• Published 22nd Mar 2021
  • 1,260 Views, 70 Comments

Make a Swap - PonyPixel

Something strange is happening to make creatures start switching genders.

  • ...

Hanging with the Students

“And that’s how it happened,” Barb explained, finishing the story. The students were very confused about what they just heard.

“Okay, let... Let me get this straight,” Gallus spoke, “You all turned into girls just because of that stupid pink diamond?”

“That’s how it happened,” Garnette said while rubbing her arm, blushing.

“Can’t you try to change back?” Silverstream asked.

“You didn’t think we tried?!” Baff cried.

“Take it easy,” Vixen said. Judging by her face, Baff looked like she was about to snap.

“Is there any way to change you back to your original genders?” Sandbar asked.

“I wish there was,” Barb sighed. “As of now, we’re going to be girls forever.”

“That doesn’t seem too bad,” Silverstream commented.

“You don’t understand how things work in the Dragon Lands,” Spear said.

“Enough, if you want to talk more about this, we can chat about it after school,” Sandbar said. “We should get back to class.”

“Can I at least have some of the stew?” Gallus asked.

“Yeah, you can grab a bowl,” Barb said. Gallus smiled at this and flew away to get some of the stew before lunch was over.

“I think your idea works,” Vixen said to Sandbar.

“Thanks. We should be going now.” Sandbar left with Yona following him. The girls followed him with Smolder being the last one to leave.

“You just get back with your friends,” Garnette said. “We’ll be fine.” Smolder gave a thumbs up and ran off to catch up with the other students.

“You sure about that statement?” Spear questioned.

“I don’t want her to keep worrying about us.”

“Garnette’s right,” Barb said. “Worrying about this could make things worse.”

“Don’t see how it can get worse,” Baff groaned.

Back in class, Gallus let out a satisfied burp from the stew. “Gotta say, Spike’s still a great cook,” he commented.

“It’s actually Barb now,” Smolder noted.

“Of course.”

“I don’t see how you’re taking this so well,” Ocellus said.

“Eh, I think I’m finally getting used to it.”

“Yona not going to question anymore,” Yona spoke.

“Just what will we do with the dragons after school?” Silverstream asked.

Ocellus then thought about it for a while. “Maybe we should each take one dragon as a partner,” she suggested.

“Okay, Smolder, what do you know about them?” Gallus asked.

“Let’s see, I’ll handle Garnette and Barb,” Smolder said. “Maybe, Sandbar could go with Vixen.”

They could hear Rarity clearing her throat. “Are you six paying attention?”

“...Yes, Professor,” they all said. Rarity kept an eye on them as she continued with her lessons.

“We’ll plan this later,” Sandbar suggested whispering with his friends agreeing.

The dragons were still meant to stay in the castle. Barb was trying to find something to keep them entertained, but boredom was impossible for them. “Gah,” Baff groaned. “Why isn’t there anything we can do.”

“I’ve got plenty of games to pick from,” Barb said. She placed a stack of board games on the table for the guest to choose from. “Okay, I couldn’t find any games for more than four players, so maybe we could play more than one at once.”

“What do you have?” Vixen asked.

“Let’s see. Hmm, Sky Strikers is two-player only, Bit Bash isn’t definitely that’ll make you guys mad, hmm, maybe we could try Midnight Snack.”

“How do you play that?” Garnette asked.

“Well, it’s a simple game of going through life, from school to retirement.”

“Sounds kind of boring me,” Spear spoke. “By the way, did you guys come up with a name for me and Baff?”

“Welp, we thought for a while,” Garnette said, “And the only ones we could think for you be Dart and Beff.”

“Speaking of which, where is Baff?” Barb asked.

“I think I saw her leaving through one of the windows,” Vixen said.

“She what!? Okay, you guys pick which game you want, I’ll be right back.” Barb quickly flew outside to find where Baff went. She could hear some crunching signaling to where the missing dragoness was. Baff was leaning again the castle after breaking a piece of it off. “Baff, what do you think you’re doing?”

“I needed some time to myself,” the black and green dragoness stated. “It’s probably going to be the last chance I get when I have boys chasing me like their lives depend on it.”

“Okay, I can understand that, but there are hundreds of rooms in the castle. You could’ve gone in one of there. Not to mention, don’t eat the damn castle!” Barb smacked the gemstone out of Baff’s hand, making the dragoness very angry. Grabbing Barb by her spine, she held her up to look eye to eye.

“Watch it, you squished amethyst, it’s one that you that you’re telling me what to do, but a physical force is crossing the line for me. Got it!?”

“Just keep it down. Someone could hear us.” Baff growled, puffing some smoke from her nostrils.

“Do that again and I won’t be so easy.” She let go of Barb’s spines and she would’ve dropped onto the ground if it wasn’t for her wings.

“Just please go back inside.” Baff didn’t say anything before flying to the nearest window, slapping Barb with her tail. Moving past that, the two got back inside and had found the guests had already opened one of the board games. “Which one did you pick?”

“One titled, Stone Cold Mine,” Vixen commented.

“Ooh, I’ve heard of that one.” Barb picked up the instruction from the pile of game pieces and read it. "It's practically a gold rush in these times. Minerals like coal are important, but so are iron, steel, and some say there's even gold in those mines."

"Cut to how we play," Spear, or now Dart, requested. She was tapping her foot with impatience.

Flipping through a couple of pages to get to the how-to-play section. "Each player takes an elevator sheet and horse card."

