• Published 20th Aug 2012
  • 574 Views, 26 Comments

Adventures With Toshio in Ponyville - Midnight Leaf

Toshio is a unicorn from Manehatten, with a knack for making computers. Join him in his adventures

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“I guess I’ll…leave you to it.” Octavia said, confused, while I zipped around the room, train of thought running on overload. As she left the room, I took another look around, making mental lists of all the different things I would have to bring in to fill the space and create the room I had fixed in my head.
A desk could go against that wall, with my tinkering equipment that I brought with me, and my computer stash could go there… yeah, this is going to be awesome! I stopped myself before I got too far in my train of thought. Wait, wait, wait. I still don’t even have the stuff I need to fill the room! Well, besides my suitcase’s contents. I walked over to my suitcase, laid down on the floor before I went off on idea overload, and used my horn to open it. Inside laid a few of my precious things: an extra pair of goggles, basic hygiene needs, my favorite computer (which was an automated pranking machine that I tended to use on Gustwing a lot, and that had sold well in Manehatten to mischievous colts and fillies), some pieces of hardware (that I tended to take with me everywhere for tinkering), and finally, a picture of Gustwing and I at a Hearth’s Warming Eve party we had thrown in my apartment. I smiled as I remembered the events leading up to that picture…

Five Months Ago, three days before Hearth’s Warming Eve…

We were eating in the same coffee shop we ate at every Tuesday. Just like when I would propose leaving Manehatten a few months in the future, I was proposing something to Gustwing at the time. And, needless to say, she wasn’t very happy about it. In fact, she was downright speechless for a while.
“You can’t be serious.” Gustwing finally managed to spit out, after I had told her my idea.
“More than you know.” I replied, rubbing the back of my head nervously. “I know that it sounds like the whole situation is sort of awkward, but-“
I sighed, knowing she was in one of her ‘unbearable’ moods again. “There is nothing ‘messed up’ about two friends having their own private party-“
I rolled my eyes (though she couldn’t see it under my goggles) and tried to be reasonable about the whole ordeal. “Well, what else do you want to do to celebrate the Founding of Equestria? Walk on the streets in the middle of the night, singing carols?” I really was starting to lose my patience.
I sighed yet again and interrupted her. “Please stop screaming at me.”
Now Gustwing sighed. She calmed down, and spoke again in a tone less like ‘Mother-of-Celestia-if-you-keep-talking-so-loud-I-am-going-to-kill-myself’ and more along the lines of ‘finally-I-can-take-out-my-earplugs’. “So you’re serious about this, huh?”
“Of course, Gustwing. And it’s not like I’m proposing something messed up,” Like you thought, I added to myself, “I just want to spend Hearth’s Warming Eve with my best friend, and enjoy some good 1-on-1, clean fun.”
Gustwing sighed. “Well, when you put it that way, I guess it makes more sense… where did you get this demented thou- I mean idea in your head?”
“You know me; I’ve got an app for that.” I grinned, like I did every time I said my favorite catchphrase.
“Ha ha ha. Don’t make me punch you.” Gustwing glared at me.
“Oh come on, you know you love it.” I said, still grinning like a colt.
She then proceeded to hit me on the shoulder.
“OW! What was that for?”
“I told you I’d do it.” Gustwing said, now grinning in response to my own frown.
“I thought you were joking!”
“You know me; I’m a mare of my word.”
“You’re a real pain in the flank, that’s what you are.” I sat rubbing my shoulder as she kept grinning.
“Hey, you can get me back at the party.”
I immediately perked up at that, pain in my shoulder forgotten. “You mean you’re gonna come??”
“Yeah, guess so. Though if rumors pop up, you’re going to be the one to stop them.”
“Aw, yeah!”
Gustwing just sat there, staring at me with a tiny grin of amusement as I did a little victory dance in my seat.

