• Published 25th Aug 2020
  • 401 Views, 14 Comments

The Feather Bangs Fanfic Club - BrawnyBold

Feather Bangs' fanmares read their Feather Bangs fanfictions to each other.

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The Adventure of Star Bangs

In the dark void of space, there was nothing but shining stars. Out of nowhere, a small spaceship appeared as it flew through the star-filled space. The spaceship's outer structure was similar to that of a red sports car but with rocket boosters and other part to make it fly in space. In the ship's cockpit was none other than the well-known space ranger: Star Bangs. His uniform was that of a dark brown jacket and blue pants. Star also wore a belt that held most of his galactic equipment and weapons for when he goes to exotic planets. He was flying his spaceship, the Red Rooster, across the galaxies in search of adventure and damsels to rescue. Star noticed that there was a message coming in from his holo phone, a device that projects the caller's appearance when calling. Star pressed some buttons to activate the message. A projection of a purple pegasus mare with light manes. She wore an outfit that was similar to what most outer space princesses would wear. Star could easily recognize the mare in the projection as Princess Fond Feather of the Equestrian Empire. He was surprised to see that the most beautiful mare in the galaxy was giving him a call as he was just a simple space ranger.

"Help me, Star Bangs! You're my only hope!" Princess Fond cried out. "The evil Darth Luna has captured me in order to make the Equestrian Empire suffer! She and her Shadowbolt Troopers are holding me captive in the Doom Moon!" Princess Fond lifted her hoof to show a projection of another spaceship. "It is a massive spaceship in the shape of a full moon! Inside the ship is a laser that can destroy any sun. If Darth Luna can destroy any sun, that would mean there would be eternal darkness across the galaxy! You must save me and also help me destroy the sun laser before it's too late!" The projection turned off and Star Bangs grabbed the Red Rooster's steering wheel to fly the ship to where Princess Fond's call took place.

Star Bangs kept flying until his ship's monitor located the Doom Moon. He looked up to be completely surprised from the ship's appearance. It was as massive as an average planet. The appearance of the Doom Moon was indeed similar to a moon as it was completely white with some areas that resembled craters. The only difference was that the Doom Moon looked more machine.

Star quickly pressed some buttons and the Red Rooster's outer surface vanished. This was all thanks to the ship's cloaking system that Star had installed in case if he had to use stealth during certain missions. Star drove his ship at a slow pace so it didn't get any attention from the Doom Moon. As the Red Rooster moved further, the Doom Moon's sensors didn't pick up the Red Rooster's whereabouts thanks to the cloaking system. Star was able to sneak his ship into the Doom Moon when an authorized ship was entering through one of the docking stations. Star parked the Red Rooster at an empty area while it stayed in cloaking mode. Before Star got out, he monitored the area to see some of the Shadowbolt troopers. They were mostly pegasus and they wore purple and black armor. There were yellow lightning symbols on their chests to indicate that they were bolts. When the Shadowbolts weren't looking in the direction where the Red Rooster was, Star quickly exited his ship and hurried down to one of the corridors.

Star carefully trotted down the halls until he could find where Princess Fond was being held prisoner. Luckily for Star, the princess included the blueprints of the Doom Moon to show where everything is. Star continued to sneak around most parts of the ship to avoid getting caught by the Shadowbolts, the droids, and other crew members of the Doom Moon.

Star finally arrived to the prison area. The space ranger doubted that he will be able to sneak into the room considering that it was heavily guarded by Shadowbolts. Star looked around until he spotted one of the vents to the air shafts. He pulled open the vent and carefully entered without causing any more nosies. Star took his time as he crawled through the air shaft. He looked at each opening to see if Princess Fond was in any of the rooms. After Star saw the first few openings, he couldn't find Princess. That wasn't until Star looked in the next opening to see Princess Fond just sitting on a bed. He also noticed that Princess Fond's wings and hooves were held together by some metal cuffs. Star gently tapped at the opening to get the princess's attention. Princess Fond looked up to feel relieved to see her rescuer. Star carefully opened the vent and climbed out to land on the ground. He pulled out a lock pick from his bend and began to pick at Princess Fond's cuffs.

"I'm so relieved that you came, Star." Princess Fond whispered.

"I'll do anything if it involves rescuing a beautiful mare such as yourself." Star replied. This made the princess blush and giggle from Star's compliment. After a few more seconds, the cuffs were removed from Princess Fond's wings and hooves. Star allowed Princess Fond to fly up the vent while he jumped in pursuit.

"Follow me," Princess Fond said as she was crawling. Princess Fond and Star exited the vents to what looked like another hallway.

"This path splits between the Doom Moon's self-destruct button and the docking areas." Star said as he remembered from the Doom Moon's blueprints. "I'll head over to press the self-destruct button while you head towards the docking area. There's an area near the supply boxes where my spaceship is parked. You won't see it as it's in cloaking. Just get close to the boxes and feel with your hooves until you touched the outer part of my ship." Before Star could go, Princess Fond grabbed him by the hooves.

"Please, be careful." Princess Fond said with worry in her voice.