"Uh, Barb," Garnette said, "There are only four elevator sheets."

"Well, I guess you'll have teams of two. Now, on each turn, or what the game calls it shifts, each play draws a card. These cards could have workers, tools, or other items that can help you."

"This sounds kind of boring to me," Dart whispered to Flicker. The white and pink dragoness didn't respond as she was trying to focus on what Barb was saying. Plus, she felt like her friend was acting a little more impatient than she usually was. Barb explained the instructions a little faster but still did her best to make sure she didn’t skip any information.

“Okay, I think that’s everything. Are you guys ready?”

“Yes,” they all said with various expressions. They started the game and at first, things were going alright. About five minutes into the game, which felt a little longer to some of the players. When it was Barb’s turn, she accidentally drew two cards which sent Pat over the edge.

“Hey, you can’t do that!” the big brown dragoness screamed.

Barb flinched a little bit before placing the extra card at the bottom of the pile. “What is with you?” Garnette questioned.

“I think I get what she’s feeling,” Beff said. “We’re being forced to stay in a castle made of gemstone, that we’re not supposed to eat by the way. There’s nobody we know here, we can’t do activities that like doing, and that’s not even bringing up the gemstone.”

“I think I have a right to be angry,” Pat said.

“I... Understand that,” Barb spoke. “Listen, I’m trying to help you girls as much as I can, but there’s only so much I can do. Besides, once the Smolder and her friends are out of class, you’ll be let out of the castle and actually do something other than board games."

"I can't wait for that," Beff huffed. "Pat, you want to sit this out?" The big dragoness just nodded before she and her equally frustrated friend left the room while staying in the castle.

"Yeah, I think going to leave too," Dart said.

"Just promise me you'll stay in the castle until Smolder gets back," Barb begged. Dart just nodded before she ran after Baff and Pat. Spike rested her arms on the table while holding up her head. She let out a frustrated sigh.

“That went better than I thought it would,” Garnette admitted. She walked around the table to place her claw on her friend’s shoulder. “At least you’re trying.”

“I think I might have it easier than you guys. You’ll go back to the dragon lands, where there are tons of dragons that act like bullies.”

“Not to mention treating girls like gemstones or other things they have in their hordes,” Vixen added.

“Yep, that explains why they hate this change,” Garnette commented.

Beff, Pat, and Dart all met up in one of the various rooms containing books. “Did I mention I hate this?” Pat asked.

“We all do,” Beff said. “We can’t stay here because it’s practically a prison, but if we go back home it’ll probably be worse.”

“So no matter where we go, we’re tortured,” Dart spoke. “Am I right?”

“Yeah. It’s all because of that stupid diamond.” Beff punched the wall leaving a crack in it.

“Did you even check in the right spot?” Pat questioned.

“We searched multiple locations,” Dart spoke. “All the places Dash said the diamond would be at giving what Barb told us.”

“We’re stuck like this whether we like it or not,” Beff grumbled. She leaned against the wall she punched while crossing her arms.

“Ugh, I hate being stuck in the castle, I feel so confined.”

“I thought you would love having to stay inside,” Pat commented. “If you didn’t try and find the diamond you would’ve slept since we had breakfast.” Beff rose an eyebrow at this as she realized that Pat was onto something.

“Um, Dart, what do you want to do right now?” Beff asked.

“I just want to move around. If I’m stuck in this castle I might as well have a ball and chain on my leg.”

“Uh-huh. Pat, a private word?” Grabbing the big brown dragoness’s claw, Baff pulled Pat out of the room and closed the door so Dart couldn’t hear them. “That diamond’s messing with her mind.”

“What?” Pat questioned. “What are you talking about?”

“She used to be lazy and she’d always find a place to rest, even if it messed up her spine. Now she’s saying that she has to move around?”

“...Yeah, that sounds really weird.”

“What if it starts affecting us? I could become an airhead who wants nothing but my scales to look shiny and a new boyfriend every month.”

“What about me? I could probably turn into some girls who obsess over crud like books and tries to keep making theories from them.”

“Well, you’ve already got the weight look.”


“Pat, if you have to make one good about this change, is that the diamond was generous enough to get rid of your fat.”

Pat was shocked at what she heard. “Well, at least it got rid of your wrinkles. You looked like an old hag, not to mention your hair didn’t help with the appearance. Maybe that’s why Dart had better luck with the girls.” Both girls stared each other in the eye before they caught themselves.

“Please don’t tell me we were arguing over our looks.”

“I feel like we were.”

Baff held her head and growled in frustration. “That’s it, I can’t take it anymore. Where’s Smolder?” She stormed away as Pat cracked the door open to see that Dart was flying laps around the room. She quietly closed it and began thinking about her friend’s theory.

“Okay, so I can trade materials in this game, right?” Vixen asked.

“Barb!” Beff stomped into the room and picked the youngest dragoness up by her tail.

“Hey! Put me down!” Barb ordered.

“When are Smolder’s classes over?”

“They should over in two hours.”

“I can’t wait that long. I am literally losing my mind! So is Pat! I’m pretty sure that Dart’s already gone.”

“What are you talking about?” Garnette questioned.

“Dart has gone from a lazy dragon who sleeps everywhere without care, to an athlete who can’t sit still.” She took Barb with her, which made Garnette, Vixen, and Flicker follow her. They walked to the room where Dart was still flying around. Pat had actually walked in and appeared to be counting.

“What’s going on here?” Vixen questioned.

