• Published 26th Aug 2012
  • 760 Views, 0 Comments

Unbroken - Dusk_Shine6995

Equestria needs heros to face the Changelings.

  • ...

Training Day


By: Dusk_Shine6995

Chapter 2: Training Day

“AGAIN!” said an angry Sound. She had been trying to beat Luna in a sparring match for eight tries now.

“You need a break,” said Luna.

“No I don’t!” shouted Sound as she charged at Luna. Luna dodged to the left and brought her forehoof down Sound’s nape hard enough to incapacitate the mare. Luna walked up to Sound who laid there, numb and unmoving.

“I had to do it,” said a sorrowful Luna, “it was the only way to get you to take a break.” As Fury moved Sound to a more comfortable emplacement, she saw the sad look on Sound’s face and added with a smile, “I do compliment you on your hard work though.”

“Thanks,” Sound said, feeling better. Then, Fury stepped into the sparring area with Luna. Fury stood there, eyes closed, and smirked.

“What’s so funny, Fury?” Luna asked, confused. Fury slowly opened his eyes and stared into Luna’s. Sound grinned, knowing that look. Luna stood there staring into Fury’s eyes, she saw the fire in them and knew this was going to be fun.

Fury shifted his footing and asked, “Shall we begin?”

“Definitely,” Luna said with a smirk and shifted her footing as well. They waited... and waited... Luna was the first to make a move. She flew at him and threw a kick with her right forehoof. Fury blocked it, grabbed her forehoof, and threw a kick of his own with a hind hoof. Luna lifted her knee and blocked Fury’s kick and backed away from him.

“Not bad,” Luna said, “ready to begin now?”

Fury only grinned and nodded slightly. Sound sat there, jaw on the ground. “They were only warming up?” She thought to herself. “How crazy is this going to g...” She didn’t have time finish the thought before they were at it again. Fury made the first move this time, jumping into the air and sending a punch towards Luna. She stood on her hind legs and crossed her forelegs in a block. Fury didn’t give her time to move and brought his body down into a dropbuck sending Luna back a couple of feet. She landed on her hooves and before she could recover, Fury was on her again. He threw a forehoof kick and Luna blocked it, sending her own in return. Fury blocked hers as well. They had a strength contest for a few seconds as they stared into the other‘s eyes with determination. Neither gained an inch and seeing this, Luna sent a knee into Fury’s stomach.

Fury keeled over. Luna took the opening and brought her forehoof down on his nape. Fury dropped to his knees and coughed. Luna began to turn around when Fury shot up and sent a kick into Lunas’ side. Luna fell, rolled, and jumped back up onto her hooves.
“How is he still moving that pressure point always makes the entire body numb!” Luna shouted in her mind. She was jolted from her thoughts when she received a punch to the stomach. Fury sent another punch which Luna blocked. Instead of breaking away from each other, however, this time Luna grabbed his foreleg and threw him with all her might.

To Sound, it looked like Fury was going to land flat on his back but instead, he flipped over and landed on his hooves at the last second. Luna flew to him and swung around trying to buck him in the ribs. He received the blow, however he used it for momentum and swung around and sent Luna flying with a devastating buck.

Luna landed on her hooves and said, “The Counter Strike technique. Well done,” She sighed. “That’s enough sparring for the day. Amazing job, you two.”

“Thank you, Princess Luna!” Sound and Fury said in unison.

“Ahhh, I’m tired!” whined Sound

“Well that’s not good, Sound,” Fury said, chuckling a little.

“Why?” Sound asked, confused.

“Because now it’s time to train,” Luna said, offering her a grin.

Sound smiled. “In that case, it’s time to get started!”

With a newfound determination in her eyes, Sound followed Fury and Luna to the training grounds. Sound and Fury’s jaws dropped when they saw where they would train. IT WAS HUGE! A gigantic obstacle course was on the far side of the facility, a sword training area just to their left, the mounted weapon training area to their right, and dozens of endurance training areas in between, filled with soldiers sparring and exercising. A scruffy looking soldier walked up to Luna.

“So these are the new recruits I have to deal with,” said the stallion.

“Yep,” Luna said, hiding her desire to laugh, “don’t go easy on them, Captain Blade.”

“Do I ever?” asked Captain Blade, cracking only the slightest smile.

“You two have a long day ahead of you,” said Luna, grinning and walking out of the facility.

“Fifty push ups now!” shouted Captain Blade. Sound and Fury didn’t question it and started on the push ups. They started competing with each other from the get go. They raced to finish the push ups. Much to Sound’s dismay, Fury finished with more than five push ups ahead of her.

