• Published 3rd May 2020
  • 2,280 Views, 84 Comments

Magical Mysteries of Hogwarts - Juliaa

When Twilight gets sorted into a house she never thought she would be a part of and when mysteries, friendships, threats and romance come into the mix, will she be able to rescue everyone, stay safe and finish her studies?

  • ...

And So Friendship Was Formed

Twilight's POV

On Monday I got up and got ready. I have found a note on my desk.

"You will regret trying to find out what's behind those doors!"

But wait. T? Who could have sent this? How did they put it here? Who is T? Is it Trixie? How would she know what we are up to and about the door? Maybe Trixie isn't T after all but who could it be?

Maybe Discord saw me that night and found out what we are doing and used a fake initial? Maybe Discord isn't his real name? But why would he ever send me that first note? Be careful who you mess with? Maybe that was a warning to be careful? But why to me? What did I do? All of this is a lot.


I tried to not think about that and focus on our plan. We have put sleeping food in Phoenix's today's meal in the kitchen so he will be asleep. We don't know what Pinkie will do. But she did something because Dumbledore went in hurry outside his office. We then sneaked in.

His office is huge! And looks so cool. Filled with magical items and books. I love it! But we aren't here to admire the office so I instantly went to search.

Few minutes later Rainbow asked. "Got anything yet?"

"Nope!" I replied.

"This is useless! We may never be able to find something in here!"

"I may have found something!" Applejack said. "Discord's job application. Apparently he skipped few years at Hogwarts because he was very smart and wanted to graduate early and become professor."

"That's strange" Sunset was suspicious. "I have found his grades and apparently he only went first 3 years and then dropped out. He wasn't the best student and his grades were very bad. He always skipped classes and caused trouble."

"How in the world would he be able to lie about going here and graduating earlier when they were literally his teachers?" Rainbow said.

"Maybe some spell?" I have suggested. "Or maybe teachers changed. There are tons of way one could do it."

"True" Sunset admitted. "I wonder why did he drop out. And why did he need to be a teacher here?"

"He also paused for a year before returning here" Applejack added.

"Teachers have bigger access to castle" I said. "But he still can't enter that door for some reason."

"Maybe he thought he could once he was a teacher?" Applejack suggested.

"Guys" Rainbow called. "While you were discussing I think I found the key."

"Perfect!" I said. "I've been resesrching yesterday and found a spell with which we can duplicate the key so Dumbledore doesn't notice it is gone."

"Great! Now hurry."

"Oh no!" Sunset said.

"What?" I asked.

"Rarity said he will be here any minute!"

"We need to go out! NOW!" Applejack said as she and Sunset quickly put everything back to its place.

"Geminio!" I quickly cast the spell and Rainbow put the real key back.

We ran outside at the last minute. Dumbledore arrived a few seconds late and he luckily didn't notice us going from his office. We greeted him and proceeded to classes.


Later at night we have decided to meet again at Astronomy tower. I met with Rainbow in our common room.

"There you are!" she said. "I thought you decided not to show up."

"Sorry, I was taking a shower."

"Let's just go. I bet they are waiting."

"Do you think it will be safe to open the door?"

"I don't know what to expect! But that's what makes it exciting, we don't know what's there. It could be pratically anything, this is Hogwarts."

"Are you scared?"

"No. I am never scared!" she was confident. "Are you?"

"Maybe? Would it be bad?"

"No. It's normal! But don't worry we all will be there to protect you!"

"Thanks" I smiled.

We arrived at Astronomy tower.


After we exchanged information, Pinkie tried to explain us what she did with potions to make such a mess but not be caught. I have found out she is actually very good with potions. Apparently incident at Sunset's class was first time she messed up in years in potion. Maybe she was nervous since it was her first class.

We have decided to celebrate our success and to not go open the doors today. We will do it on friday. For now we will just celebrate and talk.

"You should have seen the look on Sunset's face when you tlld her, Rarity, that Dumbledore was coming!" Rainbow laughed.

"You should have seen your face!" Sunset got annoyed which made Rainbow only laugh harder.

"We all got so scared!" Applejack laughed too.

"I don't get scared!" Rainbow said.

"Yeah right!" Applejack laughed a bit.

"You all don't even know how I panicked trying to slow him down!" Rarity added excitedly. "I literally bumped into a statue while panicking!"

"Oh wow!" I said. "I can't believe we managed to not get caught."

"Me neither. What if someone knows?" Fluttershy said.

"I'm sure they don't" Pinkie reassured her.

"So how are you liking Hogwarts so far?" I asked.

"It's awesome!" Sunset replied. "I really like it here."

"Same!" I replied. "And I am glad I have met all of you and that we are starting to be friends."

"Yes!" Pinkie pointed at me. "That is a real reason to celebrate tonight! To our friendships!"

"To our friendships!" we all said as we drank orange juice that Rarity brought.

We then continued to talk about bunch of stuff.

"Hey Rainbow?" Applejack asked.


"Sorry if it's too personal but I wondered how so that you dyed your hair rainbow?"

"I'm a lesbian" Rainbow just casually answered like it was nothing to come out. She also winked at Applejack. SHE WINKED AT HER!

"Nice! Same" Applejack smiled super hard and got very happy. I was so jelaous! They seem to like each other. And I don't like it. But they are my friends, or aquaitances, I don't want to argue with them either way. I guess we will have to see.

"Ha nice!" Sunset joined. "I'm bi, high five!" They high fived.

"Me too." I said shyly. Sunset definitely smiled a lot at that, Rainbow seemed happy too but maybe that's just because we are both gay or as a sign of support or something because they all were happy.

"That's nice!" Fluttershy smiled.

"I support you all" Rarity added and Pinkie nodded in agreement. I really feel so comfortable and good around these girls.

"OH!" Pinkie suddenly snapped. "When do you think we will be let at Hogsmade?"

And so we continued talking and having fun until late at night when we all parted ways towards our bedrooms. I feel like I belong at this school more and more every day.