• Published 27th Feb 2020
  • 824 Views, 9 Comments

Multicultural Crusaders - niightear

In an alternate universe where the Mane Six are all different species due to one parent, the Cutie Mark Crusaders meet at the School of Friendship.

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First Day of School, Part 1


"What class do ya have first Sweetie?"

Sweetie Belle looked at her schedule, trying her best to focus on it.

Period 1 - Generosity (Teacher: Rarity)
Period 2 - Laughter (Teacher: Pinkie)
Period 3 - Magic (Teacher: Twilight)
Lunch Break
Period 4 - Honesty (Teacher: Applejack)
Period 5 - Loyalty (Teacher: Rainbow Dash)
Period 6 - Kindness (Teacher: Fluttershy)

"Aw, thas' too bad. Ah have Honestly first, and Scoots has Loyalty. Ah think that there's a colt who has that class first, though - Button Mash, ah think? He's a griffon, ah believe." Apple Bloom mused.

Is Button Mash my suitor or something? Nuh uh, Apple Bloom, I'm not interested in colts, or any creature at the moment, Sweetie thought, making her way to class.

"Sweetie Belle, darling, you'll sit next to Button Mash." Rarity said as Sweetie entered.

Sweetie internally groaned, but reluctantly sat next to Button. He was a brown griffon, with a propeller hat and seemingly unmobile wings. Interesting...

"Hi, I'm Button!" he exclaimed. "What's your name? And what creature are you? Oh, let me guess! Em... a dracorn!"

Sweetie rolled her eyes at Button's hyperactiveness, quickly scribbling on a piece of paper, I'm Sweetie Belle, a kirin, I can't talk because of that. Please leave me alone.

Button read it over Sweetie's shoulder, frowning afterwards. "But whyyyy?"

You're too hyperactive.

"I am not!" he protested, fluffing up his wings.

"Alright every creature, class starts now!" Rarity exclaimed, grabbing a piece of chalk between her talons and writing, Rarity - Dragon and Element of Generosity. "Now, you might think those two statements contradict each other, but creatures evolve over time. Take changelings like Nectar over there, for example," the named changeling was clearly surprised at her mentioning, "when we Equestrians think of changelings, we think of them as shape-shifting love parasites. But, many moons ago, one hive of changelings led by Queen Pupa reformed due to Celestia's guidance, but after generations of changelings, they started to look less and less reformed. That aside, creatures can change what they're like from what they're stereotyped as. Now, let's go over how to be generous to our friends."

That was boring... Sweetie thought with a sigh, making her way to her next class.

"Sweetie Belle!"

The kirin turned around, smiling a bit as she saw her friends.

"Rainbow's class was awesome! She rocketed around the room andwetriedtochaseherbutnoonecouldcatchherexceptthisonechangelingfromthesamehiveasmenamedSwallowtailturnedintoachollimalikeDashandalltheotherchangelingsdidtooanditwasawesomewedidn'tevenlearnanything!" Scootaloo exclaimed.

Apple Bloom and Sweetie blunk confused, and Scootaloo simply said, "You don't learn anything in her class."

"Ohhhh!" Apple Bloom exclaimed. Sweetie nodded. "Applejack's was sorta borin' too honestly. She taught us how ta be honest, yah, but she's Applejack, nothin' she does' really that excitin'."

"What did ya just say 'bout me, lil' sis?"

Apple Bloom cursed under her breath, ready to get told off, but Applejack just chuckled.

"Ah will admit, ah can be a bit borin' sometimes, but ah try not ta be. Run along to yer next class now, you four." Applejack said, walking away.

"That was surprising, huh?" Scootaloo asked jokingly.

"Shush it Scoots."

"Hey, at least she called me Scoots," the changeling said to Sweetie, who nodded, internally giggling.

"Ah have Fluttershy's class next," Apple Bloom said, "whaddabout y'all?"

"Me and Sweetie seem to both have Pinkie's class next!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "See you later AB!"


Ah wonder what kinda creature Fluttershy is, Apple Bloom thought as she sat in her chair, ah think ah heard some creature says she's a griffon or somethin' like that, but that doesn't seem ta suit 'er, from what ah've heard 'bout her.

Apple Bloom had never met Fluttershy, although the animal-lover often took care of Winona when the family was out delivering something or other. She assumed she would be a combination of a bunch of creatures, Maybe a draconequus? But ah doubt it, isn't Discord the only one o' those anyways?