“I was getting bored so I tried to fly as fast as possible,” Dart explained. “I’m trying to see how many laps I can do in a minute.”

“And I’m counting for her,” Pat shrugged. She resumed counting as her friend speed up again. Everyone else just watched.

“See what I mean?!” Beff asked.

“Okay, first, let go of Barb,” Garnette ordered. She prided the anxious dragon’s claws of the tail of Barb, nearly making her drop onto the ground. “Secondly, you know Dart isn’t... She isn’t...”

“Isn’t what?”

“The... Brightest.”

“I heard that!” Dart cried.

“Maybe she just needs a coping mechanism,” Barb suggested.

“One that changes how she acts?” Beff questioned.

“Clearly you’ve never seen Twilight having a panic attack.”

“Oh, really? How bad was it.”

“Only bad enough to cause the town to go crazy over an old doll.”

Dart stopped flying as she and the dragons stared at Barb. “Tell us more,” Pat requested.

“Sure thing. It seems to have calmed you down.” Some of the girls grabbed chairs to sit down while others just stood. “So, it started when Twilight found she hadn’t sent a letter to Celestia in a week. Celestia used to be the princess before Twilight took the throne.”

“Come on,” Smolder muttered. She stared up at the clock tapping her claws on her desk. The second arm looked like it was moving slower. “Don’t do this to me.” She was on the edge of her seat as the clock’s arm got closer to the twelve. Finally, the clock struck three and school was over. Smolder jumped off her desk and also caught enough friction to set it on fire as she made a beeline to the castle.

Her friends saw her take off and chased after her. The dragon student flew through the castle hallways searching for her sister and her gang. When she passed one of the libraries, she heard Barb talking. “I honestly have no idea how Fluttershy keeps that rabbit in order,” she spoke.

“I honestly would’ve smoked that bunny if he did that to me,” Dart admitted.

“Ditto,” Pat agreed. “You really did that for some gemstones.”

“They’re not as common in Ponyville as they are in the Dragon Lands,” Barb responded. Smolder opened the door and poked her head inside to see Barb explain some of her misadventure to the dragonic guests.

“There you are!” Silverstream cried. This made Smolder jump and grabbed the dragons’ attention.

“Hi, Smolder,” Garnette said. “Is school out?”

“...Yep,” the student dragon answered. “I got here as soon as I could get out of class.”

Gallus walked up beside Smolder, pushing the door open. “You guys might think you’re imprisoned here,” he said, “But try doing that five times a week.” The rest of the students walked in and sat with the dragons.

“So, what are you talking about?” Ocellus asked.

“Just listening to Barb talk about what she did when she lived in Ponyville,” Garnette answered. “Anyways, you said you’d be spending the day with the girls?”

“Sure are,” Sandbar confirmed. “We don’t really know you guys too well, so we thought we’d tell you about ourselves so you can choose who’d you have as a partner.”

“I’ll go first,” Silverstream declared. “My name is Silverstream, and I like finding out about new things, stairs, swimming, singing, dancing...” As she began talking at a mile a minute, Garnette whispered to her sister.

“Is she usually like this?” the older sibling asked.

“All the time,” the younger one responded.

When Silverstream stopped talking, she was a little out of breath. “’Kay,” Vixen said, “Who’s next?”

“I think I’ll go next,” Sandbar explained. One by one, the young six explained what they were about, their homes, and their interests.

“So are you all done?” Beff asked.

“Yep,” the students responded.

“Okay, so wants to pick first?” Barb asked.

“Can I go?” Vixen asked.

“You and Garnette have been acting the best out of everyone here. Go ahead.”

“I’ll take Sandbar.”

“I’ll take Yona,” Pat spoke.

“Gallus is mine,” Beff said. “Out of all of you, I relate to him the most.”

“I’m taking the chatter,” Dart said.

“You mean Silverstream?” Gallus asked.

“That’s the one.”

“I think I’m just going to stick with Smolder,” Garnette proclaimed.

“I guess that leaves me with...” Ocellus paused as she looked towards the last dragonss, Flicker. “I’m sorry, what’s your name?”

“F... Fl... Flicker,” the white and pink dragoness responded. Her voice was barely above a whisper.

“I think fate chose for you two to be together,” Smolder chuckled. “No offense.”

“None taken,” the changeling responded.

“So, is nobody going to question the fact that the dragons that came into town yesterday are no girls?” Gallus asked.

“Yona only saw them flying above,” Yona spoke.

“Yeah, I doubt that anyone got a good look at us,” Vixen spoke.

“Plus I’m pretty sure everyone was too scared to get close to you,” Gallus added.

“Whatever,” Dart said. “Let’s get out of this place.” She took off as Silverstream did her best to keep up. Beff and Pat walked out of the room at a similar pace with their partners following them.

“Welp, we should get going too,” Sandbar said.

“Lead the way, Sandy,” Vixen said. The colt and dragoness walked out of the room at a much steadier pace than the groups before them.

“I’m... Not too sure about this,” Flicker muttered.

“Don’t worry,” Ocellus said. “I’ll be by your side the whole time.” Flicker slowly stood up and walked out of the room with the changeling by her side.

“So, what do we do?” Garnette asked.

“I have an idea,” Barb said, “Though you guys might not like it.”

Dart soared across Ponyville high in the air. “Man, it feels great to finally get out,” she sighed. “Does it?” She stopped to think before Silverstream ram into the back of her.

“Oops, sorry,” the hippogriff apologized. “You just... Took off so fast.”

