• Published 27th Aug 2012
  • 853 Views, 6 Comments

Forbidden Magics - Antiivvan

After the attack of the Changelings, Celestia bans magic throughout Equestria.

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Chapter 1

It is finally peaceful yet again. With the defeat of the Changeling Queen, Equestria is safe and peaceful again. After this memorable event, life seemed to go back to normal in Canterlot over time. All the excitement seemed to die down. Those outer cities were never affected by any of these disasterous events, at least not enough to bring panic. The six friends went back to their home in Ponyville and they continued their daily lives, satisfied that the world was at peace again.

Rarity went back to her shop, ready to design more clothes based on the fashions she saw in Canterlot during the wedding. Pinkie Pie had gone to work again at Sugar Cube Corner, keeping true to her personality and bringing joy to everyone she meets. Fluttershy went back to her cottage and took care of her animals and her Angel. Applejack had gone back to Sweet Apple Acres and had to work double time in order to get back on schedule, what with leaving Big Macintosh to harvest alone. Rainbow Dash had got back to her job and was, as always, up to her usual training.

Twilight Sparkle had been affected the most by recent events. As expected, she went back to her library and got back to her studies. Only, Shining Armor and Cadence had come to Ponyville to visit Twilight for a few months. Shining Armor had taken some vacation to spend some long-overdue quality time with Twilight. They stayed in a vacant room in a house near the library.

They had spent a lot of time together during their visit. They got caught up on all that they had been up to and all that had happened. Twilight's friends had also spent time with Cadence and Shining Armor. They all had a good time. Things slowly, but eventually, went back to normal. Everypony just went along with their daily activities and their usual adventures. But, a few months later, things took a turn for the worst.

Twilight woke up one morning to see a beautiful morning. The sun was shining, the early morning weather patrol did a good job of clearing the sky of all clouds and bad weather. Some of the early risers were up and about with their usual business, whether it was some early shopping or just to have an early walk through the town. Rainbow Dash must have been one of those early risers, because she was flying over Ponyville at top speed. All in all, it was looking to be a pretty good day.
Twilight looked towards Canterlot to see, in the distance, a chariot coming towards Ponyville. It was being flown by the Canterlot Royal Guard, so it must be important. It stopped in front of the library and a stallion was standing tall inside the chariot. "Shining Armor? What are you doing here so soon?"

"Twilight? I'm here here on royal duty from the Princess. I'm sorry I don't have time to catch up. Could you do me a favor?

"Sure, anything."

"Could you help me gather everyone into the town square?"

Um, sure." Shining Armor walked off towards the center of town. "Well, that was strange."

"Hey, Rainbow Dash," Twilight shouted up at the blue pegasus flying above, "can you help me get everyone to the town square?"

"Sure thing, but why?"

"I'm not sure. Shining Armor wants everyone there."

"Shining Armor is back? Already?"

"Yeah, he said it's for royal business."

Rainbow flew off to gather everypony to the town square, and Twilight trotted off to do the same thing. After visiting quite a few ponies, she figured that she had found all of them. When she walked into the square, she saw all sorts of ponies. Some that were attentive and eagerly awaiting what a royal guard would have to say, others were upset that they were woken up so rudely this early in the morning, and even some that were trying to get back to sleep in the small amount of room that they had. Once everypony had gathered in the center of Ponyville, Shining Armor had started speaking. He cleared his
throat, and then addressed the crowd.

"Good morning, everypony. I have come with a message from our Princess Celestia." His horn started glowing, and an official-looking parchment floated in front of him. He unrolled it and read: "In light of recent events, I, Princess Celestia have declared to hereby ban all use of magic by everypony in Equestria." This statement had been enough to silence an entire crowd of Wonderbolts fans, even as crazy as they are. After a few long seconds, it was met with several outbursts of disagreement and murmurs of dissatisfied unicorns. "All magic studies, magic groups, and magic support groups are to be shut down immediately. Any pony caught performing any act of magic will be punished. These punishments include, but are not limited to: house-arrest, imprisonment, or painless horn removal." This was met with shouts of anger, threats, and even a few curses among the shouting. Some of the ponies started rushing to Shining Armor, but the other guards held them back. "All magical items or objects with magical properties will be confiscated. Houses will be searched for said items and anypony caught lying will be punished. These punishments include, but are not limited to: house-arrest, imprisonment, or fines. There will be guards posted throughout all inhabited areas of Equestria. They are assigned to keep everypony in check. This is to take effect immediately. Signed, Princess Celestia."

