• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 262 Views, 4 Comments

Feather Bangs vs. the Bug Bear - BrawnyBold

This is Fond Feather's fanfic about Feather Bangs fighting a giant Bug Bear.

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Bug Bear Invasion

It was a peaceful day in the village as everypony was trotting on with their daily routines. Out of nowhere, a large creature landed in the middle of the village. Everypony looked in fear as the creature in front of them had a frightful appearance. The creature looked like a massive bear with some characteristics of a bee. The beast growled which strikes fear to the nearby ponies.

"Citizens of this backwater town!" The beast yelled out. "I am the Bug Bear! And I have come to destroy!" At an instant, the ponies began to run and scream in panic from hearing the Bug Bear's announcement. "Bwah ha ha ha! Run all you want! That will never stop me from causing wreckage to all of you!" As everpony scattered, Fond Feather got bumped by the other panicking pegasai and she ended up falling to the ground. What's worse, she landed right in front of the large Bug Bear. Fond got up and started to shake in terror as she was face to face with the towering monster. The Bug Bear licked its lips and moved its' head closer to the pegasus mare.

"I think I found myself a tasty snack." The Bug Bear said as it used two of its arms to grab Fond and held her on. She waled a high pitched scream as the Bug Bear flew up and continued to cause havoc. On the ground, Swoon Song and Dear Darling held each other in fear as they saw their friend being held captive by the Bug Bear.

"Can anypony stop this fiend?!" Swoon and Dear cried at the same time.

On top of a large hill, a cloaked figure saw the Bug Bear attacking the village and the ponies. The cloaked figure's face showed a grin as he prepared to take action.

Back at the village, the Bug Bear threw some carts while still holding on to the screaming Fond. The Bug Bear laughed manically while it heard the sounds of ponies' screams.

"You ponies are so easy to scare!" The Bug Bear claimed as it was about to throw another cart. Before the Bug Bear was about to throw the cart, a blue blast of sound waves hit the monster. The Bug Bear crashed against one of the buildings and the monster also let go of Fond. Before Fond had a chance to react, she landed in the arms of the cloaked figure.

"Who are you?" Fond asked. The cloaked figure removed his hood to reveal the face of a pony Fond was extremely familiar with.

"Feather Bangs!" Fond cheered as she was happy to be saved by the one pony she admired the most.

"That's my name." Feather said while winking at Fond. "Now, how about you fly away to a safe spot while I take care of this jerk." Fond nodded as she got up and flew away from Feather. The Bug Bear flew down and landed in front of Feather.

"Who in the world are you?" The Bug Bear asked while growling. Feather smiled while he stood up with confidence.

"The name's Feather Bangs! And I'm here to stop your rein of terror!" Feather claimed while looking at the Bug Bear in its eyes.

The Bug Bear ended up laughing as he thought what Feather said was hilarious. "Y-you think you can stop me? Your presence doesn't scare me, shrimp." The Bug Bear said while giving a smirk. "Now run along and join your terrified friends."

"I'll do one better, I'll blast you into eternity!" Feather said while removing his cloak. It reveal that Feather had a shiny, red electric guitar strapped to himself. The Bug Bear laughed again at Feather's 'failed' attempt into scaring it.

"And what are you going to do with that? Play me a lullaby?" The Bug Bear asked mockingly.

"Watch...and listen!" Feather said as he began to play on his guitar. As Feather played on his instrument, the top part of the guitar glowed a blue light that caught the Bug Bear's attention. When Feather strung his last verse, a large blast of sound collided with the Bug Bear and it flew backwards until it managed to regain its balance.

"What trickery is this?!" The Bug Bear demanded.

"This is the power of music!" Feather claimed as he resumed playing his guitar. This made Fond, Swoon, and Dear scream in excitement as they were Feather's biggest fans. The Bug Bear roared as it flew straight towards Feather. The monster prepared to use its stinger to hit Feather with. Luckily for Feather, he was able to move to the side fast enough to avoid getting stung by the Bug Bear. Feather blasted some of his guitar beams at the Bug Bear. The Bug Bear kept flying to avoid getting hit by the guitar's blasts.

"You think your little light show can defeat me!?" The Bug Bear questioned.

"Says the one who's flying around like a scared little fly!" Feather sassed back. Anger grew in the Bug Bear as it had enough of Feather's antics. The Bug Bear flew down and began to chase after Feather. Feather continued to allow the Bug Bear to follow him until they were in the outskirts of the village near the rocky mountains. Thanks to the high rocks, Feather was able to enter tight spots that would be impossible for the Bug Bear to enter. The Bug Bear growled in frustration as it lost sight of the stallion. Behind the Bug Bear, Feather was on top of the cliff that was way above where the Bug Bear was hovering. Feather got his guitar ready and strung it to cause a blue beam to hit the Bug Bear. As the Bug Bear became confused, Feather moved back a bit before he jumped and landed on the Bug Bear's back. The Bug Bear attempted to get Feather off by flying in all directions. The Bug Bear crashed into a few of the mountains before it was able to throw off Feather from its back. Feather ended up landing on an area that was completely surrounded by rocks. What's worse was that Feather's guitar broke when he crashed to the ground. The Bug Bear chuckled as it moved in towards Feather until he was standing behind a dead end.

"Too bad your guitar broke. Now you can't make any last music requests." The Bug Bear said as it licked its lips.

"I don't have to use an instrument to make music!" Feather claimed as he cleared his throat. "Yodel-Ay-Hee-Hoo!" Feather sang. Feather's verse echoed from the mountains and it caused an avalanche of rocks to fall on top of where the Bug Bear and Feather were standing. Feather quickly ran towards the Bug Bear and he slid under it. As Feather continued to gallop away, the Bug Bear attempted to fly around to avoid getting hit by the falling rocks. That was until a boulder larger than the Bug Bear slammed on top of the monster. The Bug Bear ended up getting squashed by the large rocks while Feather was able to escape. When Feather reached a far enough distant, he turned to see that there were no signs of the Bug Bear. Feather breathed in relief that the monster was no more.

"Feather!" Feather's fanmares said as they and the rest of the town made their way towards Feather.

"What happened to the Bug Bear?" one of the townsponies asked.

"Let's just say that the Bug Bear won't be causing anymore harm as it fell down between a rock and a hard place." Feather joked, causing most of the ponies to laugh.

"Let's hear it for our savior, Feather Bangs!" Another pony said as most of the village ponies cheered and chanted Feather's name.

Fond flew up and wrapped her hooves around Feather's neck. "My hero!" Fond said as she cuddled with Feather.

"Heck yes I am!" Feather said as he grabbed Fond and gave her a kiss on her lips.

The End