• Published 28th Jun 2020
  • 3,507 Views, 62 Comments

A Rifting Rebirth - Undead Night Fury

On my way back from the movies, I was mugged. Like the idiot I was, I chased him down and ended up getting shot. I woke up... but I shouldn’t have.

  • ...

NightTalon - Applebuck Season Part 2(OLD)

When I groggily woke up the next morning, I felt something was wrong, not remembering the day before just yet. I was laying on something very soft. Lifting my head and looking around, I saw I was inside a modern-looking room, when yesterday came slamming back into my mind and I remembered where I was now. Getting up, I stretched my legs and tail before leaving my room to head to where the kitchen I was shown was.

Walking into the room, I saw that Luna was already there, putting some kind of liquid into what looked like a bottle of coke.

“What are you doing?” I asked as I walked over and got some of the raw meat that was kept in the fridge. Walking over to her, I munched on my meal.

“Wha?! No… Nothing!” She stammered, startled at my sudden appearance.

“Mhmm.” I said unconvinced.

“I was just getting you a coke.” She said innocently.

“No, thank you, I don’t like coke.” I said truthfully while also knowing she had done something to the drink.

She looked disappointed at something, but I just finished my meal and left my clan’s home to explore the city a bit before I had to return to Equestria. After some time looking around the city, I had found some kind of video games store; curious, I entered and, after some time I had a cool console that can play any game, some weird controller and some neat wireless headphones altered to fit into my earholes. Leaving the video game store, I saw a store offering high tech, curious I went inside and soon I had what looked like a miniature version of the arc reactor and an omni-tool device from the Mass Effect series. It was DNA-locked to me and it would camouflage with me, so nobody else could use it if I lost it.

Taking my new console back to my room in my new home and putting on my omni-tool, I spent some time learning how to use the omni-tool. I downloaded the entire MLP TV series, including the 3 seasons that weren’t released before I died, all my favorite music, and some video games I enjoyed, before I went back out to explore more of the city, as it was getting close to the time when I had to return to Equestria. After seeing the sights of the city, I figured I better get back to Equestria, so I walked back to the clan house, finding only Luna there.

“Hey Luna, where is everybody? I wanted to say goodbye before I returned to Equestria.” I asked her.

“They have already left to return to their realms.” She explained.

“Ah, damn, I wanted to say goodbye. Oh, well. Why are you still here?” I asked curiously.

“It’s a slow week on voyager, so the Captain has given the crew some free time. I have to report back to her in another few hours.” She explained.

“Oh, okay. Well, have a nice day, I guess.” I say before I turned and left.


Upon returning to Equestria, I found ponies putting decorating the town square, looking around I spotted Twilight with spike on her back.

“Twilight! What’s going on here?” I asked.

“We are celebrating Applejack saving the town.” She explained as Rarity levitated a huge banner on top of city hall.

“Is Applejack all set?” Twilight asked

“I actually haven’t seen her in days.” Rainbow said, causing me to frown.

Leaving the area as Pinkie joined the conversation, I went to check on Applejack. Upon reaching the farm, I took a whiff of air, trying to find her scent; I had taken the time to memorize the mane six’s (plus spike’s) scents in case I needed to find them. Following her scent, I found her in a state like a near mindless zombie, she was bucking the apples out of the trees.

“Applejack, have you slept at all in the last few days?!” I asked concerned.

“Huh, what, who’s there, Talon?” She asked confused while looking right at me.

“Applejack you need to take a rest before you collapse from exhaustion!” I exclaimed.

“I don’t need sleep, no way, I need to harvest these apples.” Applejack replied stubbornly.

Knowing that there was no way to convince her, I decided to take another route to get her to sleep; walking off to an out-of-the-way part of the orchard, I got out my key and rifted back to Locostral. First, I made my way to a store that I saw made expanded space saddlebags, to have one created for me. After requesting the bag, I left to run over to what appeared to be a potions shop. Upon entering the shop, I walked over to the person manning the store.

“Hello, what can I get for you?” the shopkeeper asked.

“Hi, I need something that will put my friend to sleep, she’s a pony from Equestria and she hasn’t slept at all in days, at least.” I requested.

“Hmm… A sleep potion safe for an equine…” the shopkeeper thought for a moment before pulling a blue potion off the shelf and handing it to me, “This will put her to sleep for a solid 24 hours.”