Three days later, on the day of Hearth’s Warming Eve…

I zipped around my apartment, setting up drinks, making sure the beat box was plugged in, and that everything was in place when I heard a buzzing sound from the door. I turned my zip to my computers into a dash for the door, and answered the call.
A distorted, but still decipherable voice came through the speaker: “Hey Toshio, it’s me Gustwing; let me in, would ya? I’m freezing my tail off here.”
“I’ll let you in.” I said, and went to hit the button, but decided to have a little fun with Gustwing first. I turned back on the microphone, and spoke through: “Oh, great. Looks like the door unlock button’s broken. Hold on, let me try and fix it.” I quickly turned off the loudspeaker and snickered, waiting for a response, but when none came, I quickly grew concerned. “Gustwing? You there? Oh Celestia, did you freeze to d-“
“Forgot about my wings.”
“YIKES!” I jumped in surprise, almost smashing my head through the roof. “What the-, how did you get in?”
“You left the window open, genius.” Gustwing laughed, and then shook her wings to prove her point.
“Oh…yeah.” I had opened the window to try and get some cool air in before our mini party started. Celestia knows all of our dancing and partying would heat up the small apartment quickly, so I figured a little cold air might help make it less stuffy. Guess it didn’t help with the prank I tried to pull.
“Maybe your cutie mark should be a dunce hat.” She chuckled.
“Hey, you’re the one who needed my help last week fixing a small logic error in your scheduling computer.” I smirked. That problem was so easy to fix. A filly could do it!
“You’re the computer whiz. Don’t blame me for not understanding your mumbo-jumbo.”
“Hehe, and you call me a dunce?”
“Let’s just drop it.”
“But I’m having so much fun!” I smiled innocently at her – until she hit me, of course. “OW!”
“Don’t be such a smart-flank.”
“Ugh, let’s just drop it.”
She smirked, and agreed. I then proceeded to show her all I had done in my apartment for our little party, and she was really impressed (at least I liked to imagine; her face sort of remained neutral through the whole ordeal). Soon, I had some music playing through the beat box, and we were drinking cider, laughing, and joking around. Around 11:55 PM, according to the clock, we had pretty much exhausted every small stock of food and drink I had bought for the party, and were about to call it quits, before I proposed the last party activity I had planned.
“Hey, before you go, let’s take a picture together!” I said with enthusiasm.
She paused for a bit, then slowly replied “…why?”
“Because, silly filly, I want us to be able to remember all the fun we had tonight, and I still don’t have a proper photo of you and me!”
“You’ve got that one from back in Minneighsota,”
“You mean from when we were just a filly and colt?”
“Was it really that long ago?” She asked, bewildered.
“Well…I guess a single photo won’t hurt, since nopony’s around to see but us…”
“Exactly my point!” I said with a grin, already inching towards the camera I had set up before she arrived.
“Ok, I’ll do it.”
“WOO!” I turned my inching into a full on gallop, dragging Gustwing along with me, and plopping us down in front of the camera. I reached over, hit a key on a small computer setup, and said: “Say Eve!”
The camera flashed, and our faces were put on the slip of parchment I had loaded into it. Gustwing had an obviously fake smile pasted on her face, and I had the grin of a filly…

Back in the Present…

I suddenly snapped back to the present as a knock on my door went off.
“Toshio? Are you in there?” Octavia’s voice asked from behind the door.
“Oh, yeah! Sorry, was just daydreaming…” I miss Gustwing already…
The door opened, and Octavia poked her head in. “Are you, by chance, hungry? It’s near dinner, and I was wondering if you wanted to…go out, and see what Ponyville has to offer.”
“Sure! I need to find a electronics shop for supplies anyways, so let’s head out!” I hopped up from my sitting position and trotted past Octavia as she said something that sounded awfully close to: “What’s an electronics shop?”, but laughed off the thought. Everypony knows what an electronics shop is!

We walked out of the house and into the streets of Ponyville. As we walked, Octavia started telling me about her life and accomplishments, such as how she had been selected to play cello at the Grand Galloping Gala. But according to her tale, life after the Gala didn’t exactly take off, I guess you could say.
“After the Gala, my career sort of went…downhill. No pony would hire me anymore, and I ended up losing my apartment in Canterlot. I had to move here, in Ponyville, to cover my loss of bits. Ever since then, I’ve been sharing a home with…her.”
Weird, she trailed off again. What’s so bad about her roommate that she can’t even mention her name? I decided to try and get her mind off of the subject. “Hey, what’s that building there?” I pointed towards a house that looked like it was made out of ginger bread and frosting.
“Oh, that’s Sugar Cube Corner.”
“Why does it look like a ginger bread house?” I asked, confused.
“I actually do not know. It must have to do with what they sell.”
“Which is…?”
“Sweet foods like cake or cupcakes.”
“Heh, maybe we should eat there.” I joked.
“You might not want to go there just yet.”
“Why?” I turned to her, confused.
“Because Pinkie Pie lives in Sugar Cube Corner with Mr. and Mrs. Cake.”
“Yes, I doubt you want to go through another Pinkie Moment so soon.” Octavia chuckled.
“In that you are right.” I shuddered at the thought of having to endure another assault of exclamations and gasping.
“Come on, I know a good place to eat that has something more than just sweets.” Octavia said, walking away from Pinkie’s Lair.
“Good. I was worried I might have to go insane before getting some food in my belly.”

We ended up eating outside at a restaurant called The Blooming Beacon, which was fairly nice (though nothing compared to some of the restaurants in Manehatten); Octavia ordered a sunflower sandwich, and I got some celery and hay fries. While we were waiting on the food, I decided to bring up Octavia’s roommate. It’s about time I know who the hay she is, and why Octavia doesn’t ever talk about her. As soon as the waiter brought our drinks, I brought up the issue:
“Hey, I’ve been meaning to ask you: who’s your roommate?”
Octavia suddenly stiffened up, and started to stutter. “Wh-what? What do you mean?”
“Exactly what I said: who’s this roommate you keep changing the subject over?”
“Well…um…she’s a pony called-“
She was suddenly interrupted by a loud exclamation behind us: “Hey, there’s my roommate! What’s up, Tavi??”
Octavia just groaned.