• Published 8th Apr 2020
  • 3,723 Views, 79 Comments

Flash of Love - HarryBuilder

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The Princess and Her Knight

Everypony is gathered up in the throne room, as Shining Armor paces back and forth as he is apparently steamed at the fact that his sister and one of his guards have not only confessed their feelings towards each other, but also kissed on the lips. He was also upset at the fact that Flash had a crush on Twilight since they were growing up in Canterlot. Shining glared at Flash who he just smiled and chuckled nervously knowing he was in very deep stew while Twilight had an annoyed expression on her face knowing Shining Armor would act like this.

"So," Shining Armor finally spoke, "you had a thing for my sister after all and when she was still a unicorn no less! Who among you knew about this?!"

One by one, everypony raised a hoof (and claw in Spike's case) with a deadpanned look on their face except for Sunburst who apparently was the only one other than Shining who didn't know anything about Twilight and Flash. But the ones who really surprised Shining Armor the most was Cadence and Night Blade.

"Cadence? You knew all along?" Shining asked his wife.

Well yes," Cadence admitted, "don't tell me that you forgot you married the Princess of Love. I can tell when somepony is in love faster then you can blink"

Shining Armor knew his wife was right about that, but that was beside the point. He then turned to Night who was acting a lot calmer then he should be. "What about you Night? Why didn't you tell me this?" he barked in his face.

"Cap you may be my boss but Flash is still my best friend." He said with confidence, "So I'll keep as many of his secrets from everypony even you." Everypony was impressed by Night Blade bravery towards his superior and his loyalty to Flash, two things that Sunset especially found attracting about the Unicorn who winked at her as she turned and blushed.

Flash smiled at his foalhood friend but it turn into a frown when Shining Armor marched back over to him and Twilight. He then turned to his little sister wanting some answers, "Twily, how long has this been going on?!" he demanded.

"Long enough," Twilight answered with seriousness not liking her brother over-protectiveness. "And judging how you reacted, I had a pretty good reason why not to tell you because I knew once you found out I was in love with Flash you would've done everything you could to scare him off." Shining armor exhaled through his nostrils and put hoof to his forehead.

"Twily, I'm not mad at you, I promise," Shining Armor assured his sister, "I don't understand how you can keep this from me? And also why the hay did you choose him of all colts? You don't even know him."

"Sweetie, Don't you think that you're taking this too personally?" Cadence asked standing next to him seeing he was getting to deep into Twilight life.

"And for the record I've seen Flash enough times and know how acts enough to know that he is the one for me." Twilight added.

"I can understand you are only looking out for her, but I..." Flash said, before Shining Armor cut him off.

"Not one more word out of you, Sentry! Shining Armor barked at Flash. "You're already in hot water as it is!"

Shining gave a glare towards the orange pegasus, he knew he was gonna be dead for being in love with his boss's sister also knowing how close they were. Flash gulped and sweated, "Please don't kill me," Flash said with fear in his voice.

"Luckily I won't kill you since murder is frowned upon by society," Shining Armor said, gritting his teeth. "What are you're intentions with my sister?"

"Shining!" Twilight exclaimed as everyone was starting realized Shining Armor was getting to nosey. Even Cadence wasn't liking her husbands behavior.

Flash answered nervously, "Very pure. I have the very best of intentions with your sister." Twilight flashed a tiny smile glad to hear that but then glared back Shining.

Shining Armor raised a brow, " Are you Sure?" Flash nodded rapidly. "Good, because if you cheat on her, if you hurt in any way, use her to move yourself in Equestria if you so much as make my sister cry, oh Celestia help me, -"

"Leave him alone, big brother!" Twilight scolded interrupting his rant, finally having enough Shining Armor over protectiveness as she stood inbetween her big brother and her coltfriend giving the former a fierce glare. "Flash and I are in love and that is something you will have to accept! I was will to give you and Cadence a chance to be happy remember? So now you have to do the same for me and Flash!" Shining Armor flinched knowing Twilight was very supportive of his relationship with Cadence all the way to their wedding but his big brother pride still refused to let up until a pink Alicorn walked past him

"Indeed Shining!" Cadence said standing next to Twilight, "I've been waiting a long time for Twilight to finally find her special somepony and I had hoped that you would at least give that colt a chance before judging them just like Twilight did for me!"

"Yeah Cap! Flash and Twilight deserved to be happy!" Night Blade declared as the others voiced their agreements. Shining Armor however still refuse to expect the reality of the situation.

"Look I understand what your all saying," Shining started, "But as Twilight big brother it's my responsibility to-"

"To see that she is happy, my nephew-in-law?" said a majestic voice as the sound of the door opening rang in the room.

Everypony immediately turned to the doors and they got a surprise as it Princesses Celestia and Luna who entered! everyone quickly bowed before the rulers of Equestria except for Twilight and Sunset who rushed towards the Alicorn they studied under and loved like another mother to them.