“Well, you would too if you were stuck in there. I need something to let out energy.”

“Like a race?”

“That’s perfect. Now, we’re that rainbow pony.”

“You could race me.” Dart looked at the young hippogriff before snickering, which then turned into laughter.

“You? Racing a dragon? Listen, I managed to keep ahead of that rainbow mare and she’s been training like that for years.”

“Well, hippogriffs are naturally fast. I heard some managed to go faster than lightning.”

Dart scoffed. “There’s no way.”

“I can prove it, let’s have a race.”

“Okay.” Dart looked around for some waypoint before she saw Canterlot in the far distance. “How about a race to that castle and back?”

Silverstream looked over to the faraway castle. “You sure about that?”

“You want to prove you’re as fast as lightning.”

The young hippogriff looked between the waypoint and her competitor. “Okay. We’ll start at the school, fly to Canterlot, and fly back.” Dart smiled as they flew down to the ground to get a start. Both got on all fours and prepared themselves.

“Ready? Set. Go!” Dart took off the second she screamed “go” to get ahead, but Silverstream had good reflexes and started barely a second after the dragoness. Still, she tried her best to keep ahead of her rival as they both soared towards Canterlot. The hippogriff was doing great keeping up with the visitor, who was angry that she would have to try harder.

While they had their race, Beff and Gallus were flying around with the griffon trying to talk to the dragoness. “Okay, so you’ve gone out and tried to find a diamond, and came up dry,” Gallus spoke, “Am I getting that right?”

“I thought you were supposed to help make me feel better,” Beff spoke. “You’re only wanting me to burn you to crisp.”

“Whoa! Okay, chill out. Probably wasn’t the best joke. So, what do you want to do, other than going home.”

“I’d like to see a reason what ponies have to offer that dragons don’t have.”

Gallus scratched his chin as he thought about what to do. “I think I can show you a place that’ll keep you around a little longer. Follow me.” The two flew off a little out of town and stopped outside of a cave. “Princess Twlight brought us here once for a lesson. It didn’t go too well but Smolder likes coming here for a snack.”

The blue griffon lead the black and green dragoness into the cave. Gallus had brought a flashlight with him to help light the way and show the various gemstones. Beff’s jaw dropped. “So. Many. Gems!” Her eyes lit up as she felt happier than she had ever been since she arrived in Ponyville.

“Do you like it?”

“I could live here.”

“Then go ahead. Knock yourself out.” She didn’t have to be told twice. Beff soon started yanking out of the gems she could find out of the walls. She chowed down and ever gem she could get her claws on. It helped bring joy despite her current situation. Gallus just sat back and watched her feast.

Elsewhere, Sandbar and Vixen were heading into town. “So, where do we go first?” Vixen asked.

“Well, my friends and I often go to Sugarcube Corner to grab a snack after school,” Sandbar answered. “Follow me.” The colt led the dragoness through the town. Many ponies stared at Vixen, some even walking the other way. They actually looked a little afraid of her.

“I don’t think they like me,” she whispered to Sandbar.

“Don’t worry, they’re not used to other dragons like Smolder and Spike. I mean Barb. That’s going to take some getting used to.”

“I know. Let’s try and forget about that and see what ponies have to offer.” After a bit of walking, they made it to Sugarcube Corner, walking inside there were a couple of ponies inside but they looked and stared at the dragoness walking in. Vixen felt a little ashamed with everyone staring at them, but she tried to keep up a smile.

“Hello Sandbar,” Mrs. Cake said. She looked at the new friend the colt had brought with him. “Who’s your new friend?”

“I’m Vixen,” the dragoness said. “Princess Twilight invited me to Ponyville to help dragons and build bridges with the ponies.”

“Hmm, that’s good to hear. Anyways, what can I get you?”

“Just some milkshakes,” Sandbar answered. “I’ll take chocolate.”

“Um...” Vixen was very familiar with what kind of drinks ponies had. “I’ll just have what he’s having.”

“Two chocolate milkshakes, coming up,” Mrs. Cake said. She walked away to take care of the order as Sandbar sat himself and Vixen down at one of the tables.

“Okay, so what would you like to talk about?” the colt asked.

“Well, I honestly want to know more about your life,” Vixen admitted. “How long have you been dating Yona?”

“A little over a year. We had a bumpy first date, but we worked it out.”

“Good for you. I guess there’s hope for me.”

“What is life like in the Dragon Lands?”

“It’s a pretty rough world. It’s either stomp on others or get stomped. That’s what’s it’s like from the point of view of dragons my age.”

“Sounds like it. I’m curious about dragon parents. Like, do you really have to move out when you finish molting.”

“Oh, that’s just something that most dragons say to motivate ones that are going through that phase. We’re tough creatures and I’m guessing that’s what most of my friends are worried about.”

“You mean befriending ponies would make them seem weaker. I think Yona would have to disagree. She’s been around ponies for a year and she still seems to be the same yak I know. How do you often act around your friends?”

“...Well, I don’t have a past I’m really proud of. I was more of a bully. I mean, I do know when things have to get tough but I do kind of feel guilty treating Barb like a bug under our feet.”

“But you learned from that didn’t you?”

“Yeah, I did. I’m honestly shocked she’s still helping us.”

“Well, she’s a kind dragon. A lot of creatures deserve a second chance.” Soon they saw Mrs. Cake walk up to their table and gave them their milkshakes. “Thank you.” The mare walked away as the colt and dragoness enjoyed their drinks. Vixen drank a little too fast and felt a sharp headache.

