• Published 1st Apr 2020
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Denouement Of Power: Forever A Ranger - TheSuperTransformerFan

A villainous alliance unleashes its unified might against Equestria and Earth, and it’s up to the Mane Six, their allies and the Power Rangers to save their worlds!

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Part 10: Tommy’s Backstory - Samurai to Super Ninja Steel

“Next parts of the story are going to have two parts...more than one part. Can you handle that?” The heroes all nodded. “Good, because the next part of the story is going to epic and showy.” Tommy said to them as he got ready to tell them the next “two-part” parts of the story. “In the netherworld, Master Xandred awoke and began his attack on Earth! Jayden, Mike, Kevin, Mia and Emily were called into duty as the Power Rangers Samurai! However, as Xandred’s army grew stronger, they needed reinforcements. Antonio, Jayden’s childhood friend joined and became the Gold Samurai Ranger!”

Xandred, severely weakened from his encounter with the 17th Samurai Rangers begins his attack anew. Thus Jayden Shiba, the 18th Samurai Ranger Fire, has been called to duty, along with four others under the purview of the Samurai. With the Samuraizers, Samurai Disks and Spin Swords and FoldingZords at their disposal. They manage to fend off the Nighlok.

However, as the Nighlok grow stronger, changes once again needed to take shape. The first change came when for the first time, a young man of non-Samurai lineage appeared and became the first Gold Samurai Ranger. This young man was Antonio, Jayden's childhood friend, whom Jayden had given the OctoZord to as a boy. Antonio proved to be the spike in power the rangers needed as his technological approach to Symbol Power allowed him to create new devices and weapons for himself, as well as activate pending projects of the Samurai lineage such as the Black Box, the LightZord and the SharkZord. He was also able to repair the ClawZord which had been damaged in battle years ago.

“When the Black Box was reprogrammed, the rangers gained a new mode...Super Samurai!” Tommy continued. “Giving them new symbol powers to defeat the nighlock. Together, the defeated Master Xandred and the world was safe once more.”

With the Black Box repaired, the Rangers were able to gain a new combat mode- the Super Samurai Mode. With this mode, a single Samurai Ranger could fight alone and finish an opponent as well as perform complex combinations such as Megazord combos on his/her own.

When Jayden and Cody, a young Guardian, managed to free and control the BullZord after years of capture, the apparition of the Shogun Rangers' leader, The Grand Shogun appeared and vowed that their power now belongs to them. This means that on top of all the powers that they have inherited, along with the powers they themselves activated, the Rangers now had access to the special power of the Shogun Rangers, as a Shogun mode, powering up their attacks.

The heroes all gasped in excitement as well as Rainbow Dash. She was already interested in the story since Operation Overdrive and wanted to hear more. Her friends were all enthusiastic too, but not too enthusiastic as Rainbow.

“When the Warstar fleet began to attack Earth, a supernatural being...Gosei chose five teens to become Power Rangers Megaforce.” Tommy continued. “When the toxic mutants arrived, a new ally...Robo Knight arrived and joined the team.”

A supernatural being and his robotic ally carefully chooses five teenagers attending Harwood County High School to fight these monsters as the Mega Rangers. When The Toxic Mutants have arrived on Earth and have joined forces with Vrak. They send out their first monster, Hisser to fight the rangers. Realizing that the rangers may not be strong enough, Gosei unleashes his creation, Robo Knight, a robot with the feriousity of the Lion he created centuries ago and had kept dormant since then until it was ready to fight at the time of need. But since he was kept dormant for so long, he has suffered from memory loss and the rangers must win his trust and gain back his friendship. Robo Knight easily scares off Bluefur and Bigs and defeats Hisser. Admiral Malkor catches wind of this new warrior and sents Vrak to kidnap him. Vrak uses Psychotick to do the job. But the rangers arrive to help and free him. Watching the rangers' defeat Psychotick, Robo Knight learns the truth of courage, and he uses his new Knight Brothers Zords and combines them with him as the Lion Mechazord and forms the Gosei Grand Megazord, which defeats Psychotick.

“But after the Mega Rangers took on Vrak and his forces, the armada began to attack, led by Prince Vekar.” Tommy continued. “Wave after wave, the rangers were overwhelmed. But all was not lost as Gosei gave them new Morphers and new powers to become Super Megaforce, giving them legendary and new ranger powers and zords to combat this new threat. Their chances increased when Orion, the silver ranger, arrived from the planet Andresia and joined the team with the legendary powers of the sixth rangers that came before him.”