"Princess Celestia!" they said as they hugged her and she returned it as Luna smiled at sister and students. "It's good to see BOTH of you my prized pupils." Celestia said looking at Sunset who smiling knowing Celestia always had a special place in her heart. Night Blade and Flash stared in surprised seeing the princesses of the Sun and Moon here and more seeing Twilight and Sunset hugging the Sun princess.

Once they broke the hug Twilight looked at her teacher and her sister, "What are you two doing here?" she asked.

"We wanted to pay a visit to Cadence and Shining Armor but we didn't expect you and your friends to arrive for you tell your true feelings for Flash." Luna explained as Celestia went over to Flurry Heart and gave her loving nuzzle.

"Wait?! How did you know I have a crush on-" Twilight asked as turned to Celestia but cut herself off when she saw the white alicorn not-so innocent grin and her eyes pointing at Luna who was whistling and shifting her eyes nervously at the moment then Twilight blushed as she glared at the princess of the moon, "Luna what the hay?! Haven't heard privacy?!" She screeched at the princess of Moon looking like she wanted to send her right back to it.

"My apologies Twilight I just happened to be a right dream at the wrong time." Luna explained and stuck her tongue at the younger blushing and fuming princess while Celestia and everypony (except Shining) snickered at the stand off between her sister and her prized pupil. Celestia then shook her head and stood before her student before she decide to tear her sister apart for snooping in her dreams.

"If it makes any difference Twilight, Luna and I like for you to know that we fully support your relationship with Flash, unlike 'someponies' I could mention." Celestia said, saying the someponies part while look at Shining Armor who flinched from this as Celestia approached him with an unamused look on her face.

"Shining Armor I hoped you would've dropped your big brother pride and allow Twilight to have her happiness but it seems that not the case."

Shining Armor started sweating as Celestia glared at him very hard, "Uh b-but C-Celestia, Tw-Twilight is my little sister and I have to-"


Luna's 'Royal Canterlot voice' immediately shut Shining Armor up as everypony apart from Celestia took a few steps back as the princess of the moon wheeled right over to the trembling Unicorn stallion and shouted in her old tongue, "Thou sister deserves to be happy with her own beloved and we and our sister rightfully approve of Princess Twilight Sparkle courtship with Lieutenant Flash Sentry!! So thou will either drop their 'overprotective big brother' facade and respect thou sister decision or we the Princess of the Night shall give thou the nightmare of a millennia!!!" Shining shrunk down as Luna got dangerous close to his face. Luna then saw what she was doing and the faces of the ponies and baby dragon around her and backed away sheepishly and cleared her throat, "Ahem! My, um apologies everypony, I suppose I lost my composure a little and used the 'Royal Canterlot voice'." she said grinning nervously.

"You call that a 'little'?" Rainbow asked rhetorically until she saw Luna glare at her and she hid behind Applejack, "Please don't use it on me!" She asked meekly as everypony chuckled at her as Celestia helped Shining Armor to his hooves.

"Despite my sister outburst I agree with Shining Armor," Celestia said as she gave a sideways glare at Luna who huffed and turned her head, "I too believe that Twilight deserves her own coltfriend just as Cadence did with you. I can understand you want what's best for her but as her family she needs to know you support her relationship because you love and trust her enough to let her take care of herself." Shining looked at the Sun princess then looked to Twilight who looking him at him to please let her have this. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Alright you've convinced me," Shining Armor finally accepted as the other voiced their relief while he approached Flash. "I'll allow this, but don't expect any special treatment because you're dating her."

"Of course not, sir," Flash said saluting him as the mares and baby dragon all congratulated Twilight and while Flurry hugged her aunt's right foreleg. Flash walked up next to his new marefriend and wrapped a wing around her. Flash and Twilight rubbed their muzzles against each other before they gave each other a loving kiss on the lips.

"Looks that little problem's solved." Flash said when they ended they're kiss.

"Yup now we can relax." Twilight replied resting her head under Flash's chin.

Cadence's eyes filled tears of joy as the filly she used to foalsit had found her first and hopefully her only love and hopes that it will just as if not more beautiful long and lasting as hers and Shining's. "I'm so happy for you, Twilight!" Cadence exclaimed hugging Twilight.

"Thank you, Cadence," she hugged her back.

"Now Flash," she turned to him. He straightened up wanting to stay on both of his bosses' good sides. "Don't you go and spoil her so much just because she's a princess."

"That won't be a problem, your highness," Flash said saluting.

Cadence chuckled a bit, "You don't have to be so formal with me," she said. "you can call me Cadence, but not with Shining Armor around," Cadence winked.