This news, needless to say, caused an uproar. All the ponies were rioting. All the ponies looked just behind Shining Armor when they saw a dark violet mist swirling around the guards. A few seconds later, Princess Luna stepped ominously out of the mist. The rioting instantly stopped. She walked in front of the guards, who were just as surprised as everypony else. She walked slowly with a stern look and her head high. The princess looked over the crowd and, using her Royal Voice,
addressed the crowd.

"My sister wasn't the only one who thought this was a good idea. I was the one who suggested it. If anypony has any complaints, say them now directly to me, or face the wrath of Nightmare Moon! I feel we are doing all we can to protect the citizens of Equestria. If anypony disagrees, they had better speak up. They will not get another chance."
The entire crowd was silent, save for one. "How can you ban magic? It is what makes the world work. Without it, we will become weak."

"Who speaks? Come and say this right to me."

Rainbow Dash flew up from the crowd and was enraged by these recent events. She flew up to Luna and put her face right next to Luna's. This did not make Luna flinch or intimidate her. "Why would you do that? Are you trying to take away our rights?"

Luna used her magic to pin Rainbow Dash's wings to her back, making her incapable of flight. Rainbow fell to the ground and tried to open her wings. Luna's magic was too strong. "Do you want to ban flying as well? We are perfectly capable of doing that."

Rainbow Dash just sat down, crossed her hooves across her chest, and sat there quietly. All was quiet for what seemed like forever. Eventually, Luna broke the silence. "It seems everypony understands these changes. I know this will be hard to accept, but you will all get used to it. Until our next meeting." The violet mist appeared again, and Luna disappeared into it. The guards started walking off towards their chariot.

All of the ponies, even after this horrific news, decided to get on with their day. The crowd quickly dispersed."Shining Armor! Why did the princess do this?" Twilight Sparkle had approached her brother who was about to follow the guards to the chariot.

"Twilight. I'm sorry about this. I have nothing to do with this. I just think the princess was afraid something like the Changeling Queen will come again and all of Equestria will be lost. This is only to keep the citizens safe. Please understand."

"What about you and the guards? Are they allowed to use magic?"

"All the guards have been given special permission to use magic. I have also been given permission."

"Well, what about my studies? How am I supposed to keep up?" Twilight had the beginnings of tears in her eyes. "I don't think I can do it. Why would she do it?"

"I know you can do it. You know why? You're my sister, that's why. I have to return to Canterlot now. I will be back before too long."

Twilight said her goodbyes and then started walking towards the library. Her mind was racing with thoughts and questions. 'Why would the princess do this? Am I not allowed to use magic anymore? How am I supposed to live without being who I am?' She was so concentrated on her thoughts that she didn't notice her friends nearby. "What to do? What to do?" Twilight was speaking to herself.

"Twilight?" Rainbow Dash spoke up. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine."

"You sure, sugarcube?" Appkejack asked.

"Yeah I think I'll be fine. What about Rarity?"

"She's not taking it too well." Rainbow Dash looked over at Rarity who was in front of her shop with tears streaming down her face. Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were next to her trying to comfort her. "I think this hit everyone pretty hard. We're all shocked by this."

"Well, I think we should take her back to the boutique now. And let her cool down."

Everypony had to calm her down enough in order to get her to move at all. Eventually, they managed to convince her enough to get her back home. "Well, I think I'm going back to the library now."

"All right. Try not to think 'bout it too much." Applejack said.

"Okay. See you later, girls."

Twilight walked back to the library, all the while contemplating how she will survive without magic. She opened the door to see Spike and a Canterlot guard in the front room. The guard was a unicorn. "Twilight! Thanks goodness you're here. This guard has been asking about you."

"What does he want?" Twilight whispered in Spike's ear.

"I don't know," Spike whispered back, "but this came for you earlier." Spike was holding a scroll with Princess Celestia's seal on it.

Twilight opened the scroll and quickly read through it. "Dear Twilight, by this time, you should have heard the new law that is to take effect immediately. Please do not stress over this too much. I have assigned a guard to keep an eye on you. This is because I will allow you to use magic, but only under the supervision of the guard. This is a very stressful time for everypony, please don't take this personally. Signed, Princess Celestia."

"So, you are going to let me do magic as long as you are here?"

"That is correct." The guard said in a deep voice. "I am to keep an eye on you and you are to alert me when you are going to be doing anything."

"This sounds almost like house arrest."

"Not at all. You will never know I am here."

"Okay. Can you tell me about yourself?"

"There isn't much to tell."

"How about your name."

