• Published 29th Mar 2020
  • 266 Views, 3 Comments

The Alley Outside of 7/11: An Anthology - The Red Parade

A collection of speed writings, discarded and abandoned stories, and other odds and ends. Story details in long description.

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To: Lyra Heartstrings
From: Bon Bon

Hey Lyra,

You probably heard what happened at work today. It was pretty frickin’ crazy. Giant monster came out of the Everfree and started attacking Ponyville. My unit was activated and we went out to try and fight the darned thing. It was pretty awesome.

We teamed up with Princess Twilight in the end. We found out that the thing, a Grimdusk it’s called, was passively secreting poison into the air. Princess Twilight had a counter potion but she couldn’t get close enough to use it.

So I took point and led my team right at that thing. It was crazy, but I did it. Threw the potion right into its mouth and that was that. But…

It turns out my gas mask was defective. Didn’t have the right filters or something. So, turns out I was breathing in all the stuff around me. I don’t want you to worry though. Twilight says I’ll be fine. She’s running experiments and stuff, but she doesn’t think it’ll hurt me.

She did put me in a mandatory quarantine though, so you need to stay in Manehattan for a couple more days. Just until they’re sure whatever I was breathing isn’t contagious or anything. It’s just for a little bit. See you in two weeks.


Bon Bon

To: Princess Twilight Sparkle
From: Special Agent Octavia Melody, Equestrian Office of Secret Services

Dear Princess Twilight,

The EOSS is requesting your assistance with regards to the Grimdusk Incident. We believe that the compound inhaled by Special Agent Sweetie Drops may pose a danger to the safety of Equestria.

In particular, we have discovered that the Grimdusk’s toxins are incredibly lethal and may be capable of reproducing even when the Grimdusk itself has died. This has the potential to become a national emergency should we fail to act. Please return my letter within your convenience.


Special Agent Octavia Melody

To: Princess Twilight Sparkle
From: Special Agent Sweetie Drops

Dear Princess Twilight,

Thanks for checking up on me. I feel fine for the most part. Some chest pains here and there. And I’ve had a few headaches over the week, but I think I’m okay.

I haven’t coughed up blood since the first day. Also been having trouble sleeping. I don’t know if that means anything.

Thanks again for everything you’re doing.


Special Agent Sweetie “Bon Bon” Drops

To: Princess Twilight Sparkle
From: Special Agent Octavia Melody, Equestrian Office of Secret Services

Dear Princess Twilight,

I would like to remind you that there is a time for morality and a time for action. As an agent of Equestria, it is my personal duty to put the safety of our citizens over that of the individual. I may not agree with this ideology, and you may not either, but we must remember the greater good. For the sake of Equestria, I hope you make the right decision.


Special Agent Octavia Melody

Attn: Special Agent Sweetie Drops, Royal Investigative Service
From: Princess Twilight Sparkle

Dear Special Agent Bon Bon,

I hope this letter finds you well.

I would like to commend you for your actions regarding the recent incident involving the Grimdusk Monster. Your swift actions saved not only my own life, but that of the city of Ponyville and quite possibly the whole of Equestria as well.

Enclosed in this letter you will find a commendation and an official Star of Equestria, the highest honor I can bestow upon any member of an Equestrian law enforcement agency. I understand that these past few weeks must have been difficult for you and you eagerly await news regarding your quarantine.

Once again, I must reiterate that the quarantine is absolutely necessary for your safety. There is little known information on the Grimdusk, but you had been breathing whatever the compound it was excreting for well over fifteen minutes. As we do not know if there is any risk involved, the quarantine is absolutely necessary.

I understand that you are missing your wife dearly. Rest assured, the quarantine period should be over soon, as I have completed my experiments into the matter. You will be delighted to hear that I discovered that the chemical compound is not lethal.

The pains you described to me should subside within the week, but to be safe, you must be alone and you must rest. I’ve also sent you some sleeping potions that should assist you in the matter. I can not reiterate how important rest is to your recovery.

Please get some sleep after you read this letter. It will increase your recovery period substantially. Rest assured, pun not intended, you will see your wife soon.

And once again, thank you for your service, agent. I am truly sorry for what happened to you.


Princess Twilight Sparkle

To: Lyra Heartstrings
From: Bon Bon

Hey, Lyra!

Good news! Twilight said I’m all good now! My quarantine’s over! You can come home again! We’ll go out and have a nice big dinner to celebrate. I’m going to go lie down now. I’m absolutely exhausted. I can’t wait to see you again.


Bon Bon

Attn: Special Agent ‘Octavia,’ Equestrian Office of Secret Service
From: Princess Twilight Sparkle.

… You were right, and I hate you for it. My conclusions matched that of your scientists.

It’s done. I sent her the letter today. She should be asleep by now. The potions I gave her are potent, so she shouldn’t wake up.

I’ve done everything I can. There’s no way around it. If we don’t act within forty eight hours, her body will start producing the toxins. She probably won’t even notice what she’s doing at first. Within twenty four hours, though, my estimates show that she’ll have killed 40% of Equestria.

There’s no other option. She shouldn’t wake up when you enter. Even if she does, the potion should keep her drowsy and non combative.

I’ve enclosed her address inside this letter.

And… please don’t ever contact me again.

May Celestia save you from the pits of Tartarus. Because I sure won’t.

To: Mrs. Lyra Heartstrings
From: Senior Special Agent Octavia Melody, Royal Investigative Service

Hello Mrs. Heartstrings,

It brings me great pain to inform you that after conducting a regular checkup, we discovered that your wife Sweetie Drops had passed away during her quarantine. Princess Twilight Sparkle is still working closely with us to establish a cause of death, but we believe it is related to the Grimdusk Incident in which she participated in.

Please know that the department is grieving with you. My very heart aches to send you this letter, as Bon Bon was a dear friend to us. She saved countless lives at the cost of her own. May her soul forever rest in peace.

I understand this news is hard to hear. Should you ever need an ear to listen, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Octavia Melody.