• Published 27th May 2020
  • 1,862 Views, 14 Comments

Ultraman Scorn Season 1 - SuperSamYoshi

When Earth is in danger their is only one that can help but he's not of this world.

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Episode 3: Terrifying Cosmic Rays

Ok sweetie have a good day at school.

Thank you mummy, I love you.

I love you too sweetie, see you soon.

Bye mummy.

They grow up so fast.

As C.A.S.S. was part of a school, it was common for students to roam around the halls of the building. In a classroom, students had put up drawings of monsters that had attacked in the past. And these students happen to be part of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo’s class.

“This is the monster, Bullagon,” said a student named Peachy Pie, “it’s looks cool, huh?”

“Wow,” replied the rest.

“This is Syronam,” called another named Aura, “isn’t cool?”

“Not bad for you, Aura,” a student named Button Mash pointed out, “Hey, check out my Drakenosaurus Rex.”

“Hey what’s that monster called,” said a boy called Snails, pointing at a drawing of a human.

“That’s Freddy Mercury,” replied another boy named Snips.

“Was there a monster that looked like him?” asked Snails jokingly.

“you two are dumb,” a girl named Twist responded, “Freddy Mercury was a famous singer.”

“Oh, I thought he looked too human,” Snails said.

“What’s that one?” pointed a boy named Featherweight.

All the students looked at what Featherweight was pointing at, it wasn’t hard to know what he was meaning. All around the wall were monsters that had attacked Canterlot before, like Shrogosaurus, Laskon, Barokor, and Stego-Crab (that one was easy to tell that Sweetie Belle drew it as it had Rarity and a giant superhero fighting said monster while all the others had Twilight as a giant superhero, Twilight was sort of a hero or idol to these students). The monster that Featherweight was pointing at, was a dark red, four-legged monster that no one recognise it.

“What is that?” Twist asked, “who drew it?”

“Me,” said a voice from the back, who said it was Derpy’s little sister Dinky, “I drew it.”

“What is it? A thorny dragon?” asked a girl named Silver Spoon.

“it’s the monster, Garbleed,” Dinky replied.

“What a weird name,” remarked a girl named Diamond Tiara.

“The monster, Garbleed? Really?” commented Silver Spoon. Before the two of them began to laugh. This mad Dinky upset and CMC mad.

There was a yard not that far from Canterlot High and C.A.S.S, filled with concrete pipes. Kids are not allowed to go in a play in the pipes, if or if not anyone is working. But students like to sneak in. Today, Dinky had snuck in, and was drawing on a pipe. She was drawing Garbleed on a larger scale. She was about done, when she pulled back.

“Man, I’m no good,” she sighed in defeat, “Dimond Tiara and Silver Spoon are right, it is a weird monster.”

“Hey Dinky!” called out Sweetie Belle, Dinky turned to see her friends running to her, “are you still doing that?”

“You’ll get into trouble if you doodle here,” Scootaloo told her.

“The man that lives near here is scary,” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“I was thinking, if it was bigger it would be scarier,” Dinky said.

“This?” Dimond Tiara said, then she grabbed a marker and started to draw on the drawing, “then why not just do this.”

“Hey, stop it,” Dinky said pulling Dimond away from her drawing. then all of them were adding and removing to the drawing, soon after the group of friends left, the drawing started to flash.

Back at HQ, the telephone rang, Commander Celestia answered it. “Yes this is the Commander of the Canterlot Attack Squad Service speaking,” she answered, “Yes. Yes. What? Yes roger.”

“Who was that Commander?” Twilight asked.

“It was the Canterlot University Cosmic Ray Research Centre,” Celestia told them.

“The Canterlot University Cosmic Ray Research Centre?” Sunset asked, “Was there a sudden accident?”

“Everyone listen,” Celestia told her team, “That includes you too Flash.”

Upon hearing his name, Flash stood up from his chair, and dropped his toast on his plate. But he quickly took a bite.

“The Cosmic Ray Research Centre has detected a strange fluctuation in cosmic rays hitting the earth,” Commander Celestia said.