Sometime before the Armada arrived, Vrak disabled the Rangers and Robo Knight's morphers during a battle. The Messenger then arrived on the scene to finish the Rangers off. However Robo Knight was able to divert his internal energy to recharge his morpher, so it was still functional. When the Messenger fired his laser beam attack against the Power Rangers, Robo Knight jumped in the way and fired his own elemental attack as well, overpowering and incapacitating the Messenger and draining the energy from his attack in the process. Then Robo Knight transferred the last of his power to the Rangers' Morphers and gave his Morpher and Blaster to Troy. Suddenly he collapsed powerless to the ground, seemingly meeting his end. When the Rangers returned to where he collapsed they noticed drag marks and assumed he dragged himself off to an unknown location. The rangers demorph and try to find Robo Knight, who has disappeared. Gosei alerts the rangers that the Armada is about to attack. The rangers re-morph and the Armada begins its invasion. The rangers run in the forest, but Troy takes a different path to find Robo Knight. The leader of the invasion, Prince Vekar, sends millions of X Borgs and Bruisers down to attack Harwood County. The Rangers separate to fight them. Upon holding them off, they return to Gosei, which he reveals and gives them the Legendary Ranger Powers, unlocking their Super Mega(force) Mode. Since his arrival on Earth, he has been mysteriously taking out all the XBorgplatoons that have been attacking the Warehouse District and Downtown. When it comes to the attack on the center of the city led by Gorgax, Orion shows up to help fight the XBorgs.

“When Robo Knight returned...” Tommy continued. “...Vrak brainwashed him, turning him evil. The rangers freed him from his control, and went to Vrak’s underwater lair. He saved Orion, seemingly sacrificing himself to stop him. Only at that moment, the Emperor Marvo bombarded their zords. However I arrived to help the rangers with all the past ranger teams and together, we gave the rangers the chance they needed to defeat Marvo.”

Vrak manages to find Robo Knight and took him to his underwater lair but didn't have the proper resources to revive him. He found out that the only way to revive Robo Knight is to use a Sixth Ranger power as Robo Knight is a Sixth Ranger himself. Vrak waited until his brother Prince Vekar's death to capture Orion. Vrak had Orion's energies drained into Robo Knight, along with his own dark power. Now as Vrak's servant, Robo Knight devoted himself to him.

Each time Vrak plotted his moves, Robo Knight attacked the Rangers. But each time the Rangers convinced him that he needed to break free from Vrak's control, he stated that Vrak is the only one who knows the truth. While Drill Horn fought Emma, Gia, Jake and Noah in one battle, Troy fought Robo Knight. Troy managed to free Robo Knight from Vrak's control. Robo Knight wanted to make up for the evil deeds he did under Vrak's control.

To make up for the trouble he's caused while under Vrak's control, Robo Knight went into Vrak's underwater lair to save Orion before his life force was fully drained. As Robo Knight saved Orion, Vrak had the lair self destruct. As that was happening, Robo Knight manages to transfer his life force into Orion. Though Robo Knight didn't escape while Orion did, he now lives within Orion. While Prince Vekar invaded the Earth, Tommy had begun uniting the Power Rangers that preceded the Mega Rangers. In between the event, some of them came in contact with the Mega Rangers.

When Emperor Mavro invades Earth, Tommy had finished uniting all the Power Rangers preceding the Mega Rangers and led them to fight Mavro and his allies. A kid was stuck in a car that was about to fall. Tommy uses Saba to rescue the kid, acknowledging the child's bravery. Emperor Mavro was defeated. But the remaining thousands of XBorgs still stand. Tommy gathered all the existing Power Rangers and met up with the Mega Rangers.

After the demise of the XBorgs, Tommy shook hands with Troy and teleported off along with the Legendary Rangers.

“Uh, Tommy?” Tyler cut in on his story. “Could my team tell our part of the story? I mean, since we’re all here as Dino Charge...”

“Could we tell our part of the story?” Riley asked him.

“Sure.” Tommy said. “You are all here after all, and you are Dino Charge.”

“Okay, then.” Tyler said as he got ready to tell them the story along with his team to the mane six and remaining Beast Morpher rangers.

“We interrupt Tommy’s story to bring you our story of Dino Charge!” Chase jokingly said to them. He got nudged playfully in the arm.

