• Published 10th Feb 2020
  • 589 Views, 5 Comments

Star Toons: Stories Across the Stars - Turbo the Brony

A Spoof/Parody Saga in the Making, a crossover story based off and inspired by the STAR WARS franchise!

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A Hiccup in the Works

Planet Bracca, Shipbreaking Yard

Somewhere in the Mid Rim of the galaxy, lies the planet Bracca.

Once a site of a campaign during the Clone Wars and the Age of Peace, now it is a shipbreaking operation, breaking down wreckage of various starships and selling the components to the Dark Order.

All across the planet, dozens of decommissioned starships and other machinery spread throughout the landscape of the planet’s surface, all waiting to be broken down by the inhabitants of the planet, most of them all workers, given the name of Scappers, who, as part of the Scrappers Guild, work day and night on their job to earn the money.

Across the planet, Imperial probe droids, Tie Fighters and several of the Dark Order Stormtroopers patrol the planet, keeping an eye out for any troublemakers.

One a day like any other, the weather is damp and wet, but the work still keeps going, especially if one should work inside the ships they were scrapping.

Most of the workers find many ways to lift their spirits a little on the hard work, such as listening to music, like one young man, at the age of 21, who had bell-shaped auburn hair parting to his right with freckles on his cheeks and dull green eyes. Another interesting feature was a small, white scar just below his bottom right chin.

As he continued working inside one of the starships during one rainy day, while listening to music, he got a tap on his shoulder, turning to see an Abednedo worker wanting to get his attention, as well as pointing to where it’s ears would be, stating to the young fellow to take the headphones off.

Taking his headphones off, the young man looked to his co-worker as he spoke, “Listen, I don’t want to upset your rhythm, Hiccup, but the boss wants a word with us.”

The young man, named Hiccup, looked to the worker, then turned to see a droid, no doubt the boss, then back to the Abednedo as he replied, “Okay, Prauf. Let me get Tails.”

Prauf nodded in understanding, and turned back to droid forman, while Hiccup looked up to the highest parts of the wrecked ship, before giving a shout out, “Hey, Tails!”

Hiccup waited for a moment until finally he heard a bright young voice, “Yeah, Hiccup? Hang on, I’m coming down.”

Hiccup looked up until he smiled as a young fox with two tails flew down from the high parts of the wreckage and landed next to him, his flying possible to his two tails that worked like propellers.

“What’s up, Hiccup?” the two-tailed fox asked.

“Just got word from Prauf, Tails, says the forman needs us for a moment.” Hiccup said.

“Alright, lead the way.” Tails said, as he and Hiccup walked up to Prauf.

“Okay, you two,” Prauf said as he saw them head his way, “The boss would need all the help. Could be good for us…”

The three of them soon approached the droid forman, as Prauf gestured to Hiccup and Tails, “Here they are, chief.”

“An error has been detected on line 10-A.” the forman droid explained, “Hauler clamps are jammed.”

The droid pointed upwards to its left as it continued, “Worker Gobber needs some help to climb up and secure the cables.”

“So, Gobber needs some help, huh?” Hiccup asked, with a tiny bit of interest, “We’ll be happy to, though it’s not quite an easy maneuver.”

“The guild will pay you double for this shift.” the forman stated.

Prauf nudged Hiccup as he said with a grin, “C’mon, Hiccup. Little extra score, that couldn’t hurt.”

Hiccup looked to his friend, then looked to Tails, who had a good grin of interest as he said, “Besides, it’s nothing we can’t handle. Right?”

Hiccup shook his head a little with a smile and replied, “Alright, we’ll do it.”

“Get to work.” The forman said with a nod.

“C’mon, kids!” Prauf said, as he went ahead, with Hiccup and Tails following behind him.

As the trio journeyed to aid Gobber, Hiccup thought about how nice to see Gobber again, alongside Tails and Prauf, Gobber was another one of his few friends he made on Bracca, he and Prauf helped the young lads out of hard scraps, it was always nice to return to favor.

Hiccup and the others exited the wreckage they were in and looked out, seeing nothing but wrecked starships as far as the eye can see, until something landing from above the rain clouds caught Hiccup’s eye.