Meanwhile outside at the Concrete pipe yard, students from Canterlot high were gathered to look at the monster that just appeared out of nowhere. They were all pointing at the monster, which was just look Garbleed. The CMC barged through the crowd to the front.

“What’s that sound?” a boy named Pipsqueak said.

“It’s sounds like a motorbike,” Featherweight retorted.

“No it’s snoring,” Silver Spoon said.

“Who’s sleeping at a time like this?” Snails asked.

“It’s the monster you nincompoop!” Snips replied.

“Yay! It’s the monster Garbleed!” Dinky called out loudly, “I drew Garbleed!”

“It’s amazing!” Diamond Tiara called back to her.

The CMC ran to the concrete pipe yard, as they ran, they remembered to man that lived there. “Quiet, the man here is really obnoxious.” Scootaloo said.

The group kept quiet and snuck through the pipes, but the man was hiding in one and popped out in front of them after hearing them.

“Did you scribble on my earthen pipes?!” he said angerly, he then grabbed Scootaloo and Apple Bloom by the ears.

“Ow! Ow!” Scootaloo said in pain.

“Leave us alone,” begged Apple Bloom.

“It’s just one earthen pipe,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Let’s have you clean it up!” the man angerly said as he dragged them to the pipe. But when they got there, the drawing was gone. “What? But it was… What is going on?” the man stuttered confused.

The CMC smirked, “I knew it,” Apple Bloom said.

“Right?” Scootaloo asked.

“Yeah,” Dinky replied.

“It’s true,” Sweetie Belle commented.

“There’s nothing there,” Diamond Tiara remarked.

Due to the fluctuations in the cosmic rays, it brought the drawing to life. Its name was Garbleed.

As the Pegasus flew in the sky, Garbleed sluggishly wondered around the ground.

“Prepare to attack,” Commander Celestia ordered.

“Ready,” Rainbow Dash replied.

“Fire!” Celestia commanded.

Rainbow fired some rockets at Garbleed. The rockets struck Garbleed as the monster roared out in pain. The monster wiggled into a train yard and then fell asleep. The Rainbooms in the Pegasus watch the monster. “Here goes,” Rainbow said, as she fired some more missiles. Both missiles landed their hit, as Garbleed roared in pain. The monster looked up at the Pegasus and fired a stream on fire up at them. The Pegasus dodged it, as it fired more missiles. Garbleed roared in pain when the missiles made contact, it lifted its head and fired another breath of fire at the Pegasus, which again dodged it.

“Fire! Fire!” Celestia ordered again and again. Rainbow kept firing missiles, and they all hit Garbleed making it squirm around.

“Commander, we need to take out its tail!” Applejack told her.

Celestia nodded, and Rainbow aimed for the tail, the missile made contact and again Garbleed squirmed around in pain. After a few more, the tail was blasted off. Garbleed scuttled and shook in agony.

“Yes!” Sunrise commented, Rainbow continued to fire, Garbleed continued to roar in agony. It tried to make a break for it.

A few hours later, it was dusk, and Garbleed was sleeping again. Tanks lined up in case the monster woke up. Garbleed snored away peacefully as Soldiers waited, ready to fire.

“How frustrating,” Pinkie commented, “it’s just napping without a care in the world.”

Everyone kept waiting, “We need to attack now, or it’ll keep sleeping,” Rainbow remarked.

“I’ve never seen such a lazy monster,” Fluttershy said.

“You’ve never seen Flash Sentry in the mornings,” Sunrise joked, getting a chuckle from Sunset and Rarity.

“how carefree,” Twilight said, “how long does it intend to sleep?”

“It’s already dusk,” Sunset stated, “dammit, we wasted all day waiting for this thing to move.”

“Man, I’m hungry,” Sunrise remarked. Then he jumped out his skin in fright as Garbleed started to move around.

“Prepare to attack,” Commander Celestia told them.

“Where does it intend to go?” Asked Rarity.

“Follow it! Let’s get into the Pegasus!” Celestia responded.

They were about to head to the Pegasus, as Garbleed seemed to wonder off into the setting sun and just disappeared into thin air.

“It disappeared,” Rainbow remarked.

“What’s going here?” asked Applejack just as confused.