“Gah! Why did that happen?”

“It’s something that happens when you ingest a cold beverage or snack too fast. It’s called a brain freeze. You never had one before?”

“We mostly ate fish and gemstones. Plus we bathe in lava.”

“Yeah, it probably makes sense you don’t eat many cold foods. Try drinking it a little bit slower this time.” Vixen nodded and rubbed her head before she continued with her milkshake.

Meanwhile, Yona and Pat had gone partly into the Everfree Forest. “Okay, why did you say that we had to go out here?” the chubby dragon questioned.

“Yona know when creatures get mad,” the yak spoke. “How yaks let out anger is by smashing.” She promptly demonstrated this by running headfirst into a nearby tree. A large chunk of the tree had been taken out and Yona was still standing with no ill effect.

“...Can all yaks do that?”

“Yes. Yaks best at smashing!”

Pat smirked a little bit as she didn’t really believe what the young yak said. “Let me show you what dragons can do.” She looked over a boulder lying on the ground. Pat picked it up and tossed it into the air, just as it was about to land back on the ground she smacked it with her tail like a baseball bat, sending the boulder flying into the air and out of sight. “How’s that’s furball?”

Yona was amazed at the power the dragoness possessed. “Yak didn’t know how stronger dragons were.”

“Welp, we are. And we could definitely overpower yaks any day.”

Yona didn’t like the sound of that. “Yak just getting started. Yak challenge dragon to strength contest.”

“Challenge accepted.” The yak and dragoness both looked at each other’s eyes before giving a smirk at their opponent. Pat grabbed onto Yona’s horns and the two started pushing against each other. Both managed to push each other back and forth.

“Yak finally have proper challenge.”

“Same here, but just remember I’ve done way more strength-related activities than you.”

While they had their competition Ocellus had taken Flicker to a quieter part of Ponyville. “So, Flicker,” the changeling said, “What activities do you like doing in the Dragon Lands?”

“Well,” Flicker said, “I really enjoy searching for gemstones and nice lava baths.”

“Hmm, I don’t think we’re going to have much luck with lava around here. I think there is a gem cave nearby but I wanted to show you something else.” They kept walking along until they found a sanctuary. There was a small waterfall leading into a pond along with some rope ladders and platforms on some of the trees.

“What’s this place?” Flicker questioned.

“This is Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary. She had it built so the animals of Ponyville have a place to rest. It’s a very nice place when to visit when you want to have a little break.”

The young changeling showed the visitor to the various animals in the sanctuary. From ones as small as Angel Bunny to ones as big as Harry the bear. When the two found him he let out a loud roar, frightening the dragoness and made her hide in the pond.

Harry wasn’t trying to scare anyone. His roar was actually a yawn from him waking up from a nap. He looked at Ocellus who gave a warm smile. The bear returned the gesture by giving her a warm bear hug. Flicker poked her head out of the water to find Ocellus giggling when she was given a hug from the friendly bear. She stepped onto dry land and walked closer to them.

“You don’t have to be scared of Harry,” Ocellus said. “Go ahead, give him a hug.” The changeling backed to give the dragoness and bear some room. Harry grabbed onto the nervous dragoness and hugged her tightly. Since Flicker was tougher than most of the creatures he was able to have a tighter grip that probably would cause discomfort for some.

“Wow, this feels nice and warm,” Flicker smiled.

“That’s a bear hug for you.” Harry held on for a little under a minute before he let Flicker go. “How do you feel?”

“Much better now. What else is there?” Ocellus looked over to one of the squirrels that stopped when it saw the changeling and dragon. Ocellus grabbed an acorn to get the squirrel to come closer to them. She then gave the acorn to Flicker, to which the squirrel ran up her leg, which felt a little weird and made the dragoness shutter a little bit until the little rodent was now on her shoulder.

“It’s not going to really do much to hurt you. Give him the acorn.” Flicker did as the changeling requested and the squirrel chomped into the nut.

Flicker giggled a little bit. “He’s kind of cute.”

“I know.” Ocellus then had a flash of magic as she changed her form into a blue bunny. Flicker stared at her and felt very confused.

“...Do... All changelings do that?”

“Sure do.” Flicker bent down to pick the disguised changeling up. Her fur felt just like a real rabbit. The dragoness grinned as she petted the rabbit.

“So, can you turn into a dragon?”

“Sure can do.” Ocellus jumped down from Flicker’s claws and turned into her draconic form. “What do you think?”

“You look amazing.” The squirrel jumped off of the real dragon’s shoulder as Flicker inspected Ocellus’s dragon form. “When did you make this?”

“When I arrived at the school for the first time, I was really nervous about being around so many different creatures, but I got used to it.”

“It does look a little like Smolder. Have you tried making one in your own colors?” Ocellus thought for a moment before another flash appeared around her as her color scheme changed to make her base form while she stayed as a dragon.

“How’s this?”

“Much better. So, what else is there?”

“Well, have you read any of the books in the library?”

“Not really. I think Barb thought we wouldn’t enjoy them. I actually want to know what ponies have written.”

“I think I can fly back and get some books. Be right back.” Ocellus flew away, leaving Flicker in the sanctuary. The dragoness sat down as the squirrel came back and she started petting it.

That just left the trio, Smolder, Garnette, and Barb. They were sitting in the map room with Rarity sitting across from them. “So, there’s a reason you wanted to see me?” the unicorn asked.