“Prauf! Tails! Look at this!” he said, pointing to the object that was landing.

“Well, will you look at that,” Prauf said, amazed, “a Seperatis ship.”

“I’ve heard about these types of class ships,” said Tails, “they’re known as Lucrehulks.”

The three looked at the Seperatis ship, which was indeed a Lucrehulk-class ship, which looked like a giant metal ball that was connected inside a metal ring that had a small gap in it for any ship to enter and/or exit.

“That’s right, Tails. Heck, it’s been ages since I’ve seen a Lucrehulk.” Prauf said with a smile.

“Yeah,” Hiccup silently nodded, “ages…”

“Y’know, breaking her will make big money!” Prauf said with a chuckle, before he and the others continued on their way.

Prauf soon headed up a ladder and onto one of the ramps, then gestured Hiccup to follow (Tails using his tails to fly up), when suddenly someone cried out, “Look out!”

Upon hearing this, Hiccup moved quickly out of the way, only to see several bits scrap metal and metal barrels crash into the ladder, knocking it down, leaving Hiccup no way to get up.

“Uh, not again…” Prauf groaned, as soon another creature flew up to where Prauf was, a female grey pegasus, who had walled-eye eyes, blonde hair and had images of bubbles on her flank.

“Derpy. I thought I told you to be more careful, you almost got Hiccup injured!” Prauf said in annoyance.

“Sorry, Prauf,” Derpy apologized, “I don’t know what happened.”

Prauf let out a small sigh, before looking down to Hiccup, “Hey, Hiccup! You ok?”

“Don’t worry, Prauf, I’m good.” Hiccup said, giving a thumbs up.

“Ladder’s out, though,” Prauf said, looking down to where the ladder use to be, “Gonna need to find another way.”

“Don’t worry, Prauf,” said Tails, “Derpy and I can fly him to site and meet you there.”

“If you say so.” Prauf shrugged, before looking down to Hiccup, “See you there, Hiccup.”

“Alright.” Hiccup said as he waved to Prauf, before the Abednedo left.

Tails and Derpy soon flew to Hiccup, as he grabbed hold of Tails’ hands and Derpy’s hooves, the spoke up, “Hang on tight, Hiccup. And enjoy the view!”

The two flyers soon took off, with Hiccup hanging on as they journeyed further to the site where Gobber was, Hiccup, meanwhile having a nice view of the planet he was currently on, though he imagined it nicer without all the scrap metal. After a good flight, they were near their destination, a starship that had the jammed hauler clamps.

“Hey there, Hiccup!”

Hiccup recognized the voice and looked down with a small smile, seeing a large man, with a braided mustache, and had a robotic left arm and a robotic peg leg where his right leg should have been.

Hiccup, Tails and Derpy soon landed, as they greeted the working friend of theirs.

“Hey there, Gobber,” Hiccup was the first to speak, “heard there was a problem with the clamps?”

“That’s right,” Gobber nodded, “and we need to get them sorted before the ship cutters start clipping the wings off.”

“Sure thing,” Tails said, before looking to Derpy, “Listen, Derpy. I don’t want this to sound harsh, but could you-?”

“It’s ok.” Derpy said with a small smile, “I love to be supportive, anyway.”

Tails let out a small chuckle as he said, “Of course you are.”

Gobber had a small look around, “Where’s Prauf?”

“He’ll be there soon to help out.” Hiccup explained, which Gobber nodded in response.

“Right then,” Gobber said, “Tails, use your… well, tails to fly down to use the manual override lever below the clamps.”

“Got it.” Tails said, giving a thumbs up, before flying down.

Gobber then turned to Hiccup, “You and Prauf will do the levers above.”

“Okay, Gobber.” Hiccup nodded as he went ahead.

Tails, meanwhile, hovered to one of the jammed clamps, and found the override lever he needed to switch, then pulled the lever down.

“Okay, first lever pulled!” Tails called out to Hiccup.

“Alright, I got this.” said Hiccup, as he pulled the lever from the top, allowing the first clamp to come back on, “First clamp secured.”

