• Published 1st Sep 2020
  • 882 Views, 6 Comments

Sweet and Proper - Undome Tinwe

Rarity imparts on Rainbow Dash the most important lesson of Nightmare Moon's rule.

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Dulce Et Decorum Est...

"Rarity, can I tell you something?"

Rarity stroked her lover's wings, feeling their strength and softness beneath her hooves. "Yes, Rainbow?"

Rainbow Dash shifted with a discomforted expression on her muzzle. "I'm scared." The words were said softly, as if she was leery of being overheard. Which was a reasonable fear, considering where they were.

"Oh?" Rarity asked, her horn lighting up as she did a quick scan to ensure that there were no eavesdroppers. One could never be too sure, after all. "Is this about your mission?"

"Yeah." Rainbow was peering out the window now, her eyes fixed on the Everlasting Moon that shone down on them, bathing them in their Queen's glorious light. "I mean, it's a huge honour, and I can't believe Nightmare Moon picked me to lead the strike team, but these are the Wonderbolts we're talking about. They were my heroes when I was growing up, before, well, everything."

Rarity's hoof stilled as she stiffened, moving to put a slight distance between them on the bed they shared. "You aren't questioning the Queen's orders to have them eliminated, are you?" she asked, a dangerous edge to her voice. Her feelings for Rainbow Dash aside, she wouldn't hesitate to turn in a traitor even after having bedded her.

To her immense relief, Rainbow immediately replied, "Of course not! I know they gotta go down since they sided with her when Nightmare Moon came back. It's just, they were supposed to be the best fliers in Equestria, and we're going to be fighting them soon. I've spent all my time defending the palace from rebels— this is going to be my first mission outside and it's against them?"

"You were chosen for a reason, Rainbow." A smile graced Rarity's lips. "You are the fastest and most capable warrior in our Queen's service. I have no doubts that you will be victorious."

"Well, duh, I know we're gonna win." The utter confidence in Dash's voice reminded Rarity of just why she had fallen for the brash pegasus. Her strength and courage were an inspiration to Rarity, and she loved to bask in it whenever possible. "But that doesn't mean that ponies won't get hurt, or worse."

"That is the nature of battle, I'm afraid," Rarity said. "And I have no doubts in your ability to survive the fight with these so-called freedom fighters."

"It's not me I'm worried about."

Rarity tsked. Rainbow always did have a soft heart. "Those under your command know what they're fighting for. Nightmare Moon has given us so much, brought order and stability to Equestria and granted us the generous gift of her Eternal Night. The least any of us can do is be willing to sacrifice ourselves to preserve her glory. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori."

"Huh?" Right, of course Rainbow Dash wouldn't be familiar with the classics. It was one of her faults that Rarity tolerated.

"It's from an old poem," Rarity explained patiently. "It means, 'it is sweet and proper to die for one's country.' A poignant sentiment, wouldn't you agree?"

"I guess," Rainbow replied. "I mean, I'm ready to die for Equestria, so I guess they are too."

"That's the spirit!" As a reward, Rarity peppered kisses along her barrel, delighting in how it made Rainbow Dash shiver. "And I'm sure that under your command the losses will be minimal."

"I guess." Rainbow's wing wrapped around Rarity, who paused in her kissing to snuggle her lover. "Thanks for putting up with me."

"Think nothing of it," Rarity replied truthfully. As much as she detested weakness, even a weak Rainbow was stronger than any other pony, and Rarity still loved her for it. "You are not the only pegasus who revered the Wonderbolts before their falling out with the Crown, but if you can see past their illusion of greatness, you should find that they'll fall just like any other foe you've had to face."

"You're right." When Rarity looked up, she saw the confident grin on Rainbow that she so adored. "I'm the most awesome flier in Equestria, and I'm gonna prove it tomorrow."

Rarity leaned in for a kiss on the lips, enjoying the warmth that spread through her at the gesture. "Yes, my love, you will. Now, shall we rest? You have a big night ahead of you, and I have to arrange for some seditionists to disappear when we rise."

"Sure." Rainbow hugged Rarity closer. "I love you, Rarity."

"As I love you, Rainbow." Rarity yawned. "Good night, and dream of the glory of Nightmare Moon."

"Hail Nightmare Moon," Rainbow mumbled before they both drifted off to sleep, under the moonlit light of Night Eternal.