• Published 4th Apr 2020
  • 2,923 Views, 26 Comments

The Best Way - Sir Letters

As Twilight and Thorax have a talk, the former finally comes to a realisation over something that has been nagging at her mind for years now. Thorax is more than glad to help her through with it. A CS/NCT story.

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The Only Real Way

Twilight took a gentle sip from her cocoa, staring for a moment out of the window and towards the busy streets of Canterlot. "There are quite a few changelings out there," she said, setting the mug down on the table. She was pretty sure the fact a princess was drinking from a mug had set at least one or two etiquette books on fire in the archives, but she was with friends. Or close acquaintances, at least.

Thorax threw a look in the same direction. "It would seem so, yes. It's always nice to know we are welcome in Equestria. Most of the younger 'lings don't even know there ever was a time when that wasn't the case."

Twilight didn't give any sort of reply to his words, and instead continued from where she'd left off. "In fact, there are easily more changelings than any other species, ponies included. And not by a short amount, either. And that's just the ones I can spot, nevermind those taking a different form."

A strange smile curled Thorax's lips. "Are you trying to say something, Twi? You know I've always been bad with subtlety." He lit his antlers, and took a sip of his own mug of chocolate.

Twilight looked once more out of the window. "There weren't this many changelings back when I was crowned. This used to be a pony town back then. But with each year, with each generation, more and more of them began to make up the population. It's the same in every other city."

Thorax stared amused at the alicorn. "You say that like it's a bad thing. I thought cultural integration was your idea. Are you having second thoughts, Twi?"

Again, the princess ignored his words. "It's the same in the Empire. It's the same in Griffonstone, it's the same in the Dragonlands, it's the same in Yakyakistan, it's the same in Seaquestria, it's the same everywhere. Changelings don't just outnumber other species, they dwarf those numbers. Somewhere between a third and a fourth of all creatures are changelings now, according to my estimates, and that's with only a rough guess as to how many of them live in their country."

Thorax took another sip of chocolate, still smiling.

"It gets worse with each generation, too. More and more changelings, less and less of other creatures. That means more mixed couples where one of the two is a changeling, those always result in more changelings being born, and so things grow exponentially and the cycle keeps going." Twilight's tone was dry, almost mechanical, her expression flat and showing little emotion.

The Changeling King chuckled. "You can't exactly blame creatures for following their hearts. So what if it leads to more of them enjoying a changeling as their partner?" He took yet another sip, and his grin broadened. "It's the best choice they could make, after all. And the only one that guarantees offspring, as far as interspecies relationships go."

There was a very small shift in Twilight's features, like she was finally confirming something she had long suspected, a hint of resigned understanding in her expression. "If things keep going like this, every other species will go extinct in a matter of generations." She finally turned towards Thorax, staring right into his eyes. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

The changeling stared back, seeming very entertained by the other. "It took you a while to figure it out, didn't it?" He gave a calm, satisfied sigh. "Long enough. And now there's nothing you can do but watch it happen." He returned her stare with frenzied intensity. "Isn't it wonderful?"

Twilight's face was a mask of ice, cold and distant, exuding a sadness that seemed unperturbed by the other's words. "So that's it then. Changelings win, everyone else loses." She stared at her mug for a moment. Empty. With a sigh she set it back down on the table.

"Exactly how it should be." Thorax's expression was almost frightening, so twisted and different from the one he usually wore. "Really, Twi, you should be thankful that it's like this. It's the natural course of events. We've just decided to speed things up, and make sure it's as painless as possible. In fact, most of them will enjoy it."

Twilight seemed deflated, defeated. Her tone was flat as she spoke. "Changelings are better, huh? I should have realised what was going on when I saw that first written on the side of a building. You did a marvelous job with your propaganda, and I'm sure those brothels helped. No doubt some mind control magic was involved, though it probably wasn't needed as far as the sex went."

She sighed, leaning back in her chair. "And the thing is, I couldn't stop it either way. Creatures will seek out changelings as partners at this point, no one would pass up on a creature that can shift to fit your every desire and is perfectly emotionally attuned to you. And the alternative, well... I could never bring myself to start a war, even less so to destroy a species or keep it imprisoned."

