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Everfree Forest--Fall

Such a beautiful day out. Should be for the next couple of days. I don't think the pegasi have any rain scheduled until next Tuesday. As such, I could see the depths of Ghastly Gorge stretching out for miles. It was my favorite area in Ponyville. I came here for my walk every day, just to walk the edge of it. It never got old looking down into the depths, seeing those rock eel thingies popping out of their caves, and whatnot. Though I did have to be careful. Sometimes I'd find myself drifting pretty close to the edge. Guess I just get lost in thought sometimes. Happened a lot when I first started my walks near Ghastly Gorge, but I guess I was becoming more aware of my surroundings, because those instances went down a lot. It only ever happened every once in a while now.

Still, I found it strange that it happened at all. I mean, geez, if I did ever fall down, the drop would kill me instantly. I'd want that. I mean... wouldn't want that. Weird.

I picked a nice spot and sat down, right near the edge of the gorge. I looked down into its rocky depths and nodded, impressed. I guess that's why I liked coming here. It reminded me a bit of... I... wait, what would it remind me of? There's nothing else like it in Equestria. Maybe some trip I took with my parents? Can't remember what that'd be, though, or when.

Just lean forward a little bit more. Please. I can't do this anymore. Let today be the day.

Today. What was today? I didn't have some appointment, or event that I had to attend, right? I didn't think so.

Just a little more. Then it'll all be fine.

Sheesh, this is strange. Maybe I should stop coming to Ghastly Gorge if it's going to be dangerous like this. Yeah, I think I'll do that. It's beautiful and all, but Whitetail Woods would be safer. Or just stop the walks. Relax during my lunch.

It hurts. Just a little more.

Got a lot to do this week. Princess Celestia has been coming by a lot. Guess that makes sense. Twilight is her student.

Lean forward.

For some reason, I began slowly leaning forward. If I leaned too much, I'd go right over the edge to my death. I didn't want to do that, but something told me I should. That I needed to. But that was silly, wasn't it? Ponyville was my home. Equestria was my home. Where I'd lived my whole life. I loved it here.

Just a little more.

Before I could lean back, I lost my footing and slipped down. Time seemed to slow as I plummeted into the depths of Ghastly Gorge. As a last-ditch effort, I twisted around and swung my hoof, hoping beyond hope that I could grab a branch or sturdy rock to stop my fall. It was my only chance. It was the only possible way that I could save myself.

My hoof hit nothing but air.

My mind told me that I should be screaming in terror. There was no way that I was going to survive this. I only had a few precious seconds of life, and I should be terrified. Instead I felt...


Somehow a small smile crossed my face just before I hit the ground.

* * * *

I ran through Whitetail Woods, Rarity and Fluttershy following close behind. We were calling out for TD, hoping that he'd just gotten lost in the woods. Even if he had, he still probably wouldn't be in a good shape. Nopony had seen him since I had at lunch the day before. Rainbow and Applejack were checking the Everfree Forest, though if he'd gotten lost in there, I didn't have a lot of hope that he'd be okay.

"Are you sure he's in here?" Rarity asked. "I thought we checked yesterday evening."

"I know we did, but we need to check again!" I said through gritted teeth. "We already failed by not finding a cure for him, but I'm not going to fail him by letting him get lost and die somewhere!"

I heard sniffling behind me, and I screeched to a halt. I turned to see Fluttershy hiding in her mane and twitching with sobs. I grimaced and walked over to her to put my hoof on her shoulder.

"Hey, it's okay. We'll find him. We'll make sure that he's okay."

"It's all my fault," Fluttershy whimpered. "If I hadn't asked for his help finding my chicken, none of this would have happened!"

"Darling, it's not your fault," Rarity insisted, placing a hoof on Fluttershy's back. "You required help to save your chicken, and TD was just being a good friend. It's more unfortunate happenstance than anypony's fault in particular."

"Buh-but if... if I'd just kept a better eye on my chickens or repaired the fence better or--"

"Hey, Fluttershy, it's okay," I said with my best attempt at a comforting smile. "We'll find him and Princess Celestia will fix him, and we'll put all of this behind us, okay?"

"Do you promise?" Fluttershy whispered.

I hesitated. The truth was that no, I couldn't promise that everything would be okay. I couldn't promise that we could fix TD. The longer he was missing and the longer he was in a lobotomized pony form, the more certain I was that we'd never get TD back. Whether that meant that he was mentally gone for good or that he'd gotten himself killed somehow, I didn't know. Either way, I didn't know what to do. If it was the former, would I eventually just grow used to it? I'd just become numb to his situation and try to pretend like it never happened at all? And if he was dead... knowing him, would that be for the best?

I was just about to respond to Fluttershy when Thunderlane landed in front of me. I didn't miss his flattened ears, or the grimace he had on his face. My stomach dropped as I braced for what he was going to say.

"We found him," Thunderlane muttered. "Ghastly Gorge."

"Is... is he okay?" Fluttershy whimpered.

Thunderlane's look told me all I needed to know. Tears began welling up in my eyes, but I didn't say anything as I teleported out of the woods and straight to Ghastly Gorge. Several ponies were standing on the edge, looking down as the scene below. Some were even crying. I teleported down to the gorge and flinched back at what I saw.

TD was lying on the ground, clearly dead. I wailed and collapsed next to him, my body wracked with sobs as I let it all out.

"I'm so sorry, TD," I groaned. "I'm so, so sorry! We tried. I tried!"

Even through my sobs, I couldn't miss the look of contentment on his face.