• Published 7th Apr 2020
  • 155 Views, 6 Comments

Operation: Roadblock - ComradePresident

The Changelings are doing one last push to break the stalemate. It falls to the Acornage Resistance to prevent that from happening.

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A Tricky Situation

04 May 1011, Friday; Acornage, Equestria

The plane was coming closer to the city. The crew had set up their parachutes and were about to drop from the plane. But suddenly some anti-air shots were being fired from the ground. Mustapha shouted:
"What is going on!"

The pilot answered while clicking the button to open the door.
"We are under attack."

Mustapha jumped off the plane as soon as the door opened, and Thorax quickly followed. One of the AA rounds hit the right wing of the plane before Bon Bon could follow.
"Looks like we are going too.", the co-pilot exclaimed and they put on parachutes too before the plane’s altitude goes down too much for them to jump. Bon Bon had already jumped off and the pilots left the plane simultaneously too.

The crew had already opened their parachutes. They were still being fired at even though the firers should be able to see that they weren’t changelings. Mustapha squirted his eyes to see the anti-air emplacement better while trying to use shield magic to prevent them from getting shot.
"These are Changelings, but why did they attack a Changeling plane with no warning?"

"What do we do now?" Thorax asked.

"Let’s get to the ground alive first."

They have managed to get closer to the ground safely in the anti-air and machine gun fire over them. Most missed them and some blocked my Mustapha’s shield. Suddenly an explosion came from the location of the anti-air gun. Shortly followed by another explosion from the plane crashing further away. The crew looked around to hide somewhere after they landed but the look was cut with a changeling being thrown out of the 3rd floor of the building that the anti-air gun was on the roof of. Following the changeling a pegasus flew out of the window and flew towards the crew.

The white pegasus mare was Polar Wing. She was a PE teacher in Acornage High School before the war and has been a prominent member of the resistance there.

She quickly flew towards Mustapha. Mustapha asked:
"You alone?"

"Yes, we need to get out of here before they send reinforcements." Polar Wing said while pointing towards where they should go.

"What about the pilots? I saw they jumped after us." Mustapha asked.

"We don’t have time!" exclaimed Polar Wing.

"We cannot leave them behind!" Mustapha shouted.

"Fine." Polar Wing said. "But we need to be quick."

Mustapha took out his pistol and they started to run towards where the pilots landed. When they reached there they saw the pilot were lying on the ground. He got shot with a machine gun round in his right hoof. The co-pilot answered:
"Comrade Mustapha, Comrade Dmitry is shot. I cut my sleeve to apply pressure on the injury but this won’t hold long."

"We cannot stay here long. Can you walk?" Polar Wing asked.

"I can… try…" Dmitry answered with pain visible from his face.

Dmitry slowly leaned forward to get up. He got up without putting his injured hoof down but was struggling to move forward. The co-pilot quickly moved under him to support.
"I think we can move like this." said the co-pilot.

"But it’ll be slow, be on guard." Mustapha added. "Changelings can be there in any second."

"Follow me, as fast as you can." said Polar Wing and started to move.

The crew moved several blocks, when got near a turn Polar Wing noticed 2 Changeling Armored Cars coming towards them. She quickly moved back and signalleds others to be silent. Mustapha asked what to do in body language then Thorax cut between them saying "I can distract them." with a low voice. He shapeshifted to an ordinary looking changeling and continued towards the patrol.

He came back 2 minutes later, after sending the patrol to turn left to where they came from. After signalling the others that path was clear, they continued to eventually reach an old bar. After looking around to be sure that they weren’t being followed the crew entered the alley next to the bar. Next to the building, there was a trash container. Polar Wing pushed the container aside, revealing a hatch below it. She opened the hatch which opens to a staircase going below the bar. Mustapha entered the staircase first, then the rest followed with Polar Wing entering the last. After she closed the hatch door behind the trash container rolled back over the hatch due to the small slope on the ground, getting back to its previous position.

They continued inside to the place that was used as a storage room for the bar. There were old cider barrels lying around, now they are mostly empty either consumed by now or had to be disposed to use the barrels for other purposes. There were several ponies of different kinds inside the room. Here a white unicorn greeted them.

The unicorn mare was Ruby Heart, as an old nurse from the Acornage Hospital, she has been ensuring the health of the resistance members in these times. Afterall, the ponypower was one of the big issues of the resistance, so every life must stay on this fight as long as they could.
"I see we have guests… and patients. Lemme grab my stuff."

