• Published 20th Jan 2020
  • 1,357 Views, 57 Comments

Glow in the Dark - Shadow Spector

Where exactly did Cozy Glow come from? Well, here's the answer for you.

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Excerpt 5

Excerpt 5:

Cozy’s train of thought was interrupted by another growl of her stomach.

“But we haven’t eaten yet,” Troth said as she followed Cozy out of the Hayburger. “Shouldn’t we go back?”

Cozy took a deep breath. “No, I didn’t like it back there.”

“Was it because of Candid? I’m sorry, I thought it was going to be just Lenia there.”

“It wasn’t just the griffon though. The dragon also made me uncomfortable.”
“Opul? But she gave you bits.”

“She probably stole those bits. Dragons don’t willingly give things out of the goodness of their hearts. I’ve heard too many stories that go against that thought process. There’s got to be something else happening with her. I don’t trust that scheming dragon.”

“And what about the others?”

Cozy looked away. “That Drool creature-.”

“Droll,” Troth corrected, sounding as though she were getting defensive.

“That’s what I said. He kept saying things that made me feel uncomfortable.”

“He’s just trying to get a good laugh in,” Troth said, trying to be open-minded.

“But what he was saying could be taken other ways that I’m sure he didn’t think of. He could’ve started something violent.”

“But Lenia’s cool, right?” Troth said hopefully.

Cozy sighed. “Lenia’s cool. But I have no idea what she sees in them. How could she not be afraid that something bad is going to happen to her from the friends she chooses? How can she make friends with others that are so much different than her? I’m not so sure anyone would do something like that.”

Troth chortled. “If you only knew.”

Cozy knit her eyebrows. “Knew what?”

“Follow me.” Troth started walking a different direction, causing Cozy to change course and follow her.

Troth filled the silence with words. “There are a lot of other cases of ponies making friends with others that are not like them at all. You’ve probably heard of the most famous case.”

“There are famous cases of friendship?”

“Oh yes,” Troth said, sounding more serious. “When there is something so powerful like that, it can be documented pretty quickly.”

Cozy followed Troth into another building. “Do ponies just record anything now?”

“Pretty much if it’s important enough, especially with royalty.”

“Remind me to never go to the library.”

Troth gave an awkward smile as Cozy looked around at the bookshelves surrounding her, causing the salmon-colored filly to droop her eyebrows in unamusement.

The red-maned pegasus scanned the bookshelves before reaching up to grab a book off of one. “This is the story of Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“I think I’ve heard of her before. What’s she the princess of again?”

“Well, her princess duty hasn’t been named yet, but I bet it will be marvelous!”

From behind the front counter of the room, the librarian shushed Troth in an even louder tone than Troth had used.

Troth cowered back before clearing her throat and talking in a lower voice. “Right, well she is the one who fulfilled the prophecy concerning the Elements of Harmony.”

Cozy blinked in slight recognition. “Those sound familiar.”

“I’m sure you’ve heard of them before.”

“I’ve been sheltered for most of my life so maybe not.”

Troth turned the book so Cozy could see. “The Elements of Harmony. They’re the magical artifacts that Twilight and her friends now wield. They consist of Laughter, Kindness, Generosity, Loyalty, Honesty, and Magic.”

Cozy covered her mouth with her hoof as she tried to hide her grin. Finally, Cozy could not contain her laughter. “They - they look like turtlenecks!”

“SSHHHH,” the librarian hissed back but Cozy, although startled, was still smiling.

Troth looked inside the book again as if never considering the thought. “Well, what about the Element of Magic?”

“That one is even worse,” Cozy said in a quieter tone. “What’s that used for? Shredding cheese like a cheese grater?”

Troth rolled her eyes in amusement at Cozy’s enjoyment before continuing in the book. “Using the Elements of Harmony, Princess Twilight, although not a princess yet, was able to team up with her friends and defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“Oh yes, I know this story. The Princess of the Night used to be bad, but now she’s good. I think I remember hearing the same story arc of a Spirit of Chaos as well.”

