• Published 2nd Feb 2020
  • 378 Views, 2 Comments

Of Moon and Sun - Curious Mew

A series of short stories detailing events in the lives of Luna and Celestia, from moments of joy and comfort to times of doubt and loss.

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Luna was walking past the door to Celestia’s private rooms when a muffled noise caught her attention. Her ears perked up and swiveled towards the door as the alicorn paused.

Perhaps I imagined it?

No, there it was again. Hesitantly, Luna knocked against the door. “Sister?”

There was no response, but Luna was certain that Celestia was inside. The lunar alicorn stood there, uncertain of what to do, straining her ears to make sure that they were not playing tricks on her. At least, she was certain. Somepony was crying.

Luna bit her lip and tried the doorknob. It was unlocked, but she did not immediately enter. Instead, she called out again. “Sister, I am about to enter thy chambers unless thou tellest me not to.”

With no reply forthcoming, she moved inside, closing the door behind her, and made her way to Celestia’s sleeping quarters. At the threshold, Luna again paused, taken aback by the sight that greeted her. The older alicorn was indeed there, but she was curled up on her bed, head buried in her hooves, wings pulled tightly against her body. Her body trembled slightly, wracked by her muffled sobs.

Slowly, Luna made her way over to her sister and joined her on the bed, wrapping a wing around her. “‘Tia, what is wrong?”

Celestia did not answer immediately. Instead, she weakly tried to break out of Luna’s embrace before suddenly changing her mind and shifting closer against her sister. The two alicorns remained like that for some time, Luna trying her best to softly hum the songs Celestia always did for her when she was in distress. While the younger alicorn was certainly used to providing comfort to her subjects in their dreams, this was a situation she had never expected to find herself in. Celestia had always been the strong one, the one who comforted her when the stress of her duties became too much for her to bear.

Finally, Celestia dried her eyes. “Is it my fault?” she asked, still not looking at Luna.

“Is what thy fault?”

“The war with the gryphons. Is it my fault that they attacked? Could I have prevented the war had I been a more able leader? So many died... Gryphons and ponies alike.”

“I do not have the patience for politics, which is why I leave the matter in thy capable hooves. In this matter, however, I can assure thee that the fault is in no way thine.”

“How?” Celestia’s gaze finally met Luna’s, her eyes searching and still swimming with tears.

Luna sighed and nuzzled her sister. “I know because I was able to see the dreams of King Gregor when he invaded Equestria at the head of his armies. They were full of naught but glory and conquest.” She spat the words out as if they left a foul taste in her mouth. “He desired to expand his empire, and he believed he could do so by force.” She smiled grimly. “He was wrong, of course.”

Celestia frowned and looked away. “Still, it is my responsibility to guide our little ponies and keep them safe.”

“It is our responsibility, sister. If thou must blame one of us, then why not find fault with me? If the war was indeed caused by flawed diplomacy, then surely I am the one who caused the offense. Gregor and I despised each other from the first we met.”

Celestia shook her head. “But I am the one who managed all of our negotiations. The two of you only met two or three times before the war.”

Luna closed her eyes. “Could we have negotiated with the draconequi, found some way to end their reign that avoided any bloodshed? Or what of Dakorgon when he desired to rule over ponies and dragons alike?”

“I very much doubt that there was any way but war.”

“And this was the same. Gregor wanted to continue his conquests, to build further on his legacy as the Unifier of Gryphonkind. Thou once toldest me not to shoulder burdens that are not mine to bear. I believe thou shouldst listen to thine own advice.”

“I...” Celestia hesitated. “I’m sorry. Thou art right. I apologize that thou hadst to see me like this.”

“There is nothing to apologize for!” Luna shook her head. “I know that our subjects expect thee to be perfect, to be unwavering and to always have all of the answers. They wish for divinity to mean perfection.

“And I will admit that I was, for a moment, surprised to see thee in such a state. But that shows the same failing on my part, not any flaw of thine. Please, Celestia, as I have always relied on thee, allow me to help carry some of thy burdens. Allow thyself to remove all of thy masks when we are together.”

Luna stopped, but Celestia remained silent, so she continued. “It is like... clouds.”

“Clouds?” Celestia shot her sister a puzzled glance.

“Indeed! Dost thou remember when we visited Clousdale to examine the new weather device? It pumps water vapor through a series of pipes to produce clouds!” Luna frowned slightly as something else crossed her mind. “It is... slower than traditional methods at the moment, but that is irrelevant, I think. What matters instead is that the faster water vapor runs through the system, the faster the clouds are produced. The device, however, is prone to failure if it is run too quickly. If that happens, then it must be repaired before any more clouds can be produced. On the other hoof, is one is careful and avoids overstressing it, catastrophic failure can be avoided.

“In conclusion” – Luna poked her sister in the side – “thou needest a way to slow down from time to time. A space to simply be thyself. And, no, if thou wert planning to hide thy pain from me, then thou art still wearing at least one mask in my presence, no matter how many others thou removest.”

Celestia smiled and hugged her sister. “I suppose thou art no longer a little filly. Instead, thou hast grown into a wise and wonderful mare.”

“Sister! Thou art embarrassing me!”

“I believe that is one of my duties. But, yes, I should rely upon thee more.” Celestia hesitated for a moment. “But dost thou have any duties to which thou must attend tonight?”

“‘Tis a quiet night. Nothing should require my immediate attention, as far as I know, and my Rangers can contact me should that change. I am here for thee, ‘Tia.”

“...thank thee.”

Author's Note:

The Lunar Rangers are inspired largely (not least in their name) by the organization of the same name featured in some of Cynewulf's work such as Redeem Us in Our Solemn Hour.