• Published 28th Feb 2020
  • 628 Views, 3 Comments

Will the real Tempest Shadow please step up? - mokaevans

Thanks to a combination of magic and science Twilight has made it so you can mail a strand of hair to the school of magic and they'll send you a list of people you're related to. Pinkie's surprised to find she;s related to Tempest Shadow...

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will the real tempest shadow please step up?

Pinkie Pie was excited. Actually, saying Pinkie was excited probably downplayed just how much this moment meant to her, as she tended to get excited by just about everything whether it be cupcakes or a patch of dirt. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that Pinkie was filled with anticipation. She was going to get the mail.

About a month ago, Pinkie had received a letter from Twilight. She had known the letter was from Twilight because of her distinct hoofwriting, oh and it had her royal sigil. When she had opened it she was thrilled to hear of a recent breakthrough in magic and science that had made genealogy easier. If she mailed a strand of her mane to the school of magic they would send her a list of ponies she was related to. Naturally Pinkie was onboard.

She had checked the mailbox many times since, hoping this would be the day she’d get her results back. Nothing so far, but Pinkie was nothing if not hopeful, so even now she was hopping towards the mailbox, the candy in her mane miraculously staying in place.

Pinkie reached the mailbox. She attempted to lower the lid slowly so as to preserve the surprise, but gave up after about a second. Her eyes lit up as she saw the letter had the School of Magic’s insignia. Pinkie reached in, grabbed it, and tore it open in less time then it takes to explain it.

She began to read. “‘To Mrs. Pinkamena Diane Pie Sandwich, we would like to thank you for participating in our new genealogy program,’ Aw they don’t have to thank me! ‘We assume you are interested in how we got these results so here is a brief explanation.’ Boring science stuff, more boring science stuff, even more boring science stuff… okay six pages is not a brief explanation… aha! ‘So in conclusion we would like to reassure you that our results are approximately 99.96733 repeating percent accurate. We hope you find some enjoyment in the results of your study. Sincerely, the School of Magic. Well it’s Twilight’s school, alright.”

Having finished reading the letter, Pinkie pulled out the part she was most excited for, her results. She started to read down the list. There were obvious ponies like Maud, and her parents. There were also a lot of surprises, in fact she was related to some Wonderbolt named Surprise. She even found out definitively whether or not she was related to the apples, but at this point they’d been treating each other like family for so long it hardly mattered; so why mention it.

The news that surprised her the most was the name of one Fizzle pop Berry twist. More commonly referred to as Tempest Shadow. She was listed as her fifth cousin. Pinkie was so shocked that she had to reread the name two or three times before it sunk in. She then read it another two or three times just because she liked the name. As the slow realization of what this meant filled her, her already spritely mane became even more unruly.

Pinkie jumped into the air so high she could see Sweet Apple Acres. Apparently this was a somewhat common sight as Applejack waved to her. Pinkie quickly waved back before yelling out: “I’m related to Fizzle pop Berry twist!”

Meanwhile, at Twilight’s castle, they could somehow hear this. Spike chuckled. “Do you think Pinkie got her results?”

“I’m certain of it. I mailed them myself.” Twilight replied. There was silence for a moment.

“Twilight, I was being sarcastic.”

“Don’t worry, Spike, I was being facetious myself.”

“Oh...Remind me what that means again?” He asked sheepishly, as Twilight rolled her eyes.

Back with Pinkie, she had gone into Sugarcube Corner. She couldn’t wait to tell Lil’ Cheese who his distant cousin was. She picked up her little bundle of joy and hugged him. “Lil’ Cheese, I just got the most amazing splendiferous news ever! We’re related to Fizzle pop Berry twist!”

“Who’s that?” A nearby Pumpkin Cake asked.

“Tempest Shadow dummie!” She replied like it should be obvious.

“Oh! Wait her name is Fizzle pop Berry twist?” The ginger remarked in confusion.

Ignoring that last comment, Pinkie continued to talk to her son. “I’d like to take you to meet her but it's hard to know where she’ll be.” Despite being reformed Tempest was still quite private with her affairs.

“Actually, Pinkie, I received these flyers to hand out in the storefront.” Pumpkin said handing her one of the many flyers stacked under the counter. Pinkie couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Tempest Shadow was going to be at a nearby convention. The timing couldn’t be more perfect. Of course Pinkie had never been to a convention before. Not for a lack of trying, but because she was always so busy with other parties. This weekend she was free but it might be hard to find Tempest without someone who knew the scene.