“That was also Princess Twilight, and she was still a unicorn for that as well.”

Cozy tilted her head in confusion. “Wait, Twilight went up against an alicorn as a unicorn and won? I thought that alicorn magic was way stronger than unicorn magic.”

Troth smiled. “She didn’t use her unicorn magic.”

“Golly, the Elements of Harmony are that strong?”

“Well, it wasn’t the Elements of Harmony either. You see, Cozy, there are two types of magic: the magic that creatures like unicorns and alicorns use, and then there’s the magic that you and I use.”

Cozy closed her eyes and shook her head trying to understand. “What?”

“Yes, we don’t have to be unicorns to use magic, but it’s a different kind of magic. There’s one thing stronger than unicorn magic and that is the Magic of Friendship.”

“The-the Magic of Friendship . . . ?” Cozy said slowly to make sure she heard correctly.

“Yes. I wasn’t exaggerating earlier when I said that Friendship was a powerful weapon.”

“You can weaponize friendship?”

“Maybe I chose the wrong words . . .”

Awkward silence settled in as Troth waited for Cozy to say something.

“I-I don’t have any better words,” Troth admitted.

Cozy rolled her eyes in amusement. “So if Twilight used the Magic of Friendship to win her battles then what are the Elements of Harmony for?”

“The Elements of Harmony are merely what channel the energy. It’s like the Magic of Friendship is the bullets and the Elements of Harmony are the guns.”

“What are guns?”

“Uh, nevermind. The Elements of Harmony are what make it so there is no room for mistakes so the enemy is taking the full brunt of the force. It is quite difficult to actually be able to pull off, but it says here that anypony can use the Magic of Friendship in battle and become victorious, just as long as their drive is strong, and they focus hard enough. It’s just not as strong if the Elements aren’t in use. I guess that’s a fail-safe so the bearers of the Elements won’t ever be threatened if this power falls into the wrong hooves.”

“That’s really cool,” Cozy said in an upbeat tone.

“Yeah, I guess it’s because there is magic that makes up who we are as ponies.”

“Is that what you wanted to show me?”

“Well, that’s just a bonus. I really just wanted to show you that you can make friends with any creature no matter how different they are. Even the most diverse set of creatures can harmonize. You should give the non-ponies a chance.”

Cozy considered it for a second. “Have you?”

Troth was taken off guard by the question. “Oh, well, um, yeah. Well, not really. I typically enjoy Lenia’s company. I . . .” Troth searched her thoughts before delivering her answer with confidence. “I don’t want to intrude on her friends. Yep, that’s why.”

“Well, we didn’t do that, and all it costed us was our lunch.”

“Oh, pish posh. Thanks to homecooked meals, it can be lunch anytime!”

“SHHHHHHH!!” the librarian hushed loudly again.

“Point taken,” Cozy said. “Let’s go.”

Troth considered the non-ponies once more as she led the way down the street. “Don’t you think we kind of left the others rather abruptly?”

Cozy frowned at the reminder. “They know where to meet us again. I did say that we would go to the place where our items were taken at sundown so there’s a time and place.”

“But if you’re so uncomfortable with them, why go back to them again?”

“It’s going to be a team effort. We help them; they help us. Everypony’s happy.”

“Even if it involves spending what might be the whole night trying to find what’s ours?”

“A small price to pay for salvation. You do know where we’re supposed to be, right?”

“Yes,” Troth continued, “I’ve been close to getting my camera back a dozen times before, but I’ve never actually gone through with it. I was too worried about what would happen if I was caught. I have a good reputation here as a nurse, and I was always worried it would be taken away if I got caught. So I was always afraid to go.”

“What’s changed?”

“I’ve never actually had anypony to back me up. Well, nopony brave enough to anyway. But now that you’re here, I think we can actually do it. I’ll back you up throughout everything.”

