• Published 27th Jun 2020
  • 1,093 Views, 3 Comments

A Pear Among Apples - kamijeceleek

Buttercup experiences just what family means to the Apples while expecting her first foal and attending her first Apple Family Reunion alongside her sister.

  • ...

Buck Up, Buttercup

It had been a year since the Pears had moved, and the farm had begun to change.

Their profits, for instance, had nearly quadrupled. A large part of that was due to the fact that Granny Smith had made the decision to purchase the Pear farm. While she did demolish the farmhouse and get rid of most of the pear trees, a small portion of the orchard remained standing for Buttercup to tend to if she wanted. A peace offering of sorts. And with the expanded apple orchards, the cider and zap-apple jam that had always infuriated Grand Pear with their large sales during their respective times were expanded, too. Sweet Apple Acres was now the biggest farm in Ponyville and didn't have a competitor.

Another change was the fact that the only Apples on the farm now were Granny, Bright Mac, and the recent addition of Buttercup. Many of the others had moved on to start their own farms in other places even before Bright Mac had married Buttercup, to spread the Apple family further across Equestria. This left all the apple-harvesting to be done by the three of them.

Or, well, now, two of them and a couple of hired hooves. Buttercup was expecting her first foal and Granny wouldn't hear of her working while she was in that condition.

"With a pa like my boy, yer gonna have one heckuva time. I can't tell ya how much trouble he gave me even before he was born."

Buttercup giggled a little at the memory. Granny had made it clear that she in no way hated her, but memories of how many times the older mare had torn the two apart were still fairly fresh. Memories of Grand Pear disowning her were just as fresh and what made it worse was the fact that she was the second daughter he'd disowned. The first had been her older sister, Pear Blossom, who'd gotten a cutie mark of three orange slices instead of anything pear-related. This had made things tense between the stallion and his eldest daughter, eventually leading to her running off with Mosely Orange to Manehattan and being considered no longer part of the family.

Nowadays... nowadays Buttercup had to wonder if Blossom was as happy as she was. And despite her pain of losing her family, she was happy because of her husband, because she had a new life where she didn't have to sneak around, because she was having a baby. Goldie Delicious often said that being around her and Bright Mac made her feel lighter than air, on the few occasions that Buttercup had met the older mare.

Oh, yes, being an Apple was better than she ever could've imagined.

If only her pa could see that...

"Ya sure ya don't need anythin'?"

"I'm sure. Yer just gettin' the mail, anyway."

"Okay. But you need anythin', just holler."

"I'll keep that in mind."

Granny chuckled as she watched her son nearly walk into the door before heading out.

"I swear, ya have that boy wrapped around yer hoof."

"He's just worried about me." Buttercup tilted her head. "What are ya doin'?"

"The Apple Family Reunion is comin' up and I'm preparin' the invitations so we know who to expect."

"Oh, that's soon?"

"Yep. What, ya never had family reunions with yer kin?"

"I mean, we did, but they were always out of town. Somewhere different every time."

"Well, 'round here, the family reunion is always held here. At Sweet Apple Acres."

"I noticed. I could always smell the fritters and hear y'all over the fence. It sounded like fun but Pa never let me look."

"Nopony's stoppin' ya now, girl!" Buttercup giggled and went back to stitching the quilt Granny had insisted she make for her foal.

Bright Mac reentered the room a few moments later with the mail in his mouth. He set it down on the table and began to go through the letters, pausing when he came to one with unfamiliar mouth-writing.

"Hey, Buttercup, who do we know in Manehattan besides the Seeds?"

"I have a sister, but I haven't spoken ta her in years." Buttercup set down the quilt and Bright Mac gave her the letter.

"Oh, ya must mean Pear Blossom. I remember the screamin' matches that girl got inta with yer pa. Sweet Celestia, especially when it came ta her cutie mark."

"It's from her!" gasped the expectant mother. Eagerly, Buttercup ripped it open and began to read over it.

Pear Butter,

I know it must be odd hearing from me out of the blue like this, but I just found out about what happened last year. I'm so proud of you for standing your ground with Pa like I did. You were always his favorite, especially when you got your cutie mark, so to hear you were now married to the son of his enemy... I hate to say that I was a little happy. My little sister, who always followed the rules and did what Pa said, had a rebellious streak a mile wide. Oh, listen to that. I sound like I'm happy you were disowned. I'm not. I'm happy you decided to buck tradition, pun intended, and follow your heart to Bright Macintosh. I remember you eyeing him over the fence, even when you were little foals, and I'm happy it led to something more than a little crush.

That's not the real reason I'm writing to you, though. I'm writing to you because now I can. I tried to when you were younger but Pa sent me a letter back, forbidding me from contacting you in any way, shape, or form. Now that you're an Apple and not a Pear, and now that I'm an Orange instead of a Pear, we can talk again like sisters are meant to do. Perhaps we could get together sometime. Just send me a letter letting me know when you want to talk. I have so much to tell you about Manehattan and I just can't wait!

Orange Blossom.

PS: Is Mrs. Smith really as cranky as she seemed when I was a Pear? Now that she's your mother-in-law and all. Just curious!