Mustapha looked around the room. Everyone was busy with their own thing.
"Hey, guys! How it is going?" shouted Mustapha.

There was no response from the room. Mustapha looked at Polar Wing.
"I guess our telegraph did not reach Stalliongrad. Why are you early then?" asked Polar Wing.

"Wait, you weren’t aware that i was coming back early. We sent..."

Mustapha’s words were cut by the door at the other side of the room opening. There was an middle aged brown earth pony coming towards them angrily.

That earth pony stallion was Fast Smoke, a railroad engineer who operated the trains that are now used to carry Changeling equipment to the frontlines. He has been really helpful in resistance’s attacks on the railway and capturing the supplies from them.

"Oh, Mr. Noodle Leg is back." shouted Fast Smoke.
Mustapha said "What?", trying to understand Fast Smoke's behaviour.

"Smoke, calm down!" said Polar Wing and entered between them. "He doesn’t even know..."

"That’s not an excuse!" Fast Smoke continued shouting and tried to get past Polar Wing.

"Can somepony explain me what happened when i was away?" Mustapha shouted in an even hihger voice.

"Can we sit down and talk properly?" Polar Wing asked. "You are gonna get sound out if you continue to scream like that."

"Ok, ok!" Fast Smoke exclaimed while trying to hold himself. "Let’s see what does this bug lover has to say this time, because last time it didn’t go well."

"I..." Mustapha wanted to answer but decided to not hold it longer.

The crew sit around a round table nearby and Polar Wing continued:
"So, you said you didn’t get the telegraph?"

"No, and it seems like you didn’t get ours either." answered Mustapha.

"We have been cut from the telegraph line for the past 2 days." added Polar Wing.

"That explains why Changelings were ready to shoot us down." Mustapha continued.

"I run out as soon as i heard the AA gun noises." said Polar Wing and asked: "If you didn’t get the telegraph, why are did you come early?"

"Long story, that i need to explain shortly but i would like to know what is the issue that makes Fast Smoke so furious." Mustapha responded.

"The main base under the High School got raided by the Changelings." Polar Wing sadly explained.

"Thanks to the stupid bug you brought." Fast Smoke entered, still breathing heavily to contain his anger.

"Smoke, we still don’t know..." Polar Wing tried to talk but Fast Smoke cut her:

"We don’t know, what!? How else could they learn our position."

"What happened to the Changeling?" Mustapha asked.

"He was the first one to get killed, but he was shapeshifted as you at that time." Polar Wing answered. "We were both there, it is likely that the raiders didn’t even knew about him."

"It is not unheard of for Changelings to kill each other to gain advantage." Fast Smoke responded incresing his voice a bit.
"What is our total casualties?" Mustapha asked.

"6 including the changeling, but we lost all the equipment we had under the school." Polar Wing answered.

"I hope you won’t cause something similar again Mustapha, or i’ll handle you personally." Fast Smoke continued in a threatening voice.

"I can understand your concerns, VOPS has agents everywhere." Thorax tried to enter the discussion. "But we are here to help."

"I guess you should introduce your new friends, Mustapha don’t you?", Polar Wing asked.

"I think they can introduce themselves better." Mustapha said and turned to others.

Thorax and Bon Bon shortly looked each other and said "Agent <insert_name>, S.M.I.L.E.". Thorax continued:
"We didn’t bring any identifications on us of course, so you gotta just believe us."

"Ah, awesome. More spy stuff. Can you not keep us out of this shit."

"Wait, Thorax… like the Thorax we know? The Harmonic Changeling leader."

"Yes.", Thorax answered shortly.

"Are you working with S.M.I.L.E. now Mustapha? Are L’AR and NKGB not paying enough?" Polar Wing asked while gigling.

"No, the co-operation between Stalliongrad and Equestria in this war extends to intelligence too." Mustapha stopped a bit then added: "Well maybe you are right that L'AR isn't paying enough, my trip back to Arabia was a total waste and it seems like it would indeed be better if i just stayed here."

"Nah, you might've got killed if you were here." Polar Wing said, putting pack a serious face.

"Anyway, i’m not interested in hearing these stuff." said Fast Smoke.

