• Published 22nd Mar 2020
  • 1,942 Views, 88 Comments

Der Unterseeboot - JustAnotherHistoryBuff

What happens when a fanatical Uboat crew intercepts an Equestrian convoy.

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Das Meer und Das Unterseeboot

The sea is a a sailor's paradise. No matter how calm or rough the sea is, the sea will always be a sailors natural habitat and escape from the toils of life on land. It was pure freedom. But sometimes, the sea could turn rough. Rough seas are normal, but not this type of rough. This type of rough seas only comes with human input... War.

From the first conflict between man to this latest world wide conflict, the seas were always made rough by war. From the beginning, it was simple boarding or firing arrows at each other from short distances. Now, submarines lurked the depths silently stalking their targets while surface ships threw salvos of high explosive and armor piercing shells at each other as aircraft droned overhead. With each century, naval warfare kept on becoming more advanced. Gone were the volley fires of cannons on galleons and in with the torpedos of submarines.

For Captain Friedrich Zimmern, no thoughts of if he would ever make it home came to mind. He had a duty, not only for his countrymen but also to his Führer and his party. The Amerikaner and Engländer bombed his Nation mercilessly while the once mighty armies were being pushed back to the borders of the Reich. He had always wanted to play a part in the war but when it had started in 1939, he was still in secondary school, almost about to graduate. His parents wanted to see him go into a university and stay out of the war. He knew that was not right. The party was right. It was his duty as a loyal German to fight for his country by any means necessary. So here he now stood, 5 years later, on the top of his Type IXC submarine, ready to sink any enemy cargo ship transporting goods to destroy his country and his countrymen.

His crew was sound in both their drive to fight and their ideological pride in the National Socialist belief. His first officer, Michael Dietrich was a young man just like Zimmern. However, Dietrich came with experience from 3 past patrols in his previous stint. Short and stocky, one could mistake Dietrich for a Swabian or Bavarian, especially with his accent. But funnily enough, he was a Saxon. How he was a Saxon with such features went beyond Zimmern's capability to comprehend. Also how Dietrich had not been promoted to command his own U-Boat was strange enough. When Zimmern finally passed his officer training after serving as a Gunner on an E-Boat and was transferred to the U-Boat fleet, he found himself doing menial staff officer work until a promotion and new command was given to him. But all of that seemed like a distant memory. A memory that needed to be put down. He had a job to do. A duty to his country, his people, his party, and his Führer.

As the U-Boat sailed through the North Atlantic, a brewing storm caught the eye of the lookouts.

"Herr Captain, a storm is forming in front of us!" Called out one of the lookouts.

"Hm... Get me the navigator Krauss, I want to know where we are. That storm does not look very good at all." He told the lookout, peering through his binoculars at the storm.

"Jawohl, Herr Captain!" Lookout Krauss said as he made his way down into the U-Boat.

A few hours later, Zimmern found himself back inside the U-Boat as it sloshed and churned through the rough seas of the storm. While he sat in his small quarters, his men were lounging in their bunks as they waited for the storm to pass while the hydrophone operator sat at his desk, ever diligently listening for any contacts. Within the next few hours, the U-Boat crew would unknowingly travel to a new world.

*** *** ***

The Equestrian Sea, a true sailor's paradise. From Manehattan to the Griffon Coast, the Equestrian Sea was a lifeline of commerce between the nations who possess a coastline on the large ocean. Cartographers had already mapped out the ocean and sea lanes long before his time, but still... the vastness of the ocean always took his mind away from life on the mainland.

Sea Breeze was a seasoned cargo Captain. For nearly 3 decades, he sailed under the Equestrian Banner, 25 years in the Navy, and the rest as a merchantpony. Though being in the merchant business was not as exciting being in the navy and captaining your own floating fortress armed with 14 inch guns (which he happily did so for 4 years), the joy of being at sea was still there.