“I’ve got it! Come on, Lil’ Cheese!” Pinkie exclaimed, placing her son on her back and running off.

“Wait! What’s your plan?” Pumpkin called out but to no avail. She sighed, Pinkie would be Pinkie.

She galloped through Ponyville. She had remembered that one of her friends was planning to go to the convention this weekend. She knew where that pony would be, so she raced to get there. Eventually she reached the animal sanctuary.

All the animals were lying peacefully. Fluttershy had made sure each and every one was as comfortable as possible. She looked over the scene with a satisfied smile. She moved to a nearby rock and closed her eyes. That was when the silence was shattered.

“Fluttershy!” A familiar voice echoed across the area. The pegasus mare’s eyes shot open as the animals cried out in response, turning the once quiet scene into a cacophony of tweets, growls, and hisses. Fluttershy had to act fast.

“No need to worry, everycreature. It’s just my friend Pinkie. I’ll go tell her to quiet down.” She said, her soothing voice calming the mangerie somewhat. She walked in the direction she had heard Pinkie. As she expected it was not long before the pink ball of overbearing energy caught up with her.

“Fluttershy, I need-” The pink mare started loudly. Fluttershy placed a hoof on her mouth.

“Pinkie, you know you’re supposed to be quiet when you’re here,” She reprimanded, giving her a disappointed look for extra measure.

Pinkie spoke again, this time at a more appropriate volume. “Sorry, I was just really excited.”

“I understand, but you need to try to remember.” She said, letting the disapproving look linger for a moment. Then she smiled. “I am happy to see you. What do you need?”

“I want to come with you to the convention this weekend!” The pink mare explained. At this a familiar voice intervened.

“A convention! Why didn’t you invite me?” Discord said, appearing in his Captain Wuzz outfit.

Fluttershy giggled. “It’s not an O&O convention, Discord, and you don’t care about other conventions.”

“Oh.” He changed out of his outfit. “Be that as it may I’m still insulted.” He pouted, folding his interspecies parts.

“I’ll make it up to you.” She said,

“You promise?” He said giving her his best puppy dog eyes.

“Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye.” She swore.

He looked like he was pondering it. “Alright you’ve convinced me. Have fun!” With that sentiment he was gone. Fluttershy shook her head amusedly, then turned back to Pinkie.

“Back to the matter at hoof, I don’t suppose you’re going to tell me why you’ve decided to join my vacation plans at the last minute?” She asked, a brow raised.

“Well it all started when Twilight sent me a letter-” Pinkie started.

“The short version.” She deadpanned.

“I’m related to Fizzle pop Berry twist!” the pink mare finished.

“You’re related to Tempest? Are you sure?” She questioned.

“Well technically it’s only a 99.96733 repeating chance, but that’s close enough right?” Fluttershy nodded. “Anyway I wanted to take Lil’ Cheese to see her and it turns out she’s going to be at the convention so…” She trailed.

“You want to go with me.” She said in understanding. “How did you find this out?”

“They’re handing out flyers at Sugarcube Corner.” Pinkie replied. One might wonder why her presence was being advertised, if one had somehow overlooked the whole Storm King incident. She was pretty infamous after that.

“Okay.” Fluttershy began, closing her eyes to think. After a minute or so ,which seemed to drag on for an eternity to Pinkie, she clapped her hooves together. “You can come with me.” Pinkie opened her mouth to yell thank you but was cut off by Fluttershy’s hoof. “But only if you cosplay.” She smirked.

Pinkie got a devious look on her face. “Challenge accepted.”

“Good. I’ll see you at the train station Saturday.” Fluttershy agreed.

The next three days seemed to take forever. Pinkie had no trouble creating cosplays for herself and lil’ Cheese. Once she had finished with that there was little for her to do. As such Pinkie was beginning to wonder if some unicorn prankster hadn’t put a spell on her clock. Just to make sure one hadn’t she asked Rarity to stop by. The unicorn confirmed that there was no spell, Pinkie just wasn’t very patient.

Eventually Saturday arrived and Pinkie shot out of bed. She had cooked breakfast, dressed her and Lil’ Cheese, packed some snacks as well as a camera, and had run out the door before the sun had finished rising. Now they were just waiting for Fluttershy.