Buttercup felt herself smile.

"What does yer sister want?" Granny asked.

"She just found out about the weddin' and everythin'. Apparently Pa wouldn't let her write to me after she left for Manehattan and now she feels like she can."

"Reachin' out? Ya sure that's all?"

"She said she wants ta get together sometime. Ya don't think that's true?"

"I never said that. I'm just sayin' that last time one of yer family members 'reached out'..."

"Blossom isn't Quince. She was just tryin' ta break us up. Blossom hasn't been a Pear since right after I got my cutie mark."

"Hm..." Granny tapped her chin. "How about this? Send her a letter back and give her one of these."

It was an invitation to the Apple Family Reunion.

"After all, if she's yer sister, she's an Apple by marriage like you. And if she really supports ya, she'll come."

"How... how long until the reunion?"

"A moon. Plenty of time fer ponies ta say they're comin'."

"All right, then. I'll invite Blossom."

"It'll be nice ta see the only other Pear I saw as worth anythin'."

"Ma!" Bright Mac protested.

"Suddenly I want some pickles," Buttercup spoke up. "And maybe a milkshake from Sugar Cube Corner?"

"You got it!" Her husband was out the door.

"Was that ta avoid a fight or are ya havin' a cravin'?" Granny asked playfully.

"A little of both." She started to get up, her belly heavy (a big part of the reason she mainly either stayed in bed or in the living room) and Granny motioned for her to sit down.

"What do ya need?"

"Pen and paper ta send a letter ta Blossom. Sooner she gets it, the sooner she can reply."

"Let me. Yer foal's a biggun, I can tell. Just like his pa."

Once she had her requested items, Buttercup began writing.

Hiya, Blossom!

I have to say, I always wondered why you never wrote to me after you left home, but Pa telling you not to makes perfect sense.

Since you asked how I'm doing as an Apple, it's been an adjustment. Harvesting is a lot less... time-consuming, but it's Tartarus on my back legs. At least, it was. I haven't done much bucking lately because I'm going to have a foal of my own soon. I don't know when but it'll be soon, the doctor says. As for Mrs. Smith, she's not nearly as cranky as she was when I was a Pear. She told me at the beginning that nopony should ever disown their family the way Pa did to me.

There really is so much to say, isn't there?

Well, I'd love to see you sometime soon, and you actually wrote me at the perfect time. There's a little something extra in the envelope that I'm sure you've already seen and just so you know, it's real. Granny suggested I send it and invite you so we can see each other again. After all, you're an Apple now, too!


As the sun rose over the farm, Buttercup felt a little off.

It had been a long time since she'd been around more members of the family than Bright Mac and Granny and the idea of being with the entire family at once... it made her feel nervous. Many of them had treated her with disdain and hostility in the past, and those were just the ones she'd met. This year, Granny had said, the entire Apple family was coming. And that included Blossom and Mosely. The Oranges were coming along with the Seeds from Manehattan.

Of course, it would be even better if she was able to walk. Granny had been right about the foal taking after its pa and Buttercup's belly was more swollen than it had been when she'd gotten that first letter from Blossom a moon earlier. Bright Mac carried her everywhere now so she didn't have to worry about getting tired. She wouldn't be able to do a few of the activities but at least she'd be able to help make apple fritters and work on the quilt Granny kept talking about.

Before too long, she was standing with Granny and Bright Mac by the entrance as the guests began to arrive—by balloon, by carriage, by wagon, or on hoof. Several greeted her warmly, much more so than she'd expected, and then a taxi pulled up. It contained a mare that Buttercup recognized, no matter how many years it had been since they'd seen each other.

"Blossom!" she called as her older sister stepped out.

"Buttercup!" The orange-haired mare ran over and gave a hug. "My, you weren't kidding when you said that you were expecting a foal!"

"Did you think I was?" Buttercup giggled. "Let me introduce ya properly ta my husband, Bright Mac."

"It's nice ta meet ya, Pear Blossom."

"I'd prefer Blossom, if you don't mind. My full name is Orange Blossom now."

"Well, can't say ya haven't changed a bit," Granny chuckled. "Ya talk fancier now."

"A little, I suppose."

And that was all they had time to say because it was time to start. Bright Mac carried Buttercup over to where they'd be making apple fritters and she eagerly began helping out as some of the other mares her age and older began talking to her. Best of all was the fact that Blossom came over to help with the fritters while Mosely went to talk to his new brother-in-law for the first time ever.

It was then that the first pain came.

Right in her belly, sharp and swift, but it was over as quickly as it came. Buttercup shrugged it off and continued helping out with the fritters and chatting with her newly-extended family. Blossom gave her a small look of worry but didn't press further. The pains continued to come and go, and she continued to ignore them. After all, the baby had been doing this all throughout her pregnancy. Eventually it was time for the hayride.

Bright Mac had been chosen to pull the wagon this year, an honor he was proud to have earned, and he helped his wife into the wagon between his mother and her sister. Mosely sat next to his wife and the other Apples followed suit, talking and laughing. The wagon began moving once everyone was settled. Buttercup felt more relaxed now that the other Apples had apparently accepted her. And the fact that they were heading through the most beautiful bits of the orchard certainly didn't hurt, either.