"So you see, we're in agreement. Every other species will eventually go extinct in favour of mine, given enough time, and all just through the willing decisions of its members. So what if we speed things up a little?" Thorax finished his chocolate. "This is just the natural order of things. The next logical step in evolution. And for the few who'll oppose progress, well, a little hypnosis goes a long way."

"Like the one you used on me?" Twilight shifted in her seat. "I noticed it, for quite a while, but it wasn't until you said I there's nothing I can do that it finally clicked. I suppose it was designed this way." Another sigh left the princess' lips. "Now I don't have a choice anymore. Is this what you did to Ember as well? Is this what you did to Flurry?"

The Changeling King chuckled. "Ember is a touch more far along, and a touch different. Same with Flurry. They're just conditioned to love me. One already had something there for me to work with, the other I worked on since she was young. You were different. You're smart, and ponies would notice abrupt changes. I was more subtle with you," he explained.

"I just pushed a little," he continued. "Small fragments, little bits and pieces of ideas. That changelings are superior, after all. That there's no more desirable partner than a changeling. That it would be a politically wise decision to strengthen our nations by uniting their leaders. That the natural order of things is the righteous path to follow. That changelings will replace every species, and you should not try to fight the inevitable, but rather embrace it and rejoice in it."

He stood up, and walked towards Twilight. "Now it's over, Twi. I've pushed things far enough and deep enough into your mind that it's impossible for you to fight back," he concluded. "And soon enough, you will be begging me to warp your thoughts even further, as you enjoy the rest of your life as the next of my concubines, climaxing to the thought of how every other species will go extinct and the superior changeling race will rule alone over everything. Isn't that just delightful."

Twilight looked up at him. Despite herself, despite everything, she knew he was right. She would fall, and she would enjoy it. And any day now she would cave to the voice whispering in her mind, and finally admit that changelings are better.

Author's Note:

This is a CS/NCT story. If you want to know more about the subject, or if its themes intrigued you, make sure you visit the Changeling Superiority group.

Comments ( 26 )

well then, this was interesting.

What is cs/nct anyway?

It stands for Changeling Superiority / Nonhostile Changeling Takeover. See the Changeling Superiority group for more info, although this story itself serves as a decent introduction to the concepts.

Lol, I'ma just nope tf away.

This is not really a story. There is no conflict, or real resolution this is more like explanation of events then anything else. Like a more personal news report. I think this would have worked better as like the description of the group to explain the concepts of NCT and such.

Also why exactly Changelings are the superior race? I mean I guess from a evolutionary standpoint they are, but I don't think that's a suitable explanation. Not in a story anyway. Because you set the rules of your universe it's easy to pile as many powers on your favourites as you can and just call them superior but that just come across as a second rate power fantasy. (And make no mistake this is a second rate power fantasy) I think it would have worked a lot better if you've shown something that the changeling do that has an inherent moral value that makes them a superior race.

In the show they were not the superior race and then you just came along and said they are. Well big whoops.

I mean I could do this with any race for Christ sake. Pegasi are the superior race because every time they mate with anything the offspring becomes a Pegasus. Now everyone is either forced to murder them or be doomed to go extinct. This is not a story. This might be the concept of the story but it's not a story. The fact that you managed to waste 1,3 k words on hardly change that fact.

If I were to iron man the argument that this is like something even if it's not a story, I could see it as like a white nationalist parody of the western cultures. And in that case as a moral parable you'd be sort exempt of telling an actual story because your only goal is to introduce your moral stance to the reader. But if I don't equate the changeling to the immigrant coloured people, and the ponies to white people I don't even have a basis on which I can introduce the moral consequence of this story.*

Also I really don't think you want your story to be read as a white nationalist pamphlet. But that's just a hunch. Although it's scary how well that concept fits.

*And before you come at me at the angle that white nationalist have just about as much reason to call their race superior as you have calling the changelings superior you're not quite right. White nationalist have a very reasonable pitch on a surface level. White people did create the greatest culture that have ever existed in the history of mankind. They created democracy, human rights, the scientific method and basically everything important, up untill at least the second half of the 20th century. (with a few exceptions of course.) The problem is none of these creations have anything to do with the colour of their skin and everything to do with the moral and intellectual greatness of the specific individuals or groups who came up with these ideas. Who also happened to be white most of the time. But then again white people did a lot of bad things too and for some reason white nationalist, don't feel the need to attribute those to their skin colour.

