• Published 27th Aug 2020
  • 662 Views, 16 Comments

The Traveller - LavenderRain24

Sapphire goes on the adventure of a lifetime filled with fun, mystery, magic and danger.

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Chapter 5 - A World of Ponies

The young lavender purple mare walked outside and closed the door behind her. She was slowly getting the hang of being a pony on four legs and using hooves instead of hands with fingers. It was really weird though. She kept reaching out expecting to grab things with her fingers and thumb but only to discover she's got a hoof instead. It was a big shock to her system. The panic attacks she experienced earlier have thankfully become less frequent in the short time she's been in this land.

"I know dad said he supported the idea of the scientific theory of multiple universes existing but one with ponies instead of humans! Who would've thought?" Sapphire shook her head still getting use to that idea but put it in the back of her mind for now.

"For now... I have to test what I can do in this new body." She looked down at her hooves, thinking that by now it would've felt like she was crawling like a baby or toddler but surprisingly it didn't feel that way. It was starting to feel more natural the longer she was in this form.

"Ok... I told Zecora I was going to practice trotting, so let's try it. I'd think it'd be more of a slow jog or power walk if I were in my normal human body." Sapphire looked around the small clearing where Zecora's tree home was built and concluded that no one was around to watch so she got to work. To her surprise trotting was a lot easier than she thought it would be and it was more like a slow jog. Once she got the rhythm down, she decided to try cantering in case she ever needed to run faster.

"Ok that wasn't too hard so now cantering? That's more a normal run like I'd do at school in sports class. Ugh... I hate sports. But I need to learn to be a normal pony who knows the basics like others if I don't want to stick out like a sore thumb." With that said she picked up the pace and ran a circle around Zecora's tree, avoiding the thick roots the came above ground in a few places.

As the wind blew through her hair or rather, her curly black mane, and the fur on her body, she found herself letting out a gentle laugh filled with joy. "Wow... this is incredible! I love feeling the wind in my hair. Er... mane, haha!" Just as she rounded the tree to the front entrance she never saw the zebra pony come trotting out to meet her. Instead they smacked right into each other falling to the ground with a bump!

"Ouch! Ooh... sorry Zecora, I didn't see you come out. I guess I was having too much fun... hehe..." She couldn't help but smile at Zecora as her heart was still racing from that thrilling experience.

"It is alright Sapphire I'm glad you're enjoying being one of us. I came out to tell you I'm ready for the market, would you like to come? I need some ingredients and vegetables for the next weeks now there's two of us." Sapphire thought for a moment and remembered she had agreed to come earlier so decided to keep her word and agreed to follow. The zebra locked the door behind her using an old rustic carved key before leading them both out of the clearing and into the dark woods.

It took them only a few minutes to clear the woods rugged dirt path and they came to a small hill where they could finally see clear blue sky and rounded mountains off in the distance. The mountains were surrounding a large town the looked bustling with life. "Wow! So pretty! Makes me think of Italy... almost... maybe a mixture of Italy and home." Sapphire stood for a while and watched the scenery ahead of them. There were many different sized houses that liked like country cottages protected by roofs made of hay. With flower baskets lining the window cills of almost every house, they were mostly painted white with rich brown wood posts supporting the buildings. She could see some buildings had large fancy signs painted pinks and purples that she guessed were stores.

"It's like a quaint countryside town in the middle of nowhere. Amazing... mom would've loved this..." Sapphire suddenly stared at the ground with tears welling in her blue eyes. Zecora looked back at the mare and gave a small worried frown.

"What is wrong Sapphire Stone?" Sapphire sniffed and wiped her eyes with her left hoof. "Oh... nothing... just... my mom died last year. It still hurts...." the zebra suddenly felt horrible for asking.

"I'm so sorry Sapphire... I'm sure over time it will get better. Do you still have a parent however?" when Sapphire nodded quietly Zecora smiled, "I'm guessing 'he' loves you very much and wants you to be happy. I will help you get back to your family." she smiled sweetly as if she knew her heartbreak from experience.

Sapphire didn't say anything for a minute until she broke out of her sad state enough to say, "Thank you.... Zecora. Do you think... one day we could be friends?" Zecora was shocked but then grinned.

"Of course we can. We may be different like Yin and Yang, but we can still be friends. Why not now?" Sapphire was stunned at the zebra's response. She sounded very wise with the way she spoke.

The young mare thought a moment, "R-really? Ok... then we're friends?"

Zecora nodded, "Friends. Now... let's go shopping!" So off towards the outdoor market they went with Zecora leading Sapphire.

Sapphire just then noticed the zebra was wearing some sort of bag on her back. "Hey Zecora? What are you wearing?"

Zecora stopped briefly and turned her head back before saying, "Hm? Oh the bags? They are saddle bags. We ponies use them all the time for many reasons for extra storage."

Sapphire's eyes lit up, "OH like grocery bags!" she noticed the zebra mare looked awfully confused, "Oh um, they're bags that we use in the human world for basically the same thing. They can be made of plastic, paper or even fabric, but we keep trying to find better ways of making them so we don't hurt the environment with pollution. Like recycling rubbish to be re-used as something else. Humans are not very good at keeping our home tidy like you ponies seem to be." Zecora listened with great interest. Hm, seems her world has some large problems. If only they had magic to help them.... She thought to herself.

"Zecora!! Zecora!" the two mares heard a high pitched younger voice that sounded like a little girl. Zecora looked around them and spotted the one making all the noise.

"Why hello Sweetie Belle. How are you today? I hope you are doing well." Zecora hugged the little filly with a white coat and light pink and purple tightly curled mane and tail with olive green eyes.

"Yes I am! Rarity's out with Apple Jack on some sort of mission she said I couldn't go on." The young filly sat on her hindquarters and changed her voice to try and sound a bit older, "Now Sweetie Belle, I have to go on a mission with my fiends but it's too dangerous for little ponies like you." she sighed deeply. "I hate being little." She pouted before realising another pony was standing looking confused with Zecora. "Oh hi! Who's that Zecora?" The one called Sweetie Belle bounced back up on all fours and grinned curiously at the new mare.

Zecora chuckled at her energy. "Oh right, this is a new mare in town, her name is Sapphire Stone." Sapphire worked up the courage to give a small wave of her right hoof and added a friendly but shy smile. "She's not use to being around ponies so she's a bit shy."

Sweetie Belle smiled, "Hi Sapphire! Nice to meet you! You'll love it here in Ponyville! But um..." She looked around to the side of Sapphire making her feel a bit uncomfortable. "Well, I don't mean to be rude but where's your cutie mark?"

Suddenly Zecora's eyes widened in horror, 'Oh my! I haven't explained that to her yet!' "Uh, she's a bit of a late bloomer Sweetie Belle. Hasn't found her talent yet."

"Oh! *gasp* She can be a Cutie Mark Crusader!"

When the filly suggested that, Zecora smacked her forehead with her hoof in embarrassment, "Oh no...."

Author's Note:

Zecora takes Sapphire shopping in Ponyville to see the village for the first time. On there arrival Sapphire is introduced to Sweetie Belle a young white unicorn filly who wants to have the new mare join their CMC group because of not having a cutie mark yet! Will Sapphire be the first adult pony to join the team?