• Published 28th Apr 2020
  • 486 Views, 2 Comments

Once Upon a Venator - Boogaloo10

Stories about ponies and Venators. Part of the Fluttershy: Galactic Zoologist Universe.

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1. To Prank A Jedi

Fluttershy entered her quarters. They were only temporary, since she would be arriving at Naboo in around 25 hours, but Fluttershy couldn't help but want to decorate a little. The walls were all the same grey color, and the bed was only a shade or two lighter. Fluttershy dug into her bag and placed the bright green book of Naboo's fauna on a little table in the corner, which brightened up the room a little. She smiled.

The image of a shining white pony with a plum-colored mane flashed across Fluttershy's conscience, making that smile just a little bigger.

The pegasus dropped her bag in a corner and decided to look around the ship. Ahsoka said that the personnel would be happy to help her if she got lost, so Fluttershy thought a little roaming couldn't possibly hurt her.

Eventually, Fluttershy came upon the hangar bay of the Venator. There were several ships in little open rooms on the sides of the long, wide hall, which was full of a couple more ships and lots of supplies and fuel.

"I wonder why they need all these ships if we're just going to Naboo..." Fluttershy thought aloud.

"After we drop you and the Commander off, we're going straight to Florrum," a clone voice said behind the pegasus, making her jump.

She turned around to see a clone soldier in white and blue armor. He looked like he was of a high rank, with all of the color he had.

"What's your name?" Fluttershy asked.

"I'm Captain Rex," the soldier replied. "I'm guessing nobody told you that Naboo isn't the first stop this ship is taking."

"No... I actually skipped the meeting..." Fluttershy looked at the ground sheepishly. "There was going to be a lot of Council members there, and I was afraid they'd still be really mad at me after... what happened."

"In my experience, kid, half of the Jedi will forgive you and move on, and half will forgive but think you're a threat for quite some time." Rex said. Fluttershy wasn't sure if this was helpful or more unsettling.

"Hey, look, it's the Jedi Basher!" A different clone, one that helped with the ships, said as he ran up to Fluttershy and the Captain. He was grinning ridiculously, and pointing at her. It took Fluttershy a second to realize what was going on, but when she did, she turned as red as a ripe tomato--maybe even redder.

"Cool it, Joke, give the kid a break," Rex said, nudging the clone a little harder than what could be considered 'friendly'.

"Aw, but what she did was so cool! I wish I had guts like hers!" Joke said, looking at Fluttershy, and still grinning.

"W-wait... you think what I did was... 'cool'?" Fluttershy asked, blush fading a little. "Do you not like the Jedi?"

"No, no, it's not that! I just like to give 'em a little scare sometimes! Keep 'em on their toes!" Joke's eyebrows narrowed a little, turning his smile from goofy to a little creepy. Fluttershy squeaked.

"Joke here thinks it's fun to prank the Jedi," Rex sighed. Fluttershy couldn't tell, but she bet that he was rolling his eyes. "He does it on every ship he goes on with them."

"You make it sound like it's a bad thing!" Joke said, his grin faltering a little. "I make some true masterpieces!"

"Wouldn't you get suspended for something like that?" Fluttershy tilted her head.

"He has been. Several times." Rex turned to Joke in a way that made it obvious he was glaring.

"I probably will be again, and maybe even on this very mission!" Joke giggled. "You see--"

Joke stopped talking as a shadow appeared behind him. He turned around to see Anakin, holding up some misshapen explosives.

"Found these in your bunk," the Jedi said, sounding both angry and amused. "Care to explain?"

"General Skywalker, those can't hurt anybody! I made replicas of our explosives, but these shoot little sparkles everywhere when they detonate! S'posed to make you happy!" Joke said, his smile unable to cover up his fear.

"Well, you could say that I'm happy that I found them before you used them." Anakin smiled maliciously. "You're suspended as soon as we return to Coruscant. Until then, you can join the janitorial staff."

