• Published 28th Mar 2020
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The Aftermath of Nightmare Sparkle - Twilight Star

What happened after the Nightmare Sparkle incident? How did Twilight Sparkle recover from that? Did she have somepony with her during this difficult time?

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Having lunch outside

Twilight was on the balcony of Luna’s room as she watched Canterlot down there. It had many ponies awake today. Some ponies were on their way to work, others chatting with their friends and others just strolling. Twilight couldn’t help denying that the Canterlot ponies seemed to have forgotten about the unsuccessful invasion of Chrysalis’ subjects. But she was sure that the ponies still remembered her and must hate her from now on when she was Nightmare Sparkle. Well, except for Shining, Cadence, Celestia, Luna, Spike and her friends, as they showed their regret. But she wouldn’t go to the other ponies and ask, “hey! I know I wanted to dominate Equestria with the Nightmare Forces, but you forgave me for doing that, didn’t you?” since she knew that if she did that, she would break even more emotionally, and she didn’t want it to get any worse.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of a door opening and closing. Twilight’s ears perked up, she looked back and saw Luna, who was looking at her with a sad look because of her best friend being like this. “Twilight, are we going to start classes?”

Twilight Sparkle got up, entered the room, closed the balcony door with her magic and sat on the bed, still looking sad and guilty. She looked at Luna. “Yes. What forgiveness lesson are you going to teach me today, Luna?”

“That you accept that mistakes don’t make you an evil pony,” replied Luna. Twilight was concerned about that. They sat on the bed to begin class. “Twilight Sparkle, I understand what you’re feeling. You feel guilty that you acted out of anger and accepted Nightmare’s offer. I also felt a negative feeling once in the past.”

Twilight Sparkle was surprised. “Really?”

“Yes, Twilight. And it was jealous, and as I felt a negative emotion, Nightmare was attracted to it,” replied Luna.

“But Luna, what happened to you was only with Princess Celestia. With me it went with more ponies,” said Twilight Sparkle. “I emotionally hurt more ponies close to me. You, on the other hand, went only with Princess Celestia.”

“I know, Twilight. But what matters is that Celestia and I are reunited,” said Luna, now with a smile. “And what matters too, is that you and the ponies next to you have apologized and you have forgiven them.”

“I agree. But that is not the problem. I shouldn’t have let the anger get the better of me after they left me. Nightmare felt that emotion in me and used me,” Twilight Sparkle started to cry. “How could I be so childish?”

“Twilight, you weren’t a child. You just weren’t well emotionally because they didn’t believe you,” said Luna.

“But I knew that Nightmare was a threat from the beginning, Luna!” Twilight Sparkle sobbed as she hugged Luna with her front hooves. “Nightmare took your body once, and then you took mine! Nightmare manipulated me in the hope that I would allow it to enter my body! And then, the Element of Magic wouldn’t be able to activate the other elements as I would be corrupted and nothing would stop me from dominating Equestria!”

“Twilight, You’re not an evil pony,” said Luna.

Twilight Sparkle continued to sob, but responded. “I am, yes...”

“You’re not, Twilight. We all make mistakes. Don’t think about what you did, it makes you an evil pony.”

Twilight Sparkle looked uncertain, she didn’t know if she could accept it, since she believed she was the villain in the story. “I don’t know, Luna. Are you sure that I’m not the villain?”

Luna lifted Twilight Sparkle’s head with a front hoof, then she wiped the tears from Twilight’s eyes with a hoof. “No. You’re not the villain, Twilight. The villain in this whole story is Chrysalis.”

Twilight Sparkle was uncertain. Should she believe her mentor’s words? She knew that Luna would never lie to her, but even so, she was uncertain about it.

“So, Twilight? You believe me, don’t you?” asked Luna with a smile.

Twilight Sparkle sighed as she looked down guiltily. “Princess. I believe you, Luna. And I know that you’re telling the truth. But I am not able to forgive myself for what I did, not now. I will need more time to be able to truly forgive myself. You can be patient, can’t you?”

Luna didn’t expect that answer. But she wouldn’t blame Twilight for feeling that way. Since Twilight was feeling the same as she was when she had just been forgiven after returning to her original form and returning to rule with Celestia. Waiting was never something she could handle. But she would do that for Twilight. “Yes, Twilight. I can.”

Twilight Sparkle managed to smile a little. But something came up in her mind. “Will there be more forgiveness classes involving the practice of forgiveness?”

Luna started to think. She put the hoof on her chin in thought. She wanted to continue to teach Twilight. But how was she going to continue the part of practicing forgiveness if Twilight couldn’t forgive herself? It looked like she was going to have to leave that step behind, at least until Twilight accepted that what she did doesn’t make her an evil pony. “Yes. I will continue to teach you, Twilight Sparkle. But unfortunately, this step that I took today cannot be completed right now.”

Twilight Sparkle looked a little sad to be feeling this way. Since a stage was’t completed because of it. “Princess Luna, I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I let you down, princess!” she sobbed.

Luna was heartbroken to see Twilight cry again. She put a hoof on Twilight. “Twilight, you didn’t let me down.”