“Well, I thought of a unique activity for the four of us to do together,” Barb said. “Something like... Helping with your dresses or... Maybe the spa.”

“The spa?” Garnette questioned.

“Spike, are you sure about this?” Rarity asked.

“It’s Barb now, and I’m only going to do it if Garnette wants to,” the youngest dragon spoke. She looked up at the older visitor was had her claw to her chin.

“What’s a spa?” Garnette asked.

“It’s a place that ponies go to when they want to relieve stress,” Rarity explained. “I enjoy spending my time there with friends. Perhaps I can bring you with me.”

“I mean, I’m willing to try new things. Smolder, what about you?”

The dragon student blushed a little bit due to her remembering a little secret she had. “I mean... If it’ll make you feel better, I could go with you,” Smolder spoke.

“Great,” Barb said. “Rarity, could you lead the way?”

“Certainly,” the mare agreed. Walking out of the castle, the mare and the draconic trios walked down the street towards the Ponville Spa. Since Smolder often went into town, many of the ponies weren’t afraid of her. Many were a little suspicious about the dragoness that looked a lot like Spike, though they weren’t even questioning Garnette. Rarity knew they were being quiet for a long time, so she decided to ask a few questions. “So, Fluttershy told me you had a love for poetry.”

“I do,” Garnette responded. “I tried to hide and just acted like your typical bully because I thought they would’ve mocked me.”

“You did help save some baby dragons,” Barb reminded.

“Yeah, with them laughing at me.”

“Eh, it’s like a bandage. When you rip it off it’s painful, but after that is much better.”

“That reminds me,” Rarity spoke, “After our spa trip, maybe you could help me with some clothing for dragons. It’s the flammability I’m worried about.”

“I’m sure we’ll be able to sort that out,” Barb commented. “Look, there’s the spa.” The group picked up the pace and they soon reached the entrance.

They sat in the waiting room while Rarity got them reservations. “So, have you ever gone in here?” Garnette asked.

“This is my first time,” Barb admitted. “I mean, most ponies view spas as a girl’s activity.”

“Is that why you had us come here.”

“I mean, we might as well embrace our new change if we’re going to be stuck like this.”

“She makes a good point,” Smolder commented. “Plus... The dresses are meant to help a friend.”

“That’s true,” Garnette commented. “You think I could get a new outfit?”

“Most likely,” Barb said. “Actually, where did you get your old clothes.”


“Alright,” Rarity interrupted, “We’re ready for our spa day.” The mare led the dragons into the spa where they were each given a robe for them to wear. “Now, what would you like to try first?”

“How about the steam room?” Barb suggested. “That should help you feel at home. Right, Garnette?”

“Sure. I’ll try it out,” the eldest dragoness spoke.

The steam room was quite enjoyable for Garnette, the same for Barb and Smolder. “Man, I can’t believe I’ve never been in here,” Smolder sighed.

“Yeah, it’s really relaxing,” Barb agreed.

“It’s not at as hot as lava,” Garnette admitted, “But still, this is great.” They sat back as Rarity suggested another treatment.

“There’s also back massages, and face masks, maybe could get body wraps,” Rarity suggested.

“What’s that?” Garnette questioned.

“I think it’s a trick that ponies use to help get rid of fat,” Barb explained. She looked at her belly and thought for a moment, “Maybe I should try it out.”

“I’m up for a massage,” Smolder spoke.

“Maybe you could try the hot coal treatment,” Rarity said. “I’m sure it’ll be perfect for dragons. By the way, does Ember know about any of this.”

“I sure hope not,” Barb admitted.

Rarity and the dragons were now in another room as the mare was receiving back massage. “How are you holding up girls?” she asked.

“Really good,” Barb responded. She had some hot coals on her back, which felt heavenly to her. She looked over to Smolder and Garnette, whose massages were a little rougher than Rarity’s, as the ones giving them their massages had their hooves moving fast enough to only be seen as blurs.

“Yeah, this is great,” Smolder said.

“Maybe we should check on the others,” Garnette suggested.

“Good idea,” Barb commented, “Just... A few more minutes.”

Outside, Dart and Silverstream were flying back from Canterlot. Both were out of breath as they each desperately tried to keep ahead of one another. They saw the school coming into view and they dived towards it. The two both landed, tumbling a bit, though sliding to a stop.

“Okay...” Dart panted. “I think I got that one.”

“I think it was another tie,” Silverstream spoke tiredly.

“Seriously? Okay... Best out of five.”

“Actually, I think I need a rest.”

“Alright... Fine. I could use a drink.” Both of them slowly walked towards the castle hopefully to find something to help catch their breath. They stopped when they heard a loud “THUD!”

Looking near the school, they saw Pat and Yona standing up. “Yak feeling sore,” Yona admitted.

“Ditto,” Pat agreed. “How about we call it a draw.” The yak agreed to the idea and both stood up to take a rest in the castle. They saw Dart and Silverstream panting as they watched them. “Draw?”

“Draw,” both dragon and hippogriff responded. They looked towards town and heard some giggling. They could see Ocellus, Sandbar, Flicker, and Vixen walking back to the castle while having a great chat.

“So, you can turn into anything?” Vixen questioned.

“It’s true,” Ocellus confirmed. She demonstrated this by turning into an exact replica of Flicker.

“She’s really good at it,” the real Flicker giggled.

“Well, I’m hoping we can bring you all to Sugarcube Corner,” Sandbar spoke.

