• Published 25th Aug 2020
  • 377 Views, 0 Comments

Two stubborn mares - mokaevans

Two mares try to work together despite one's feelings for the other. The first is a stubborn. workaholic farm mare and other is Applejack.

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Two stubborn mares

To say the events of the day had been unexpected would be an understatement. Applejack had never in a million years expected this to happen. Yet here she was, standing in front of Pinkie and Maud, trying to explain why exactly their sister had become even more absorbed in work than usual.

Things had started off quite normal. Applejack had come to the rock farm to assist Limestone in her work. Since Maud was no longer staying with them, there was an amount of work left to do. The two had started to work in separate parts of the field.

That was when all hell broke loose. Applejack supposed she should have expected it really. After all, Limestone was incredibly protective of her farm, much like herself. Now she was discovering that the mare was also incredibly specific about how her 'crop' was harvested. Again much like herself.

You see Applejack had decided to farm the rocks like she farmed apples. By bucking them until the bore fruit. Or in this case broke into smaller chunks. Naturally this did not go over well.

"What do you think you're doing?! This isn't like harvesting apples! You've gotta be gentle!" Limestone yelled.

Applejack raised a brow in skepticism. "They're rocks, it's an awful lot harder than a tree so what's the problem?"

Limestone gave her an incredulous look. "What's the problem?! We want them in pieces not crushed to dust!"

Applejack rolled her eyes. "I'm strong but I don't think I can crush rocks ta dust. At most I'd shatter them, an' since we're tryin' ta break them anyway..."

"We want them to me in as good of shape as possible. Strong whole pieces, neither fractured nor cracked." Limestone told her.

"So how exactly am I supposed ta break the rock then?" She asked.

"With the pickaxe, duh!" The rock farmer said, pointing to a box near a storage shed.

"You didn' tell me those were there!" Applejack glared.

"You didn't ask!" Limestone growled.

Applejack took a deep breath and released it. She was here to help. She walked to the box took out a small pick axe and moved back to the rock. She began to hit it was hard as she could.

"I thought I said to be gentle!" Limestone yelled.

"I am bein' gentle. It's not my fault I'm so strong!" She complained. ]

"You need to tap away at it until a piece comes loose. Not hit it so hard chips of the rock fall off." The rock farmer lectured her again.
` Applejack bit her tongue and began to comply with Limestones instructions. All went well for a bit. Then Limestone found something else to complain about. "Seriously? Why'd you come if you were gonna farm so slowly."

"Cause when I tried ta go fast ya said I was too harsh. Now I'm bein' gentle but it's too slow for ya?!" Applejack said in disbelief.

"You can be gentle and move quickly." Limestone retorted.

"Maybe you can, but I have strong muscles. It's either fast and harsh or slow and gentle." Applejack told her.

"I'm plenty muscled myself and I can do it." Limestone smirked.

"Why'd I even come ta help ya!" She exclaimed exasperated.

"I don't know why did you?" The rock farmer snarked.

"Cause ya seemed like the harvest was overwhelming ya an' I decided ta help! I'm regretin' though, cause it seems like no matter how hard I try ta be helpful it doesn't meet your standards!" She ranted, getting in Limestone's face.

"Who said I wanted your help?" The gray maned mare muttered.

"Okay ya know what? I came here cause I wanted ta hang out with ya. Get ta know ya after the whole Harth's warming thing. I guess I shouldn' have bothered." She told the mare.

Limestone blinked. "Why did you just ask?"

Applejack sighed, "Cause yer a workaholic. So am I. If I had asked ya, ya would've said you were too busy."

Limestone looked away from Applejack. "Not if you were the one asking." She muttered.

"How's that?" Applejack asked.

"It's nothing."

"No really, if it's important-"

"It's not important."

"Limestone keeping things to yourself isn't healthy and I oughta know!" Applejack explained.

Limestone looked nervous and began to rant. "So what I'm supposed to walk up to one of my sisters friends, who I may distantly related to, and say "Hey I have the biggest crush on you, will you go out with me Applejack?!'" The moment the words were out of her mouth she looked like she regretted them.

Applejack shook off her shock. "Limestone I-"

"Don't bother saying anything! I already know you don't feel the same!" With those words Limestone ran into her house.

This leads us back to the current situation wherein Pinkie and Maud are looking at each other, now that Applejack had explained things. "Maud do you know what this means?!"

"Limestone should get help with the farm?" Maud deadpanned.

"No silly! Applejack might be my sister in law!" Pinkie cheered.

"Well I wouldn't jump too far ahead Pinkie. I still have ta talk to her, I jus' it's kinda awkward ya know? I mean, I've never really dated anyone before cause I'm too busy workin' on the farm, an' too stubborn ta make time fer those things." Applejack sighed.

"Wow you really are perfect for each other." Maud deadpanned.

Applejack gave her a look. "We'll see fer now I need ta have a talk with Limestone."

She went to the farm to find that Limestone was working. The gray mare started when she heard her hoofsteps. Then she saw Applejack and grunted. "Oh it's just you."

"Yeah it's me. Listen 'bout eariler-" She began.

"Lay off. It's bad enough I said anything." Limestone interrupted.

"No it's not necessarily a bad thing." The blonde mare told her.

"Look I get it. We're both way too busy with work, and the fact that our families have a familiarity makes things a bit awkward. Also I'm way too grumpy for anyone to like me." She sighed.

"Look Limestone, I don't want things ta be this way. I want a better understanding of you. What better way ta understand ya than ta try out this datin' thing." Applejack said.

"What are you getting at?" Limestone asked hesitantly.

Applejack took off her hat and placed it over her heart. "Limestone Pie, would ya do me the honors accompanyin' me ta Hayburger?"

Limestone stood in shock for a moment. Then she said. "Sure."

"Really? I'm glad, I really didn' want things ta end this way." She told her.

"But I've gotta finish my work first." Limestone added.

Applejack smirked. "Of course."

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