Flash smiled as he nodded. Flurry flew and landed on Flash's back and nuzzled the back of his neck. She giggled as she hugged her future uncle in law. "Aw, it looks like Flurry likes you too," Twilight cooed as the other giggled at the display while Shining Armor mentally groaned as even his daughter approved of this.

"Well Flash always did have a way kids back in Canterlot before we were assigned to the Empire." Night Blade pointed out.

Flash smiled as the alicorn baby nuzzled him. Thinking much of him having a foal of his own to do that to him. Flash thought for a moment and thought maybe Twilight will be a very good mother one day; especially since the foal will he his own. The orange pegasus mentally shook his head knowing that it'll be too soon for that.

Using her magic, Cadence lifted Flurry and placed back in her carriage, "Flash, you can have the day off tomorrow so that you can get acquainted with each other."

Shining Armor gave a glare at his wife, but Cadence and Luna countered by giving him the evil eye. Shining Armor flinched since he knew better than to argue with Cadence or Luna. But he wasn't going to give up that easily. Flash however looked reluctant as he had a duty to protect the Empire but still wanted to get to know his knew marefriend. Seeing his friend's confliction Night approached him and wrapped his forleg around his neck.

"Don't worry buddy I can take care of the Empire while your gone." he said.

"Are you sure?"

"Of course I am! Now get going your princess needs to get home!" Night insisted as Flash and the others laughed as he the Mane 8 and Spike left saying goodbye to the Princesses, Shining armor, Cadence Flurry and Sunburst who Starlight shot a cute look at.

On the train ride back everypony were discussing how Twilight and Flash relationship could impacted things while Twilight and Flash sat next to each other closely. Twilight was so happy to finally have her own coltfriend and Flash really did seem like the other one from Canterlot High. Then a thought came to her. 'Do I only love this Flash because of the other one?' She thought worryingly she honestly did like this Flash Sentry but she didn't like the idea of her transferring her feelings for the human Flash to the one she was dating, 'Should I tell him how I fell in love with him?' She looked at the Pegasus for a moment before shaking her head. She decide to wait until the time was right before telling him and rested her head on his shoulder as they continued to ride to Ponyville.

Nighttime came as everypony headed back to Ponyville to hit the sack early; especially Pinkie Pie since she had to plan a really big party in the castle tomorrow. Twilight and Flash looked at each other so lovingly throwing in a few kisses every now and then. As everypony else went off to their homes, Twilight, Flash, Starlight, and Flash came home and Sunset showed Flash his guest room since he and Twilight decide their relationship wasn't that far deep yet.

"Thank you... Sunset Shimmer, right?" Flash questioned.

"You got it," Sunset said.

"I only heard about you, you broke into the castle that one night in the Crystal Empire and I think I've seen pass by before there but we never actually talk," Flash said.

"I haven't noticed, and yes I did break into the castle but Twilight helped to redeem myself and now I'm her royal advisor" Sunset replied.

"Well, I have to say that you have to be proud to have your life turned around by that amazing mare," Flash said.

"Yes I am. She taught me so much about friendship when she stopped me from conquering Equestria forever, and rekindling my relationship with Celestia" Sunset said while smiling in the direction of Twilight room, "She practically like a sister to me and she's always been there for me."

"That's what I love about her," Flash said to her. "But wait how did Twilight fall in love with me." he asked her but Sunset shifted her eyes slightly.

"That's not my place say Flash, you'll have to ask her yourself." she told him.

Flash nodded in understand, "Well, if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask me or Starlight." Sunset informed

"Okay. Goodnight," Flash said as he walked in to his room.

"Goodnight," Sunset said as she closed the door. Sunset made her way back to her room and then she had a thought about of that Night Blade friend of Flash's. Even though he lived in the Crystal Empire like Flash did, it didn't stop her from thinking about him or how handsome he looked. "I wonder if I should try asking Night Blade out sometime." Starlight said to herself as entered her room and went to sleep.

In a shared dream of Flash and Twilight (courtesy of Luna) The two of them were in total bliss. They frolicked and laughed as the danced in a beautiful moonlit meadow, Twilight then tackle Flash and the two layed on the ground hold each other tightly in their hooves. They then leaned their heads in and kissed when they pulled apart they smiled and said in unison three words they loved to hear.

"I love you."

Author's Note:

Well there you have chapter four with the twist of the royal sisters convincing Shining armor to let Twilight and Flash date as a little bit of twist on my part.

I also added the part where Twilight was feeling conflicted about transferring her feelings for one Flash over to another. How it will impacted things, Well that will be In the next chapter.:trollestia:

I'd also liked to apologize for the long wait but I've been so busy with other things and my chores that I lost track of time and this chapter was kinda at the last minute so I'm gonna take a little break for now.

Next time Twilight will give her new coltfriend the grand tour of Ponyville and will have to tell him how exactly she came to love him.