Pinkie had dressed herself like gummy. She was wearing a perfect costume she’d made herself. Would anyone else know who she was? Probably not, but that was the fun of it. Lil’ Cheese was dressed as his favorite princess, Flurry Heart. She had sprayed his mane and tail with two colors and given him fake wings. She was pretty sure Lil’ Cheese had a crush on the princess, but she didn’t see a problem, so long as Flurry Heart didn’t try to reciprocate those feelings.

Where was Fluttershy? Pinkie didn’t want to be impatient, but the train was due in five minutes. There were a lot of ponies around, but none of them looked like Fluttershy. Or like Fluttershy dressed as someone. Had she gotten held up?
She noticed a white vampire batpony with a mane slightly longer than chin length, it was a dark red violet in hue. She had hazel eyes and was wearing a dark blue school uniform with a red tie. Pinkie was about to ask her who she was cosplaying as when she spoke. “There you are. It’s hard to see ponies in this crowd.”

“Fluttershy?! You look great! I didn’t even recognize you. Who are you anyway?” Pinkie asked.

“I’m dressed as Kiran Mooka. She’s a vampire bat pony who gives tomatoes her juice, because her body produces it. If she doesn't get to a fruit in time it explodes out of her in a huge mess.” Fluttershy explained. Pinkie just looked confused so she shrugged. “Anyway. Let’s hope we can find Tempest.”

The train ride went smoothly. The only problem they had was Lil’ Cheese running off to proclaim himself princess of the Crystal empire. That was more amusing than frustrating, so it was that when they arrived Pinkie was still so excited she could burst. The train stopped. Pinkie wanted to get off immediately but Fluttershy halted her.

“It would be safer to wait until the train clears out. Trust me.” She said like someone who has had an experience they’d rather not talk about.

“Okay. So are you excited?” Pinkie asked, in an attempt to stop herself from fidgeting.

“Of course I am. It’s my first weekend off in a long time. Still I’m a bit worried about you finding Tempest.” The pegasus admitted.

“Why?” the pink mare asked. The train was about halfway full.

“Well you didn’t recognize me. So…” She trailed.

“Don’t be silly Fluttershy. You’re an expert at cosplay, also you don’t have as many defining characteristics as Fizzle pop Berry twist.” Pinkie replied brushing the pegasus’ worries off.

“That’s another thing. You should probably ask around for Tempest. Most ponies don’t know her real name.” She noted.

“That’s true, but I really don’t think it’s going to be hard.” At this point the train was mostly vacant, so Pinkie plopped Lil’ Cheese on her back and the three began to leave. “Besides, how hard can it be to find a pony with a broken horn and a scar?”

The moment they stepped off the train Pinkie regretted her words. Of the huge crowd of ponies before her at least a hundred were cosplaying Tempest. Fluttershy gulped, “Oh dear.”.

“Why are there so many?” Pinkie asked.

“Well Tempest is popular to cosplay, and the fact that she’s supposed to be here probably made even more ponies want to cosplay her…” She trailed.

Pinkie thought for a moment. There had to be some way to figure out which Tempest Shadow was real. As she examined several of the ponies she realized many of them were not the same height as Tempest. So if she could find one that was the right height, that would be her right? She scanned the crowd and found what she was looking for. She gave a gasp and jumped after her, barely noticing Fluttershy trying to keep up. When she reached the pony in question she realized they didn’t have a horn, not even a broken one. She sighed and turned back, only to find Fluttershy had stopped breathlessly behind her.

“Why was that mare so tall?” Pinkie asked.

“Some, mares, are, tall,” She replied, gasping before each word. “But, it’s, more, likely, platform, hooves.”

“Platform hooves? I didn’t know they existed.” The pink pony replied,

Fluttershy nodded. “Those weren’t even the tallest kind. Those are usually used by the die hard Celestia cosplayers.”

Pinkie realized she had to think this through better. Okay, the real Tempest Shadow had a broken horn, she was tall, and had a short mane. If she found a pony with those traits it had to be Tempest. Once again she scanned the crowd. It wasn’t long before she found a pony who matched.

She ran up to her. “Hi Tempest! Do you remember me?” She said smiling widely.

“Of course Pinkie.” The pony replied. Pinkie instantly knew it wasn’t Tempest. The voice was male.

“Never mind.” She said with a sigh, her face falling. She turned to Fluttershy. “Boys can cosplay as Tempest too?”