Then the worst pain of all came, so bad it made her cry out a little. Granny snapped her head towards her daughter-in-law and a look of horror crossed her face. The other mothers in the cart seemed to have the same realization and Granny leapt up.

"Bright Macintosh!" she yelled. "Buttercup's in labor!"

Her son froze, an expression of sheer terror appearing on his face. The other Apples unloaded from the cart, giving Granny and a couple of other mares who'd gone through foaling some room to check Buttercup's progress. The matriarch of the Apple family sighed.

"Foolish filly. How long ya been in pain?"

"Off and on for a few hours. I thought..."

"Now, Granny, don't be too hard on her," Apple Rose chided. "You were the same way. At any rate, we can't move her too much."

"Whaddaya mean?!" Bright Mac asked, having disconnected himself from the harness.

"I mean that her water's broken and there's no time to get her to the hospital. Best we can do is make her comfortable."

"All right, y'all!" Granny yelled. "We have a new member of the family comin'! Foals, back ta the house! Stallions, keep an eye on 'em. Except you, Bright Mac. You stay right here with Buttercup!"

The family split off into their appropriate areas. Blossom hesitated before Granny motioned for her to come closer.

"Blossom, yer sister needs ya. Family is there fer family when they need each other."

"I know. And I intend ta be here fer Buttercup!"

The pains were closer together now, much closer, and Buttercup yelped in agony. Bright Mac held one hoof and Blossom held the other. A few other mares were nearby, making sure that nothing went wrong while Granny and Apple Rose offered words of encouragement.

And, within half an hour, it was over.

The Apple family welcomed a brand-new colt into the world.

"He's so handsome!"

"You two did a good job on this one."

"Can't believe we interrupted the hayride for him."

That last statement was from a little colt named Braeburn whose mother quickly pulled him away from the new baby. Buttercup felt joy at how much the Apple family was welcoming both her and the new baby into the fold. She wasn't quite able to walk yet (as Granny had predicted, Little Macintosh took after his father in size) but she was sat in a rocking chair in front of the barn while Bright Mac stood beside her grinning like an idiot.

"Well, that's a reunion to remember!" Goldie stated brightly. "I don't think anypony's gonna forget this one fer a long time!"

"All right, camera's ready!" announced a mare named Ambrosia, snapping her tail to get everybody's attention. "Everypony in front of the barn!"

Buttercup found herself with her husband and her sister on either side with her mother-in-law behind her. In fact, she was in the center of everybody, her and her new baby. It made sense since she was the only one sitting, and since she and Little Mac were the newest members of the family.

In her heart, she felt something she hadn't felt about the Pears in quite a while. Proud, happy, and thankful. Proud to have their support, happy to have her new baby, and most of all, thankful to be a part of this massive and crazy family that spread all over Equestria.

If her pa could see her now...

Dear Pa,

It's me again. I've been busy and haven't had time to write as much as I'd like, but since things have calmed down I thought I'd take a little bit to give you some updates.

Me and Blossom have started talking again. She says she's proud of me for standing my ground against you. She even came to the Apple Family Reunion. And boy, was that an event. You remember how I told you I was expecting a foal a few months back? Well, turns out he decided he wanted to make quite an entrance. Yep, you have a grandson! And he was born in the apple orchard. Bet that's a disappointment, but he's healthy and happy. He's a pretty easy foal, according to Granny.

I know I probably won't hear back from you, but I thought you should know about all this. Again. Even though you've made it clear you don't want anything to do with your Apple daughter, I don't think I can stop loving you as your daughter. Kinda dumb, huh? Blossom said I should stop trying to get you to accept it but I never will. I'm as stubborn as you when it comes to these things. And the family reunion just made me more determined to try.

You don't turn your back on family. Ever. So I'm not going to turn my back on you even if you've turned yours on me. My destiny is here in Ponyville, with the Apples. I just know that my choice was the right one. I hope that you can understand that someday. Maybe not soon, but sometime in the future.

Pear Butter.

Author's Note:

Okay, I just realized while reading this back that I had Aunt Orange be called just Blossom. I did not do that on purpose with her being Buttercup's sister, I swear.

Also, am I the only one who noticed that Aunt Orange looks exactly like Pear Butter with a fancier hairdo and blue eyes? I'm actually fairly certain that my theory of her being a disowned Pear due to having an orange cute mark is correct.

Also also, longest thingamajig to date!

Comments ( 3 )

Did you happen to base this off of a previously written story also called "Buck Up Buttercup" which also had Aunt Orange previously being a Pear and Buttercups sister? If not, that's an insanely amazing coincidence and really awesome that it worked out so well and exactly the same as the story they did for her.

No, I didn't. I have read that story but I just titled my chapter after it. And the only similarities between our stories is Orange Blossom. Thanks for commenting! This is the first comment I've gotten on this site!

This was a very nice story. I was especially moved by the letter at the end. Well-done, very well done.

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