• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 1,149 Views, 15 Comments

Of Democracy and Magic - ShadowMarauder

"Sir, we've detected an unusual signal. It is neither cyborg or illuminate. I propose that we investigate this anomaly."

  • ...

Anypony/body Out There?

Twilight Sparkle, trotted back to her crystalline home with a smile on her face. The sun had barely risen up in the quaint town of Ponyville. About a week ago, Celestia called her to Canterlot and had given her another one of the Star Swirl's famed incomplete spells. Despite her apprehension because of the last time she tried to finish one of Star Swirl's spells, she had accepted the challenge, believing in herself and Celestia that she has the power to fix anything that could go wrong.

By the time she had reached her crystalline castle, the town was slowly waking up from its slumber. Entering her home, she looked around the quiet halls of her home. She assumed that Spike was still asleep so she quietly made her way to her study room. A smile entered her face as looked at the rows and columns of books that she had already read twice or thrice. In the middle of her study room was a large purple cushion which she intended to lie on. However, it would have to wait. She looked at the clock which was posted just above the door to her study room.

5:09 AM

About an hour before Spike would usually wake up and make her breakfast, considering that he held the fort down while she was gone for a week, she wouldn't mind cooking for him every now and then to show her gratitude. She left her study room and made her way to the kitchen with some difficulty. She still wasn't used to the idea that she'd be living in a castle of all places -- becoming the Princess of Friendship felt like it happened just days ago -- regardless, change is indiscriminate and will happen to every single being in Equestria whether they're prepared or not.

"Now where did I put that gem stash."

An hour would pass by without anybody noticing, Twilight laid on the purple cushion with a scrunched up face, an empty plate sat beside her with merely crumbs remaining as the sole reminder of her daisy sandwiches. In the dining room, Spike happily munched down on some gem delicacies courtesy of Twilight. Once he was done, he cleaned up the table and made his way to Twilight's study room. He gave a knock before entering with a peek.Twilight walked around the room, eyes full of interest. Spike knew it would be one of those moments where it would take a while before Twilight comes back down from the high of learning. Regardless, he still entered the room, curious as to what she was doing.

In the middle of her study room, a large pentagon was drawn with a piece of chalk, stacks of books were pushed aside to make room for said pentagram. Twilight paced to-and-fro across the room, muttering the words that were in book that she was holding with her levitation. At the corner of her eye, Twilight spotted the purple dragon and put the book down.

"Good morning, Spike." she said with a soft smile.

"Good morning," he replied, his tired voice still not catching up with is already awake body. "What are you doing here?"

"Finishing another one of Star Swirl's incomplete spells."

Upon hearing her answer, Spike became apprehensive. "Are you sure you should be doing that? Don't you remember the last time you tried to finish one of his incomplete spells?"

Twilight's reply to his apprehension was a simple smile. "Oh don't you worry Spike, besides last time I was completely unprepared for it but in the end I managed to solve it didn't I?"

"I suppose." Spike's voice leaked unsurety.

"If it makes you feel safe, I've already placed cautionary wards in case something does come up."

While what she said did calm down the little dragon, he was still cautious. However, he also had confidence that Twilight had what it takes, and she's not a mare that would leave any holes when it comes to something delicate -- except only when she's too absorbed in her work that she forgoes caution -- but that's a different case.

"So... what spell are you doing this time around?"

Twilight beamed at his question. "I'm glad you asked Spike! To start off, let me ask you a question. How well do you know of our universe?"

An unusual question but one that Spike can answer. "Well, according to some books dating way back when, it was hypothesized that we are the centre of everything since Equis inhabits living things. However, during Star Swirl's time, he had offered a different hypothesis and told the old court that we aren't alone and that there are other beings outside of Equis. Of course, most ponies ridiculed him for this- what does this have to do with the spell?"

"What wasn't written in the history books and was personally told to me by Princess Celestia was that Star Swirl was right."

Spike double backed on her statement. "W-Wait, so you're telling me that aliens exist?!"

Twilight rolled her eyes, a small smirk appeared on her face at his exaggeration. "For simplicity's sake, yes. There is the possibility that there are planets out there that could be harbouring life."

Spike was still awestruck by this revelation, he shook his head. "And to reiterate," Spike began. "what does all of this have to do with Star Swirl's incomplete spell?"

"Well according to the spell matrix," she opened the book and rephrased the entire block of words that described the spell. "Upon activation, the spell would emit a powerful signal that could stretch to even the furthest stars! If something responds, the signal is returned back, similar to a bat's echolocation!"


"So..." Spike slowly said. "you're trying to call out to aliens?"

Twilight shook her head. "No, no- the spell only looks for life. Once it detects one, it returns the signal back similar to how bats make use of echolocation." Her tone then shifted into one of sarcasm. "So, don't worry about some alien trying to communicate with us with weird appendages, showing signs that they come in peace."

That alleviated most of Spike's worries, Twilight gave a short giggle when Spike breathed out a sigh of relief. For a baby dragon, he sure has some wild imaginations. With their talk done,Twilight went back to completing the spell matrix. Spike watched with some interest as she moved here and there. It didn't take long -- after Spike entered Twilight's study room -- for the spell matrix to be completed.

"And... that should be it! All I need to do is activate it using the 'Detect Me So' spell!"

