• Published 6th May 2020
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The Amazing Sunset Shimmer - KozLeMage

My name is Sunset Shimmer. I was bitten by a radioactive spider... And for the past few months, I've been the one and only: Spider-Girl!

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Volume I - Chapter 6: Overload Showdown

“Ugh… finally home…” Said an exhausted Red Light.

After a long day of school, and an endless shift at the tech store he was working to, Red was finally home and a long night of sleep was waiting for him.

He dropped his bag on the floor of his apartment, he walked toward his fridge and grabbed a nice and fresh beer. He opened it and took a long sip of it before he put it down on the table and let out a sigh.

“Aaaah… That’s the stuff.” He said, taking another sip of his beer.

He sat on his couch and thought about his long day in his head. It sure was a long day, classes at least were bearable, but there was this girl on his class who had the knack of annoying him to the highest point every time she talked.

What was her name already? Ricky? Mindy? Maybe Rixie or something like that. He couldn’t remember.

Anyway, after classes, he went to the Music Club, it’s been a few days already that he joined them, Flash Sentry practically begged him to join them when he heard that Red played the bass. Red didn’t care less but he thought that, at least, it could occupy him since he had nothing better to do anyway.

But today the club was quite animated. There was this girl, Sunset Shimmer, he remembered her since he shared some of his classes with her. He heard that she used to be the alpha bitch that used to rule over the school a few month ago. He found that hard to believe. She was maybe a little to ‘bad-girl’ for his own taste, but she looked like she was a nice person.

Anyway, she joined the club and Red thought it was cool, until this little pest, Lyra Heart-something, started to yell about something Sunset did to her in the past. He didn’t care, but if there was something Red didn’t liked, it was noisy people. So, he told her -politely- to shut the fuck up.

And after that, he went to his long seven-hour shift at the tech store. To say that he was tired was an understatement, but a man has to eat right?

He grabbed a smoke and light it up. “At least, it’s still better than…” he sighed. He wasn’t homesick, but a part of him still missed the good old days. Things were simple back then.

He thought that TV was a good idea before going to bed, so he grabbed his remote and turned on the TV.

“… after an explosion. It seems than, the fan’s favorite ‘Spider-girl’ is fighting against an unfamiliar meta-human. The police are trying to manage the situation as best as they can…”

On the screen, one can see a pixelized -thanks to Red’s low-cost TV- yellow spot shooting lightning bolts to another person, who dodged it as best as they could.

“… but thanks to Spider-girl intervention, there are currently no serious injuries to be reported, but it appears that she is in a bad posi-“

Red stopped listening, focused on what he saw on TV. He totally forgot his cigarette consuming itself, ashes falling on the ground.

He watched the fight not blinking even once, and he frowned.

“RARE TURN ON YOUR TV!” Rainbow Dash shouted so loud through the phone that Rarity had to push it away from her hear.

“Rainbow, darling, what is the fuse all about?” Rarity asked.

“Just turn on your TV and put the news channel!” The rainbow haired girl replied.

Rarity sighed but did as she was told.

“… there are currently no serious injuries to be reported, but it appears that she is in a bad position, though it seems she’s trying to save as many people as possible instead of trying to fight him.” Said the reporter on the field.

“Isn’t that this ‘Spider-girl’ from the newspaper?” Rarity asked Rainbow.

“Yeah it is!” Rainbow said with a cheerful voice.

Rarity closed her eyes and said “Rainbow… Why do I get the feeling that you actually like it?”

“Well, duh! I do like it! It’s so awesome! We can actually watch a clash between a super-hero and a super-villain!”

Rarity continued to watch it, but something intrigued her and made her uncomfortable.

“Doesn’t she remind you of someone?”

“Uh? What do you mean?” Rainbow asked, even through the phone, Rarity could hear Rainbow chewing pop corn and she frown in disgust but didn’t say anything.

“I… I have the feeling I’ve already saw her… somewhere…”

Rainbow didn’t reply immediately, probably thinking of what Rarity just said, but she finally replied. “Hm, nah, it’s hard to say since you can’t see her face.”

Rarity sat on her couch and she got lost in her thoughts.

‘I swear to god that I’ve already saw her… but where?’ she thought.

At the last second, Sunset dodged to the right and a lightning bolt just landed where she used to stand.

“Hey!” Sunset said. “You should learn how to aim, you big yellow bully!”

