• Published 16th Jul 2020
  • 194 Views, 2 Comments

Sweet Tooth - RaritySimper44

Rarity gets to know Chocolate Sun better.

  • ...

Chapter 2

"Please be careful with my bags sir, some of those things in those bags are fragile." Rarity politely enjoined the young stallion carrying her bags, he looked as though he were going to fall to the ground with the way his legs were shaking. He gave a strained grunt in response to this as he opened the door to the West Wing of the castle with his magic and struggled inside. "Just drop it anywhere darling," Rarity stated calmly as she walked passed him not even looking back at him. He did so immediately and groaned as he pulled himself from the wreckage that was Rarity's luggage to shaky legs. Rarity smiled and levitated a coin to him, opened his pocket up, and slid the coin inside, "there you go kind, sir, have a lovely day."

"Uh-huh, you too ma'am", the colt said in an exhausted tone as he walked out of the room closing the doors behind him. Rarity was going through her things trying to find a dress to wear before he was even out the door.

"Oh come on, where is it?! I mean to look good out there if it kills me!" She complained, finally she smiled as she pulled the dress from a bag. "Ah, here we are, perfect!" She pulled on the dress and was out the door with her purse around her shoulders. With that, she trotted out of the West Wing and down the spiral staircase to the streets of Canterlot, she walked gracefully through the streets, smiling smugly to herself as she noticed she was catching more than a few eyes.

"Wow, you look amazing ma'am!" A young stallion around her age.

"Oh thank you, I made the dress myself."

Many other ponies complimented her and she just ate it all up. She walked through the doors of The Tasty Treat and spotted Coriander and Saffron. "Hello you two, I see you two are getting much better business since I last saw you."

Coriander turned around and laid eyes on Rarity and gasped. "Rarity!" She trotted over to her and hugged her, Rarity gladly returned the hug. "It's so good to see you!" Coriander said happily.

"It's good to see you as well," she replied taking a seat.

"What brings you to Canterlot?"

"A dinner party with Fancy pants, I decided since I'm in town why not pay you a visit. Maybe have a cup of tea."

Her eyes widened at her, "do you really mean the Fancy Pants?"

Rarity nodded with a proud, slightly smug smile on her face, "yes indeed I do my dear."

Coriander smiled back, "oh Rarity you are amazing."

"I know. Thank you, darling, now then I think I'm ready to order. I'll have some Jasmine tea please."

"Coming right up Rarity", with that she trotted off. Rarity let her eyes wander around the room, people here and there, some couples she assumes. She felt a little ache in her heart wishing for what they had but still happy for them none the less. Her eyes caught sight of a familiar person, a large chocolate stallion. Well, well. This is quite the surprise, I'd never dream of seeing him in here, of all places.

She got up and trotted over to the gentleman, "well, Mister Sun. What a pleasant surprise!"

He looked to her and smiled, "Miss Rarity dear, its good to see you too."

"I never thought to see you of all people here, I thought of you as more of a coffee person."

"I am, but a friend of mine recommended it to me. I happened to have the time and decided hey, why not try this place out? Please take a seat, get comfortable."

"Well if you insist." She said as she gracefully took a seat across from him. "So how's your dear wife doing?"

He frowned at this and Rarity noticed him stiffen a little as he averted his eyes. "Oh, she's doing fine. A bit busy, otherwise she'd have come along I'm sure."

"I see." Rarity said observing him carefully. Clearly, something is going on with her. I shouldn't pry, though. "And how are you doing?"

He looked away, and his ears went down, he opened his mouth, but before he could speak, Coriander came over and set Rarities tea in front of her and a drink in front of Chocolate Sun as well. "Here you go, Rarity, sir. Enjoy."

"Oh thank you, darling."

"Thank you, ma'am."

Coriander nodded before trotting off.

"You two seem to know each other quite well. Friend of yours?"

Avoiding the question, are we? Fine, have it your way. Rarity nodded her affirmation. "Yes, a friend and I came and helped her with a friendship problem a while ago."

"Forgive me, but I'm afraid I don't quite follow. He said looking perplexed.

"Oh, it's just something the elements of Harmony deal with from time to time. You know I'm the bearer of the element of generosity, yes?"

He nodded, "I do now. How do you like being one of the bearers of the elements?"

"Oh, I adore it! Almost as much as I adore my career even, I meet people from all over Equestria. From every walk of life, and I do mean every. Some I'd like to forget." She said in disgust and shivered. "Enough about me though, how is your business going?"

