• Published 11th Jun 2020
  • 716 Views, 13 Comments

My name is Anna Maus - Gallants

Dr. Maus gets thrusted into equestria and none of the ponies can pronounce her name right

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The Summer Solstice

During our postlunch walk and talk Redheart told me not to sleep as the summer sun celebration starts before dawn. So I decided to spend the day cleaning up what would have been a fun party and moving my furniture, along with orientating myself so I would be able to find the bathroom and not have to panic when the time comes. It took far less time than I had expected and without a TV I didn't have much to do while waiting for the festivities to start. I would've gone for a run but my leg made that impossible, I couldn't even do any of my old workouts. I was in the mood to cook something but I had no money, or food, I needed a job but where could I get hired.

I had spent the next few hours limping about the town trying to find a job, getting a resounding no from all of the places I applied to even if they were understaffed they always said they had too many employees. "We would hire you Ms. Anonymous, but your pants are cut and soaked with blood," the same response from every restaurant. Eventually, I had made my way to the Carousel Boutique before I could open the door a pinkish hue covered the handle, stepping to the side the door opened and a purple mare slunk out of the building with a large lizard perched upon her back. She was quick to leave the boutique I didn't say anything to her she seemed to be sneaking about for whatever reason. As I crossed the threshold I rang a bell I saw on the counter.

"Welcome to the Carousel Boutique, I am the proprietor of this establishment Rarity belle, how may I help you be chic and," her words died as she looked at me at first I thought it was because I'm a human and she's a racist, "what happened to your clothes they are horrible we must fix this at once," her eyes darted to the side, "but I do need to finish the decorations," I took a step back towards the door.

"If you need to finish something I can come back later," I said opening the door before her magic forced it shut.

"No, we will at least fix the cut in your pants," she told me using her magic to bring over a needle and thread, "Stand still and let me work," she quickly sewed my pants together, "What a strange pattern job, grey all around but splotches of rust around your knee." she said with a curious eye.

"That's because its blood from my accident and surgery," I told her causing her to recoil back a little, "It's not as bad as that time a witch turned me into a newt."

"A newt?" she incredulously asked me looking over my body with a critical eye.

"... I got better," I answered taking on a fake British accent, "right, also I don't have any money, I landed here last week and spent most of it at the hospital, so I can't pay you." she looked at me and sighed.

"Since all I did was fix your pants and you've clearly had a bad week, it is free of charge," she told me, "I mean the way you are dressed seems so much more simple than what most ponies wear." I looked down at my sweat-stained, recon emblazoned tank-top and navy blue slacks, then at the nude pony in front of me and it clicked.

"Because most of the time you wear clothes it's for social gatherings so you want to look extra good, right?" I asked while spinning my cane on the floor.

"Yes, say where do you come from?" she asked opening the door, "because I would be just delighted to walk and talk with you for a bit, Anonymous." my eye twitched.

"Actually Mrs. Rarity my name is Anna Euclid Maus, I prefer Anna or Maus-" I gently informed her my knuckles white as I tightly gripped the head of my cane, "-also I'm from L.A, California, on earth, not sure you have a place that could compare." I told her as we approached the center of town.

"I'm sorry Anna, Pinkie told me otherwise for your name-" Rarity apologized, "-and you don't think we have a place that compares to your L.A, it was that good?" she asked causing me to short.

"Oh no I hated it, traffic was horrible, I got mugged three times, and it was so dry and hot," I complained, "but that's where the only hospital that didn't require me to work trauma was-" I said holding the door open for her, "-so I moved there and started work." Rarity immediately started work on decorating the building.

"Excuse me I just need to clear something up with you," someone next to me stated, looking down I saw a slightly older beige mare, "is your name Anonymous or Anna Euclid Maus?" she asked looking over some papers.

"It's Anna Mrs..." I trailed off having not got her name.

"Oh I'm Mayor Mare, just wanted to make sure everything was right on your residency forms-" she held her hoof up as I opened my mouth to say something, "-they will be dated and turned in when you are comfortable, however, please do keep in mind you must either apply or vacate your home within 60 days." I gave her a crisp nod as she walked away.