Electro, who was more threatening now that Sunset knew that he just had to touch her once to kill her, was in the middle on the street trying to shoot electric bolts to the young vigilante, but the address and the flexibility of Sunset makes that she managed to dodge each of his shots, she could also say thanks to Twilight’s web-shooters.

Training makes you better!” He replied, still trying to get her.

Sunset landed on a wall after dodging another attack and said to him. “Yeah, keep telling yourself that!”

Electro lost his patience. He concentrated and, electric arcs began to form below his feet and he began to levitate in the air.

“That’s cheating!” Sunset yelled to him.

With his hand, he shots electricity behind him, it propelled him forward, where Sunset was hanging.

The electricity started to go wild on his body, Sunset shots a web and the nearest building and swinged in its direction. Electro landed behind her in an explosion that destroyed half of the apartment complex in which he had just landed.

‘It’s a good thing the police finished evacuating the neighborhood.’ Sunset thought landing on a lamppost.

She didn’t have the time to breathe that she had to dodge another attack from Electro.

‘How am I supposed to hit someone made of electricity?’

The first time she hit him, it worked because she had him by surprise, but now that he was concentrate, it was much more difficult.

Then, electro jumped towards her from the hole he made in the building but Sunset jumped to the nearest car to land to.

Electro was going to attack her again but nothing came.

He watched his hand and said. “Out of juice… I HAVE TO REFILL!

He grabbed the lamppost which Sunset was a minute ago, and drained the electricity out of it. “Aaaaah! THAT’S BETTER!

He shots another lightning bolts towards her, she managed to dodge it but this attack was more violent and dangerous than the previous one.

‘Damn it! He can become stronger if he’s surrounded by power sources! He just had to reload.’

He shots another bolts, towards her, she dodged it but this bolt was followed by another, and this one hits her right in the chest. It sent her farther on a police car, which destroyed the vehicle.

Electro waited a moment to see if she was going to do something but he saw that she wasn’t moving anymore and he started to laugh. “AHAHAHAHA! That’s all you got little girl?” He asked.

But no answers came.

What? No puns or snarky comments? Yet, I thought you were full of them!

Still no answers. He dropped his smile and shrugged his shoulders. “Well, I guess I’ll just finished it then!

Just when he was going to end the fight, something, or, someone grabbed his attention.

“S-stop t-that!” Someone cried.

Electro turned himself to see who was talking to him.

Sunset opened her eyes at the sound of the voice she recognized.


A terrified Twilight Sparkle was standing there, just in front of Electro.

What did you just say?” Electro asked, no emotions in his voice.

Twilight had never been so scared in her life. She swallowed the saliva that was in her throat and told him in a trembling voice. “I-I said…”

But she didn’t continue, too scared.

Yes?” Electro asked, a sadistic smile on his face.

“I s-said…” She took a deep breath and yelled. “STOP THAT AND LEAVE HER ALONE!”

Electro stood there, and looked at her with big eyes.

And then, he started to laugh, mocking her.

Well, at least, someone here is brave.” He said, he then aimed her with his hand. “Too bad It’ll cost your life.

Twilight was about to cry, to terrified to run away, her legs weren’t responding.

Just when he was going to end Twilight’s life, they both heard someone yelling.


Then, Spider-girl, who was swinging from the left, planted both her feet in Electro’s stomach. It sent Electro flew in a wall not to far away. Then Sunset landed in front of Twilight.

“S-Spider-girl! You’re oka-“

“WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?” Sunset said, taking Twilight’s shoulders in both of her hands.

“I-I-I saw on TV that…”

“HAVE YOU LOST YOU’RE MIND?” Sunset screamed. She turned to see if Electro was standing but he was still on the ground, totally out from the blow he had just received. Then she turned to Twilight. “You have to go Twilight!”

“Wait! I know how to-“

“TWILIGHT! LISTEN TO ME!” Sunset yelled. She was afraid, but not for her own life, but for her friend’s.

“I just want to help you!”

“You can’t! He’s too dangerous!”

“But not invincible!” Twilight screamed.

‘W-what?’ Sunset thought.

“What do you mean?” She asked. Turning again, to see if Electro had moved. He didn’t.

Twilight swallowed. “H-he can become stronger if he refills with electricity, right?”

Sunset thought about the moments a few minutes ago when he absorbed the electricity of the lamppost. “Yeah?”

“Like a battery!”

Sunset rolled her eyes under her mask. “Get to the point Twilight!”

“What happen if a battery is overloaded?” Twilight asked her.

