• Published 13th Apr 2020
  • 440 Views, 2 Comments

Order 66 - SoundWave3456

Taking place within the Adamverse, what happens when our beloved hero turns to the darkside.

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Battle over Equestria.

Flying above the planet, Equestria; was the inter-galactic star ship, the Blockade Runner. Flown across space by its crew, men taken from the O.S.C’s clone army.

It's captain, was the heroic soldier, Commander John Fuller. He was known for leading the charge at the battle of the Sea of Rust on Cybertron.

On board the Blockade Runner, was a very important ambassador, Princess Celestia; the ruler of the planet. She had been taken for a meeting of the O.S.C alliance, where the leaders of the five planets meet and discuss the matters of their alliance.

The humans of Earth, the Autobots of Cybertron, the ponies of Equestria, the Nav’I of Pandora & the Time-lords of Gallifrey.

John entered the passenger wing of the ship, he met with the princess. “Your highness, we will be leaving the planet's atmosphere in a few minutes. Would you mind taking your seat?” Princess Celestia honoured his words and sat down in the throne-shaped chair.

John returned to the bridge, he ordered, “Transfer all power to the hyper drive, we don't want the princess to be late.”

One of the soldiers at the controls replied, “No sir.” So the ship began to fly higher above the clouds.

As they sailed through the night sky, they had no idea of the incoming danger. They were being pursued by the enemy, Decepticons. Three Decepticon ships were on the Runner's tail, the clone soldiers were looking at the scanners, but no enemy ships came up on the radar. What the enemy didn't realise is the Runner's thrusters were faster then theirs, if clones pick up their signal, they'll be able to get away.

On the bridge of the leading Decepticon cruiser, was one of the most feared warrior of their entire army. The super, and super dangerous; Black Out.

The Decepticon warrior looked through the ship's window, he watched the Blockade Runner fly away from them. His master wanted that ship shot down, so he gave the order for the sneak attack.

“Send in our first attack ship.” Black Out ordered. “Once it in position, tell it to fire the tow-cables.”

The Decepticons did as ordered, one of the three ships flew ahead of the others, just above the Runner. The tow-cables sprung from the ships under and latched onto the clone ship, there was no escape for the O.S.C.

Black Out wandered down to his ship's loading bay, he watched the seekers jump out of the ship and change from in the air, the flew towards the enemy cruiser.

The Decepticon leader decided to join the attack, he ran for the big open door and leaped out the ship; he transformed into his helicopter mode. The Con fired his thrusters and sped off towards the Blockade Runner.

Once the seekers open fired on the cruiser, the battle had begun.

John was trying to take control of the situation, his troops were shouting things at him from every direction.

“Decepticons are attacking the ship!”

“They're blasting out our thrusters!”

“We need to call for back up!”

So John thought of a way out of this, he started shouting orders at his men, and they started to calm down. The troops listened to his instructions, “Tell the pilots to get to their fighters, and tell the radio team to call Earth for reinforcements.”

The crew put his plan into action, three clones ran down to the launch bay and two clone troopers made their way to the radio transmitter. Now that they had a plan, they needed to fulfil their number one mission, protect the princess.

Whilst the Decepticons continued their attack, the Blockade Runner's defence guns went offline. One soldier at the controls called John over, “Sir, the main gun network has lost all power. We'll need to replace the energon fuse if we are gonna stand any chance at repelling this attack.” The control console opened, revealing an energon fuse, John took the fuse to restore the power.

“Over here sir, we'll lead you to the power transmitter.” Another soldier said to his commander. The three clone troopers led John to where he needed to plug in the fuse.

John ordered, “Come on, we need to get those guns on line."

Whilst John and the three troopers ran for their destination, the commander responded to a transmission from his communicator. “What is Slick, I'm busy?”

The soldier replied, “Sir, you need to know, Decepticons have boarded the ship.”

John understood the what he needed to do; him and his men readied their blasters, with John using his neutron rifle and the clones loading the laser blasters. “Copy that Slick. Report the backup, when are we getting help?”

The transmission was cut off when one of John’s soldiers opened the next door revealing a squad of Decepticon Vehicons. The enemy troops turned the clones and open fired with their classic Neutron Assault Rifles.

They unfortunately shot down one of the clones, the other two men and John ducked behind the crates by the doorway. John blasted some of the Cons with his rifle, the evil Cybertronians were killed on the spot. Until only two remained, they were start, they transformed into their car modes and drove off into the ship.

Once the path was clear, the three of them continued through the ship; they passed the dead clone trooper, but they would mourn the lost was this was over.

After fighting their way through the ship, John and his two remaining men reached the defence guns power grid. The commander inserted the energon fuse, power was quickly restored to the gun turrets.

Once the power was back, the gun turrets on the hull of the ship, began shooting back at the enemy ships. The energon also restored power to the elevators; John and the clones entered the lift, it would take them back to the control deck.

However, the safety locks were preventing the elevator from moving. Slick patched into the cameras in the clones helmet, he could now see what they saw. Slick could see the safety locks stopping them from moving, so he told the commander what to do.

“Careful sir, your rifle could melt through the lift's mechanism. Do you think you could punch through the safety locks?”

John did as instructed, using his bionic left hand, he smashed down on the safety locks. They cracked open and lift started working.

As the elevator went up, they could see battles raging on between clones and Decepticons, on the floors they passed. On one floor, they had the unfortunate luck of watching a clone trooper murdered by a Decepticon Leaper; the Con blocked their view, so they could not see the death, but they could hear him scream.

Outside the Blockade Runner, Black Out was flying towards the hanger; him and two seekers landed inside the O.S.C ship.

The three of them transformed back to their robot modes; using Riot Cannons, they blasted away any clone troopers. When the way was clear, they ran for the ship's hallways, trying to reach where the princess was being held.

As they ran, Black Out ordered, “Go to the communications deck, stop them transmitting!” The two seekers nodded at their orders and ran off down another hall.

That left Black Out to go find and capture Princess Celestia himself.

Meanwhile, coming through hyperspace, another O.S.C ship was flying to the alliance meeting. This ship was carrying the representative of Cybertron, the great Zeta Prime.

He had been found weeks ago, his ship floating through space; him and his crew were found in their stasis pods. His crew included; Cliffjumper, Silverbolt, Brawn & some Autobot troops. After Zeta Prime was found, Optimus gave the leadership of the Autobots back to him; Optimus is still a prime, but he serves as Zeta's second in command.

Their ship had just received the distress signal from the Blockade Runner, so Zeta ordered, “Play the transmission.” The Autobot working the controls did as ordered, he played the message.

“To anyone out there....This is the O.S.C Blockade Runner.....Requesting reinforcements.... We're under attack above the planet Equestria.....Sector 9GT7C6.....Please, we can't hold out much longer.”

Zeta could not stand by and ignore a plead for help, so he began giving his troops their orders. “Tailgate; turn this ship around and plug in the coordinates, Steampunk; contact Earth for reinforcements. The rest of you, get ready for battle.”

Prime sat back in his command chair, their ship (the Valiant) flew off towards the location of the Blockade Runner.

To be continued....

Comments ( 2 )

Why is a Transformers crossover named after something from Star Wars?

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