"Oh it's doing just fine, he said with a forced smile."

"Is everything okay Mister Sun?"

"Yes of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"Because Mister Sun, I'm very good at reading people, and I can tell by your fake smiles that you are in fact not alright." He looked at her like a child that had been caught lying about sneaking cookies from the jar. "Of course I won't force you to talk about it if you don't want to, its really none of my business after all."

"I um… thank you for that miss Rarity, on a lighter note, do you plan to go to Fancy Pants' party tomorrow evening?"

"Oh yes, of course, darling. It's my reason for coming to Canterlot after all."

"Then I look forward to seeing you there."

Rarity nodded as she finished her tea, "I have to say, Mister Sun, talking with you was not something I was looking forward to doing", he frowned at this, "but I'm glad I did", she finished, bringing a smile to his face that rivaled her own. "I'll see you tomorrow then Mister Sun."

Rarity stood from her seat and they shook hooves, "it was a pleasure darling."

"Goodbye, Miss Rarity."

Rarity went back to the castle to get ready for dinner.

Rarity gave a satisfied sigh as she got out of the shower. She dried off, humming a tune to herself as she did so, it didn't take long to get done. She then pulled herself into a new dress and redid her hair, she began putting her face back on. Suddenly a knock resounded from the other side of her bedroom door.

"I'm getting dressed, what can I do for you? Better yet, who are you?"

"I'm a servant of the princesses, Princess Celestia sent me to escort you to the dining hall." The voice was a raspy but masculine voice, clearly a man.

"I see, well you'll have to wait I'm afraid then, I'm not yet ready."

"Very well then, but please keep in mind that Princess Celestia is waiting on you, and she will not eat until you arrive."

"And the longer you pester me the longer I will take darling please be patient for me would you?" Rarity said, slowly growing annoyed with the man. He didn't say anything else as she finished her face and put her perfume on and checked her hair one last time before opening the door with a smile. "Hello there."

"Charmed. Are you quite ready Miss Rarity?"

"I am, lead the way, kind sir."

He turned and walked down the spiral of the west wing stairs to the dining hall.

Rarity gasped as the doors to the dining hall opened, she stood there looking about, mouth gaping open and bug-eyed at the sheer size of the room. The table alone was at least fifty feet long, food of every variety filled the table from one end to the other.

"Hello there Rarity."

Rarity was broken from her stupor at this, there at the very end of a long table sat Celestia smiling back at her from her seat. Rarity quickly bowed a moment before walking over to the table to sit down.

"By that look on your face, I'd say you like my dining hall."

Rarity felt her face heat up at this remark. "O-oh. Yes it's lovely, how could I not like it? It's just so- so- huge!"

"Yes, I suppose it is, isn't it?"

The butler pulled her seat out and she sat down and he pushed her in. "Thank you, darling. As I was saying I've never seen a dining room this big before….."

Celestia chuckled at this, "it's a bit too big in my opinion."

"Oh, nonsense you can never have anything too big!" Rarity said as she unfolded her napkin and placed it into her lap.

"So Rarity, tell me how you've been since I last saw you."

"Oh, I'm fabulous as usual." She answered as she levitated a bowl of fruit salad to her plate and filled a portion of the plate with it. "Business is booming and I'm loving every second of it!"

"Good, I was expecting nothing less, to be honest." She said as she cut a piece of hay loaf and levitated it to her plate. "What about your stay in Canterlot? Was it as good as last time?"

"It's been lovely, I went to the Tasty Treat and ran into an old friend there. Not the owner or his daughter, although it was pleasant seeing them again of course."

"I see, and who is this friend of yours exactly? I hope you don't mind my nosiness."

"Of course not Princess, he's a gentleman named Chocolate Sun."

Celestia smiled, "is he someone significant in your life?"

"No, no he's married, and married men aren't exactly my cup of tea if you know what I mean."

"I do."

Desert came and went and before long the table was empty and the two women sat there alone.

"It's late."

Rarity looked at the clock above them, it was passed ten. "Oh my, that it is! I guess time really does fly when you're having fun."

"Indeed it does, if you'll excuse me I'm tired and mean to go to bed."

"Oh yes of course! I'm a bit tired myself actually. Rarity said as she pushed her chair in and left following Celestia."

"It was a pleasure dining with you Rarity."

"Oh yes, of course, thank you for your hospitality." With that, they went their separate ways down the halls to their rooms.