“Well, it explode of cour-“ Then Sunset stopped and Twilight smiled at her. “Oooooh! I get it!”

She heard sound from behind them, she turned and saw Electro who was standing up.

“Get him to the power plant!” Twilight whispered to her.

“Okay I’ll do it, now go!”

Twilight nodded and ran away in security.

WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU’RE GOING BRAT?” Electro shouted but Sunset shoots a web on his mouth which prevented him from speaking more.

“Seriously dude, aren’t you tired of screaming all the time?” She asked.

Electro ripped of the web on his mouth and looked at her with anger. “I wasn’t looking for you in the first place.” He said. “But know, you’ve made me pissed.

Sunset got in position and smiled behind her mask. “Oooooh, I’m scared.” She teased.

Electro growled in frustration and started to charge himself, electricity going wild around him but Sunset remained on guard. When he finished, he sends a huge wave of electricity in her direction. She shoots a web on a building and started swinging around him.

“Hey, I’m going to press charges against you, you know that?” The teenage girl said to him.

‘I have to provoke him enough that he can follow me unaware of my plan.’ She thought, landing on a wall.

Electro seemed to be fed up with her puns, he repeated the technique he used earlier to allow him to fly in the air. “I’m going to squash you like the little bug you are!

She dodges another attack from her opponent. ‘Okay, I think it’s working.’

“Are you absolutely, positively sure?” She taunted him, swinging along the street, Electro on her heels.

‘The power plant isn’t too far away from here; I just need to get him there… And not getting hit in the process.’

But something started buzzing in Sunset’s pocket. “Not now!” she said to herself.

Dodging another attack from Electro by a perfectly executed swing, she reached her phone and saw who was calling her. She sighed but she picked up the call anyway. “Hi, Celestia, what’s up?”

With a backflip, she avoided another electricity wave, and resumed her swinging through the city, police sirens chasing them, and many bystanders filming the entire scene with their smartphones.

“Sunset, it’s practically one in the morning, I know you don’t have school tomorrow but I don’t like that a girl like you is out at this hour of the night.” Sunset heard Celestia’s firm voice through her phone.

With another swing, she dodged another attack. ‘Whoops, this one was close.’ She thought. “I know, I’m sorry! I was helping Twilight with… Something. I’ll be home soon!”

“I hope so, the weather woman predicted rain, and you didn’t take your umbrella.”

Sunset laughed while landing on a roof, dodged another attack and jumped in the adjoining street, then shoots a web and swinged towards the nearest building. “Ahah yeah, I guess I didn’t.”

“Is that… Police sirens I’m hearing?” Celestia asked.

“N-No! I mean yes! We’re watching a movie ahah!” At the last second, she managed to dodge another attack from Electro. But this attack went directly in a parking lot not far away, and a few empty cars exploded in a process.

“Was that an explosion?” Celestia asked, but now worry could be heard in her voice.

“Yeah! Hummm… We’re watching Transformers!”

“Sunset…” Celestia started.

“I’ll be home soon! Love ya’!” She didn’t wait for a response and hanged up the phone.

She looked behind her and saw that Electro wasn’t there anymore. She stopped on a roof, and looked around her.

“Damn it! Where did he g-“

Sunset didn’t have the time to finish her sentence that her spider-sense goes wild and a lightning bolt strike her right in her back, it sent her flying over the roof of the next building and she landed in the middle of Canterlot City biggest street, Nights Park. It was the equivalent of New York City’s ‘Times Square’, but smaller.

The place was crowded, it was the part of the city that was lively at night. All the bystanders who was there started to scream and run in safety when they saw Electro arrived.

The police helped the citizens get to safety, and Sunset got up, not without difficulty.

As she got up, she looked around her and saw the citizens filming her or taking pictures, and she saw Electro walking slowly towards her.

It ends here little spider!” He said to her.

Fuck…’ Sunset thought. ‘He’s too strong… I can’t take him to the power plant like this…’

She looked around, trying to find a way to beat him. Then she saw something interesting, a fire truck.


DIE!” Electro screamed at her shooting electricity from his hands, reminding Sunset of the emperor in Star Wars.

She succeeds to dodge it, and jumped behind him, she tried to kick him in the back, but he quickly turned in her direction and strike her with a powerful blow in her jaw that sent her flying a few meters away.

But it was exactly what Sunset wanted, because he sent her right next to the fire truck. But what Sunset didn’t plan was that his blow knocked her out more than she thought it would.