Fast Smoke tried to get up his chair, but Mustapha prevented him from doing so with magic and continued:
"You aren’t going anywhere, we need you in this one. We’ll raid the railway again. You like these stuff."

"Ok, i’m listening." Fast Smoke answered, looked interested in what Mustapha had to say.

"Bon Bon!" Mustapha exclaimed to signal her to start to explain the stuff.

"There is gonna be another train bringing stuff to the frontlines, it should be passing near here in 5 A.M. in two days."

"We intercept Changeling supplies often, does this one carry something special that needs to be intercepted." Fast Smoke responded.

"Yes, this one is not a supply train. It is carrying a railway gun." Bon Bon continued.

"Sounds straightforward." said Fast Smoke.

"It’ll be guarded way better than usual supply trains." Thorax added. "This is probably their last chance to break the stalemate."

"The frontline hasn’t changed for a while now, right?" Polar Wing asked.

"No, it is pretty much the same since last we talked about it." answered Mustapha.

"Changelings breaking the current stalemate could be the doom of Equestria. We cannot let it pass. I’m in." Fast Smoke said and turned to Mustapha: "But do not think that i forgive you horse. One more wrong move and you are dead."

"Let’s get inside, get some maps and do a proper plan." Polar Wing said. "Get others to join so we won’t need to repeat stuff."

They got off the table and Fast Smoke signalled the others in the room to follow him to the other room. Mustapha went near Ruby Heart and asked:
"How is he?"

"I took out the bullet and applied a healing spell." Ruby Heart answered. "But he needs to rest still."

"They should stay here while we are out." Mustapha continued.

"What is going on?" Ruby Hearth asked.

"We’ll explain everything, let’s go." answered Mustapha.

They all went into the other room on the hideout. That room was filled with tables, arranged like a classroom. There were maps of the city itself, its surrounding areas and the railway on the walls...

Comments ( 5 )

Please try to ignore the fact that i write the "I"s lowercase midsentence. I just hate that rule.

Like it or hate it, it's English grammar. Either follow them or write in a different language.

I disagree, especially for an unnecessary and insignificant exception like the case of "I". What is so special about it? It is just the first person singular pronoun.

There are other stuff i don't agree with the English rules. The case of "I" is pretty much only one i consistently ignore. And consistency is more important to me than correctness to the rules imo.

Language is for communication and for a good communication it must be understandable/must not let misunderstandings. I hate English's lack of a 2nd person singular pronoun. You don't see me using "Thou" in my sentences even though i would like to see it back. Here maybe a place of writers that know a lot about the language, you can't assume everyone knows about it. The case of "I" on other hand has no effect on the meaning as such cannot or at least should not cause any misunderstandings.

Language also evolves, it has changed a lot in the past and continues changing. And if you want a change to happen you should start doing that yourself first. Others may follow or not, time would show that.

Language also should be simple, while providing necessary tools for one to express themselves, properly and correctly. Inconsistencies and irregularities makes a language more complicated and hard to learn. You may say, "There are a lot of Inconsistencies in English, is case of "I" really the thing that you got stuck on?". Well, gotta start from somewhere, also a lot of tge others may fall into my 3rd arguement.

Also, write in a different language is a weak argument. The point of using English is to be understood by many, falling back to my 3rd argument. I can write in another language, if you are willing to learn it.

I dunno, the fic ended up being pretty shit anyway so there are more reasons to not like it than finding that habit of mine annoying. So not that i care much. I didn't want to answer that initially but couldn't hold myself.

Assuming you like the color red more than the color green, and decided for yourself that red means go instead of green, do you really think you'd get away with the ticket the police would most definitely slap on you for breaking traffic laws?

Those are two things that when compared don't exactly make a good point.
One is for comprehension of language, the other is for knowing when you're supposed to mechanically send a signal to your box of steel to move forward, preferably not making contact at high speeds with another steel box.
I understand your pedantic doctrine and I myself am a partial follower, but as long as the intended purpose is fulfilled, then there's no real harm, is there?

The intended purpose of grammar is to communicate. The whole point of having rules is to be able to communicate specifically. When people begin to pick and choose how they communicate, how can you say we're communicating and not just throwing random squiggly lines at each other? How is a traffic light different from language? It is a form of language, one that everyone (except, well, this guy and mentally challenged people I guess) agrees upon. Yay for anarchy!

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