• Published 15th Aug 2020
  • 263 Views, 8 Comments

Flash to the future - phantom ghost hunter

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Part 1 chapter 1

We begin this story in an apartment in Canterlot were a seventeen year old entered and said "Doc are you here lucky here boy hmm". Then he hooked up to a giant amplifier but when he strummed his guitar a sonic boom pushed him into the shelves and destroyed the amp "what went wrong?" Then the phone rang and he answered it "hello".

The guy on the phone then said "Flash is that you?"

Flash then said "doc ya its me".

The Doc then said "Flash I'm glade I found you can you meet me tonight at 1:15 Canterlot mall I've made a major discovery and I need your assistance".

Flash then said "wait 1:15 in the morning? what's going on where's lucky is he with you?"

The doc then said "ya he's right here".

Flash then said "you know doc you left your equipment on all week".

The Doc then said "my equipment that reminds me you better not hook up to the amplifier there might be a small possibility of overload".

Flash then said "I'll keep that in mind".

Doc then said "don't forget 1:15 Canterlot mall".

Flash then said "sure".

Then several clocks went off "are those my clocks I hear?"

Flash then said "ya its 8:00"

The Doc then said "perfect my experiment worked there all 25 minutes slow".

Flash then said "Wait a minute doc are you telling me its 8:25?"

The doc then said "precisely".

Flash then said "oh man I'm late for school" then hung up and left on his skate board and grabbed the back of a truck and held on and waved a some ladies in a yoga building then he let go of the truck and grabbed anther one to get to school later arrived at school where he ran into his girlfriend "hey Twilight".

Twilight then said "Flash don't go that way Cranky is looking for you if your found it will be 4 tardies in a row" they went anther way and Twilight said "okay I think were safe".

Flash then said "you know this wasn't my fault doc set all his clock 25 minutes slow".

Then Cranky appeared and said "Doc your still hanging out with doctor Whooves" the pulled out a little notebook and wrote something then said "Tardy for you Sparkle and one for you Sentry I believe that makes 4 in a row now let me give you some advice Doctor Whooves is a real nut job you hang around him you going to end up in real trouble you have a real attitude problem Sentry your a slacker you remind me of your father when he came here he was a slacker to".

Flash then said "can I go now Mr. Cranky?"

Cranky then said "I understand your band is trying out for the dance music why bother your to much like your old man no sentry ever amounted to anything in the history of Canterlot".

Flash then said "well history is about to change".

Later Flash and his band were at the audition and Flash said "okay were Flash drive".

They played there song but in the middle of it the guy stopped them and said "sorry fellas but I'm afraid your just to loud".

Later Flash and Twilight were walking threw town and Flash said "man I'll never get a chance to play in front of anybody".

Twilight then said "don't say that Flash this recording of your song is great you have to send it to the record company".

Flash then said "well Twilight what if I send in the tape and they don't like it what if they say get out of here kid you got no future I just don't know if I can take that kind of rejection wow I'm starting to sound like my dad".

Twilight then said "oh he's not that bad at least he let you barrow the car tomorrow night".

Flash then saw a truck headed for a dealership and said "check out that 4 by 4 that is hot some day Twilight wouldn't it be great to take that truck up to the lake and lay out under the stars".

Twilight then said "stop it does your mom know about tomorrow?"

Then Flash said "no get out of town my mom thinks I'm going camping with the guys look Twilight my mom would freak out if she knew I was going up there with you I'd get the regular lecture of how she never did that kind of stuff when she was young".

Twilight then said "oh she's just trying to keep you respectable".

Flash then said "well she's not doing a very good job".

Then they both said "terrible".

Then a woman came over and said "save the clock tower save the clock tower you see the mayor is sponsoring a plan to replace that clock thirty years ago lightning struck that clock tower and the clock hasn't run since we at the Canterlot preservation society think it should be preserved just as it is".

Flash then said "oh um here's a quarter".

The woman then said "thank you don't forget to take a flyer" then walked off.

Twilight then said "where were we" then a car horn went off and a voice called Twilight and she said "its my mom I've got to go".

Flash then said "ok I'll call you tonight".

Twilight then said "I'll be at my grandmas here let me give you the number" she wrote the number on the flyer and then said "bye" then kissed him on the cheek.

Flash then looked and saw she wrote then number and that she loves him then he got on his skate board and went home but when he got there he saw the car being pulled there by a tow truck and said "great just great".

He then went inside where his dad Swift Sentry was talking to his superior brass knuckles who said "I can't believe you loan me a car without telling me it had a blind spot I could have been killed".

Swift then said "now Brass I never noticed the car had any blind spot before when I drove it".

Brass then said "what are you blind Sentry its there how else do you explain that wreck out there".

Swift then said "now Brass can I assume that your insurance is going to pay for the damage?"

Then Brass said "my insurance its your car your insurance should pay for it also do you have my reports done?"

Swift then said "well I figured since they weren't due until Monday I'd..."

Then Brass said "think Sentry think I got to have time to retype it do you have any idea what would happen if I turn in my reports in your hand writing I'll get fired you don't that to happen do you?"

Then Swift said "well I'll finish them tonight and run them over to you tomorrow".

Brass then said "okay" and left.

Swift then walked over to Flash and said "I know what your going to say son and your right and all I can say is I'm sorry".

Flash then said "the car dad I mean Brass wrecked it he totaled it I needed that car tomorrow dad".

Swift then said "trust me son your better of without all the stress and headaches".

Later his older brother Caramel then said "dad is right Flash the last thing you need is headaches".

Then Flash's mother rose heart came in and said "kids were going to have to eat this cake by our self's your uncle sun stone didn't make parole again".

Then Flash's older sister Sunset shimmer said "you know its kind of embarrassing having an uncle in prison".

Then Caramel said "oh no I'm going to be late for work I got to go or I'll miss my bus" then left.

Sunset then said "hey Flash I'm not your answering service but while you were outside moping over the car Twilight sparkle called you twice".

Rose heart then said "I don't like her Flash any girl that calls the boy is just asking for trouble".

Sunset then said "mom there's nothing wrong with calling a boy".

Rose then said "its terrible when I was young I never chased a boy or sat in a parked car with a boy".

Sunset then said "then how am I supposed to ever meet anyone?"

Rose then said "well it will happen like the way I met your father".

Sunset then said "that was so dumb grandpa hit him with car".

Rose then said "it was meant to be if your grandfather hadn't hit him none of you would have been born".

Sunset then said "true is still wonder what dad was doing in the street".

Rose then said "what was it Swift bird watching? well anyway...".

Sunset then said "yes we know this story mom you felt sorry for him so you decided to take him to the fish under the sea dance".

Rose then said "no it was the enchantment under the sea dance our first date it was the night of that terrible thunderstorm remember Swift, your father kissed me for the very first time on that dance floor it was then that I realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him".

Author's Note:

Well that the first chapter down there will be more to come soon but for now Ghost out