Soon, Prauf arrived, right on time to help on the second clamp, Tails switching the override lever below, and Prauf followed suit with the lever above, thus allowing the second clamp to be repaired.

“Good job, Tails!” Derpy called out to Tails, flying carefully to avoid causing any trouble.

“Hey you guys, come check this out!” Prauf called out, bringing Hiccup, Tails, Derpy and Gobber to Prauf’s position.

Once the four met up with Prauf, they were surprised at what their alien friend was next to.

“Look at this,” he chuckled, “It’s a Jedi Fighter!”

Gobber chuckled suit at the sight, “Looks like we found our payday with this!”

“Jedi… Fighter?” Derpy asked.

“It was a small starfighter that was used specially for members of the Old Jedi Order.” Tails explained, as he had a good inspection of it, “Used them during the Clone Wars in hope of bringing peace to every corner of this and every galaxy in the universe.”

“Bet this heap’s been here for like, how many years? Six? Five?” Gobber asked as he also examined the wreckage.

“10.” Hiccup said, as he seemed to have been focused on the old fighter for sometime, almost making his mind look like it was entranced by the sight of it.

“Whoever flew this must have gone down in a blaze of glory.” Prauf said, as he had a good look at it, before letting out a sad sigh.

“Those Jedi…” he said, “What a tragedy. I mean, I’ve always said that they couldn’t be traitors.”

Hiccup slowly nodded as he said, “Yeah… maybe…”

As he approached the fighter, he wiped away a bit of smudge, revealing the emblem of the Jedi Order, causing him to let out a small, sad sigh.

“It’s gonna be our luck when that Dark Order Empire gets a load of material from this.” Gobber stated.

“Yeah,” Prauf nodded in agreement, as he spoke his opinion, “I mean, here we are scrapping away these ships from the war, just so these guys can turn them around and make new ones.”

Hiccup, Tails and Derpy continued to look at the fighter, eyeing on everything it had, from the few broken window glasses on the pilots pod, to the astromech droid that was still connected in it, only it was out of power and been so for quite some time, as Prauf continued talking to Gobber.

“Can you believe this racket? All of us, risking our necks for the big bosses. And the pay was better during the Republic, too.”

The young trio approached the old workers, as Hiccup cautiously spoke to Prauf, “Hey, I think you should really watch what you say around here.”

“Listen, kid,” Prauf said, “A finder’s fee like this could be a ticket off this soggy rock for you and Tails too, even.”

Hiccup had a little thought on that, then looked to Prauf as he asked, “What makes you think that want outta here?”

Prauf and Gobber gave out small chuckles until the latter spoke, “C’mon, Hiccup, you, Tails and even Derpy there are young lads and lasses. You don’t want to end up like us.”

“Gobber’s not wrong there,” Prauf added, agreeing on what Gobber said, “sooner or later, you gotta move on and live your life. Find your destiny.”

Hiccup was having a small bit of what Prauf and Gobber said, when he and the others notice ship cutters completing a bit of their work.

“I’ll keep that in mind,” Hiccup said about Prauf’s advice, before saying, “we should probably get back down now.”

“You’re not listening here, Hiccup-” Gobber was starting to say, when it happened.

As the group were just starting their trek down, they suddenly heard something metal snap.

Followed by another, and another.

They turned and looked in shock and horror, as the cargo ship cables that were holding onto the part of the starship wing suddenly came apart, causing the wing to suddenly tip down one way… the group still on it!

Tails and Derpy instantly took off, but were horrified when Hiccup, Prauf and Gobber began to slide down the wet, metal wing of the starship like a waterslide.

As they nearing the edge, Gobber used his metal arm to switch to a hook, sharp enough to try and cling onto the wing, Hiccup, unfortunately reached the edge, only to trip over get his metal leg caught on several of the ship’s old wires, causing him to dangle upside down over the edge.

“Hiccup!” Hiccup could hear Tails and Derpy’s voices calling out his name as the two-tailed fox cried out, “The Ibdis Maw!”

Hiccup looked down and his blood went cold, sure enough, he was dangling over the pit of the Ibdis Maw, a giant sarlacc creature that the workers usually tip the platforms full of junk into.