She tried to get up on her feet but fell forward. ‘Damnit! I won’t lose like that!

Electro, who had refill in the meantime, prepared to hit her with a final blow. Sunset closed her eyes and prepared herself to get hit badly but that strike never came. When she opened her eyes, she saw that Electro stopped his attack and was looking behind him, on the edge of the highest building around. Sunset looked in that direction too, and saw a masked man standing there, doing nothing, just watching the fight.

You!” Electro yelled. “Come here and fight me! I won’t-

“Hey! Lightning-butt!” Electro turned around and saw that Spider-girl took advantage of the confusion to take the water jet of the truck and she was aiming at him. “Chew this!”

Then she blasted him with high pressure water coming from the truck, that sent him right in the huge flat screen of the building behind him and the screen exploded in a deafening explosion.

She waited a few second before he she saw him fell on the ground, completely knocked out.

“That’s what you get when you mess with the wrong spider, dummy.” She said to him.

She looked again to the building were the man was standing a minute ago but he wasn’t there anymore.

She sighed in relief and heard the crowd cheering behind her. She turned to face them and they were all applauding her and chanting her name. She gave an exaggerated bow, and walked towards the nearest police officer. “Good evening officer.” She said to him. Then she pointed her thumbs in her back, pointing to the Electro completely knocked out on the ground. “I thing you can take care of him now.”

The policeman was totally taken aback and just nodded. She turned to the crowd, still cheering her and said, “Thanks everyone!”

“We love you Spider-girl!” Someone in the crowd cheered.

Sunset laughed and said “And I love you too anonymous citizen!” Just as she said that, she shoots a web on the nearest building and started swinging through the buildings.

“Oh. My. Celes-… God.”

It was Saturday, the next day of Sunset’s fight with Electro. She had a great night of sleep, of course her bruises hurt like hell, but the hit she’d taken in her face didn’t leave a mark, so Celestia and Luna didn’t notice that she was hurt. But, thanks to her powers, Sunset bruises healed faster than normal.

She was now at the table of the Kitchen, drinking her morning coffee, reading the newspaper of the day. The front cover was titled ‘Spider-girl saved Canterlot!’. She couldn’t hide the big smile on her face. Yeah, she could have died, but… She didn’t. So, it was a victory.

There was also this other newspaper from the ‘Daily Bugle’, but the title was less catchy, its said ‘Canterlot City’s new Threat!” with a picture of Spider-girl.

The dude who wrote that is a dumb-ass.’ She thought.

But something bothered her… That man on the roof. Who was it? She never saw him or heard of him before, but it seemed that Electro was looking for him in the first place. She recalled he was looking for a ‘Fiend’ or something like that. Maybe it was this guy.

“Meh.” She just shrugged her shoulders and laid back on her chair. After all, he helped her, he managed to get Electro’s attention which allowed Sunset to take the water lance.

I’m very lucky that a fire truck was there, I don’t know what I would have done if it didn’t.’ She thought.


Twilight was working on her desk in Discorp’s office. She still was in shock from her doing last night. ‘What was I thinking? I could have died! Oh my… If Shining ever heard of that, I’m so dead…’ She thought.

She also thinks about what Spider-girl asked her, about a file… Unfortunately, they didn’t have the time to finish their discussion, so she didn’t know what files she was asking about. But Twilight took a resolution, she would help Spider-girl the best way she can. So, if Spider-girl was reaching for her help one more time, she’ll do it. ‘Maybe she won’t, after what I did last night…

Twilight lets out a frustrated growl. “I’m so dumb…”

“Really? I think you’re one of the smartest girls of your age.” She heard behind her, she smiled when she recognized the voice and turned to see the Doctor Conhorse standing in front of her. “Hello my dear assistant.”

“Hello Doctor.” She replied.

“I have some exciting news my little Twilight!” He said, dropping a file in front of her and he beckoned her to took a look at it.

She opened it and after a few minutes of reading, she looked at her boss with an interrogating glare. “Lizard?” She asked.

“Yes!” He said cheerfully. “Just think of it, Lizards can heal themselves, they can… regrow their missing parts. Do you get what I mean?”

Twilight thought about it a moment and nodded. “Of course, why didn’t I think of it sooner?”

Her boss laughed, and rubbed her hair with his only hand, “That is why, you’re only the second smartest here miss Sparkle.”

Twilight blushed, and get up from her chair. “So, are we going to work or not?” She asked playfully.

“I thought you’d never asked!” He said.