“Chase!” Ivan said. “Well, he is right. I mean, why don’t we tell the Elements of Harmony our side of the story? I mean the Dino Charge team is here.”

“Yeah.” Shelby agreed. “And we could tell them about the energems.”

“And how we defeated Sledge!” Koda agreed as well.

“Alright.” Tyler said as he turned to the heroes. “You ready to hear OUR part of the story? And I don’t mean Tommy’s version, but OUR version of the story?” The heroes all nodded. “Alright then. Millions of years ago, a bounty hunter named Sledge tried to steal the energems...metallic and mineral crystals of various colors that channel untold powers of the universe...for himself. But, an alien named Keeper entrusted the energems to various dinosaurs to keep them safe.”

“Sledge was blasted into deep space...” Chase added. “...until one day when he returned. In the present day, the energems bonded with us to become a new team of Power Rangers!”

Sixty-five million years ago, the legendary, transcendent Energems were given to ten dinosaurs for safekeeping by an alien named Keeper. But when Sledge, an intergalactic bounty hunter, attempted to acquire the Energems, his ship was blasted into space, leading to the extinction of the dinosaurs and the Energems being lost with them. Now, in the present day, Sledge is back and starts sniffing around Earth looking for the Energems in order to harness their power and annihilate the world, so a team of Power Rangers form to find the Energems first and fight the bounty hunter and other threats with dino-powered swords, blasters, Zords, and Megazords.

“In the year 1215, I was a Knight.” Ivan started and I bonded with the gold Energem and...”

“Ivan!” The others cut in.

“No...no. Let me finish.” He said to them. “This is very interesting. So anyways, when I bonded with the Gold Energem, A monster named Fury arrived and absorbed me, but lost the gold Energem. For centuries, I was trapped in Fury’s body. Until one fateful day...when Tyler here defeated Fury’s energy, freeing me of him and me transformed into the gold ranger!”

Sir Ivan is a legendary knight of the small country of Zandar. Centuries ago in the year 1215 while accompanying Prince Colin, he came across the Gold Energem. He then encountered a hooded figure who attacked both Ivan and the prince, revealing itself to be the monster Fury. As Fury and Ivan crossed swords, the Gold Energem bonded with Ivan. As a last resort, Fury absorbed Ivan but lost the Gold Energem in the process. For centuries Ivan was trapped within the body of Fury as he searched for the Energems. The rangers do battle with Riley using a new weapon configuration, the Triple Spike. Tyler fights Fury, where the energy escapes Fury's body. Much to everyone's shock it's none other than Sir Ivan himself. Getting back the gold energem, Ivan finally morphs into the gold ranger and quickly defeats the Vivixs, Poisandra, Curio, Wrench, and Spikeballs.

“However...” Riley added on to the story. “When Sledge arrived to took Tyler’s Energem, we thought we were all doomed. But we took the fight to his ship and Tyler reclaimed his Energem, and also, we had a new ranger join us in the progress. We took down Sledge’s monster and the world was saved...for the time being.”

The Rangers detect Sledge's transport pods heading to Earth. Ivan goes with Kendall to sneak Get-bot on one while the others deal with Sledge. However, Sledge freeze them with the Purple Energem and taunts them about how easy they've had it with him since they had Energems of their own to tip the balance in their favor. Before Sledge can take the Red Energem, Keeper appears and fights Sledge. He is disarmed and defeated, ordered to be taken to the ship for death. Ivan sees this and goes for help while Kendall sneaks onto the transport pod after knocking out a Vivix.When keeper was taken, Sledge took the red energem and tyler was left powerless. Kendall tries to fight off Spikeballs on Sledge’s ship, and this calls upon the power of the Purple Energem, transforming her into the new Purple Ranger. As she takes down the Spikeballs, Tyler and Shelby arrive, surprised about Kendall being the new Ranger. They take Keeper to the Plesio Zord to escape.

“When Snide wanted to continue where Sledge had left off, we returned to fight off him and his forces. He tried to take the energems, but we had more power. He tried to end all of us by going back in time, but his good alter ego, Heckyl took over and we all defeated him.” Shelby told them. The Mane six were pretty shocked at all this new stories they were telling them about the coming of the energems, the rise of the Dino Charge Rangers and the defeat of Sledge and Snide. “Earlier today, we arrived to help take down Tirek, Cozy Glow, Chrysalis, Blaze, Roxy, BellTron, and Grogar with Tommy’s help.”