It didn't take long for a griffon-like creature to enter the room, who Apple Bloom presumed was Fluttershy. She had the dull tail of a peahen, a dog-like head, and lion claws.

"Um, hi everypony, I'm Fluttershy," she said, "you might not know, but I'm a simurgh, which is a lot like a griffon, but with a dog-like head, peahen tails, lion claws, and - at least for me - normal pegasi wings. Now, today we're going to learn about how to show kindness to our friends when they don't agree with us. I need two volunteers."

Apple Bloom quickly raised her hoof, as did a gray griffon filly.

"I see Apple Bloom and Gabby raising their, er... appendages that they use for movement, so they can come up," Fluttershy frowned as she heard sad mumbles, "you can come up next time, okay?"

Apple Bloom trotted to the front of the classroom, smiling a bit as the griffon filly excitedly hopped over.

"Hi! I'm Gabby!" she exclaimed, her wings fluffing up with excitement.

"Ah'm Apple Bloom, an' it's nice ta meet ya Gabby!" the zebra exclaimed, holding out her hoof for Gabby to shake. The griffon excitedly shook it, leaving Apple Bloom a bit dizzy.

"Oops, sorry!" the griffon exclaimed.

"So let's say, for example, that these two are deciding what to have for lunch, and can't agree," Fluttershy continued with her lesson.

"Ah want applesauce for lunch!" Apple Bloom's tone was a bit patronizing, and she heard some groans from the back of the classroom, but went on regardless.

"Well I want fish!" at a few gasps ("oh right, ponies and some other creatures are vegetarian, oopsie daisy..." she murmured), she said, "Er, vegetarian fish, I mean!"

"What would you do if you found yourself in this situation?" Fluttershy asked the class.

"Battle, the winner's food choice gets picked!" a dragon colt proclaimed.

"No, Cinder, we do not battle our friends," Fluttershy scolded, "any creature else?"

"Ooh, ooh, I think I know!" a changeling filly exclaimed. "Co... promise? No, that's not how you say it... C - o - m - p - r - o - m - i - s - e."

"Compromise! Exactly, Aylanuu!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Ah have an idea. How about we have applesauce an' vegetarian fish!" Apple Bloom exclaimed.

"That's a great idea Apple Bloom!" Gabby exclaimed.

"Compromising can be hard sometimes, but you just have to remember to not get hostile," Fluttershy explained. She looked at the clock, "you can have free-time for the last five minutes."

"Pinkie Pie's class was awesome!" Scootaloo exclaimed. "She taught us how to cheer up our friends, and this one dragon was really good at it!"

"Ah made a friend at Fluttershy's class," Apple Bloom drawled, "Gabby, she's a griffon, and she's real kind, an'-"

"Ooh, some zebra's got a crush~" the changeling teased her friend.

"Ah do not!" Apple Bloom protested.

Will you two please calm down!? Sweetie Belle asked magically.

"Sorry Sweetie..." the fillies said in unison.

Apologize to each other, Sweetie said magically, please.

"Sorry for teasing you Apple Bloom..." Scootaloo murmured.

"Ah'm sorry for gettin' worked up, ah don't know why ah did, it jus' happened. Sorry." Apple Bloom apologized.

Sweetie smiled at her friends. Good job you two. Now, we both have Twilight's class together, so let's go!

Author's Note:

I just really wanted to post this, so you're getting two chapters today.
Honestly I don't think this is as good as the other two chapters, but oh well.
Also, in case you're wondering what a simurgh is, here's an excerpt from Wikipedia:
"The simurgh is depicted in Iranian art as a winged creature in the shape of a bird, gigantic enough to carry off an elephant or a whale. It appears as a peacock with the head of a dog and the claws of a lion – sometimes, however, also with a human face. The simurgh is inherently benevolent and unambiguously female. Being part mammal, she suckles her young. The simurgh has teeth. It has an enmity towards snakes, and its natural habitat is a place with plenty of water. Its feathers are said to be the [color] of copper, and though it was originally described as being a dog-bird, later it was shown with either the head of a man or a dog."
And also have an excerpt from the Wikipedia page for chollimas, AKA what Rainbow Dash is:
"A Chollima (also Qianlima, Senrima, or Cheollima, literally "thousand-li horse") is a mythical winged horse that originates from the Chinese classics and is commonly portrayed in East Asian mythology. This winged horse is said to be too swift and elegant to be mounted (by any mortal man)."
Anyways, I'll post Part 2 of this later, buh-bye!