• Published 25th Aug 2012
  • 3,565 Views, 116 Comments

Benevolence in Black - LucidTech

Equestria, zombies, hero, doctor, plague, Twilight wish. There ya go, all you need to know.

  • ...


“Twilight?” The mare stirred slightly to the call of her assistant. The two had fallen asleep curled next to each other after having a long discussion the night before. Twilight’s body was not giving up this first chance at real sleep easily though and she had to fight to get her body to wake up slightly.

“Yes Spike?” She asked, her mind beginning to deal with the fact that she was going to awake.

“There’s somepony just a little bit away. Can you tell them to go away so I can sleep?”

Twilight’s eyes opened and after a few blinks she could clearly see the creature with the bird mask standing over them, a roll of cloth and a note in one of it’s claws. “Lucid? What is it?”

The creature lowered himself to the ground level where the duo rested and handed the note to Twilight, keeping the roll of cloth in his hand as he waited for her to read it. Looking towards the being for a moment she turned her attention back toward the paper and began to read.

‘Hello Twilight. I have written this note to ask that you say the following to Spike, as I am unable to.’ Once more she looked to the man who was beginning to unwind the cloth. After glancing over the note she smiled and prodded her assitant to get his attention.

“Lucid has something he wants to say to you Spike, can you stay awake for a bit?”

“Sure Twi.” Spike yawned and then blushed slightly. “I’m awake, I promise.”

“Alright, here it goes.”

“Dear Spike,” Twilight began, a look of confusion crossing the blind dragons face until he remembered that Lucid didn’t speak. “I feel the need to apologize for my actions yesterday. I caused you great pain though you may not recall it. And it is because of this that I feel a form of retribution be made. As Twilight is saying this I am binding your injured paw, so that it may heal. While I do so I will have her describe to you why I commited my actions, so that you may judge me with all knowledge due you.”

The mare cleared her throat and looked to Spike who was hanging on every word of the speech, intrigued by what the good doctor had to say. “The potion that I forced upon you was a phenomenon at the time of it’s creation and I swiftly realized that should I wait long to use it that it would lose it’s curative properties. It was the last of those particular liquids I had on hand, causing it to be an even more dire situation for myself and I acted in haste.”

“I didn’t treat you as a being, I treated you as a thing. And for that I eternally apologize. Doctors are to remove pain, not cause it. I feel I have failed in this regard and now, because of that, I feel the need to ask for your forgiveness.”

As she finished speaking Twilight looked back to Spike who now had a bemused look on his face as well as a bound claw. He remained silent and the mare took the opportunity to look at Lucid. Her mind reevaluated the creature, she had originally believed it to be a souless being, but now she was able to look at it in a different light. He seemed to honestly care about them, dragon and pony alike.

“You may have caused me a little pain.” Spike finally spoke up, his blind gaze staring toward the ground. “And you may have blinded me.” Lucid turned away in shame. “But.” The creature paused and looked back toward the small reptilian. “You also brought me back to Twilight. And I think I can suffer a little pain for that.”

Behind his unreadable mask the creature paused, before turning away and moving back towards his desk. “Is he okay Twilight?” Spike asked, unable to see what was going on.

The mare looked between her sleepy assistant and the being in the corner and nodded her head. “He’s fine Spike. I’m proud of you.” The dragon blushed for a minute before another yawn exited his mouth. “Now go ahead and go back to sleep, I’ll be right here if you need me.”

“Thanks,” Spike yawned once more. “Thanks Twilight.”

The mare patted the dragonling on the head, letting him wander off into dreamland before she stood and walked up to the creature that was reading over several notes upon his desk. She slowly approached and looked as well, spotting that the vast majority of the papers were sketches of the Ponyville Hosptial’s layout. A different sheet of paper for each floor.

“That was nice of you.” Twilight said with an upbeat tone. “You didn’t have to apologize. I’m sure he had already forgave you.” Though the papers continued to flip normally she felt the eyes of the creature on her and she gave a slight smile. Her smile was answered with a rotten apple as Lucid slid it across his desk toward her.

Twilight happily accepted the gift and looked toward the constant mask that hid his face. She breifly considered asking about it before deciding that it would be too much of a pry. With that settled the librarian glanced toward the singular door to the room, and she realized she hadn’t seen the rest of the building at all since she had arrived. Glancing back towards the creature she set off toward the door.

Grasping it lightly in her magic she opened it and went on into the second room, the room that had a door leading to the outside. Within the room she spotted Trixie, who was laying on the ground and looking towards a collection of candles that were next to the door. Upon hearing the door open the showmare turned her head and waved to Twilight with her good hoof while a small grin appeared on her face.

“Hello Twilight, I see you are awake again.”

“Hey Trixie.” As she said it she looked backwards through the doorway and towards the man before closing it. “Say, I don’t suppose you’ve seen Lucid with his mask off have you?”

“I have...” The mare let the words hand in the air, a frown crossing her face. “Not that he wanted me to. I tore his mask off.”

“You what? When?!” Twilight asked as the idea made her curiosity take over.

“Back at the hospital, he was taking care of me and helping me get out of my infection. My mind wasn’t in the right place though and I demanded to see his face, he refused and I... well...” The mare looked towards the door once again before patting the ground next to her. “I’m sure he wouldn’t mind me telling you, come lay down and I will tell you the story.” Twilight obliged and Trixie took a deep breath before starting into her tale.