“Yes, there’s no limit, anyone can cosplay as any character. He’s crossplaying her.” Fluttershy noted.

Maybe the best way to figure out who was the real Tempest was to ask them all. So Pinkie began to do that. By the tenth Tempest she was bored. If only there was a way she could ask all of them at once. It was then that she noticed a microphone and an empty stage. Before Fluttershy could stop her Pinkie had launched herself onto it. She walked to the microphone and spoke.

“May I have your attention please?” No seemed to take any notice so Pinkie repeated it. “I said, may I have your attention please!” This time everypony was turned towards the stage, “Will the real Tempest Shadow please step up?” More than half of the Tempests stepped forward. “We’re gonna have a problem here. Only one of you is real, so will the real Tempest Shadow please step up?” Once again many Tempests stepped forward. “No only one of you can be Tempest Shadow! All you other Tempest Shadows are just cosplaying!” The crowd murmured. “So won’t the real Tempest Shadow please step up?” To Pinkie’s irritation more than one stepped forward. That was when she came up with the perfect way to find Tempest. “Will the real Fizzle pop Berry twist please step up?”

“Pinkie? What are you doing?” Said a voice from the crowd. After some movement the true Tempest came out of the crowd. Pinkie smiled, there might be a ton of Tempest Shadows, but there was only one Fizzle pop berry Twist.

“Looking for you.” She answered. The two made their way to a place with seating. Pinkie ordered a hot chocolate with the works, while Tempest ordered a black coffee. Tempest explained that many ponies who cosplayed got so into character that they responded the way their ‘character’ would, and that was why so many ponies had responded to her question. Afterwards the two began to catch up with each other’s lives. This being Pinkie it was only a matter of time before the conversation went to friendship.

“So have you made a lot of friends?” Pinkie asked, already drinking her third hot chocolate, while Tempest nursed her first coffee.

“A few.” She answered shortly taking another sip of her beverage.

“Just a few?” Pinkie frowned.

“We can’t all be as good at making friends as we are at breathing.” Tempest snarked. “I don’t mind being around ponies, but I prefer to be alone you know?”

Pinkie thought about it. While she was okay with being alone she didn’t like to be alone for a long time. She always preferred when a friend was around. “Not really.”

“No, I guess you wouldn’t.” She took a sip of coffee. “I don’t suppose you’ll tell me why you made a scene earlier?”

Before Pinkie could answer she heard gasping breath from behind her. Oh no! She was so focused on finally finding Tempest she forgot about Fluttershy! She turned to her friend. “Fluttershy I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to abandon you!”

“I, know.” She gasped. “I see you found Tempest.”

“Hey Fluttershy, nice cosplay, You look just like Kiran Mooka.” The stoic mare complimented.

“Thanks,” Fluttershy replied bashfully. She turned to Pinkie. “I’m going to be over there.” She said pointing to a nearby vendor selling books. “Let me know when you’re done.”

“You’re gonna look at books?” Pinkie asked.

“No, I’m going to look at Manga.” Fluttershy replied, walking off.

Pinkie turned back to Tempest. “Sorry about that, anyway recently Twilight came up with a combination of magic and science that tells you who you’re related to.”

“That sounds like her.” The stoic mare said.

“Recently I got my results. It turns out I’m your fifth cousin!” Pinkie announced. She waited to see what Tempest’s reaction to the amazing news was. To her surprise she didn’t seem to have one.

“Why does it matter?” She asked, sipping her coffee once more.

Pinkie sputtered. “Why does it matter?!”

“Well you have to admit fifth cousins is pretty distant.” Tempest noted.

“I don’t care. You’re an amazing pony and I’m happy to be related to you!” she exclaimed.

Tempest took another sip of coffee. “This really means a lot to you doesn't it?” Pinkie nodded. “Well if there’s one thing I’ve learned it’s that you should care about your friends. So if you care about it, so do I.”

Pinkie beamed and went to give Tempest a hug only to realize Lil’ Cheese was getting off her back in an attempt to run away. Before he could, her coffee buddy caught him. “Who’s this little troublemaker?”

Pinkie was about to answer when he beat her to it. “I’m Flurry Heart! Princess of the Crystal Empire!” He declared.

“Oh really?” Tempest chuckled. She looked at Pinkie. “I like him.”

Author's Note:

Fluttershy's cosplay might be a bit of a deep cut, but I don't think it distracts. Anyway this was really fun to write. I should enter more contests.