Cozy smiled as she trotted beside Troth. “So you’re a nurse but you have a camera? How does that add up? Do you do pictures or care?”

“Actually, I started out doing martial arts. I always thought it was so cool to think that you can defend yourself anywhere, especially from the bullies I used to face. The feeling was so exhilarating that I got a camera to record the moments. After every bully I faced, I would take a picture of them to remember a victory. It’s always good to remember your victories so you can have more confidence in yourself. But then I traveled away from my home and got lost and stumbled across this community with nothing but my camera. Emperor Contume took me in, but as soon as I got here, I lost my camera. There was nothing to record my victories with anymore, but I didn’t want to record what happened next. I got caught up with another bully, and I hurt them in a way that they never should have deserved. I didn’t know my own strength with these hooves. I felt so bad that I stayed with him at the hospital, and to make up for what I did, I never left.”

“Oh golly,” Cozy said sympathetically.

Troth stared down at the ground as she walked. “Yeah, it is what it is. But when I get my camera back, I’ll be able to relive all my best moments. What was it that you wanted to retrieve again, Cozy?”

“Oh, well -.”

“Hold that thought, we’re here.” Troth stopped right in front of a small, cleanly kept building. “I’m about to treat you to the best food that has ever been made underneath this roof.”

Troth took Cozy by the hoof and excitedly led her in, stopping at a small room with a table and chairs. “Oh! I haven’t cooked for somebody in so long! You sit right there and I’ll cook something good. I do make a pretty mean haysandwhich.”

Cozy beamed at Troth as a memory appeared, but the reminder of the aftermath settled in, causing her smile to leave just as quickly as it came.

The moment Cozy seated herself, her stomach growled and she was instantly reminded of her underfed day. The sleepless nights when she had nothing else to do but count the intervals of time between each stomach growl. The panicked thought that she might not even see the next day. The inescapable feeling that she had to fight or die.

She didn’t even realize Troth trying to get her attention.

“Cozy!” Troth called out again.

“Huh? What? Who?”

“You,” Troth said, concerned. “I asked if you wanted mustard.”

Immediately, Cozy’s fear melted into appreciation. “Yes, please.”

Troth couldn’t help but notice Cozy was still panting. “Are you having trouble breathing? I know CPR.”

“Oh,” Cozy realized. “No, it’s just . . . “ Cozy was about to get lost in her memories again before she forced the thoughts of Pent out of her mind. “It’s . . . nothing.”

Troth lowered her eyebrows in concern. “Does it have to do with when Dr. Degree and I found you?”

Cozy’s breathing began to increase in frequency again causing Troth to cover her mouth.

“I’m sorry.”

“No, no,” Cozy reassured. “It’s okay.”

“What . . . um, happened? If you don’t mind me asking.”

Cozy clenched her eyes shut to rid herself of the emotions. “My parents were taken from me by a unicorn, and that pony stole me away. He starved me for 2 days before I was able to escape by using a rook as a tool. That’s kind of how I got this.” Cozy gestured to her cutiemark, a mark that served as a constant reminder of a past that she seemingly could not escape.

“Wow,” Troth admired. “You got that cutiemark from fighting somepony off? Oh, is that the castle chess piece you were referring to? The one that got confiscated when you arrived?”

Cozy nodded, trying to keep her mind blank from the memories.

“No wonder you want that back. How can you feel safe without it? You’ll get it back though. I’ll make sure of it.”

Cozy smiled before she finally dug into her haysandwhiches. She ate it happily, forgetting any bad thing that had happened recently. “Thank you. This is a good lunch.”

“Well, it’s more of dinner.”

“Wait, dinner?” Cozy scanned the room.

“Um,” Troth pointed her hoof upwards. “The clock’s up there. It’s about 30 minutes until sundown.”

Cozy and Troth exchanged nervous looks, knowing fully well what the nighttime demanded of them.