Wow, only 60 days. I spent the next couple of hours helping Rarity with the decorations, mostly just handing her pieces of ribbon from her boxes. When the moon began to rise Pinkie had come into the town hall, "Hey there nonny, I'm throwing another welcome to Ponyville party for the new pony who came in this morning-" she said, "-do you want to come?" She asked shyly, looking a little nervous.

"Oh no, thank you, I think I'll just stay here until the celebration happens," I told her taking a seat, "anyhow, I've been on my feet all day, my leg is killing me," I explained while trying to relax, she gave me a sorrowful nod before leaving with Rarity.

As the night dragged on, I ended up taking a nap in my chair, wondering why I never did pick up my painkiller prescriptions. I woke up as the town entered the hall, waving at Redheart she approached me, "Good solstice Maus how are you feeling?" she sweetly asked; giving a grin I looked at her.

"Only like I've been walking on a broken leg, instead of driving my car, or using a bus," I complained, "At least I still have my sunny disposition." I informed her as the lights were slowly dimmed.

"Mares and gentle colts," Mayor Mare announced to the crowd, "I present to you the raiser of the sun, Princess Celestia," she stated with pride as the curtains pulled back revealing an empty balcony, "She's gone!" the mayor worriedly announced.

Getting to my feet as I saw a glittering cloud start to swirl and coalesce, a black mare forming in its stead, "Hello my loyal subjects," she said with an admittedly attractive voice, "why aren't you bowing, has Celestia not told you of my return, or have you forgotten me?" she questioned baring fangs.

"I know who you are," someone loudly called out from the crowd, I saw several gold armored ponies watching the black mare their muscles tense, "you're Nightmare Moon," the purple mare from the boutique announced.

Nightmare Moon let out a laugh as she was recognized her eyes closing as she brought her hoof to her barrel, the armored ponies shot into action spreading their wings and shooting towards her, her eyes shot open and her horn ignited, lightning flying from it striking the soldiers forcing them to the floor, unconscious. "FOOLS!" She spit out before turning into the cloud once more and flying out the door.

I ran over to the closest unconscious pony quickly feeling for a pulse, "REDHEART!" I yelled out, "GET OVER HERE!" finding the ponies pulse I felt for Redhearts getting a sense of a normal rhythm for them, "I don't feel an arrhythmia," I said moving to the next pony, "strip him," I commanded Redheart pointing at the stallion I finished checking, "her pulse feels good as well," I said undoing the straps of the armor, "ONE YOU PONIES GET ME A CART SO WE CAN TRANSPORT!" I screamed out.

Rolling my mare over and looking for any lacerations, I felt a tap on my shoulder, looking over I saw a red stallion, "Ms. Anonymous, I got a cart I'll hook up to it and you just tell me when everypony's loaded up," he told me pulling the third pony out, I looked over and saw Redheart doing the same with the stallion. Hooking the mare under her forelegs I started to drag her, she was surprisingly light, I grit my teeth as my leg protested.

With Redhearts' help I heaved the mare into the cart, "I'll run ahead and get trauma ready," she told me, before running down the road.

"Alright we're good-," I told the stallion as got the ponies straight on the cart's floor, "-get us to the trauma center," I called out before my breath stopped as the mare's chest stopped rising. Feeling for her pulse I lowered my head listening for her breaths, getting neither, I threw my legs over and squeezed my thighs tightly around her. "Go fast, really fast." I told him, with a neigh he started to sprint.

Placing my hands on her barrel I started trying to perform CPR, getting a few inches deep, and hearing the separation of cartilage gave me hope I was doing it properly. It felt like forever before we reached the hospital, a team of doctors pulled the other two soldiers onto gurneys, I was still on top of the mare when we were lifted by magic onto one of the gurneys, "You're drenched, you need to trade-off," a Pegasus called out hovering next to me, giving a nod I rolled off the side hitting the floor as he took over.

"Hey, you good?" Redheart asked, I gave a nod as I wheezed.