“Look, there’s the first star,” Rarity pointed out. She was right, there in the orange sky was a singular star.

“Did it just turn into a star?” Pinkie asked.

“A monster? Into a star?” Twilight said, “impossible!”

The later back at HQ, Lyra and Bon-Bon had just gotten a message from the Aris branch on the A.S.S., “Commanders, a message just came from the Aris A.S.S. HQ,” Lyra told her.

“Go ahead,” Celestia said as she sipped on some tea.

“It says yesterday’s cosmic rays fluctuation occurred over The Changeling Base in Yucatan Ponynsula and the Gryphon Base in Griffonstone too,” Lyra replied.

“And?” Luna leaned forward in her chair.

“Basically, when radiation within solar rays that contains a new element mix with sunlight,” Bon-Bon chimed in, “two dimensional objects become real.”

“What?” Sandalwood said a little conflicted, “so a drawing becomes reality?”

“Yes that what they said,” Lyra responded.

“Radiation within solar rays, mixed with sunlight…” Celestia thought out loud.

“Commander, Apple Bloom and her friends said something, remember?” Sunrise told her, “they said it was a picture Dinky drew.”

“Then Dinky drew the picture of the monster?” Derpy said, a little alarmed that her younger sister was being mentioned.

That night, at the earthen pipe yard, the CMC were congratulating, Dinky for her monster. Even Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were impressed. “Congratulations Dinky,” they said, patting her on the shoulder.

“Thanks,” Dinky said blushing a little, “it’s thanks to all of you too. But is looks boring, just being a giant thorny dragon.”

“Say why don’t we make it look cooler,” Pipsqueak said.

“Yeah, let’s do it,” Diamond Tiara said, “besides, it’s pathetic if all it does is sleep.”

Soon all of them were colouring and drawing the monster better. They made the monster bipedal instead of quadrupedal. They removed its front legs and replaced them with wings. They then made the tail much longer. And gave it horns on its head.

“I think it needs a new name,” Apple Bloom said, everyone agreed.

“How about Bloodon?” asked Dinky.

Everyone agreed again, and the continued on Bloodon, but they were so occupied with the drawing, that the man that lived there was sneaking up on them.

“Hey! You Brats!” he called out, the CMC ran away laughing when he try to chase them, “D-Dammit, I swear I’ll make you beg for forgiveness tomorrow!” behind and as he left, the drawing started to flash.

Back at HQ, everyone was taking in the info about the cosmic rays, “I see. So, the monster picture Dinky and her friends drew came to life,” Celestia said, “hmm that would explain, why it disappeared when the solar rays went away.”

“That mean it will appear tomorrow when the sun comes up,” Luna said.

“Say Commander, I have noticed something,” Flash said, “so long as we don’t attack, the monster just lies around sleeping, right? Rather than make it angry and have it go crazy, why don’t we lie around too?”

“You nutjob!” Sunrise smacked him around the head.

“Our mission as C.A.S.S. is to fight roughnecks from space like that for eternal peace and prosperity of man,” Celestia looked sternly at them all.

“But Commander, it’s just possible that ide’s right,” Pinkie butted in, “the more we do anything, the more violently it acts.”

“Hmm, if we attack, there’ll be more casualties,” Celestia thought out loud, “Ok, tomorrow, let’s just observe it.”

Next day, despite not having any sort of field trip, the CMC woke up early for once. They snuck around the earthen pipe yard trying to stay away from the mane that lived there. When they all made their way to the drawing. They saw that it was becoming three dimensional. It looked like it was breathing. The Bloodon drawing bubbled and pulsed then it popped out and grew to a giant size. The CMC all cheered as Bloodon walked lazily around. The man was also sneaking around try to finally get the CMC. “You kids! You won’t get away from me this time!” when he looked up at saw Bloodon roaring, he fell down in fear, then shook it off before stumbling toward the kids. “You! What did you do to my earthen pipe…”

“Mister, what wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked innocently. The pipe was clean. The man just stood there as the kids clapped and walked around him in a circle.

