• Published 22nd Aug 2020
  • 379 Views, 0 Comments

A Place Called Home - Mr Legoman

While out on a delivery, Big Mac meets Trixie once again.

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Prologue: A Place with Regrets

Trixie Lulamoon moved onward. Her wagon lurched forward and Trixie kept her eyes ahead of her. Occasionally, she glanced behind herself to check the road leading back to Ponyville. It had been a nice town, a little small for Trixie's taste but it had an adequate size for her to entertain. Before everything went wrong, Trixie had found herself enjoying her time in her downtime between performances. Excluding the annoyances, Trixie found herself enjoying the townspeople's company. They praised her and her magic for the show and had showered her with both praise, bits, and various food items. As her wagon rolled onward, Trixie smirked to herself at her minor successes.

However, what was surreal about the situation was that Trixie didn't only care about how much the people loved her, but she was starting to warm up to the townspeople as well. Before she had to flee, Trixie found herself genuinely enjoying herself in that small town.

Ponyville had been a nice little community with relatively friendly faces as well a great place to be. It would be a nice place to return to Trixie thought or perhaps to retire to once she had her fill of wanderlust and time in the spotlight. Of course, it had been ruined for her. Trixie smirk fell into a frown as she remembered how much she was humiliated by those upstarts. Then that Ursa Minor had shown up and well things went south from there. She ground her teeth and felt like throwing something in frustration. She felt an object in her pocket and pull it out meaning to throw it as hard and as far as she could to vent some of her frustration.

She didn't however as she realized what exactly she held. It was an apple, one of the last she had from that farmer. She smiled as she held onto it. Sure, it was a simple fruit and Trixie had grander meals, but these apples had some type of magic to them. She sighed and took a bite of the delicious fruit and a genuine smile formed on her face. The apple contained the right amount of sweetness to it that Trixie just loved. She smiled as she took a second bite, then a third. As her wagon moved on, Trixie continued to eat, satisfying her stomach as well as her mind. Although he seemed a bit standoffish, he had not been outright rude to her. He had at least helped repair parts of her wagon and gave her a deal on these wonderful apples. Anyone who gave Trixie a deal on food and did manual labor for free was okay in her book.

Trixie smiled to herself as her cart continued along into the night. A nice place to live and a kind, muscular, friendly stranger to take care of her and give her delicious food. She sighed at the thought. Like the apple, it wasn't her grandest dream nor was it that remarkable, but it made Trixie smile all the same. A place where she could go to after her performances and where she could relax. It was a simple dream, and it would be unfamiliar to her. Trixie never had a home like that. It was a truly silly dream but a lovely one all the same.

Trixie stood in her small cramped inn room, compilating a monumentally important decision. She held the amulet out in front of her with some hesitation. She had been chasing the ghost of rumors for so long but here it was a relic of power that could help her achieve her dreams. And yet… She was a bit hesitant. She could have it all her revenge and a nice quiet place to live where people loved, admired, and respected her. She could have it all and it only required wearing some jewelry. Trixie imagined how nice it would be and smiled to herself. She would show up, Twilight and she get the respect she deserved. There would be those apples as well and a friendly smiling farmer as well. The amulet went around her neck and then Trixie felt power flood her whole being. She grinned as her aura enveloped her. She would make Twilight pay and then she would take her new domain where she could live and be loved. She laughed at her own superior brilliance.

A week later, Trixie found herself fleeing from Ponyville once again. Her head hurt and she was on foot, marching through the night. Her memory was hazy but what came in crystal clarity was the fact that she had failed once again. Technically she had lost twice this go around, once to that stupid amulet and again to Twilight. As she walked Trixie kept her eyes on the road ahead of her and her senses open for any sign of someone coming from behind. She didn't want to step off the path and get lost in the countryside or have some vengeful soul from Ponyville come back to attack her. Although Trixie doubted that someone from a lovely town would be so harsh to do something like that. She sighed. A lovely little community a bit rustic but genuine and she had probably just killed her chance of ever returning. Trixie cursed Sparkle, that terrible amulet, and mostly her stupidity and pride.

Trixie kept walking as she tried not to think about failing with everything she had set out to accomplish. She just kept walking and tried not to think of her failures or her empty stomach. She should have tried grabbing some food before she left. Another failure, Trixie thought bitterly. As she followed the road with no clear goal in mind. To distract herself from everything, Trixie created a small sphere of light that floated into her hand. That was a good enough goal Trixie thought to herself. She could start with her magic and then… She could improve the old fashion way of hard work.

She had to just keep moving that was really her only plan at the moment. She had nothing to do but walk. Maybe one day she could return and find Then… then something find a place to live for the moment. Trixie walked onward the small light offering a comforting glow. She stepped forward following the road, looking back and regretting.

Big Mac watched Luna's moonrise, too many thoughts on his mind for a single one for him to think about a single one. He was out in the orchard simply watching the moon as it glowed brilliantly in the night's sky. Most of the town was celebrating Twilight's liberation of the town, but not being the best at social gatherings, Big Mac decided to head back home. However, his thoughts kept him from sleeping so he decided to take a walk into the orchard for a spell. It wasn't helping his thoughts but it was lovely all the same. He quietly walked about the orchard taking comfort in the familiarity of the place. As he continued his quiet walk, Big Mac heard Applejack approaching him. He turned and acknowledged her presence with a head nod then went back to his walk. She fell in step behind him a small look of worry on her face. "Everything alright?" Applejack asked. "That witch didn't hurt you any, did she?" Big Mac shook his head in answer. She had been actually kind to him, relatively speaking that is. He frowned but didn't say anything aloud. It wasn't necessary. Applejack paused, studying her brother for a minute. "She didn't curse ya or something?"

"Nope," Big Mac said. He put a hand on his sister's shoulder and made sure to tell her with his expression that he was fine. She nodded. There was a silence as the two walked together. After a moment Applejack excused herself and headed for bed. Leaving Big Mac once again alone with his thoughts. Trixie he thought to himself. She had run off as soon as Twilight had explained her ploy. The party pretty much started right after that. Some people of the town had been probably right talking negative about her and Big Mac didn't say a word to truly stop them. He didn't say anything to stop Trixie from leaving either. He didn't know what he wanted to think much less what he wanted to say but he continued on his nightly walk, his thoughts still a jumble, they would stay that way for a long time to come.

Author's Note:

Well, I can honestly say I didn't expect to be returning to this fandom much less going back to this story. The long and short history of this work is simply that I had this idea back in 2015, but for multiple reasons, I never really wrote this story and it fell by the wayside. Over the summer I kind of decided why not and decided to go back to some of my old ideas. This story is the result. Anyways review, leave feedback, or a comment whatever strikes your fancy.

Also small note, this is the only short chapter. The other chapters are longer. Make of that what you will. Finally, goodbye and have a good, day/night/evening/etc. See you in the next one.