• Published 20th Aug 2020
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Bowstring and the Fantastical Fattening Farce - MetalBrony20

Berry Pie is a baker, and a baker who is currently having a stressful morning. Finding herself berift of any sugar, she decides to use some of her special sugar to replace it. Her actions lead to some rather fattening repercussions for everypony.

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Day Fourty Four - Showing Off The Goods

A low drumbeat, sounding vaguely like some sort of electronic piece came thudding into the dressing room as a chubby mare opened the door, a small smile gracing her orange skin. “Hey, your needed to come to the side of the stage sweetie, show’s about to begin.” The individual she was addressing was currently sitting in a double wide chair, a pair of colossal ass cheeks filling and overflowing the plastic furniture with ease. The red maned mare glanced around, eyes resting on the clock, nailed to the wall. The slightly wonky, offset time piece read 8:54.

“Sure, let me just get up.” Fluttering a pair of wings on her back, she braced herself as the Pegasus planted herself firmly against the ground, groaning as she rose, the top of her mane reaching the assistants eye line. Waddling her way out, the mare could properly see what the large model was displaying. Truly, it was as curious as it was revealing. A beautiful dress composed of an entire bedsheet’s worth of material, of which it seemed to be partially of some stretchy fabric that clung to her every roll and fold, exaggerating her enormity, rather than hiding it.

There were no sleeves or anything to cover the tops of her gigantic upper arms, which were each easily the size of a pony’s head. In fact, it was very flexible, the material easily flowing around her, trying to be as unobtrusive as possible. Unobtrusive, going to the cusp of socially acceptable levels, as shown by the amount of cleavage she showed from those pendulous boobs, straining within the no doubt massive bra, fighting for it’s dear life. Speaking of massive, she couldn’t help but be impressed by the utter enormity of her stomach. Reaching down to her knees like some sort of gelatinous apron, her slightly smaller legs would continually press and collide with each waddling step.

A small amount of makeup had been applied to her rounded complexion, most notably being the slight blush applied to her swollen cheeks. Further below, a great collection of chins had gathered, squishing into a tire like ring of neck blubber. Simply put, it was easily the largest pony the orange mare had ever seen. Not only that, a mare that was going to appear on one of Extravaganza’s shows, sponsored by a bakery of all things!

Hiding her surprise behind a mask of professionalism, she helped to guide the plus sized pony down the halls, a number of other models of a variety of sizes appearing. They were big, sure, but none of them could hold a candle to the red and white mares’ enormity. As they got closer, the music continued to increase in volume, as did the murmuring and chatting of hundreds of individuals in the audience. Finally, she pushed open the door to the stage, waiting for her charge to catch up and practically ooze through the passageway.

Stepping onto the stage, hearing the pounding of the audio in her ears, Bowstring was having second thoughts about this. After a week or so of assessment and measuring, as well as yet more weight piling onto her oversized form, she had been placed up for her first modelling gig. A fashion show of all things, by the insistence of her employer. Meeting Extravaganza (or Ganza, as she was also referred to as) was certainly an interesting experience. Everything about her was… very over the top. Her Manestyle, her outfit, her personality, even the way she went about inspecting Bow. A process which involved stripping almost completely naked, the fashion designer then measuring and meticulously going over every inch of blubbery flesh. Just thinking about it made her blush, darkening her already touched up cheeks.

She especially blushed when remembered when she let out a particularly bassy, rumbling gout of flatulence when Ganza was busy squeezing multiple tape measures around her cellulite inflated ass. For Bow, it seemed to last for eternity, as her new employer was caught in the eruption. When it finally subsided, the two of them just stood there in silence. Before she could stutter out a garbled mass of apologies, both of Ganza’s arms wrapped around as much ass flab as she could manage, before burying her face into her crack. She even remembered the words she said, hearing them clear as day despite how muffled they were literal feet of adipose tissue. “My my, you are a gassy mare, such a raw, primal stench… mmmmhhh. Fortunately for you, I’ve come to appreciate individuals such as yourself, especially if they were to get even larger for me. This plush, blobby softness is the future, and you my friend, are going to be at the spearhead of it all…”