Adrian Toomes was in his secret lair, reading the newspaper, and frowned. He knew he should have killed her but… She’s just a little girl. And he maybe was a thief, but he wasn’t a monster. Being the father of a loving daughter, he knew that it would hurt her family if she died.

He put back the newspaper on his desk and sighed. But then, his phone started ringing, he looked at the number and frowned but picked it up anyway. “Yes?”

Hello Adrian.” The raspy voice said.

“Boss.” He replied.

I have a new mission for you.” Toomes didn’t know what to answers, so his boss continued. “I’ve sent to your computer all the details you need.

Adrian grabbed his mouse and checked if he received anything, and he did. It was a simple file with a name and a picture. He frowned when he recognized her, “Wait, isn’t she that school d-“

I need you to kill her.

Adrian straightened himself up, the temperature of the room slowly fading. “W-wait, I’m not a murderer.”

You’ll do as I said.” The raspy voice replied, “Or else, I’ll go see your daughter and-

“NO!” Adrian shouted.

The voice at the other end of the call laughed with a demonic voice. “So, do it, and instead of going to her, I’ll send her candy.” The tone of his voice dropped and he said. “Don’t disappoint me again.

And just like that, the call ended.

Adrian was shacking. “Get your shit together Adrian!” He said to himself, punching his desk.

He looked at the picture of the woman on his computer. “If I have to kill her to protect my daughter…” He sighed. “I guess I don’t have much choice.”

After a nice shower and a copious breakfast, Sunset was now watching TV in the living room. But the TV turned off, and a voice called her. “Sunset we have to talk.”

Sunset looked behind her and saw Celestia standing here, a severe look on her face.

“Why does it look like I’m in trouble?” Sunset asked.

“Where were you last night?” Celestia asked firmly.

Sunset get up to face her and said to her, “I told you, I was at Twili-“

“Stop lying to me Sunset.” She said, crossing her arms. “I’ve noticed that you were sneaking out at night. At first it was just one or two nights a week, but now it’s every night!”

Sunset wriggled and said, “I don’t know what-“

“Stop that.” Celestia said. “No more lies Sunset. I don’t know what you’re doing those nights but I’m pretty sure it’s not something that is on the good side of the law, am I wrong?”

“I-“ Sunset Started. “I can’t tell you… But I need you to have faith in me Celestia, I-“

“BUT I CAN’T SUNSET!” Celestia yelled at her. “I can’t! How am I supposed to have faith in you, and believe you, when you do something like that! I thought we were getting closer, but maybe I was wrong. I thought you had changed, but maybe I was wrong about that too.”

Sunset’s eyes open wildly. “I’m sorry what?”

“You heard me, Sunset.”

“So, it’s like that huh?” Sunset looked at the ground. “After all I’ve been through, after all we’ve been through, you still don’t trust me. After all, I’m still the bad Sunset Shimmer, right?”

“Come on Sunset, this is not what I’ve said.” Celestia said.

“But that’s what you think.” Sunset said, her eyes getting wet. “I know Luna thinks that, I heard her one night she was on the phone, she said that she and you still didn’t know if it was a good idea to take me in…”

Celestia dropped her severe glare with a more tender one, “No, Sunset this isn’t…”

“Let me tell you the answer,” Sunset said, now crying “Yeah, you shouldn’t have taken me in. Everywhere I go, trouble’s not far away.”

“Sunset I…”

“Oh, come on!” a voice said behind them. Celestia turned to see her sister joining them. “Grow up Sunset! You’re not a child anymore.”

“Luna…” Celestia started but her sister stopped her.

“Of course, I had doubt! How couldn’t I?” Luna said firmly to a crying Sunset.

“Luna stop that!” Celestia said.

“She has to hear that!” Luna responded. “How can she hope to become an adult if she keeps behaving like a child?”

It was enough for Sunset, she ran at the entrance, grabbed her leather jacket, her bag and put on her boots.

“Sunset!” Celestia called her, she followed her to the entrance hall. “What are you doing?”

“Well, I’ll leave. It’s what people do when they’re growing up right?”

“Sunset come on, I love you like you were my own daught-“

“BUT I’M NOT!” Sunset screamed, tapping her foot on the floor.

Celestia watched her, shocked.

“I’m not…” Sunset said, crying all the tears she had been holding back all the past months.

She then opened the door and as she took a step outside, she heard Celestia calling her, “Sunset wait!”

But Sunset slammed the door.

Author's Note:

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