“Hiccup, Derpy and I will get you out!” Tails shouted.

“No! Go check Gobber! See if he’s alright.” Hiccup called back.

Tails and Derpy were uncertain of that, but did what he said.

Hiccup had to find a way to get back up, when he saw Prauf, holding for dear life on the edge while trying to climb up, but not quite for long.

“Prauf, are you alright?!” he asked.

“Hiccup!” Prauf cried, as he was beginning to lose his grip, “I can’t climb up!”

“Just hang on!” Hiccup cried out.

Prauf tried to climb up, but he soon slipped and was then dangling on the edge, slowly losing his grip, “I’m slipping!”

Prauf continued to try, but one of his hands lost his grip, and was then hanging for dear life with one hand.

Hiccup saw that Prauf was terrified, and that he wasn’t going to make it.

Tails, Derpy and Gobber (the latter being carried by the two young flyers, even though how much he weighed a little) were looking in worry at what was happening.

Until… Prauf lost his grip!

“Prauf! No!” Hiccup cried as Prauf started to fall, certain to become the Ibdis Maw’s next meal…

Until he suddenly froze, Prauf looked around, wondering why he was frozen in the air, then looked up, and saw Hiccup, reaching out with his hand, seemingly concentrating.

Tails, Gobber and Derpy were amazed at this as well, until they saw a hover platform coming by, Hiccup saw this as well, timing it so he can drop Prauf onto it.

Just in time, Hiccup let Prauf land on the platform, just as Tails and Derpy dropped Gobber on it before landing themselves.

Hiccup was last, as he untangled his metal leg, allowing him to land onto the platform.

However, as Hiccup landed, he noticed the pilot droid of the platform had taken damage, and rushed over there, knowing he would have to fly.

“Hang tight! I’m gonna try and get us outta here!” He cried, as he flew the platform from the sarlacc’s reach, though one of the creature’s tentacles hit a part of the engine, causing the group to have a crash land far away from the creature’s habitat.

After the rough landing, Hiccup, Tails, Gobber and Derpy hurried over to Prauf, who was still lying on the ground, struggling to get up.

“Prauf! Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Hiccup asked.

“I-I’m fine,” Prauf said, though his voice sounded a little shaky due to near death experience, “I… think I twisted my ankle on the way down.”

“Don’t worry,” said Hiccup, helping Prauf up then aiding him to walk a bit, “I got you. Now, let’s get out of here.”

“S-sure…” said Prauf.

“Hiccup,” Tails spoke up as he, Gobber and Derpy walked with Hiccup and Prauf, “what was that back there?”

“Did you do that hand thing? That caused Prauf to freeze in the air?” Gobber added.

Hiccup was silent as they asked, until Prauf spoke up.

“Wha-tha-that was the Force, wasn’t it?” he asked, the voice mixed with shock, nervousness and shakiness.

Upon hearing that Hiccup instantly said to Prauf and the others listening, “Just forget about you saw, okay? Please.”

“Th-the Force?! As in, THE Force?!” Gobber added.

“Look, guys…” Hiccup tried to speak, only for them to speak with so many thoughts in their head at the moment.

“No, I mean, I-I’ve seen them.” said Prauf.

“Incredible, I’ve heard many stories about the Jedi!” Tails added

“That was so incredible!” spoke Derpy.


“I can’t believe you’re a Jedi!” Tails said with interest.

“We’ve all heard about it!” Gobber stated, “There’s bounties everywhere for guys like you and-”

“Guys, I know!” Hiccup said, getting their attention, “I know.”

He then brought a finger close to his lips, as a way to tell them not to tell anyone of this, seeing this, Tails, Prauf, Gobber and Derpy all understood and nodded in agreement.

Upon finally understanding that Hiccup was a Jedi, this changed a lot for the four of them, Hiccup had been by their side for years. He was their friend, and upon learning his secret, they agreed to not to tell anyone of this.

“Okay, Hiccup.” Tails nodded.

“We’ll have to be careful.” Prauf added.

“Right.” Hiccup nodded in agreement.

