• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 722 Views, 1 Comments

Pony Pwnage - oneupthextraman

Pure Pwnage and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic? What could be better?

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Chapter 1

Chapter 1;

It was very windy and dark outside. Twilight huddled together in her house with Pinkie Pie, Rainbow Dash, and Apple Jack. The three had been out shopping when a violent storm had hit. Rainbow Dash had been the most surprised, as there was no storm scheduled for some time for Pony Ville. The storm had come out of nowhere, and was surprisingly violent. The lights flickered in Twilight’s tree.

Pinkie Pie seemed not affected by the storm, and was reading a book. Rainbow Dash appeared surprisingly agitated. “I just don’t know what went wrong! There was no storm scheduled nearly this powerful at all.” She paused, thinking. “I just don’t know what went wrong.” There was a loud crash from outside the tree. Rainbow Dash jumped at the sound. “I’m sure I’m going to hear about that one tomorrow.” She signed a tired sigh.

Twilight tried to comfort her friend. “Don’t worry Rainbow. I’m sure it will all work out in the end. I bet we can blame this on Trixie. I bet she tried to conjure some weather spirit that is causing this. She was in town yesterday.”

This did little to calm Rainbow Dash. “Unless she skips town, and can’t back up that story. Then it all falls on me.”

Apple Jack walked over to comfort her friend. “Come on, sunny cube! It’ll turn out all right. I’m sure Princess Celestia is researching what is going on, and I’m sure as cotton candy, it does not point to you.” Apple Jack smiled. Rainbow Dash appeared a little bit comforted by this.

Twilight had a ‘oh come on’ look on her face. “Sure as cotton candy?”

Apple Jack smiled at her friend. “You always know what you’re getting with cotton candy. It never surprises you.”

Pinkie Pie appeared next to Apple Jack. “Did somebody mention cotton candy?”

Twilight responded, “Yes. Apple Jack just did.”

Pinkie replied. “Ok.” Pinkie Pie went back to reading her book.

Another large bolt of lightning shook the tree. Followed quickly by several more. The lighting was bold, and bright. It did not seem natural. It almost appeared to be magic lightning. Then, without warning, it stopped. The sky quickly cleared up, and appeared to ignore the fact that it seemed to be the end of days. Twilight, Apple Jack, Rainbow, and Pinkie walked out of the tree to see what was going on. They saw several other ponies also leave their houses to survey the damage.

There was surprisingly little damage to the town. Some down branches, a few flower pots were turn on their side; noting major. Several other ponies also left their dwellings to see what had happened. Everybody seemed relieved to see that nobody was injured, and that there was no structural damage to the various houses.

Rainbow Dash appeared to be relieved by this. “I’ve got to go! Have to check in with the weather team to see what happened there.” Rainbow Dash flew off in quite a hurry.

Twilight looked around. There were three ponies strewn near the fountain. Twilight, Apple Jack, and Pinkie approached the three ponies. Twilight had never seen these ponies before. Why were they outside during such a nasty storm? They did not appear to be injured, but like they had been knocked out, and placed there by the storm.

One of the new ponies had some kind of fabric over his head. It looked like it was placed there intentionally, a black handkerchief. It had his ears sticking out of the side of it, and his horn somehow avoided poking through it. He looked somewhat pail, but to the point of being sickly, but like a pony that did not spend a lot of time outside. Twilight figured he must get sick easily and spend a lot of time inside of the house because of it. His coat looked short, and was a gray, almost black color. It did not give off the feeling of menace or anything like that. His cutie mark was a mouse and keyboard from a computer. Twilight had a few computers in her library, but they were rarely used. They were off most of the time, and in the basement.

The next pony had no mane. He looked a lot stronger and more active than the previous one. His coat was a sly blue color. Twilight figured this pony must be a friend of the first pony. Maybe one who helps the first one get around, being all muscular and all. He too was a unicorn, but with a cutie mark that Twilight did not recognize. It looked like some kind of twig, but bent in the shape of an L, but like it was on its side, with the shorter part beneath it, and bright orange. A very odd mark indeed. (Note: Twilight does not know what a zapper looks like, and yes I went with the orange one)

The third one was a Pegasus. This one looked about as average as the word average could have been. He did not look super strong, or weak. His coat was a normal intensity red, resembling Big Mac somewhat. His cutie mark was a hoof held camera. Twilight had seen them when the news channel would interview ponies.

A very odd group indeed. Just as Twilight had taken in a survey of the three, that the one with the mouse and keyboard cutie mark suddenly reached out to nobody, and yelled, “The uber-micro is fading!” He then promptly passed out again. For Twilight, this raised more questions than it answered. What is this ‘uber-micro’ and how could it fade.

Rarity came along. “Hello Twilight, Apple Jack, and Pinkie Pie. How did you weather the storm?”