“Not bad maggots,” said Captain Blade, genuinely impressed by the two ponies. “Time for agility training. Get your flanks moving!” he shouted. They sprinted to the obstacle course. Sound said Fury could go first. He got into position, got ready and then took off. He jumped over a log, crawled under a barbed wire woven roofing. He started on the rope ladder climb, nearly falling dozens of times before he reached the top. Fury was running out of energy when he got to the final stage jumping from stone to stone. He managed to finished the course in one minute and fifty seconds setting a new course record.

It was Sound’s turn now. Just before she went into position, she gave a competitive wink to Fury. Sound was in position and ready to go. She bolted off when she was told to go. She cleared the log easily with a powerful jump, she landed right in front of the barbed wire, managing to crawl under it instantly after landing, and made it up the ladder in mere seconds. When she got to the stones, she didn’t stop to breathe and jumped past the first stone and landed on the second. She finished the course with an astonishing time of 1 minute and 2 seconds.

All the soldier’s jaws dropped, as did Captain Blade’s. Fury, however, held out a hoof and Sound bumped it with her own. Captain Blade collected himself and gave an approving smile.

“Maybe this won’t be a chore after all, maggots,” Captain Blade said slyly.

Fury laughed a little while Sound cockily said, “You had nothing to worry about to begin with.”

Captain Blade scoffed and shouted, “THIRTY PUSH UPS FOR BOTH OF YOU!” The two friends got down and did the push ups. They quickly learned to not brag.

Captain Blade smiled as he thought, “These two aren’t half bad. Maybe the princesses were right to trust them with O.C.I.D.”

Fury stopped at his twenty fifth push up and looked up at the captain and asked, “How do you know about O.C.I.D.?”

Captain Blade looked at him surprised. “How did you know I was thinking about O.C.I.D.?” he asked.

Fury finished his push ups, stood up, and said, “I used a mind reading spell on you when Sound started the obstacle course. I was curious what you would think of my friend’s speed on the course.”

“Ten more push ups and never do that again.” Captain Blade said, annoyed

While Fury was doing his push ups, he asked, “Will you at least answer how you know about O.C.I.D.?”

Captain Blade sighed and said, “There is a reason the princesses want me to train you... I was the best of the best back in my prime.”

“How so?” Sound asked as she helped Fury up after he finished his push ups.

“I was the leader of O.G.I.D. back when Griffins weren’t so docile,” Captain Blade said nostalgically.

“Office of Griffin Intervention and Disposal. Now I see the connection,” Fury said.

“Yep and that is why Princess Luna assigned me to train you,” Captain Blade simply said. “So maggots,” Captain Blade resumed,“ shall we continue to sword training?” Sound and Fury nodded and started racing each other to the sword training area. Captain Blade whispered under his breath, “They are already ready, it’s unbelievable... but, then again, there is a reason the Princesses recommended them.”

“Ten more reps maggots!” Captain Blade commanded. Sound and Fury had been practicing their sword techniques for twenty minutes slicing away at training dummies. They were finally done and a little winded.

“Now it’s time for the fun part, maggots,” Captain Blade said excitedly.

“And what might that be?” asked Sound.

“Special weapons training!” he exclaimed. He led Sound and Fury to the special weapons area, which was a separate building. Sound and Fury’s jaws dropped to the floor at the sight of the strange weapons. Gauntlets that strapped to the foreleg and with a blade that came out making it possible for an earth or pegasus pony to use a blade without using their mouths’. Saddles with blades mounted at both sides of a pony’s neck protruding out 5 feet beyond their muzzles and so many more!

“Get them on, it’s time to get to work,” Captain Blade said, chuckling under his breath. It took a good ten minutes to get the equipment on Sound and Fury. Once they finally had it all on, they walked up to the training dummies and got ready to begin.

“Begin!” commanded Captain Blade. The pair went to work. Sound started out by eight quick jabs with her hoof blades while Fury did a front flip slicing through the dummy with his saddle lances. After half an hour of training they had gotten a hang of the strange weapons.

“Impressive, very impressive,” complimented Captain Blade. “Today’s training is over. Get some rest, you’ll need it,” Captain Blade finished, with a smile. Sound and Fury got all their gear off and started heading for their quarters in the castle.

“This room is so huge!" Sound excitedly said as she flopped on a bed. The room was well decorated and very spacious. It had colorful drapes around the windows and a maroon carpet.

Fury smiled and said, “Sound, this room alone is bigger than our house!”

“I know and I bet the carpet is worth more than our rent!” Sound joked. The two friends laughed together.

“Sound?” Fury asked.

“Yeah Fury?” Sound replied.

“It’s crazy, eh?” Fury remarked. “Two roomies from Canterlot that were just skating by to keep their rent, now the leaders of the most needed squad in Equestria.”

“Yeah... who would have thought it possible for us?” Sound agreed.

“Well, we should get to sleep Sound it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.” Fury said, chuckling a little.

“Alright. Good night, Fury,” said a very sleepy Sound.

“Night, Sound,” said Fury as he fell into a bed of his own.