• Published 11th Sep 2020
  • 649 Views, 20 Comments

Kirin And Changeling - dudenotactive

A kirin who wished to be the best meets a changeling who wished the same. This is how their story began. .

  • ...

A Bit Of Progress

"This is hopeless!" Minion's voice echoed through the tunnel.

She glared upon the wall that was covered in green goop that was crawling off the wall with every second that passed. Minion was too hungry to work and it had been a day since she had fed on love, and what's worse was that Kirin, her new food source, was not what she wanted. Of all the creatures she had managed to get, it had to be some weirdo from nowhere.

He was completely unfazed by her advance and attempted to feed on his love. If she had done it her way then that stupid kirin would be too tired to run his mouth. Sadly she needed him to last long enough for her plan, it was important and it begins with Kirin. She had previously fed on smaller and easier creatures such as rabbits and fowls. Anything to keep herself going. Then she aimed even bigger, such as the ponies of the town called Mud. Too bad the community is quite close to each other. She had a hard time trying to lure one away without being questioned by some nosey ponies.

Happened a bunch of times really, opportunities out of her reach, forcing her to feed on smaller creatures. That is until she heard about a particular anomaly, an odd looking unicorn had entered town and stirred the townsponies for the worse. They were wary about Kirin and Minion knew that it was her chance. Yet the results were not what she thought it would be.

She sighed as she continued working on the wall. It was needed as well for her plan. Minion scooped up some of the goop from and tried to apply it back onto the wall but her efforts were in vain.

"So what's hopeless!?"

Minion cringed upon hearing Kirin's voice echoing through the tunnels. The goop on her hooves fell flat on the ground and the rest on the wall soon followed. She narrowed her eyes towards the direction where she kept her prisoners. With her work not even progressing for the better, she decided to stomp through the tunnels and into the Main Feeding Room to tell Kirin to keep quiet. Her hooves echoed in the tunnel, she chose to be as loud as possible so Kirin would know when she was about to enter.

There was no light at the end since the moon had just replaced the sun in the sky. But due to the position it brought no light into her hideout unless the moon itself was on top of the opening in the Main Feeding Room. But her stomping came to a halt once she entered the room only to find Kirin's head pointing down with his prison slowly descending on the wall.

"Are you trying to escape!?"

"No..." He answered. "I was trying to warm myself up since it got a little cold, but I accidently made the slime stuff a bit too... gooey..."

After showing that she was displeased by his actions with a hoof to her own face, she walked straight over to him and used her magic to fix him right up. Seeing that she was done, she opted to get back to her work.

"Hey..." She moaned with anguish and glared back at her prisoner.

"What?" Minion hissed.

"Can you... start a fire near me?"

"Can't you?"

"Unless you want me walking around, then no."

Minion eyed him confusedly, unsure what was even running inside Kirin's head. "You know what? Fine, I'll start a fire, but don't complain to me if it burns out."

And after minutes of scavenging, and wrestling the dried shrubs from the annoying chicken named Helen, Minion had finally completed this short task to appease her prisoner. And during her search, Kirin had reached the floor after warming himself up and the goop was unstable. Allowing him to move his right foreleg much to Minion's displeasure.

And for the first time since she kidnapped him, he waved his hoof at her in such a friendly manner that made Minion frown. She just couldn't understand him, and this just shows that he could leave anytime he wants yet he opted to stay as her prisoner. The worst part is that she doesn't know how to drain him. Not that she was inexperienced, but he was too... weird. Though she wouldn't just give up so easily, she'll crack him like an egg and drain him of his love until he's just a husk of his former self.

But that'll have to wait, she had plans to complete, and he plays an important role. Speaking of which, she needed to feed and her stomach was already complaining. She had snacked on the rabbit earlier but it wasn't even enough to get her running. Speaking of which, the rabbit was also free... "Of course..." Minion cursed the gods above for weaving the web of fate and making her meet Kirin of all the suckers she could get her hooves on.

Once the fire was lit and Kirin was as warm as possible, Minion sat down right in front of him. "So..." In a flash of green light, Minion donned her kirin disguise. "What's the problem?"

Kirin eyed her carefully, his right hoof was tapping on his chin as he scanned over her checking for faults. Then he sighed dejectedly. "So much work to be done..."

"What does that supposed to mean!?"

"It means that you just look like a kirin stallion no matter the perspective... Unless a non-kirin sees you, so you got that going. Honestly, how did evolution bring us to this problem?"

Minion took a second to absorb his opinion, she thought about it long and hard. Then an idea popped into mind, one that didn't need her disguise. So she transformed back and grinned devilishly. "Tell me Kirin, what do you like to do?"

"Oh, I like to act!" He smiled warmly. "Oh, speaking of which! Can I have my books? I really need to finish them."

"Sure. But tell me, why do you like acting?"

He sighed. "It's just that I love being on stage, not as me, but as a whole new kirin. Imagine, me entering the scene dressed as the villain that stood in the way of the heroes. And I would bring my character to life! Not only that, but the story as well!" Suddenly he yawned and felt his eyes were getting heavier by the second. "Oh, it must be late isn't it? I should... I should continue this story tomorrow..." He suggested before closing his eyes.

"Sure." Minion grinned, she watched him slowly fall asleep. He looked a bit pale, just what she needed to see. Finally she found an opening and now she can start the next step of her plan.

"Minion..." She frowned when she heard her name being called. She did not answer in hopes that Kirin would just fall asleep. "Could you... bring me my books tomorrow?" She said nothing and waited for a second.

Minion leaned a little closer and checked if he was still awake. Luckily he wasn't.

She sighed, satisfied after feeding even though she had to siphon the love that wasn't meant for her. But it was enough, and she would need more in order for her plan to come to fruition. For now she will allow Kirin to rest, he will need it.

"Hey, you ever wondered what happened to that weird unicorn?" A carrot salespony asked a mare who was selling oranges next to him.

"Which one?"

"The odd looking one, the one that got a beard on their chest." He shuddered. "That mare should really shave."

"Oh you mean that unicorn? Well I heard from Page Turner that she was actually a he!"

"What!? No way!"

"Yes way, and check this, from what she also said is that he is called a kirin and apparently all kirin stallions look like mares!"

The pony behind the carrot stand recoiled. "I would rather not think what a kirin mare looks like, here's hoping that they don't look like stallions. So where is he anyways?"

"Last I heard he was talking to one of the unicorn twins, then he went back to her place."

"Really? But where exactly do those twins live? Kinda odd that the only unicorns in town live in the forest..."

The mare paused for a second. "Have you ever seen their home?"

"Huh...?" Was his only answer as the day went on as normal for the ponies of this little town called Mud.