Weeks after the crash, the solitary confinement cell Snide was held in was damaged and weakened enough so he could make his escape and he confronts the Vivix and Spikeballs, all of which still fiercely loyal to Sledge, until he and Heckyl impose their authority, with the latter ordering the other outlaws to be freed and forcing them to submit to him after eliminating one who attempted to leave. During Sledge and Poisandra's wedding, at the same time the six Greenzillas that Sledge put in different locations are destroyed, Snide is sent to Earth to find the Rangers' location, but first steals the Dark Energem from Poisandra's ring without Sledge's crew knowing. Snide tracks the rangers to the Dino Museum he and Heckyl visited, but after some momentary confusion, realizes that the Rangers' base is actually beneath the museum. Smashing his way in through its ceiling, he attacks both Kendall and Keeper, but is thwarted by his former half, Heckyl, and forced outside. Snide calls for the Magna Beam, but Sledge refuses, claiming that he was meaningless in his backup plan, leaving Snide surrounded by Heckyl and the Rangers, who combine all their powers to finally destroy him.

“10 years ago before that time...” Tyler said. “...the Ninja Nexus Prism fell from the sky. It came to them for a reason.”

“The Ninja Nexus Prism chose 5 teens to become Power Rangers.” Chase added. “After Brody escaped from Galvanax on his ship, he and 4 others...Preston, Calvin, Haley, and Sarah...were the ones who were to become the next Power Rangers!”

When Galvanax, cruel champion of Galaxy Warriors, claimed the mighty Power Stars. Earths' greatest ninja sacrificed himself to keep the universe safe. 10 years later, a new generation of warriors rises up to protect the Ninja Power Stars. They are Power Rangers Ninja Steel!

“When the rangers needed reinforcements, a famous country superstar singer...Levi Weston, who was known as Brody’s brother...stepped up and became the Gold ranger.” Tyler said to them.

Levi went into battle against various unseen monsters sent by Madame Odious to recover him, always vanishing before the other Rangers could find him. In an attempt to hide, Levi stashed the Gold Ninja Power Star in his manager Tom's briefcase. This resulted in Tom's kidnapping at the hands of Ripcon, who sought to steal the Gold Power Star and discover the identity of a traitor aboard the Warrior Dome. The core five Rangers attempted to rescue Tom only to be captured themselves. Levi arrived and recovered the Gold Power Star, rescuing the other Rangers while Tom got away and revealing his identity to them. Levi was brought to the Ninja Rangers' base where he revealed his story and received a Power Star and his Bull Zord Star from Mick.

“They defeated Galvanax...but Madame Odius had survived.” Riley said. “She rose to power and was determined to take the stars for herself.”

Finally, Galvanax was defeated but the ruthless Madame Odius survived and rose to power, determined to take the stars for herself.

“Madame Odius used her Foxatron to wipe out the Rangers’ zords. Without them, they couldn’t handle the Mecha villain.” Ivan added as well. The heroes gasped at this, but they knew that there was more to come. “Three cloaked figures gave the Rangers the Ninja Blaze zord stars after proving themselves worthy by helping out others. They ultimately turned out to be Wes from Time Force...”

“...Gemma from RPM...” Shelby added.

“...and me, Koda!” Koda himself finished the sentence. “We came to help the Ninja Steel Rangers fight Lord Draven...an evil creature who wanted to destroy the multiple ranger universes, and in order to achieve his goal, he captured different Rangers from different teams to create an army of Robo Rangers...which he did. We stopped a few of his minions, but just as they were going to blast us from all sides, Tommy came to help us!”

After having Foxatron use it's slash attacks on the Lion Fire Megazord, Madame Odius uses the Fox Drone Swarm to defeat the Lion Fire Megazord.

The Rangers discover that the attacks done to the Megazords have burned their Zord Stars. Just then, Foxatron loses it's power. Odius emerges from Foxatron as the Rangers hide as Badonna and Venoma arrive. As Odius threatens Venoma to tell her what is wrong with the Ninja Medallions, Venoma says that the Ninja Medallions just need to be recharged which it will be done by the same time tomorrow.

“Indeed I did.” Tommy jumped in on the story. “We freed the captured rangers, but while we were trying to escape, I was facing an evil version of myself. Luckily, during that time, I acquired a Master Morpher...” Tommy pulled out a golden version of his morpher to show it to everyone. They ooohed and aaahed in excitement at the sight of Tommy’s new morpher. “...which gives me the power to morph into past rangers that I became. When we faced Draven, we hit him with all we got! Draven was defeated and the ranger universes were saved.”

