kinda forgot.”

A chuckle slipped out from between your lips as you struck a boastful pose for your sister. "Humans have created interesting monsters in their folklore, so I decided to become one myself.” You swept your hands from your towering hairdo to your flowing white dress as you stepped out of the bathroom to give her a full view. “I've chosen to dress as one called 'The Bride of Frankenstein'. I saw a picture of her and absolutely adored her hairstyle." You accentuated your statement by gingerly patting your hair. "And naturally, as somepo-someone who has such beautiful hair that is similar to hers, I thought it would suit me well."

Sonata Oohed and Aahed at your costume for a moment before resuming her enthusiastic antics. “So are ya ready? I’ve been waiting foreeeeeever!”

"Yes!” You looked towards the ceiling and groaned. “Starswirls Beard, you act like you've already eaten your weight in sugary treats. Where's Aria?"

Sonata stopped her bobbing and pointed her wand down towards Aria’s room at the other end of the hall, leaving a trail of more glitter to slowly fall to the ground. "I knocked on her door and she said a lot of mean words."

Your eyes shifted between Sonata and the closed door across the hallway before you gave the former a smile. “Dear Sister-” You reached out and softly petted Sonata’s head, earning you a content sigh. “You should know by now that you must be more...assertive with Aria. Let me try.”

As you approached Aria's door, the sound of muffled hard rock from behind the barrier became more noticeable. Notes and signs were plastered in several spots over Arias door, each with their own colorful way of telling you and Sonata not to enter her room. You reached out to jiggle the doorknob, and to no surprise find it to be locked.

“ARIA!” You pound your fist on the door several times. “Get out here now!”

For a moment it seemed as though she hadn’t heard you, as the music remained at the same volumes. But before you can knock on the door again, shuffling is heard from the other side and the musical angst is toned down.

“What do you want, Adagio.” Aria said bluntly from the other side.

“What do you mean, ‘What do I want?’.” You exclaimed while gesturing at the barrier in front of you, as if she could see. “If Sonata has to wait any longer, she’s probably going to start taking candy from the human children!”

There was a brief pause before the music returned to it’s previous volume, vibrating across the walls and through your entire body.

You growled as you banged on the door once more and shouted over the song. "Damnit Aria, stop being so difficult! Suck it up for night and have fun with your sisters."

A groan is barely heard through all the noise, but the blaring cacophony was suddenly cut. As you attempted to rub the ringing out of your ears, the door finally opened and revealed a very revealing Aria.

The term ‘costume’ couldn’t even describe it properly, as that would imply that there was enough fabric covering your sister to qualify as one. The ripped shorts she wore cut off above her hips, with not much else to cover her shapely legs except thin lines of black fishnet stockings. Her “Shirt”, for lack of a better term, was a black short sleeve croptop made of an incredibly thin and translucent material that left very little to the imagination. Visible underneath the mesh were two neon green pasties that covered her perky chest, and a black leather harness wrapped around her chest and torso formed a pentagram in the middle. Most of what you saw on Aria you did not recall her buying for her costume. At most, the only things you recognized were the piercings that adorned her lip and nose.

Your mouth struggled to form words at sight before you. “What. Is. This.”

Aria cocked her eyebrow and shrugged. “What’s what?”

“THIS!” You swept your hands over Aria’s scandalous frame and shot her a look to make sure she knew how exasperated you were. “This is your costume?”

“Yea MOM.” Aria sighed as she rolled her eyes. “Is there a problem with it?”

“Of course there’s a problem with it, look at you!” You cried out. “Look at your face! It looks like you smudged all your mascara over your face!”

The makeup on her face was probably the most frightening thing of all. An unsettling amount of black eyeshadow bordered her eyes, and trails of black face paint fell from her eyes to run down her cheeks.

Aria’s scowl deepened as she touched her makeup. “It’s meant to look like that. Not that you would know, beehive head.”

You tilted your head and raised your hands in a gesture of annoyance before waving them away. “Aria, I can appreciate wanting to show off, but this is hardly appropriate for trick-or-treating.” You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed. “You realize how much we spent on those stupid little accessories for this night, right?"

“Trick-or-treating?” Aria gave you a blank stare before her eyes widened a bit. “Oh! That.”

You leered at your sister, her choice of words raising suspicion. “Did you forget what we spent half of our budget for?”

Everything about Aria’s posture suggested that she did. She refused to meet your eyes as she crossed her arms and mumbled something under her breath.

“I’m sorry, didn’t quite catch that, dear sister” You said through an angry whisper, leaning in closer to Aria to make her more uncomfortable. “Could you repeat that for me?”

Aria grimaced and stepped back. “I said I don’t wanna go, alright?? There’s a rave at the abandoned hospital outside of town. My friends are on their way to pick me up right now.”

Even before her sentence finished Aria knew the grave situation she had put herself in, as she attempted to slowly shrink back into her bedroom and close the door. But you know Aria and her antics all too well. It didn’t surprise you that Aria would attempt to do something like this, but the realization was disappointing nonetheless. In a split second, your foot shot out just as the door tried to slam shut. You winced in pain as the force pinched your boot down on the ball of your foot, but held firm as you turned back to look at Sonata, who had been watching the exchange while cowering behind her candy bucket.

You flash Sonata as innocent of a smile as you can attempt. “Sonata, sweetie; would you kindly give us a minute? We’ll be out soon!” You chirp.