“Thank you.” I said, taking the potion and leaving the shop. Returning to the bag shop and picking up my new saddlebag, I put it on, placing the potion into it and returned to Equestria, where I followed Applejack’s scent back to her.

“Hey, Applejack. Here, have a drink.” I offered, giving her the potion out of my saddlebag.

“Huh, what? Oh, thank you Talon.” She said, taking a drink before slumping to the ground, asleep.

Picking her up, I placed her onto my back before taking her to the farmhouse. After explaining to Big Mac what I did after finding out she hadn’t slept in days, I made my way back to Fluttershy’s cottage. On my way there, I saw Twilight speaking to some ponies who looked to be building something; walking up to her, I waited until she noticed me this time before I said anything.

“What is going on here Twilight?” I asked, confused, once Twilight saw me.

“Oh, Talon, these ponies are just building your new house.” Twilight replied.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Oh, you didn’t know? Princess Celestia has requested a house be built for you on the edge of the town for your efforts in helping save her sister after I sent her my report on you.” She explained to me.

“I… get my own house?” I asked again, tilting my head to the side in confusion.

“Yes, you get your own house, it will be ready by the end of the month.” Twilight said.

“Oh, before I go, Twilight, can you gather the others and come help out on the Apples farm? Applejack wasn’t sleeping and refused help before I was able to trick her into drinking a sleeping potion.” I asked.

“Uh, sure. I’ll gather the girls tomorrow morning.” She said uncertainly.

After I gave her my thanks and requested her to send Princess Celestia my thanks as well, I left her to do what she was doing. I continued to head to Fluttershy’s cottage to get some sleep.


Waking up to Fluttershy’s cottage, I helped Fluttershy take care of the animals, before we made our way to the apple farm to help with the harvest, supervised by Big Mac. It took us working together over the next few days to harvest the apples and store them in the barn. Afterwards, we all had a talk with Applejack about how she could ask for help if she needed it.

Later that day, I was wandering around town, wearing my headphones that were hidden inside my earholes playing some music, just exploring the town now that I wasn’t getting fearful or hostile looks all the time. When I came across the now- (thankfully) well rested Applejack and Rainbow Dash getting ready to perform some kind of trick.

Quickly turning off my music, I camouflaged myself off to the side and pulled up the video recorder. Applejack climbed up the diving board while Rainbow Dash got onto some kind of seesaw, before Applejack jumped off launching Rainbow Dash into the air, where she proceeded to do some pretty cool tricks. After she was done and had landed, I quickly saved the recording and reverted back to my normal colors, clapping my forepaws together, surprising both ponies.

“Talon?! How long were you standing there?” Rainbow Dash was shocked at my sudden appearance.

“For the entire thing.” I said smirking.

“H… How?” She asked.

“Didn’t Twilight tell you I can camouflage?” I asked, tilting my head, before proceeding to show her by changing colors a bit before reverting back to my natural colors.

“Oh… yea, right…” she replied blushing at having forgotten this.

“It’s ok, Rainbow, it's not an ability I use too often. I’ve got to go. Fluttershy asked me for some help with some bunnies… I don’t know why she thinks I’m the best for this, but meh.” I explain, chuckling softly before continuing on my way.

Making my way out of town, following the path Fluttershy showed me the other day. It wasn’t long before I had arrived at the rabbit’s burrows; Fluttershy was there, waiting for me to arrive.

“Talon, you’re here.” She said softly, having noticed me.

“Yea, so how am I supposed to help?” I asked.

“Can you pretty please help corral the little bunnies so I can count them?” She asked, looking at me hopefully.

“Uh… Ok…” I said uncertainly before I set about trying to corral the various rabbits into one group for Fluttershy.

It took me a good 2 hours of carefully leading various rabbits into one large group for Fluttershy to count. Finally, we had finished counting 257 new rabbit babies, and I walked Fluttershy home before I went into the Everfree forest to go hunt. When I had filled my belly, I went to the Cave of Harmony and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Sorry this took so long to upload everypony the betas couldn't get around to betaing it for a while... also just a heads up chapter 4 might be a while as I'm currently stuck on what to do with it!


Updated: 7/12/2021 8:48 PM EST - Minor edits!