“But it is because of me that you will have to skip a step in the method!” sobbed Twilight Sparkle. “I’m sorry for making you waste your time with me!”

“Twilight, don’t blame yourself. You’re not making me waste my time. And you’re not a lost cause, Twilight. I will stay by your side until you recover,” said Luna.

Twilight Sparkle looked at Luna, still with tears in her eyes. “S-so does that mean I won’t stop being your student?”

Luna hugged Twilight Sparkle with a wing, now smiling. “No, Twilight. Besides, it’s been two days since you became my student. And I’m not going to take you out of your position as my student just because things aren’t going as I wanted. ”

Twilight Sparkle smiled as she wiped away tears with a hoof. “Really?”

“That’s right, Twilight,” Luna hugged Twilight Sparkle with her hooves. Twilight smiled and returned the hug. “Tell me, Twilight. Since it isn’t yet night, I have free time now, how about we take a walk in Canterlot?”

“I liked that idea, Luna,” replied Twilight Sparkle. “So, we can take the opportunity to talk. But what are we going to do?” Suddenly, Twilight’s stomach rumbled, she laughed. “I think eating early is a good idea.”

“I agree. We are going to have lunch in a restaurant and then we are going for a walk,” replied Luna.

They left the room. Twilight waited for Luna to close the door with her magic. When Luna left the room, she closed the door with magic and they started walking again. The royal and lunar guards noticed Luna with Twilight. They even started to imagine that Luna was dating Twilight. They looked at each other while smiling and whispering in each other’s ears. But Luna and Twilight didn’t seem to notice, as they were both happy that they were going to spend an entire afternoon together.

When they arrived at the restaurant, the two sat down and took a menu to choose what to eat.

“Have you chosen, madams?” asked the waiter.

Twilight Sparkle looked up from the menu and looked at the waiter with a smile. “I would like a nacismo sandwich with daisies.”

Luna did the same as Twilight Sparkle. “I would like the same thing as Twilight.”

The waiter nodded and left the place. Twilight and Luna looked at each other. “Princess Luna, after lunch do we just go for a walk, or are we going somewhere in Canterlot?”

“If you want, we could go to the library to read,” suggested Luna.

Twilight Sparkle smiled. “It’s a good idea, Luna!”

Luna smiled at the answer. “Thank you, Twilight.”

The waiter returned and handed the two sandwiches to Twilight and Luna. Twilight and Luna took their sandwiches and started eating.

When they finished eating, Twilight and Luna left the restaurant with smiles on their faces. They had no plans to go anywhere, other than to walk in Canterlot. Although Twilight still feels guilty and broken for what she did as Nightmare Sparkle, at least now she would be able to feel less sad, since now she and Luna would be leaving quite often after her forgiveness class. Especially for lunch and a walk in Canterlot, like going to the library, going to a store to buy something or taking a walk around the city with Luna beside her.

“Princess Luna,” began Twilight Sparkle as she looked at Luna.

Luna looked at Twilight Sparkle with a smile. “Yes, Twilight?”

“Whenever you finish teaching me, will we always go out to lunch and take a walk in Canterlot?”

“I was thinking of doing this,” replied Luna. “Why?”

“Are you going to warn her we will always stay of the castle when she is busy with real duty?” asked Twilight Sparkle.

“Yes. But I will only do this today only when it is time for Celestia to lower the sun and I raise the moon,” replied Luna.

Celestia was waiting for Luna to arrive on the balcony. Luna was taking longer than usual. She wondered what Luna was doing to take so long. She was on the balcony for almost an hour and nothing about her sister. Until she saw Luna flying Twilight in the sky to her. Upon reaching the balcony, Twilight stepped off Luna. Celestia approached Luna as she was worried. “Luna? Where in Equestria were you?”

“Me and Twilight just went out to eat and went for a walk in Canterlot later,” replied Luna. “Are you upset with me?”

Celestia was surprised by the answer, but soon smiled. “No, Luna. It’s just that when you took too long to come back I was worried. Did you two have fun?”

“Yes, sister. Twilight and I had lunch outside and then went for a walk in Canterlot,” replied Luna. “Sister, I wanted to tell you something to keep you informed.”

“I’m listening,” said Celestia.

“When you have a day full of real duties, after I teach Twilight, Twilight and I will go out for lunch and take a walk in Canterlot, but when you’re not busy, we’ll have lunch with you,” confessed Luna. “So if I delay getting back to the castle, you already know where I am and what I’m doing.”

“Luna, I’m going to allow you to go out with Twilight, but try not to be too late next time, okay?” said Celestia. She wasn’t mad at Luna, but she just wanted to warn Luna not to make that mistake again.

“I understand, sister,” said Luna as she was looking down with guilt and her ears were down.

“It doesn’t look like that, Luna. I’m not mad at you,” Celestia approached Luna and hugged her with a front hoof as she smiled. “I just want you to know that you also have real duties.”

Luna looked at Celestia and smiled a little. “I know, Celestia.”

“But shall we now lower the sun and raise the moon?” asked Celestia.

“Yes Sister.”