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Episode 2:  Light Force rangers rise

(Power rangers lightforce theme)
Special guest star Dream weaver rangers mentor

Gold, Night, Grande, Bronze and Show had gathered at the school with their friends. The five of them held their crystals out and watched them glow. "So what does this mean?" asked Show.

"I don't know. We've got five crystals, and no idea what their for." Gold was stumped by these new crystals.

"I can answer that." The group turned to see two people emerge from the school. The first was Vice Principal Luna. The other was a man with white hair and light grey skin. He wore a black coat, a purple t-shirt and black dress shoes.

"What do you mean Mr.Weaver?" asked Night.

"Please everyone, schools over call me Dream. And to answer your question, those crystals are known as the Forge Crystals. They are said to be bound to those who are good of heart and mind. They give you powers that can help you."

"Wait, how do you know all this?" asked Bronze.

"Because I'm bound to one as well." Dream pulled out a crystal that glowed black. "You five are now official heroes."

"Sweet," said Show. "Now we just need to know how to use them."

Suddenly a loud bang was heard. The group turned to see what looked like a porcupine with purple crystals for quills. It was followed by an army of robotic warriors. "Time to destroy this city."

"I guess this is our test run," said Gold. "Everyone get inside." The five guys stood in front of the army. "Hey ugly!"

The creature turned to the group. "Who you calling ugly? I'm the most handsome in my world."

"Hate to be in that world," said Show.

"That's it. I'm Crystine. And your standing in my way."

"Well when your threatening our city, your just an enemy." The crystals glowed brighter and watches appeared on the guys' wrists. "Its MORPHING TIME!"

The guys placed the crystals into their mothers and spring down. "Light Charge!"

The crystals sprung around in the morphers. Energy wrapped around each of the guys in their respective colors. The suits had a black stripe on the right side with an animal coming from the stripe. Gold' s was a falcon, Night's was a bat, Grande's was a bull, Bronze' s was a snake, and Show's was a tiger. Belts with their animals appeared around their waists. White gloves and boots appeared on their suits. The helmets had a clear black visor across the eyes. They looked like each of the guys' animals.

"Falcon Ranger," said Gold. "Light Force Red." Gold punched the air in front of him.

"Bat Ranger," said Night. "Light Force Blue." Night brought his hands up like wings.

"Bull Ranger," said Grande. "Light Force Yellow." Grande punched the ground.

"Snake Ranger," said Bronze. "Light Force Green." Bronze brought his hand up like a snake.

"Tiger Ranger," said Show. "Light Force White." He brought his hands up like claws.

"Rangers unite, ready to fight!"

"Rangers managers. Desemators attack!" The robotic warriors charged forward.

"Let's take these guys down." The guys charged forward and met the army. Gold and Night jumped into the air and landed some mid-air attacks. Grande charged forward and flattened all the desemators in his way. Bronze struck with lightning speed. Show took down Desemators with powerful punches and jabs. The last of the Desemators fell. "Well these guys were easy pickings."

"Now you have to deal with me." Crystine charged forward armed with two crystal swords.

"I got him." Grande charged forward but was blind sided by a wave of quills. "That was a bad idea."

"We have to work together to take out this guy," said Night.

"Yeah. Let's do this. Summon Weapons." Gold held a sword and Night had a double sided axe. The two charged forward and pushed back Crystine' s swords.

"You can't out power me."

"Who says we had to. Grande now." Grande had charged from behind with his shield. When Crystine fired his quills Grande was protected from the blast.

"Nice try." Grande fired his own blaster that destroyed the quills.

"No my quills!"

"Now it's time to finish this." The others summoned their own swords and charged them up with light energy. "Light Slash!"

They each sliced the air and the slashes hit Crystine. "I get the point." He was destroyed in an explosion.

"Light Force Rangers, we brought the light." They all powered down.

The group came running out from the school. "That was so awesome!" shouted Rainbow.

"You guys are real heroes," said Sunset.

"We are." Gold stuck out his hand and the other rangers put their hands in.

"Rangers Together, Light Force Forever!"