"I will," Star nodded as he trotted down the halls. After Star trotted and made some turns, he finally arrived to the room where the self-destruct button was. The room itself was just a single catwalk that had a foggy abyss below. The center of the catwalk displayed the self-destruct button on a single podium. A part of him couldn't help but think that it was stupid for the bad guys to make something as obvious as a self-destruct button and leave it unguarded. As Star entered the room, the door closed shut and he heard hoofsteps coming from the other side of the room. Approaching from the shadows was a tall pony that wore mostly black and blue armor along with a black cape on its back. The tall pony wore a black helm on its head with a long, black horn poking out from the forehead. Star couldn't see the pony's face as it was covered with a black mask that looked like a mare's face. The sounds of deep breathing also came from the pony. The tall pony stopped walking when it was standing in behind the self-destruct button.

"Star Bangs," The tall pony said with a voice of a mare. "we meet at last."

"You must be Darth Luna." Star guessed. "With a name like that, I say your outfit matches it."

"You are going to eat those words when I'm done with you!" Darth Luna said with a booming voice that caused the whole room to shake.

"Not unless I beat you and press that button of your's!" Star said as he prepared himself for battle.

"Before we engage in thrilling combat, there is a truth I must stow upon you." Darth Luna said. Star grew nervous as he didn't know what the villainous mare will say. "I am....your father's brother's nephew's cousin's former roommate!" Darth Luna bellowed, causing thunder to crack out of nowhere.

Despite Darth Luna's loud voice and the storm effects, Star was completely confused from what the alicorn mare just said.

"So, what does that make us?" Star asked.

"Absolutely nothing!" Darth Luna cried out as she began to fire beams from her horn. Star ran up to dodge each of Darth Luna's blasts. He jumped upwards to roll in the air until he landed on the other side of the room. Darth Luna fired a long beam from her horn towards Star, only for him to block it with a blue laser sword he pulled out from his belt.

"Your weapon may be strong," Darth Luna said as her own horn was lighting up with a bright red light. "but mine is better!" Darth Luna swung her head to strike Star with her horn. Star and Darth Luna clashed each other their light-based weapons. Both of them showed faces of determination while in combat. After one last clash, it caused both ponies to push back from each other from the great force. Star panted as he was getting exhausted with his fight with Darth Luna.

"It seems that you are getting tired, Star." Darth Luna commented. "How about you surrender and make it easier for yourself."

Star knew that he couldn't give up as he needed to put an end to Darth Luna. But the clashes Star had with the alicorn mare made him believe that he was not as powerful as she was. Star took turned his vision towards the self-destruct button that was behind Darth Luna. He thought that there would be no chance that he would be able to run towards the button without getting slashed or blasted by Darth Luna. Star suddenly came up with an idea and tried to mentally calculate if it can be possible.

'It's worth a shot.' Star thought as he began his plan. Star began to ran at full speed towards Darth Luna, who was already preparing for another clash from him. When Star was close enough, he jumped in the air and flew straight at Darth Luna. He then threw his light sword directly at Darth Luna. Unfortunately, Darth Luna was quick enough to dodge the thrown light sword by moving aside from the blade's path.

"Ha! You missed!" Darth Luna cried as she fired a horn beam directly at Star's chest. The laser's impact caused Star to be pushed back and he ended up falling into the abyss. As Star's cries echoed, Darth Luna laughed as she was the victor to this battle. "I can not believe he just charged straight at me like an idiot!" Darth Luna's laughing stopped when she noticed that there was a loud beeping in the room and red lights were flashing.

'Self-destruction initiated.' The intercoms called out.

"What?! I made sure that Star wasn't anywhere near the button!" Darth Luna said as she looked at the already pressed button. She looked at the ground to notice the blue light sword that Feather threw at her. Darth Luna then realized what had happened. Star intended to throw his blade at the self-destruct button so the blade's hilt could press the button on impact. "No!" Darth Luna cried out in defeat. All parts of the Doom Moon began to explode and then the whole ship started to break apart. As this went on, Star continued to fall in the abyss of the Doom Moon. He thought that he at least did a grand achievement despite it costing his life. Before Star could fall any further, the Red Rooster flew out and it was able to open its compartment to catch Star.

"Yee-haa!" Princess Fond yelled while she was holding the steering wheel.

"Princess!?" Star said in disbelief.

"Hold on Star, I'm getting us out of here!" Princess Fond said as she pressed the pedal with her hooves and the Red Rooster rocketed out of the Doom Moon. Once the Red Rooster was completely out of the Doom Moon, a large explosion completely destroyed what ever was left of Darth Luna's ship.

On the planet of Equestria, a large ceremony was being held at the main palace of the Equestrian Empire. The doors opened to reveal Star as he was walking with some royal guards down towards a large throne room. There was an audience standing at the sidelines and they were made up of citizens and nobles who came to see their new hero. At the center of the throne room was none other than Princess Fond as she was smiling happily at Star. When Star made it to Princess Fond, she pulled out a gold medal and placed it on Star's chest.

"Let's hear it for our hero, Star Bangs!" Princess Fond cried out, causing the crowd to cheer to show their appreciation towards Star. Princess Fond yelped when Star wrapped his hooves around her to give her a nice kiss on the lips.

The End

Author's Note:

I apologize if I offended any fans of Princess Luna for making her the villain in this story.