Twilight responded, “We’re just fine Rarity, but these three here seem to have taken a beating during the storm. Could you help us carry them to the clinic?”

Rarity examined the three new ponies lying on the ground. “Certainly Twilight. We had better hurry, that one isn’t looking too good.” She indicated the one that had just yelled.

Time Passed:

The three new ponies had arrived without incident. Two nurses were tending to the three new ponies. They were lying comfortable in their beds, with some monitors hooked up to them to monitor their heart beets, and vital signs. The nurses had told Twilight that they were stable, but they were recovering from some kind of shock.

Rarity spoke up, “I imagine the shock was that storm that just happened.” She turned to Twilight. “Have you ever seen such a thing?”

Twilight responded, “No, I haven’t. And I don’t know what caused it. The current working theory is that it has something to do with Trixie. I theorize that she tried to do some kind of magic that she was not used to, and that caused the storm.”

One of the forms stirred. It was the one with the mouse and keyboard cutie mark. Twilight, Rarity, and one of the nurses approached the bed. The pony opened their eyes, and looked around at the ponies standing around him. “Oh no. It’s War Craft.” The other ponies looked at each other with confusion, and some fear.

Twilight was the first to reply. “War Craft? What’s that?”

The new pony replied. “It’s from the people who brought us StarCraft. It’s like…..” The new pony paused, and saw the form he was in. “What has happened to me?” He looked to the ponies in front of him. “What happened to my fingers? How will I possible own noobs now!”

The other ponies looked to Twilight, as their source for knowledge of the words the new pony used. “I don’t know what he is talking about.”

The strong pony stirred, and quickly jumped out of bed, causing some of the equipment to jump from being detached from his body. “DUDE! Jeremy, check it out man! I’m some kind of dog!” The new figure attempted to bark like a dog.

Twilight looked to the new pony, and saw him jerking around, taking in his surroundings. He seemed almost as hyper as Pinkie Pie. “You are not a dog, you are a pony.”

Two more nurses tried to guide the hyperactive pony back to the bed. “Dude! Jeremy, that means we are like super strong, and stuff. That means we can own noobs ever more and longer. DUDE!” The nurses were having a hard time keeping the hyper pony on the bed.

This ‘Jeremy’ responded. “How can we do that Doug? We don’t have fingers anymore!”

This ‘Doug’ stopped struggling, and looked down at his hoofs. He seemed rather shocked by what he saw. “What are we doing to do Jeremy?”

Jeremy sat up in his bed. “The same thing we do every day Doug. Own the noobs.”

The nurses, Twilight and Rarity looked at the two as if they were crazy. The look of confusion and concern for these ponies was clear on their faces. But because Jeremy never developed the ability to read human emotions, let alone pony emotions, he did not pick up on it.

Jeremy spoke again. “Let us go Doug. We shall collect Kyle, and be off to stop the organization from doing whatever nefarious thing they are doing.”

Doug jumped off of the bed again, knocking the nurses back. “Yeah! Like in Zelda!”

The two new ponies jumped close to each other. “Correct Doug. Just like Link!” He paused for what he felt was dramatic effect, but it just made him look stupid. “Our first quest is to find Kyle.”

The two looked around the room. Doug saw the third one first. “I bet that’s him. That mark on his leg looks like a camera.”

Jeremy responded in what he thought was a good British accent, but it wasn’t. “Right-oh old chap.” Doug galloped quickly over to the unconscious form of Kyle, and picked him up and stood on his hind legs. Jeremy generated the Zelda ‘you found an important thing’ sound from his mouth. Dough then placed Kyle on his back. “Forward my friend. To find the Master-er, and get back to earth before Half Life 3 comes out.” The two ponies walked out of the hospital room.

Twilight said to Rarity, “Things just got more interesting.” Twilight paused for a brief moment, and then chased after the three. “Hey! Where are you three going?” The three didn’t stop. “HEY!” They continued. Twilight did not like being ignored, so she used her magic to levitate the three off of the ground, and to bring them to her. She could do this now, as she knew they did not have any internal injuries. Rarity had to help before to keep them stable.

Jeremy said to Doug, “She must be error.” Doug nodded in agreement.

Twilight responded in anger. “I AM NOT AN ERROR!”

Doug replied, “Dude, I don’t think she is an error.” Jeremy agreed. “What do we do now?”

Jeremy paused for a moment to think. “I guess we could zerg rush her?”

Doug asked, “How? Without our fingers?”

Jeremy thought again. “Final Fantasy turn based battle?”

Dough sighed. “I guess we don’t have any other choice.”

The two struggled until Twilight’s magic gave way. They then plopped to the ground, and started bobbing up and down with the imaginary music going on in their heads.

Jeremy yelled, “Prepare for battle Purple one!”