The Sun was sluggish and heavy. Thanks to Bloodon, the city was empty, and traffic stopped. Only the wind passed through. Canterlot become Bloodon’s lonely stage. Bloodon only slept. However, the bigger the body, the louder the snores. Buildings shock to the core with Bloodon’s snores. As C.A.S.S. theorized, so long as nothing was done, Bloodon just continued sleeping. It continued to sleep gently. Students looked out the windows of Canterlot High to see the monster’s body raise up and down with ever snore.

It was dark, when Commander Celestia got off the phone, “We’re learned that all Bloodon has to do is sleep, for our country’s economy to crumble,” Celestia told her team, “Therefore, tomorrow, CASS will accept a certain amount of casualties and have a final showdown with Bloodon.”

“Commander I have an idea,” Micro Chips said.

“What?” Celestia replied.

“Bloodon, or originally Garbleed, was originally a picture that Dinky drew that turned real…” Derpy exampled.

“We already know that,” Flash said.

“Shut up and listen,” Derpy snapped at him, “without solar rays, it turns back to a normal picture. Commander it’s night now, Bloodon is just a picture.”

“I see. So you’re suggesting we go now and erase that picture,” Fluttershy said.

“Exactly,” Derpy nodded.

“Idiot!” Rainbow said getting up, “CASS can’t just go around cleaning up graffiti!”

“Don’t think up ridiculous stuff,” Celestia said, “everyone, get well rested for tomorrow’s operation. Tomorrow, we face that monster straight on.” Everyone nodded and headed to their rooms.

Back at the Bloodon drawing, the CMC were gathered around it with Scootaloo speaking to it. “Monster Bloodon,” she said, “we’re a little disappointed in you. Why do you sleep all the time? We believe that monsters are meant to be a little cooler. Our parents say we aren’t allow out at this time of night. But here we are, taking a risk to be with you. So try a little harder. That’s all.”

“Dinky, you go first,” Apple Bloom said to her.

Dinky nodded and walked towards the drawing, “Hey Bloodon, I gave you life. The one that gave you life is asking, so try a little harder,” she said as she gave it an angry expression. One by one Apple Bloom, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon came over to draw on it a bit more. When they were done, they bowed in respect for it to be more monstrous. Suddenly the man jumped out from behind the earthen pipe and throw some water from a bucket at them.

“You Brats!” he yelled as the CMC ran away, then the drawing started to flash, the eye of Bloodon flashed, the man coward behind the earthen pipe.

The next day, Bloodon came back to life. This time, Bloodon wondered into an open plain, he stopped near a river, made himself comfortable, and fell asleep… Again.

As the monster slept, tanks rolled up and lined up, ready to fire when ready. Bloodon didn’t hear them roll up, as its snores where loud. A tank fired near Bloodon’s face. This woke it up and it roared out, more tanks started to fire at Bloodon, but this time it didn’t seem to hurt it, just more startle the monster. Despite having wings for arms, Bloodon didn’t try and fly away, it actually crawled around like they with its arms before. Bloodon turned to its right only meet some flamethrowers to the face. This also did nothing but startle the monster.

Bloodon turned to its left to crawl away, but the tanks fired at it again. This time, Bloodon opened its mouth and fired a fire breath upon the tanks. The tanks blow up from the hot fire, and once they were taking care of, Bloodon crawled away. The Rainbooms were on a bridge above some small waterfalls, they could see Bloodon, but also something else.

“Oh! Stop Shooting!” Fluttershy shouted, everyone looked at her.

“What is it?” Rainbow asked.

“Look down there,” Fluttershy pointed, everyone looked, they saw the CMC waving at them and shouting please stop.

Sunrise and Sunset quickly ran down towards them, “Move! Get out the way!” Sunset yelled.

“Please don’t kill it!” the CMC told him.

“Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon! Get out of there!” Sunrise shouted.

“Sunrise look out!” Twilight yelled to him. But Sunrise tripped and fell and was washed away by the flowing water. He tried to get up, but the water kept pulling him along. When he finally stopped he raised his hands, and he was transported to the starry nexus.

Sunrise raised up her left arm and the coin slots opened up, and in the next second, and pulled the ultra coins out.