Twilight lowered her head and began casting the spell. The spell matrix drawn on the ground glowed a bright purple, the light intensity increased to the point that Spike had to squint his eyes to see what the would be effects. Outside of the castle, ponies took a curious glance at Princess Twilight's castle, from the looks of it, it was glowing pretty bright. The light being emitted was enough to pierce through the blinds of nearby windows. A moment after, a magical dome exploded out from the castle and washed through the town of Ponyville. The dome continued on until it reached the very border of Canterlot's perimeter before dissipating.

Back in Twilight's castle, the Princess of Friendship waited eagerly for any incoming responses. Spike on the other hand was more confused and couldn't share Twilight's enthusiasm.

"So... what happens next?" Spike asked.

"Now, we wait for a response!"

Spike cocked one of his scaly eyebrows. "And if nopony answers back?"

"Then Star Swirl's hypothesis is either wrong OR the nearest life form is too far for the spell to reach." She looked at the purple glowing matrix. "Although, I do believe that it will take time for the spell to find something. So in the meantime, why don't we do something else? My schedule's currently free!"

Spike beamed, he beckoned for Twilight and they both left her castle off to enjoy the rest of today. Unknown to Twilight, the spell was never meant to work. For no matter how much magic energy is put in to amplify the distance of the detection spell it still pales in comparison to the scale of the universe, this all changed however because of Twilight's castle. The castle amplified the magic by a hundred fold, causing the detection spell to reach further than Luna's moon, further than Celestia's sun, further than Equis' solar system...

Capella sector

A sector in the Milky Way galaxy that was once controlled by the abominable Bugs race. For the most part, the infestation was already controlled with only a few planets still infested with Bugs and even then none of them ever breached threat level 10. In the vast depths of space, a fleet of black with yellow highlights spaceships floated dormantly.

The fleet consisted of:

2 Dreadnought-Class Battleship
4 Bruiser-Class Destroyers
6 Zeus-Class Cruisers

Battlefleet Indiana is the name of this fleet with a Dreadnought-Class Battleship nicknamed 'SS Independence' acting as the flagship. Inside the SS Independence stood its captain, Admiral Arkin Aether. She looked at the holographic sector map of Capella, a troubled but interested look on her face. According to one of her men, they had detected an unusual signal coming from one of the unexplored planets of the sector. What made this signal unusual was the fact that it wasn't recognized as neither Cyborg or Illuminate, the scientists in the lab deck of the ship didn't even assume it came from Bugs since their frequency was completely different from the the frequency that she's looking at right now.

Multiple assumptions came to the forefront of her mind, one of the most prevalent was the thought of a new potential threat but at the same time she couldn't eliminate the factor that the unknown signal could be a distress signal coming from an alien species under attack by one of their common enemies. The sounds of boots on metal reached her ears, she turned around to lock eyes with one of her crew.

"What are your orders, admiral?"

She looked back at the map. After a moment of thinking, she came to a conclusion. "Patch me through the fleet."

The beeping sounds of terminals followed after her order. A few seconds later, the virtual map of Capella disappeared and what replaced was a collection of faces -- all were wearing the standard uniform that a ship captain would wear -- Admiral Arkin cleared her throat and spoke.

"Attention all ships of Battlefleet Indiana. About thirty minutes ago, our sensors have detected an unusual signal that doesn't belong to neither Cyborg or Illuminate. Now, since we are one of the patrolling fleet of Sector Capella, it is our duty to investigate what that signal is and figure out who sent it. Now, I understand that some of you are apprehensive about this endeavour because some of you assume that it could be another potential threat against Super Earth but at the same time, we have to assume that whoever sent this signal could very well be asking for help because one of our common enemies are invading them. If the case were to be the latter then we don't have time to lose but if it's the former, I am confident in this fleet and its men and women 's ability to subdue them."

A pause.

"With that being said, for those who don't want to join, feel free to speak up now. You will not be judged and your decision will be expected. Ship captains, please send a survey to your crew members to vote whether they are willing to join. You have an hour to decide."

An hour passed and the votes were in.

"This is Captain Jared Jackson of the Dreadnought-Class Battleship, SS Victory Liner, ready to depart."

"This is Captain Kelly Aiella of the Bruiser-Class Destroyer, SS Machinations. Representing all Bruiser-Class Destroyers. Ready to depart."

"This is Captain Jayson Wiles of the Zeus-Class Cruiser, SS Bugsy. Representing all Zeus-Class Cruisers. Ready to depart."

Admiral Arkin gave a smile. "Very brave of all of you." She turned to address her crew member. "All hands, prepare for jump. Send us to that anomalous signal!"

The sound of activity echoed in the command deck of Arkin's ship, she gripped on the hand railings of the virtual map as she heard one of her crew members call out to her and told her that the jump was ready.

"On my mark... launch!"

Author's Note:

Some thoughts about the first chapter is greatly appreciated. Now, I don't know how many of you guys have played Helldivers, personally, I think it's a diamond in the rough. It's a good co-op game that I really recommend all of you should try.

Now as for the story. I'm sure some of you have already read stories about human ships crash landing on Equestria, I sure have. Not once did I read a story where an entire FLEET of spaceships travel to Equestria so I thought now would be a good time to do so!

Again, tell me your thoughts, constructive criticisms are appreciated and stay tuned for the next chapter!