As the group walked away, Gobber looked to Hiccup as he said, “Don’t you worry, Hiccup. Your secret’s safe with us.”

“You’re our best friend.” Derpy stated.

“And we’ll be by your side no matter what.” Prauf said proudly.

Hiccup let out a small sigh, as he said with a small smile, “Thanks guys…”

Unbeknownst to them, as they headed off, high above where Hiccup, Gobber and Prauf were dangling almost to their near deaths, an Imperial probe droid had observed everything that had happened… especially of when Hiccup used the Force.

With the footage recorded, the droid prepared to contact the Dark Order on its findings.

The Finalizer, somewhere above Jakku’s surface

Within the giant Star Destroyer, painful screams could be heard within the corridors of the prison section.

Inside his cell, Keith was being interrogated by a brute of a commander, being a burly, muscular man, bald with a small, light scar on the left side of his face and black goatee.

Upon being brought to his cell, Keith had refused many times on spilling info on who he was working with and who had the info they took.

As a way to push him to talk, his interrogator had been giving him some bruices and some hard felt zaps to see if he’ll crack.

“You have quite the courage, lad,” the commander spoke, “but sooner or later, they all fall under the pressure. So, I’ll ask again: Who are you working for that has the data?”

Keith, a little beaten up, remained silent.

The interrogator only smirked a little before turning a dial on the control pad, causing painful electricity to strike onto the pilot, who let out another scream.

The interrogator looked back to Keith as he said, “I was able to crack the wills of several good soldiers before they spilled the beans. Even after the first bit of static.”

Switching off the static again, the brute looked to Keith, who was panting after another blow, but still he didn’t speak.

“Now then, are you ready to tell me who has the data?” the brute kindly asked.

Keith looked up to the brute, and seemed like he was about to spill… until he weakly said, “Kiss… my… Bantha.”

This made the brute mad, before turning the dial again, resulting in another zap for Keith.

After that, he looked to Keith, as he felt a little burnt from the electric shocks he got, and angrily said, “I'll not answer again, Rebel scum!”

Just then, the cell door opened, revealing Shadow, as he spoke, “Stand down, Ryker.”

Ryker looked to the black hedgehog as he said, “I’ll take it from here.”

Annoyed of not getting any info, Ryker simply bowed his head as he grumbled, “Yes, my lord.”

As Ryker left and sealed Shadow in with Keith, the hedgehog looked to the prisoner as he said, “I must admit, you have quite the determination.”

Keith looked to Shadow as he replied, “If that was some sort of compliment, you got a sick way of showing it.”

Shadow ignored that as he then said, “We’re set to track down that ship through hyperdrive, but we’re unsure of who it is that you are working for.”

“If you're gonna have a turn on roasting me with bolts to talk, forget it.” Keith snarcked.

Shadow narrowed his eyes a little as he still looked to the prisoner.

“Who said I was going to give you bolts to make you talk?” he said, coldly.

He then raised his right arm, and brought his hand close to Keith’s face, as the prisoner flinched and began to feel something… something cold… something sinister…

“You will give me what I want,” said Shadow, “Even if I have to peel every bit of layers of info out of you…”

Keith began to struggle as Shadow used the Dark Side of the Force, as he soon began to tremble, feeling every vibor of his body like it was burning, couldn’t hold it in any longer, he out a loud scream that no doubt be heard from outside the Star Destroyer.

Minutes later, Shadow emerged from the holding cells, Catra and Ryker awaiting him.

“Princess Allura.” the hedgehog said, having gotten the info he needed.

“The Altean Princess?” Catra asked, “She’s part of the Rebels?”

“Well then,” Ryker said, “if she was on the ship, then we’ll soon have the data back from her.”

“Prepare to jump into Hyperdrive,” Shadow said, as he went to the bridge, Catra and Ryker following him, “and prepare a call to the Tallest. They will hopefully be pleased with this info.”

Author's Note:

We’ve now got introduced to another batch of heroes, with the intro of Jedi Hiccup, as I know that many are excited to see more of (along with Starfighter Pilot Astrid).

More of this exciting story to come, until next time, True Believers!