Looking behind, she saw the other models queuing up. Some looked neutral, others giving her encouraging smiles, which she reciprocated to the best of her ability. “Alright, Bowstring, when the centre curtain lifts up, you’ve just got to go to the end of the platform, show off the ‘special feature’ then walk back. You got this.” She whispered to herself, amber eyes catching the clock on the wall. One minute left before show time. Time seemed to crawl by, her hands smoothing down non-existent creases on the dress, her finger tracing their way around the seams, still not sure about their appeal.

Glancing up, she saw the curtain begin to rise up, with a staff member gesturing her over to the side, before holding up his hand in a stop motion.

“Welcome mares and gentlecolts to this most special of occasions! A special occasion to mark what I believe to be the turning point in fashion today in Manehattan, and especially Equestria! Ponies are getting larger and larger, but these last couple of weeks have seen a vast uptick of weight, and what better way to show it off, but by having some similarly impressive new clothing to accompany it? Before I forget, this show was sponsored by Berry Pie bakeries, your one stop shop for everything fresh and tasty.” Ganzas' voice rang out, carried by the multitude of speakers mounted through the venue.

Bow was still surprised that Berry had the money to sponsor something like this. Then again, business continued to rise, and she had noticed the purple mare would make more calls to other businesses and would slink out in the night. Being able to sell her goods to such a large crowd was cherry on top to also promoting her business.

The staff member gestures to her to walk out, her employers voice piping out of the speakers around her. “And here is the first piece on display, modelled by Bowstring!” Stepping into the light, she could see the narrow platform of the catwalk, so narrow that she was wide enough to fill it. Starting her trek, she could feel thousands of pairs of eyeballs ogling her, accompanied by flashes of cameras from all angles.

One lumbering step after the other, her form swayed and undulated with each plodding step, her flesh dancing in such a visceral display that grabbed everyone’s attention. Every movement one which was meticulously recorded, even as everything around her appeared as a blur of noise and sound. Even from her sluggish pace, she approached the end of the stage, where she would unveil what made her piece so unique. Scant feet from the edge, she spread her legs into a rough approximation of a power pose, placing her hands on her hips and leaned back slightly.

All at once, those extra hidden seams came apart in an instant. Her abundant, doughy blubber oozed through the gaps, exposing great swaths of pearly white fleshy. Her love handles came fully into view, the apparent tearing letting those ringing slabs to expose their sagging mass. This was compounded by Bow letting out a belch in the moment, fighting her instinctual reaction to clap her hand over her mouth. Like she had practiced, she played with the exposed flab, whilst slowly turning around, allowing the cameras to catch each suggestive jostle, shake or gyration, as she stuck her ass outwards. Bow was conflicted internally. She was practically stripping in front of thousands of viewers, and judging by the number of camera flashes, many tens of thousands more would see by tomorrow, across Equestria.

But, conversely, nopony was booing her or shaking their fists at her. Glancing briefly towards the crowd, there was a mix of awed expressions or grins. Nopony was hating her, and judging by the cheers and whoops of excitement, they seemed to enjoy it! “Would you look at that! From every roll and fold, no matter how large she gets, she revels in the attention! She adores her size, and exudes confidence from every pore, especially given how her clothes are designed to give her that extra room to expand!”

With one final sloshing twirl, she made her way back down the catwalk, the encouraging words of Extravaganza accompanying Bow every step of the way. Finally reaching the curtain she made a right turn, now blocked from the gawking crowds. Breathing out a sigh of relief, a bottle of cool water was pressed into her hand, the orange mare from before giving her a small smile. Bow gave her an appreciative nod, twisting the cap off, taking greedy gulps of fluid. Whatever happened next, would be in the hands of the audience there, most likely to be critics and designers themselves, owners of magazines and industries. She could only hope that Ganza would steer them down the right path.