• Published 12th Jul 2020
  • 16,814 Views, 1,096 Comments

The Alicorn Warrior - iAmSiNnEr

Twilight Sparkle was banished from Equestria a long time ago. Now when the rest of the Mane 6 finds her, they find that she has changed.

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Act I - Chapter 18 - Bleeding Hearts

The Alicorn Warrior

Written by iAmSiNnEr

Chapter 18 - Bleeding Hearts

Can a god fall?

Can a god bleed?

Can a god be defeated?

What if that god isn’t even a god at all?

What if they’re simply an extremely powerful mortal?

Easy. They can bleed. And they can fall. And when they fall, they fall hard.


Enveloping darkness surrounded her.

A tiny prick of light, provided by a candle, burned strong in front of her.

For years, that candle was her only source of light.

Twilight could see barely anything but darkness.

But just only this week. When her friends arrived.

There was light. Seven different colors of light.

Twilight bolted upright, her eyes as wide as saucers.

Immediately, her eyes began scanning the room, looking for anything that could hurt her. Something. Anything. She noted her simple room, the desk, and the wardrobe.

As soon as she ascertained that there were no threats in her vicinity, her horn light went out.

My horn? I didn’t even realize I was preparing a spell… I must be even more paranoid than I thought-

She gasped as her memories of the day hit her with the weight of a freight train, sending her mind into overdrive. I lost…

Maximus. The name echoed through her mind.

Who is he? No, what is he? Twilight mused. No, that’s not the important thing. What’s more important is what he said…

Destiny lies, fate tricks you. You've thrown off Destiny's chains already, don't let Fate drag you back into their world. Make your own destiny, forge your own fate. Your life is yours to change. Remember these words, Sparkle, when you're faced with an impossible choice.

“What does that mean?” She wondered out loud. A cursory glance outside of the window revealed that it was nighttime, and with a quick sweep of her magic she knew that her friends were asleep.

I shouldn’t have lost.

I’m weak.

I got surprised.

How am I supposed to be who I am if I couldn’t even beat a unicorn?

Sure, he was cheating, but I’m an alicorn, aren’t I?

You’re just weak.


“Oh, Twilight, you’re awake,” a sleepy voice suddenly said from the foot of her bed.

Twilight flinched a little at the sound, before looking at who spoke. A purple baby dragon, with green spikes running down his back stared at her. How did my magic not detect him here? I’m losing my touch.

“Spike…?” she said softly. “What are you doing here?” I lost. She pushed the thought away. Not now.

“Oh,” he shifted uncomfortably, “I thought you might need some company. Remember how we slept together when I was smaller?”

“Yes,” Twilight whispered. “I remember. Those were simpler times.”

“Yeah, well, nothing’s changed,” he straightened. “I’m still your baby brother and number one assistant, and nothing’s ever going to change that. How are you feeling? Better? Need me to get some water-” His eyes widened as Twilight swept him into a hug with her magic.

“Oh, Spike…” Her eyes watered as she looked at him. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry that I wasn’t there to be the sister I was supposed to be.” I failed. I lost.

“Twi,” Spike said sharply. “It’s not your fault. None of it was.”

“But it was!” Twilight wailed. “If only I hadn’t been so weak, hadn’t been so stupid, if only I just-”

“Twilight!” Spike almost shouted. “Did you banish yourself?”

“N-no?” Twilight looked at him in surprise.

“Then it’s not your fault,” Spike stated firmly. “Never was, never will be.”

“What about what I do here?” Twilight sniffled. “I had nightmares for the first year. Then they slowly faded, and I got fewer nightmares. Am I… am I becoming a monster? I saw your expressions when I killed those griffons…” I’m a monster, and they hate me.

“You’re not a monster, Twi,” Spike leaned against her. “You just changed.”

“I…” Twilight ran her tongue along her lips, her lips cracking slightly as she did so. “I missed you, baby brother.” I don’t belong.

“I missed you too, Twi,” Spike said softly.

“I won’t ever leave you again,” she promised. “I’m here now, and I’m never letting go.” Spike nodded at that.

“Anyways,” Twilight sighed. “How are the girls? You know, like how did they react?”

“Oh yeah!” Spike’s eyes widened. “You just reminded me. Is Rarity back yet?”

“Rarity?” Twilight frowned. “Why?” We’re- I’m not supposed to be here.

“She didn’t come back, even when it got dark,” Spike answered. “Rainbow wanted to go search, but Applejack said that Rarity could take care of herself, and that it was dangerous in the dark.”

“Well,” Twilight released a wave of magic, before wincing.

“You okay, Twilight?” Spike immediately asked. “You shouldn’t be using your magic.”

“No, no, it’s okay,” Twilight replied. “Rarity’s back, all right. I can sense her in the…” She paused. “What is she doing there?”

“Where’s Rarity?” Spike almost demanded.

“She’s in my kitchen,” Twilight frowned. “Or rather, the room in the kitchen where I keep my alcohol. What is she doing there?” I lost. She grimaced, trying to push the thought away. Not important! My friends are more important than my ego!

“Let’s go check on her!” Spike hopped off the bed.

Twilight nodded, following behind Spike as they navigated the house to go to the kitchen. As they passed by the main room, she noticed the paintings were...off. Some weren’t straight, and some looked like they weren’t in the proper place. Her eye ticked. Organization...Need...to...be...organized…

“Not now!” she snapped at herself. My friend requires me…

“Twi?” Spike turned around. “Who are you talking to?”

“Nobody,” she forced a smile. “Just myself.”

“Alright,” he said dubiously. “Tell me if there’s anything wrong, okay?”

Twilight nodded as they entered the kitchen, and she halted as she took in the scene.

Rarity was slumped over the kitchen table, a bottle of wine in her hooves. Several others lay by the side. She looked up as they entered, their hoofsteps alerting her. Looking at Spike and Twilight, her bloodshot eyes blinked. She had obviously been crying.

“Rarity?” Spike hopped onto a chair to be at Rarity’s level. “What’s wrong?”

Twilight nodded. “Tell us, Rarity. We’re your friends.”

“This isn’t a dream,” She whispered.

“It’s not. What happened, Rarity?” Twilight tried again. The next few words that Rarity spoke sent a chill down her spine.

“I killed him…”

Author's Note:

Sorry for such a short chapter :(

But I swear, I packed so much lore into this 1k.

Let's see if anyone can catch the hints I placed...

I had a short burst of inspiration, and Calliope won't let me sleep until I post this.

I hope you enjoy! Now, time to see if I can sleep...