The guard looked at Twilight with a straight face. "Iron Storm."

"Well, Iron, do I have to tell you whenever I am going anywhere?"

"Not at all. I will just follow you."

"I am going to see how Rarity is doing."

"Lead on."

Twilight looked at the guard with a raised eyebrow. She looked at Spike as she went out the library and he just shrugged. "I guess this means more work for me. Great." Spike whispered as they walked out.

Most of the ponies must've been inside because the streets were usually empty. There was not so much as a single pony walking around or a single stall open for business. The rocky road seemed to resonate with the clacking of the two ponies hooves almost ominously. The town was so quiet. It almost seems like there was just an execution or something else horrific. If there was so much as an apple hitting the ground, you could hear it all the way to Canterlot. After a few minutes of walking in a dark silence, They reached the boutique.

"Rarity? Are you home?" Twilight asked as she walked into the front room of the store. As she walked up the stairs behind the front room, she could hear light crying, coming from two rooms. She walked up to one and knocked on the door. She heard the voice of a filly. "Yeah, who's there. Is it you Rarity?"

"No, it's just me, Twilight." The door opened and Sweetie Bell walked out. "Where's Rarity?"

"She is in the room down there." She managed to say in between the tears. She pointed her hoof down the hallway towards a door that was beautifully painted. Twilight and Sweetie Bell walked up to the door. Twilight knocked on the door.

"Who is it?"

"It's Twilight."

After a few seconds, the door opened and an un-brushed Rarity was standing in the doorway. She was wearing a purple robe with a golden "R" on the sides of it. It looked to be very expensive and delicate. "Oh Twilight, isn't it just horrible! What am I supposed to do without magic? How can I keep my shop?" She gasped. "I'll lose my business! I'll have to live on the streets! What am I to do?"

"Calm down, Rarity. It won't help if you stress out over it." Twilight walked Rarity over to her bed, which was wet in the middle from Rarity's tears. "You need to take a deep breath and calm down."

"You're right, Twilight. Who is this?" She asked to the guard.

"This is Iron Storm. He is a Canterlot Guard assigned to keep an eye on me. He says I can use magic as long as he is around."

"What? So you are allowed to use magic, but the rest of us can't?" Sweetie Bell asked.

"Well," Twilight looked at Iron. "I don't know."

"I have only been given orders to allow Twilight to perform magic. I'm sorry."

"But I have just started learning how to do magic! This isn't fair!" She said before she ran back to her room and slammed the door.

"Just let her cool down a little bit. She'll come around eventually." Rarity assured.

"Are you going to be okay?"

"I don't know. I just don't know how to handle this. I'm just so used to using magic. It sure is going to be different around here."

"Yeah, a lot different. I'm not used to some pony watching my every move." She glanced at Iron, who still had that same face he had before. "Are you sure you are going to be okay?" Twilight glanced into Rarity's deep, longing, blue eyes.

"I just don't know. I guess I'll find out. I'm pretty sure I can manage. This is your friend Rarity. I can do it."

"Well, I'm glad. If you ever need anything, just let me know. Have a good day, Rarity." Twilight walked out and back into the front room of the boutique. There were several beautiful outfits on ponyquines and on the walls of the store. "Oh Rarity, I hope you can keep making these amazing outfits." Twilight said to herself.

The walk back to the library was almost the same as the walk there. Only, a few things changed. First off, the pegasi sure did a good job matching the mood of the town. The entire sky was covered in grey, billowing clouds. There wasn't necessarily a scheduled shower today, but they all thought it would work today better than any other. The entire walk was made in rain. First, just a drizzle. By the time they got there, a downpour.

Twilight walked in and Spike was trying to sweep up all the dust after re-arranging some books on the top shelves. He noticed then coming in soaking wet, and ran off. A few seconds later, he came back with a few towels for the two ponies. They put them on, and then walked over the window.

"Spike, say hello to the future. Without magic, the world just seems to be missing something."

"Yeah, I'll say. Now it seems like the Princess has really gone overboard. I respect her, but what made her think this was a good idea?"

"It was both of them. Luna says she was the one to suggest it."

"Luna? But I thought she had already gotten used to life in Equestria now. Why would she do something like this?"

"I don't know, Spike, but I think we have a hard road ahead of us. Life might not get easier because of this."
The rain was pounding against the window and the hard wood of the tree, symbolizing the dreary world that Equestria was becoming. The two ponies and the dragon walked up the stairs and sat next to the beds. They just talked about the Princesses, the past, and what the world might have in store for them in the future.