• Published 23rd Jan 2021
  • 181 Views, 0 Comments

Life in Equestria - TPC-2k16

Six short stories involving six special mares.

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The Honest-To-Goodness Life

It’s a clear, sunny day at Sweet Apple Acres today, making it the perfect day to work on the apple harvest.

Applejack and Big Mac (grown-up AJ and BM) are both busy bucking away at all the apple trees filled with bright, shiny red delicious apples.

Oh, and Kyle is also there. He "happened" to agreed to help out this year, what’s with (Grown-up) Applebloom being super busy tutoring at the School.

Ow! Applejack, how do you do it?” Kyle painfully asked after just getting hit on the head for the fiftiest time by an apple.

“I guess I never thought apple bucking would be so much harder than I thought?” Kyle said while rubbing his head with a hoof, sitting down on his haunches on the grass.

Ah chucks. You’ll get use to it. Every Apple eventually does.” Applejack said encouragingly to Kyle.

Yeah, one problem, I’m not an Apple.” Kyle said sarcastically.

“Maybe not genealogically. But inside ya, you’re an Apple to the core. And that’s mostly what’s important.”

“AJ, that’s the fourth time you’ve told me that just today,” Kyle slyly looks off to the side, “And I’ll admit, it stills gets me every time."

“Uh huh. An Apple to the core. Now stop lyin' around and get back to work. We’ve still got a solid four hours of daylight left."

Kyle uses both his front hooves to help prop himself back up, soon once again standing on all fours, then he walks on over to the nearest apple tree that hasn't been bucked yet.

“Say AJ, I just wanna say... your honesty helps makes me be a better pony. I know I don’t usually tell anypony else this, mainly ‘cause everypony figures I’m this perfect pony, what’s with being an alicorn and all that..., I’m getting off track here. In other words, thank you.”

Hearing this, a smile and a tear comes over Applejack’s face.

“But enough of me. Back to bucking!”