Tommy manages to free himself and saves Wes, Gemma, Koda, and the Ninja Steel Rangers from a force of Basherbots using Dino Thunder Black. The group of Rangers split up and storm Draven's fortress, managing to free the other captured rangers. Tommy enters into a battle with an evil robot clone of himself where he proceeds to use the Master Morpher to utilize the powers of Dino Thunder Black (extended cut), Zeo Ranger V Red, White Ranger, and Green Ranger to destroy the clone. Once reuniting with the other Rangers, they morph and work together to destroy the Ranger Clones. Draven manages to fire off the last Mega Arrow to destroy the dimensional barriers when Tommy summons the Falconzord to fly up and catch the arrow, sending it straight back at Draven while the other Rangers fire at him with their weapons. This finally destroys Lord Draven.

“However, the fight was not over yet!” Koda said, jumping back into storytelling. “When Preston teleported to my world, we both found out that Sledge was still alive! I agreed to help him defeat Sledge and Odius. We did...as a team, and I gave them caveman clubs as Christmas gifts! Similar to what you ponies have as Hearthswarming!” Koda smiled as the others laughed in amusement and excitement. “We then went back to my universe to celebrate Christmas with my family.”

When Preston Tien accidentally teleported to the Dino Charge World and informed Koda that Sledge was still alive, Koda agreed to help him save the other Ninja Steel Rangers and defeat Sledge once and for all. Crisis averted, he gifted the Ninja Steel Rangers with caveman clubs, and they then headed back to Koda's home timeline to celebrate Christmas with his family.

Tommy went back into the role as storyteller as he began to tell the next and final part of the story, which was the current team of Power Rangers. “Which leads us to the current team of Power Rangers.” His attention turned right to Zoey, Nate and Steel. “With the return of Evox...an evil computer virus, it became necessary to invoke the power of Morph-X. These three rangers are chosen to protect the universe.” He pointed to each of the Beast Morpher rangers. They each were surprised that Tommy was pointing to them because not only did he believe these rangers were chosen to protect the universe, but he believed they could do it. “Zoey Reeves, Nate Silva and Steel. You guys are the Power Rangers Beast Morphers.” He said to them with bravery and confidence in his voice. He smiled at them, knowing they had what it takes to save the universe. “Should anything happen, you three are in charge of protecting the planet. You're in good hands.”

Zoey and the others were proud that Tommy told them they had what it takes, but then got worried as she realized Devon and Ravi weren’t there.

Tommy took notice too. “The red and blue rangers of your team...” he started to ask. “...Devon and Ravi? Where are they?”

“Devon and Ravi have been captured by Chrysalis!” Zoey urgently told him.

Tommy’s face turned into one of seriousness as he now knew what this meant for the heroes. The others gasped in horror and shock at that. “It’s worse than we feared.” He said to them. “Blaze and Roxy’s evil legion has captured two core members of your team...and has made it harder for you to win the battle,”

Fluttershy got worried too because she realized Discord wasn’t here with them since Grogar disguised as him saying that he released them and told them that the heroes would meet their end. Steel was right. Grogar was here. “Ooh...” she asked him. “What about Discord? Oh, please tell me he’s okay!”

“We think Discord may be captured too.” Tommy told her solemnly.

“We don’t know WHERE he is.” Tyler told the butterscotch Pegasus.

“Oh, no!” Fluttershy cried out. “Not Discord!” She began to sob into Tommy’s lap and Nate’s arms. The rest of the Mane six and rangers all hugged her with comfort.

“Calm down, Fluttershy.” Zoey told her. “It’ll be okay. We just need to find out where he’s being held.”

“Along with Devon and Ravi!” Steel said with alert!

“I know we’ll find them.” Tommy told her. “But, right now, we need a miracle.” Just then, Connor, Ethan, Starlight and Kira came bursting through the doors into the throne room.

“Doctor O!” Connor said with urgency. “We came as fast as he could!”

Tommy rushed over to Connor and hugged him. “Good to see you too, Connor.” He said happily.

“Starlight!” Twilight rushed over to her and hugged her. “Are you okay?”

“Whoa, thanks, Twilight.” Starlight told her. “I really appreciate it. And yes, I am okay! I’m just glad the Dino Thinder rangers came to save me.”