“Just make sure we don’t get carried away with the sweets,” Vixen spoke. Her stomach growled as she groaned a little bit due to her sweet tooth getting the better of her.

“What happened to you?” Pat questioned.

“Too many snacks.” It wasn’t just her that was having a stomach ache. They looked over to Gallus who was walking with Beff, who was holding her bloated belly in pain.

“Why didn’t you stop me?” the dragoness groaned.

“You looked so happy,” the griffon remarked.

“Yeah, well so is a baby running around a pool, but you know they’ll risk drowning.” They joined the rest of the group who were curious about Beff’s condition.

“What happened to you?” Vixen asked, concerned.

“I had too many gemstones.”

“Gems?” Dart asked. “Where?”

“There’s a cave loaded with gemstones not too far away from her. Just give me a minute when my gut isn’t killing and I’ll show you.”

“...I’m honestly good right now,” Vixen admitted.

“I’m not that hungry either,” Flicker spoke. “Harry found me some spare salad.”

“Who’s Harry?” Pat questioned.

“A bear.”

“...Right,” Dart commented. “Beff, just let me get a drink and I’ll join you.”

“Me too,” Pat added.

“Okay, take your time,” Beff groaned. She sat down as she looked towards Gallus. “You’re free to go.”

“”Kay, see you tomorrow,” the griffon responded. He walked away back to the school as Silverstream and Yona joined him to get a drink. After taking a few minutes to recover from their past activities, Beff, Dart, and Pat headed towards the gem mine.

"You think Barb would've told us about this," Pat commented.

"I mean judging by Beff, we just would've eaten until we pop," Dart guessed.

"Yes, thank you for noticing," Beff groaned. She held her stomach and groaned as it felt like it was being stretched out.
When they entered the cave, Pat and Dart's mouths started watering. They started helping themselves by picking out as many gems as they could find. "Just a reminder." The two looked at their friend, who's still had a bit of a stomach ache.

"Got it," both girls responded. They kept picking out gems until Dart found a blue gem that was incredibly hard to move. In fact, it wouldn't budge. She tried pulling it, scratching at it, even kicking it. The gem wouldn't budge.

"Stupid gem," Dart growled.

"Hang on," Pat said, "Let me try." With her friend stepping back, Pat smashed the wall with her mace shaped tail. It came crumbling down and released the blue gem, which turned out to be a diamond. It was huge and also familiar.


"Hold on," Beff spoke. She picked up the diamond and examined it. It looked perfectly cut and its top also looked like it had some break off of it.

"You don't think that..."

"This is the missing diamond!"

"So we can change back into boys?" Pat asked.

"Sure looks like it." Each dragoness could feel the excitement building up inside of them. "We've got to show this to the gang!"

Dart and Pat agreed and they all flew out of the cave as fast as they could. As they were hurrying back, Garnette, Smolder, and Barb had returned.

"Oh, there you are," Vixen said. "Where did you go?"

"Rarity took us to the spa," Barb explained. "It's a place where ponies go to relieve stress and relax."

"I think we should all go there sometime," Garnette said. "Plus, Rarity said she wanted us to come over to her business so we can help with dresses for dragons."

"That would sound fun," Flicker said. "They're those things that ponies wear sometimes, right?"

"That's pretty spot on," Barb commented. "Though I'm not sure..." Barb was interrupted by the three dragons that were coming back with the big blue diamond.

"Guys! You're not going to believe this!" Beff cried. She, Dart, and Pat quickly landed in front of their friends nearly crashing because of their speed.

"Hey, easy!" Garnette cried. "Why are you...?" She paused as she was shown what was in her friend's claws. "Is that...?"

"The missing diamond. Dart and Pat found it in the cave."

"Your welcome," Pat spoke.

"Now all we need to do is find that princess and we can go back to normal."

"I'll take it to Twilight," Barb said.

"No way," Dart said, "You're probably the reason this happened."

"Look, Dart, just give her the diamond," Garnette begged. "This happened completely by accident and I think Barb's got more experience with strange magic more than any of us combined."

"Plus, do you even know where the princess is?" Smolder asked.

"...Well, no," Dart admitted.

"Then I'm giving her the diamond," Beff said. She gave the diamond to the youngest dragon, who then took it inside of the castle.

"Twilight? Starlight!" Barb called. "The girls found the other half of the diamond. I think it's what we need for us to change back to boys. Girls? Girls!" She wandered around and could be heard someone sleeping in one of the rooms. Opening one of the doors, Barb found Starlight and Twilight in a room containing the pink diamond and tons of books. The alicorn had bags under her eyes while the unicorn was fast asleep.

The dragon knocked on the door to grab the princess's attention. "Barb?" Twilight questioned.

"Hey, Twilight. Busy day?"

"Yeah. Starlight and I have gotten some books from the library in Canterlot, but we haven't found anything about this diamond. The closest thing we could find would be the pearl in Seaquestria."

"Have you checked with Queen Novo?"

"Yes. She thought that the pearl was the only kind of gemstone that had that kind of power."

"Maybe our luck will turn up with this." Barb showed the alicorn the blue diamond. Twilight gasped.

"Is that the missing piece?"

"Most likely. Maybe we'll try it tomorrow."


"You really look like you should get some sleep. Starlight's already getting some." They both looked towards the sleeping unicorn.

"Maybe you're right. The spell could go wrong if we're not thinking straight." Twilight helped Starlight to her bedroom as Barb left the blue diamond with the pink diamond. After taking care of the unicorn, Twilight headed towards her old bedroom. It had prepared incase the alicorn would have to spend the night in her castle. "It actually feels nice sleeping in this castle again."