Joke sighed, but never dropped his smile. He took a bow before walking off.

"Why do you keep suspending him and not just expel him if he's so much trouble?" Fluttershy asked once the clone delinquent was gone.

"He's a handful, but he's also got a lot of skills," Anakin sighed. He turned to Rex. "Remember, we have a meeting in an hour."

"Yes, sir." Rex said.

Fluttershy began to trot off when the image of a bouncy pink pony appeared in her mind. It was a strong memory, and it made Fluttershy think of... joke pies?

An overwhelming feeling came to Fluttershy, and before she could stop herself, she walked deeper into the Venator, looking for where the engineering personnel were.

"Hey, Snips! Have you seen my lightsaber?" Anakin called to his Padawan. They stood in the same hall, on opposite ends.

"Did you lose it again?" Ahsoka smirked.

Anakin frowned. "No, not this time! I know exactly where I placed it, and now it's gone!"

"Why can't you just keep it on your belt?" The Padawan asked, folding her arms.

"Well, I didn't think I'd need it!"

"Master Kenobi's not going to be happy about this."

"Watch it, Snips!"

"H-hey, Anakin!" Fluttershy interrupted, appearing behind Ahsoka. Both Jedi turned towards her. "I, uh, found your, um, lightsaber."

"Really? Thanks!" Anakin said before walking over to the Pegasus. "Where'd you find it?"

"Oh! In the, uh, hangar bay." she looked at her hooves.

"Hmm... Joke must've taken it..." Anakin looked at his lightsaber suspiciously. "I'd better make sure he didn't do anything to it." So Anakin turned the lightsaber on.

But a lightsaber blade did not come out of the handle.

Instead, colorful confetti and steamers flew from the handle, spraying everywhere. When the spectacle had finished, Anakin and the floor around him were covered in the party supplies. Ahsoka had to smother a giggle, and Fluttershy's face broke out into a huge smile.

"Okay, that's it!" Anakin shouted, throwing the fake saber onto the ground. "Joke's going to get it!" The Jedi turned to walk out of the hall when Fluttershy stopped him.

"Wait! Joke didn't do it! It was me!" the Pegasus pleaded.

"...You did this?" Anakin asked, bewildered. Ahsoka picked the fake lightsaber lightsaber up and examined it, smiling all the while.

"Well, not all by myself," Fluttershy admitted. "I had some help building it from the clones in engineering, but they had no idea why I was building it! I promise!"

Anakin stood quietly for a while, glaring at the lightsaber. Fluttershy became increasingly scared as to what he was going to say. Even Ahsoka began to look a little worried.

Evenntually, Anakin smiled. "Well, I must say, I didn't take you for the pranking type," he said. "How about this: I won't tell anyone that you pranked me if you won't tell anyone that I lost my lightsaber. Deal?"

"Um... about that..." Fluttershy looked a little more worried. "It's in my quarters."

"You stole my lightsaber?!" Anakin yelled. Both Fluttershy and Ahsoka winced.

"Master, I want you to think very carefully about what you're going to say next." Ahsoka said when she saw Fluttershy's face. The Pegasus looked to be on the verge of tears.

"Don't tell me what to do, Snips," Anakin told his Padawan. "And you, Fluttershy--good job."

"Please don't--wait, what?" Fluttershy was surprised at the sudden mercy.

"It takes both guts and skill to steal from a Jedi, among other things." Anakin explained. "I'm honestly a little impressed. Just don't go around stealing lightsabers left and right, because I won't be able to save you."

"O-okay!" Fluttershy smiled, happy that she wasn't getting into a ton of trouble. She--somewhat cautiously--walked past the Jedi to Ahsoka. The two girls then set off, completely oblivious to the quiet laughs of the Jedi that was left in the hall.

Author's Note:

Yay! A little side story in the Fluttershy: Galactic Zoologist complete! :yay:

There will be more stories in the future, so look out for those!