The other ponies hugged her. “We were worried we lost you!” Rainbow said with relief.

“Darn tootin!” Applejack said as they all hugged her.

“More legendary Rangers?” Zoey asked. “Phenomenal!”

Just then, Jason and the other Mighty Morphin Rangers and the Pillars came in as well. “Tommy!” Jason called out!

“Jason! Guys! Good to see you again!” Tommy said to his old teammates as he hugged them. “You guys okay?”

“Yeah!” Jason told him. “We defeated Tirek and got the Pillars magic back! He retreated and went back to the castle!”

“We helped Starlight defeat Chrysalis.” Kira added. “And she was going there too! Did we miss anything?”

“Well, you kinda missed that battle that was going on back at the castle...” Nate started to say. “But, other than that, you didn’t miss anything at all. We were just trying to find out where our friends have been taken.”

“Devon and Ravi, the Beast Morpher red and blue Power Rangers have been captured by Chrysalis!” Tommy told them.

“What?!” Everyone said in shock.

“Two rangers captured?” Star Swirl asked in shock.

“Ooh, wait till we give Blaze and Roxy a piece of our mind!” Rockhoof said as he started to swing his shovel!

“We gotta go back there and rescue them!” Connor said with urgency.

“But how?” Flash Magnus asked him. “We don’t even know WHERE Grogar held them!”

Just then, Steel realized something! “Of course!” He said to all the heroes. “It’s all coming together! I know where Devon, Ravi and Discord have been held prisoner!” The others got all worried as they were wanting to find out what Steel knew for what Grogar was planning. “They’re being held at Grogar’s lair!” Everyone gasped at that.

“But, we don’t even know WHERE Grogar’s lair is!” Starlight pointed out in shock.

“And even if we knew...” Chase said. “...it would take forever just to reach there.”

“Not necessarily.” Steel said. “I know where Grogar’s lair is! It’s located in the badlands, south of the Everfree Forest!” There heroes were now shocked and astonished by what the Beast Bit had told them. They were now ready to save their friends.

Celestia and Luna both got up and were ready to help them get to Grogar’s lair to stop the legion from destroying the two universes...Earth and Equestria from being destroyed. “Then, we must save your friends.” The sun Princess told him. “Whatever it takes!”

“I agree with my sister!” Luna said as well. “Grogar’s lair hasn’t been discovered by much equestrians in a long time! If your friends are there, we must be ready at a moment’s notice!”

“I’m with you guys!” Jason said in agreement with the Princesses. “We’re gonna go out there, save some rangers, and kick Evox’s butt and show him what a real force we are to be reckoned with!”

“The fate of both ours and the Rangers’ universes are at stake.” Star Swirl said. “We must stop both of your worlds from crumbling apart.” The pillars and others all cheered in agreement as they got their weapons ready.

“So, what can we do to help?” Connor asked, with the others smiling in agreement.

“I’m glad you asked.” Steel said as he turned to Tommy. “Do you have a plan, Tommy?” He asked.

Tommy turned to him and smiled with confidence. “Yes, I do have a plan!” He said. He turned to Twilight. “Twilight, go get reinforcements to help us defeat Evox and his legion of Doom. We’re gonna need all the help we can get!”

“Right!” Twilight said as she saluted him and flew off while teleporting to find help.

“Everybody else...” Tommy said as he turned to the others. “...Time to stage a rescue!” Everybody cheered. And started to head in the way Grogar’s lair was in!

“Then, let’s go!” Steel shouted. “TALLYHO!” As he went with the other heroes to where they would save their friends. Blaze and Roxy’s evil Legion of Doom had already captured the two Beast Morphers Rangers, and the odds were in their favour, but as we all know, good always triumphs over evil, and the heroes were ready to head over to Grogar’s lair to not only save their friends, but also save the world as well. They would give the legion a surprise attack, they would never forget!

Author's Note:

And that’s all for Tommy’s Backstory! Now, time for the second action packed part of our amazing legendary crossover adventure. The heroes have all staged a rescue in how to save Devon and Ravi from the clutches of the !egion of Doom! The Villains are all celebrating their moment of triumph that they had removed two of their core heroes from the battlefield! But help will also arrive from an unlikely ally. Somepony like...COZY GLOW?! How is she going to help, and what role does she play in all this in the team of heroes?! Find out next time, when the rangers Stage A Rescue!