Sitting in his chair on the bridge of the ship, he had the ship's manifest in one hoof and a fresh cup of coffee brewed with a good Manehattan blend in the other hoof. His ship, the SS Lapsis Taylor (to this day he would never know who or what thought that was a good name for a ship), was a fairly well rounded hybrid of sorts. She had the capacity of a cargoship but could also carry passengers in a very comfortable interior lush with the finest furniture that the company, the Lunar Star Line, could afford to furnish their ships with. Just under 12,000 tons, she was by no means the largest merchant/cargo ship. Heck, she was actually a few decades old but she still kept on sailing, albeit at the rather slow speed of 14 knots during regular runs. But due to the increase in pirate activity lately, safety speed was disregarded and a convoy system was introduced.

Currently, the Lapsis Taylor found herself not indulging in a pleasure cruise/cargo run but instead found herself in a convoy escorted by numerous destroyers of the Equestrian Navy carrying relief material for the Griphons, who have once again found themselves in serious financial trouble and are also recently reeling from quite a nasty earthquake. All in all, it was supposed to be a routine trip in calm seas. But even at sea, the Pegasi cannot control nature.

"Captain, looks like a storm is brewing up." Said his first officer, Riveted Keel. He was all and all a good crewmate to have. He was loyal, outgoing, and even had a sense of humor that he apparently picked up from the Navy as well.

"Aye... Make sure Sparky keeps the radio and Moose system on and monitored at all times, I don't want any accidents to occur in that storm." He ordered.

"On it Sir." Riveted said as he snapped a salute and made his way to the radio room.

The crew of the Lapsis Taylor were mostly navy veterans and reserveponies. The Lunar Star Line tended to hire those who were already trained which served to not only strengthen their image but also make sure that their accident rates were kept low. In his time in command of the ship, he had never had a serious incident occur thanks to the strict naval discipline that was enforced at all times while on-duty. Bear in mind though, after hours, naval discipline broke down as always but they never caused serious problems. If anything, the crew enjoyed a good prank every now and then, which Sea Breeze did not mind at all. If anything, it made the crew more of a family... A large, albeit mixed, happy family.

Sitting in his chair, he looked through the glass of the bridge, thinking about his crew, unaware of what was lurking in the deep.

*** *** ***

"Captain! I have something over the hydrophone!" Yelled Steiner, the hydrophone operator.

"Is it close?" Zimmern asked. It only took a few seconds for Steiner to answer.

"Ja, it is almost like we are on top of them. From the sounds of it, we may have found a convoy." Steiner said with an enthusiastic tone.

Though Steiner was a veteran of 4 patrols, never had the submarines he had been stationed on been able to sink any ships. Some of the crew started calling it the Steiner curse but that rumor was all but forgotten when word of the convoy spread around the ship.

From that moment, the ship's crew began to move around getting ready at their stations. The torpedo tubes were being primed and loaded as the the deck gunners went up to the conning tower to help the lookouts. Though the sea was still too choppy for the deck gun to be used, the gunners could still be used to help spot. Deep in Zimmern's mind though, he was slightly worried. This was technically his first actual combat experience. Life as an E-Boat gunner could only get exciting if any enemy aircraft were spotted. This now... This was different, now he was in his own command, ready to sink any allied scum that dare transport war material to be used against his country. Now... It was his time.

Forgetting about his bout of nervousness, Zimmern dinner his Captain's cap and his coat and made his way up the conning tower. There with him was his crew, a crew that was new to him, but also a crew that treated him as family. A good crew. He knew it was his duty to protect his crew, and protect he would. He did not know what he was in for though.

Author's Note:

Hello there everyone! This will not be an expanded story, I would just like to let you all know that right now. My plans for the ending will make sure of that, trust me. Anyways.... Yeah, a Uboat crew with a young hotheaded near full blown Nazi captain. Bear in mind that this is basically late in the war so experienced and normal cynical U Boat captains are hard to find right now.

Anyways... For those that have questions, put them in the comments down below! All criticism and comments are welcome, as long as they are respectful. If you wish to have a comments debate, keep it clean. I hope you all enjoyed this first chapter!

(For those that are wondering why I named that Cargo/Passenger ship Lapsis Taylor, don't question it. For some reason, I just like that name and I have liked it for years. Also, for you history buffs out there, I hope you like the references. If you know what I am referencing in terms of the Ocean Liner, put it in the comments below!)