“Lend me your power, Ultraman!”


“Lend me the will of the earth, Gaia!”


“I shall bring peace and harmony to the universe!!”


Scorn rose up and flew to where Bloodon had gotten. “It’s Ultraman Scorn!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“Everyone hold on tight!” yelled Celestia as Scorn fell over them. Scorn flew and landed behind Bloodon, he grabbed its tail and started to pull. Bloodon tried to escape from Scorn, but his grip was too strong.

Bloodon kept trying to run away from Scorn, but he pulled it back and started to spin it around. After a few spins, Scorn let go and sending it flying into the ground. Bloodon stood up on its back legs and charged towards Scorn.

On the bridge, the Rainbooms were surprised that the CMC were booing Ultraman Scorn, “Ultraman go home!” they yelled, “don’t kill it!”

Bloodon roared as Scorn grabbed its head and held it away from his own. Scorn walked forward pushing Bloodon away, then he turned around and flipped it over his shoulder. Bloodon crashed on the ground.

Bloodon stood up and stumbled towards Ultraman Scorn, it tried to smack Scorn with its wings, but Scorn grabbed its neck and pushed it back, Scorn then rolled back and with Bloodon over him, he kicked it forward. With Bloodon on its back, it couldn’t get up. Scorn grabbed it, and slowly picked it up, he held it above his head. The CMC and Rainbooms on the bridge watched, the CMC tried to break free for the Rainbooms’ grips, but they held firm. They reached out to Bloodon, and the monster squirmed around. The CMC called out to Scorn to put it down, but Scorn then looked to the sky and took off. He flew higher and higher, until he was known where to be seen.

The CMC called out to Ultraman Scorn to stop and bring Bloodon back, but Scorn was already in space. They were all really upset, none more so than Dinky.

“it’s gone,” Dinky said softly and sadly.

That night, the CMC looked out to the lake in Canterlot Park, feeling really sad that Bloodon was gone. Scootaloo was throwing stones into the lake while the rest just watched. Some of them were even on the edge of tears. They all looked to the peacefully night sky, when they all hear the voice of Ultraman Scorn.

“Don’t Cry Children,” he spoke, “every year on the 7th of July, the Star festival, I’ll let you see both Garbleed and Bloodon in the starry sky.”

The CMC all looked to the sky, to see starry aligned to create Ultraman Scorn, “I wonder if Bloodon become a star,” Dinky said.

“On the night of the Star Festival, what would happen if it rains?” Apple Bloom asked.

Then the stars aligned to create Garbleed and Bloodon, a shooting star fell from Bloodon’s eye, making look like it was crying. The outline of the two monsters faded away.

In the morning, the CMC and all their friends were drawing on the ground of the playground. The Cosmic rays containing special radiation might hit these drawing again. But the freedom to draw pictures of what they like belongs to the children. As Commander Celestia and Luna looked at these drawings, their hearts felt warm as the smile down on the drawings.

Heya Guys, It's me Pinkie Pie, an I'm here for this episode of Wondercolt Monster Library. And today, we are going to talk about Gavadon.

Gavadon, the Two-dimensional Monster. He stands at 30 meters tall and weighs at 20,000 tons in his Form A and is 60 meters tall and weighs at 40,000 tons in his form B. his home planet is Planet Earth.

Gavadon was another monster that was created when children's graffiti of creatures were brought to life by strange rays coming from outer-space. It was eventually detained by Ultraman and taken to outer space, and changed into a constellation.

I felt sorry for Dinky and the rest when I took Bloodon away from them like how the Original Ultraman took away Gavadon, but it was the best thing to do. You can still see Gavadon's stars in the night sky on the day of the Light Festal just like Bloodon's and Garbleed's.

Oh dear. it's seems that we're out of time. Sorry guys that's all for today hope you come back for the next episode of Wondercolt Monster Library. Until then...

Bye Bye!

Author's Note:

hey guys, hoped you like this new chapter of Ultraman Scorn

the links to those photos, the credit goes to my friend on Deviantart who drew them himself

next up, CASS need to figure out a mystery of woman disappearing and Sunrise with get help from an old friend of Scorn