• Published 8th Mar 2020
  • 855 Views, 28 Comments

Fluttershy: Galactic Zoologist - Boogaloo10

After finding herself on Coruscant without her friends, Fluttershy begins a new life in this galaxy far, far away from her home.

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Chapter 2: Krayt Dragons

"Welcome to the Coruscant Zoo, with holograms of every creature that is, was, and may have been!"

Ahsoka Tano spread her arms dramatically as she entered the building, attempting to look grand. Her Master, Anakin Skywalker, affectionately rolled his eyes at her gesture. Fluttershy simply looked around in awe.

The Coruscant Zoo was full of holotables, each featuring different creatures from across the galaxy. Fluttershy trotted further into the building, leaving Ahsoka and Anakin to catch up. She looked around at every display, absorbing the names of every creature. Bantha. Tauntaun. Jubba Bird. Voorpak. There were so many animals, and they were all simply incredible.

"So? What do you think?" Ahsoka walked beside Fluttershy, looking slightly smug.

"This... this place... it's wonderful!" Fluttershy exclaimed, having trouble finding the right words. "There's so much to learn about these creatures! I could stay here for days looking at all of these holograms! Thank you so much for bringing me!"

"Aw, it was nothing!" Ahsoka said, feigning humility. "Let's go check out the Naboo section. It easily has the most animals. C'mon, Skyguy, hurry up! You're supposed to make sure we aren't abducted by scum!"

"Watch it, Snips," Anakin said, catching up to the pair. "Don't get cocky. The streets have been very dangerous recently. If anything, you two should be slowing down."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, but still made sure to stay close to her Master. Fluttershy eagerly followed her companions to a very large section of holotables, featuring the fauna of Naboo.

"And finally, Tatooine," Ahsoka said, waving toward the group of holotables they had yet to observe. Fluttershy was excited; from what Anakin had said on the way over, Tatooine was home to many creatures, despite being a desert planet. Fluttershy instinctively trotted over to the cutest creature first--this time, it was the Scurriers. Ahsoka followed, but Anakin was a little slower to do the same.

As the girls approached the holotable, Anakin came up behind in a tense manner. "Someone's been following us. Stay close and act natural."

Ahsoka seemed calm, and while Fluttershy tried to act the same way, she was screaming inside. A constant slew of What do I do?s ran through her head. She stayed very close to Ahsoka, looking everywhere for any clue as to who was following them.

"Over there. By the Krayt Dragon display." Anakin whispered, nodding towards a group of bounty hunters lurking behind a hologram. Ahsoka nodded and pretended to be very interested in the Bantha display while Fluttershy cowered behind her.

The bounty hunters began to make their way towards the group. Anakin motioned for them to leave. The trio brusquely walked to the exit, the bounty hunters never too far behind them. Just as they reached the exit--

A gun was fired into the air, allowing chaos to erupt in the zoo.

People ran in every which way, screaming and pushing each other over. The bounty hunters melted into the crowd, causing the trio to lose sight of them. Giving up the search, Anakin began making his way to the exit once again, Ahsoka and Fluttershy right behind. They stopped suddenly, with everyone bumping into each other. The girls peeked around the Jedi to see a bounty hunter with a gun pointed at Anakin's head. A twin set of clicks went off behind them. Turning around, they saw the other two hunters, each with a loaded gun.

"Hand over the horse ad no one gets hurt." The man with a gun on Anakin said.

"You'll have to shoot me first." The Jedi said, smirking a little.

"I know you Jedi would die to save others." The lead hunter waved his gun at his comrades. "So it won't be you we're shooting. It'll be them."

The other two hunters each held a civilian in their arms, gun pointed at their heads. Fluttershy stared in horror, appalled that anyone would do such a thing. She turned around to see her friends looking shocked as well.

"Let them take me!" Fluttershy said, internally surprised at the level of bravery she was now showing. "Don't let them hurt those people!"

"You should listen to her," The lead hunter said. "She knows what she's talking about."

"We can't just hand her over!" Ahsoka said, looking stressed.

This was an impossible situation. Give away one life, or lose two. Anakin seemed to be weighing the pros and cons in his head, but he took too long.

"I'll take that as a no. Kill them." The hunter ordered his men, who began to pull the trigger on their guns.

"NOOO!" Fluttershy leapt toward the two hunters at an incredible speed. She knocked the guns out of both of their hands and kicked them in their heads. The lead hunter, surprised at the sudden ferocity of Fluttershy, squeezed his trigger to shoot Anakin.

Fluttershy flew at a blinding speed towards the bounty hunter, so fast that everything seemed to slow down. She launched herself at the gun and ripped it out of the hunter's hand. Once she landed, time returned to normal, and the hunter moved his finger on a nonexistent trigger. Realizing the gun was on the floor under an angry Fluttershy, he ran out of the zoo, his comrades trailing behind him.

Fluttershy was breathing heavily. Did I really just to that? She looked over at Ahsoka and Anakin, who returned her stare with gaping expressions.

Ahsoka suddenly pumped her fist in the air and whooped. "That was incredible!" she said, grinning from ear to ear. "You were a blur, fighting the bounty hunters with unparalleled skill! Whoosh! Bang! You were a natural!"

Fluttershy blushed, turning to Anakin to see what he said. "That was reckless. You have no skill and shouldn't have survived taking on three bounty hunters on your own." He paused. "But, I must admit, that was pretty cool."

"Pretty cool? Try extremely cool!" Ahsoka gave Fluttershy a thumbs up.

"Umm, not to be a buzzkill, but... do you think we could go back to the Temple now? I think I've had enough excitement for one day." Fluttershy said. She still couldn't believe she took on the bounty hunters by herself.

"I think that's a good idea. I want to talk to someone about this." Anakin replied, turning to the exit. Ahsoka and Fluttershy followed, the Padawan's fist bumping with the pony's hoof.

"Masters!" Anakin said, his voice echoing slightly in the halls of the Jedi Temple. The two Jedi in front of him, Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu, turned around.

"What is it?" Kenobi asked. Windu simply raised an eyebrow.

"I think I know why the crime rate has been so high lately." Anakin paused before finishing. "I think it's because of Fluttershy."

Author's Note:

What a plot twist!

Anyone for a pop quiz?

  1. Why do you think Fluttershy could fly so fast?
  2. Who do you think hired the bounty hunters and/or put out the bounty?
  3. (Random) What planet are Tusk-Cats from?

Man, I feel like an ELA teacher with all of these "prediction" questions. Oh well!