‘This porch is too cold’ You thought to yourself. You shiver as you think about how you should wear a sweater. Adagio yelled at you earlier to wear one so you wouldn’t catch a cold. But you didn’t want to, because it would mess with your pretty pink dress! And princesses had to always look good, especially the magical kind. Another gust of wind blew through, and it made you shiver again. You hugged your arms close to your body, feeling your skin get all bumpy and weird.

A muffled slam made you jump and you turned around to look at the door to your apartment. You could almost make out Adagio’s angry voice through the walls as she shouted at Aria. Part of you wanted to go back inside and get your sweater, but Dagi was scary when she was like this. Aria should know better at this point than to make Dagi mad, but Aria always wanted to go do her own thing which made you sad.

You heard giggling coming down from the street, and you leaned over the stairs to look at the sidewalk. A bunch of little humans walked together in a group and were followed by some bigger ones. Each of the tiny little humans wore really cool costumes, some were spooky but some were really cool. One of them was even dressed as a really neat robot! Their costumes must have gotten them a lot of candy. Several of them were carrying what looked like pillowcases, and the bottoms of them were bulging out.

The sight of it made you gasp really loudly. There must be like a ton of candy in those! You looked down at your little pumpkin and gave it a sad shake, it’s grin now making it seem like it was laughing at you.

You whimpered as you looked from the door to your pumpkin, trying to think if it was worth it to grab your pillowcase. Maybe you could sneak into your room while they were yelling at each other. Seeing the little humans carrying their weight in candy made you want to do the same thing. But before you

Aria stepped out first, still dressed in her freaky looking dancer outfit. As soon as she was outside she quickly wrapped her arms around herself and shivered, grumbling something you couldn’t hear. Dagi followed behind her, carrying a bundle of clothes in her arm. She watched Aria with really angry eyes, but turned to you and smiled.

“You ready for some trick-or-treating, Sonata?”

You gasped really loudly. You were getting to go after all! The words made your stomach feel full of butterflies! You nodded your head super fast. “Yeah! I’m ready to get tons of candy!”

Dagi chuckled. “Make sure to be back before it gets too dark. I don’t want either of you two catching a cold because then we’ll all get sick. Sonata, here’s your sweater.” She pulled out your favoritest sweater from her arm and handed it to you. It was a bright pink fluffy sweater with a kitty face on the front. You always wore it when you could because it felt really nice.

“Hey wait!” Aria shouted as she turned to glare at Dagi. "It sounds like you're not coming with us!"

Dagi gave Aria a smile, but it wasn’t one that seemed really happy.

"Someone has to give out candy, right? Can't be you, especially in that rave outfit of yours." She fluffed her hair a little bit. "I'll have to stay here and give out candy to the young humans. It'll give me a chance to show off my wonderful work."

"WHY YOU -" Aria lunged out at Dagi, but she was stopped as Dagi threw one of Aria’s leather jackets in her face.

“Have fun, Sonata!” Before you could respond, Dagi stepped back into the apartment and swung the door shut with a really loud slam. Aria pulled the jacket of her face and started saying really bad words at the door, kicking it and pounding her fist on it.

You still wanted a pillowcase.

Author's Note:

Happy spooky month

Comments ( 3 )

A little early for Halloween but I'll take it:heart:

Adorable and fun. I came in expecting that and got what I wanted. Well done.

A chuckle slipped out from between your lips as you struck a boastful pose for your sister. "Humans have created interesting monsters in their folklore, so I decided to become one myself.” You swept your hands from your towering hairdo to your flowing white dress as you stepped out of the bathroom to give her a full view. “I've chosen to dress as one called 'The Bride of Frankenstein'. I saw a picture of her and absolutely adored her hairstyle." You accentuated your statement by gingerly patting your hair. "And naturally, as somepo-someone who has such beautiful hair that is similar to hers, I thought it would suit me well."

Huh, so that's what adagio decided to be.

“ARIA!” You pound your fist on the door several times. “Get out here now!”

Question answered on how adagio thinks this is how we handle it.

The makeup on her face was probably the most frightening thing of all. An unsettling amount of black eyeshadow bordered her eyes, and trails of black face paint fell from her eyes to run down her cheeks.

If rarity saw this she'd so want to fix it.

You leered at your sister, her choice of words raising suspicion. “Did you forget what we spent half of our budget for?”

Dang, but not really surprised.

Even before her sentence finished Aria knew the grave situation she had put herself in, as she attempted to slowly shrink back into her bedroom and close the door. But you know Aria and her antics all too well. It didn’t surprise you that Aria would attempt to do something like this, but the realization was disappointing nonetheless. In a split second, your foot shot out just as the door tried to slam shut. You winced in pain as the force pinched your boot down on the ball of your foot, but held firm as you turned back to look at Sonata, who had been watching the exchange while cowering behind her candy bucket.


You heard giggling coming down from the street, and you leaned over the stairs to look at the sidewalk. A bunch of little humans walked together in a group and were followed by some bigger ones. Each of the tiny little humans wore really cool costumes, some were spooky but some were really cool. One of them was even dressed as a really neat robot! Their costumes must have gotten them a lot of candy. Several of them were carrying what looked like pillowcases, and the bottoms of them were bulging out.

Sometimes I forget some kids often use pillowcases as their trick or treat bag on Halloween. Shame I never thought of doing that when I was younger.

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