So yeah even if those absolute filth of human debris what white nationalist are, felt the need to come up with an explanation how they are superior to every other race, that is not connected to their biology you better do that too sonny. And more preferably. (I mean they're still white nationalists duh. Have some standards.)

Of course you could argue that in the question of which race is superior only biological reasons should matter. That argument however doesn't work if you're the one making up the rules. Because at that point, as I have said, this just turns into a second rate power fantasy.

Yeah this is mostly a restating of the stuff said on the introductory posts in the group, I needed a story to set the guidelines so I can direct people to it in the future. And I did give some better explanations as to why changelings are superior there, but putting those here would have made the story feel too clunky. Either way the Fimfiction crowd has a massive hard-on for second rate power fantasies, so I suppose the moment we start making porn of this people will flock to it.

And I did give some better explanations as to why changeling are superior there.

Well you did in the sense you actually explained why you think what you think but I hardly call those explanations "better" than... well just about anything. They are riddled with logical loopholes and unproven (or downright false) assumptions.

Fimfiction crowd has a massive hard-on for second rate power fantasies

Based on the like/dislike bar on this story, it's not that massive.

So I suppose the moment we start making porn of this people will flock to it.

I can't argue with that one, I admit.


Based on the like/dislike bar on this story, it's not that massive.

Based on the like/dislike bar on your run-of-the-mill AiE/HiE/Displaced story, it's fucking huge.

Maybe they are not so second rate? I mean I'm really just spitballing because I don't read HiE stories ever and I don't even know what the other two thing means. (Alien in Equestria? Allies in Equestria? Administrators in Equestria. Some challenge to write power fantasy out of that one.) I mean having as much experience as I do on the site I don't doubt they're bad but maybe they are just like 1.8th rate? 1.9 maybe? (Man this expression falls apart as soon as you want to measure more than one thing.)

AiE stands for Anon in Equestria.

Okay in that case I take everything back.

I see we're on the same page. Also Displaced are the 'I died at a con while cosplaying as a character and now I'm in Equestria as that character' fics. How those used to regularly hit the feature bar a few months ago is a mystery to me, it got so bad Estee made a fic parodying the phenomenon. Or at least, I believe those fall under the larger Displaced category, which I think is just in general *character* gets sent to *place* with no real reason.

Superiority / Nonhostile Changeling Takeover

Yeah sorry, this is not non-hostile. As soon as mind control gets involved that goes right out the window. Which also means the story suggests rape, also an hostile act.

Obviously this is not at all my cup of tea, which is fine. I read it, could have stopped at any time. It's just strange that you tag the story non-con (I didn't look at the tags before reading, also my bad) and then apparently call it a "non-hostile takeover" story. Its possible that its either/or (superiority OR non-hostile take-over), but that's not very clear.

Mind control ends up being used only on a few selected individuals. The idea is that most creatures will just gravitate towards a changeling partner naturally.

There’s literally nothing non-hostile about this.

Well you gotta find a catchy name for your genocide plans, no one will buy it otherwise. Besides if RGRE is a term people still use then I reserve the right to call things how I want.

I mean, they’re not any better at knowing what words mean. :applejackunsure:

The difference is I do it intentionally.

Nonhostile Changeling Takeover

Nice. Would've been hotter if they all had changeling hybrid babies instead, but oh well.

Then the hybrids start advocating for more rights to be considered as equals compared to their "pure" changeling ancestors, and drama ensues while Thorax is torn between his stance on changeling purity vs. his Twilight hybrid baby.

Hmm, proposal: The Lings using their position and status to slowly normalize hypnosis/mind control and frame it as a positive for the victim?

That could indeed be interesting. I'll consider making a story about it.

the prime directive just got thrown out the airlock

Why is this downvoted so heavily? That is sad. its well enough written and an exploration. For those who say its not a story because "reasons", beginning, middle, end is not a rule, its a guideline for new writers. Exploration of a scene, a world, a vision is all valid storytelling.

As someone who likes dark stories this is right up my alley(not that different to my Upholding Harmony.

Does anyone know what happens to sir letters

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