"Yeah, it does. Hopefully, I'll be able to sleep much easier knowing this is going to be fixed tomorrow."

"Uh-huh. Night Barb, see you in the morning."

"Night Twi." Barb walked towards the door to leave the princess to her snooze.

"What do you mean we have to wait tomorrow?" Dart questioned.

"Listen, Twilight and Starlight are completely drained," Barb explained. "If they try a reversal spell now, things could go horribly wrong?"

"How could this become any worse?" Pat questioned pointing at herself and everyone else that had swapped gender.

"Well, maybe we could turn into ponies or babies, or maybe we could have completely different personalities."

Beff shuttered when she heard that. "Maybe we can wait until morning," she spoke.

"As long as we get changed back, I'll be happy," Pat said.

"I think I'm just going to sleep on it," Vixen said.

"Me too," Flicker added.

"I'm happy that you guys are going to go back to normal," Barb admitted, "But I'm a little ashamed that Rarity won't have any models for her new dresses."

"What dresses?" Dart questioned.

"Rarity asked us if we wanted to help with her new dresses," Garnette explained.

"The answer is no," Pat spoke. "I've had enough time here, ad I want to get back home."

"Hold on, what were you doing with Yona?" Vixen asked.

"We tested each other's strength."

"I did the same thing with Silverstream," Dart said. "We raced to Canterlot and back. Multiple times."

"Good for you," Barb said. "You sound like you had fun."

"It was," Pat said. "Anyways, I think I'm going to bed."

"Me too," Beff said.

"Yeah, it's pretty late," Barb noted. "I should turn in for the night. Night girls."

"Good night, Barb," Garnette said. Barb left the room and went to her bed, leaving them to get comfy.

"Man, I wish it was morning already," Dart sighed. "I want to change back now."

"Well, it's not too bad," Flicker said.

"You know what's going to happen to us if we go back home like this," Beff said. "Plus, that Rarity pony wants to dress us up."

"Come on Beff," Garnette said, "She probably just wants to break the ice with us."

"What?" Dart questioned.

"It's a term that means getting to know someone."

"Yeah, we really don't have that much experience with cold things," Vixen said. "I had some milkshakes at Sugarcube Corner had my first brain freeze. Wouldn't recommend it."

"How'd did they taste?" Pat asked.

"I can wait until morning," Beff said. "Good night, and hopefully everything will be fixed tomorrow." With that, the black and green dragoness lied down in her bed and covered her head with her blanket to try and get to sleep faster.

In the school of Friendship, Smolder and her friends were talking about the blue diamond. "So, you really think it's going to change them back?" Ocellus asked.

"It's got to," Smolder stated. "Think about it, a diamond that big matching the one that caused the problem."

"Dragon will be happy to be boys again," Yona commented.

"I know I would," Gallus spoke.

"How do you think these diamonds can work?" Sandbar asked.

"Maybe they just would like my pearl shard," Silverstream guessed.

"So, you think that anyone that could get the diamonds to work they could flip back and forth between genders?" Ocellus asked.

"Sounds logical to me," Sandbar said.

"If that's true, think about the activities we could do if we were all girls," Silverstream said. "We could all be cheerleaders."

"How about no?" Gallus asked. "I'm fine being a guy."

"Yeah, me too," Sandbar said. "How do you think you guys would do as boys?"

"It would be weird," Ocellus admitted, "But I think I'd get used to it."

"What about other creatures, like King Thorax?" Smolder questioned.

That made the students think for a minute. "I think she'd take on a mother's personality," Sandbar said.

"Definitely would be better than the queen who shouldn't be named," Gallus commented.

"Ooh, I'd love to have my brother Terramar become a sister," Silverstream commented. "I wonder what she'd be called."

"Yona curious if Prince Rutherford was princess," Yona admitted.

"King Novo, Grandma Gruff, Prince Twilight," Gallus spoke, "Skies the limit with their names."

"Or ours," Silverstream added.

"Please don't tempt fate." Silverstream gave a sheepish grin as Smolder walk into her dorm.

"Well, we'll see the results in the morning," Smolder said.

"Yep," Silverstream agreed. "Night guys." The hippogriff joined her roommate as their friends walked to their dorms to get a good night's sleep. Still, the friends couldn't help but talk about gender-swapped names about creatures they knew.

In the middle of the night, practically everyone in Equestria was asleep. Because of this, nobody would notice what the big diamonds were doing. Their tops moved by themselves to face each other and slid together. The crack had a glow as it disappeared and the diamonds both changed into a violet color. This wasn't the only thing they would be doing.

The two diamonds that fused into one started floating and glowing, similar to how the pink one did before. Several waves started to be given off from the magical gemstone and it was spread across Ponyville, yet nobody would notice due to being in their slumber.

Twilight groaned a little bit as her body was starting to become bulkier. Her muzzle started growing bigger as her mane was starting to recede back into her skull. In the school, Sandbar was having the opposite effect. His muzzle would be shrinking in length and his body was taking on a skinner and rounder appearance with his mane growing much longer.

Everyone in Ponyville was being affected by the diamond. Gallus's talons were starting to become daintier, while Smolder's body would become boxier. Ponies like Applejack would havier body gaining a lot of bulk while stallions like Big Mac were started to shrink in lovely mares. The changes spread further and further through Ponyville and eventually, beyond.