• Published 7th Feb 2020
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Equestria Ninja Girls of Star Command - Mister V

Our heroes work with the heroes of Star Command to defeat the forces of evil

  • ...

Royal Rumble

The next day, Rarity woke up and saw April looking out the window.

"It's a quite a view, isn't it?" April asked.

"Indeed it is." Rarity answered. "Makes you think about the meaning and purpose of life." Suddenly, Commander Nebula called them on the view screen.

"You two meet me and Mira in the Briefing Room!" He said.

"We're on it, Commander!" April and Rarity said with a salute. Later in the Briefing Room, Rairity and April sit with the Commander and Mira.

"Girls, there seems to a problem on my home planet, Tangea." Mira said with concerns.

"What's the problem?" Rairty asked. Commander Nebula show's a hologram of a woman with turquoise skin and blue eyes, wearing a pink bodice with matching high heels, gloves, A cape that accents her outfit, and a gem necklace that floats around her neck, and having an abnormally large cranium, which is almost reminiscent of a planet, given it has its own "planetary ring" and three floating spherical objects reminiscent of tiny moons that circle it.

"This is Gravitina." The Commander said. "Due to her abnormally large head, she is able to control gravity, even to the point of causing sunquakes and asteroid attacks upon celestial bodies. She can use gravity to make her enemies levitate in any direction she desires."

"And we just got word that she's in Tangea somewhere." Mira said. "That's why the three of us are going to Tangea to see if it's alright."

"Then what are we waiting for?" April asked. "Let's go to Tangea!" Soon after they got on a shuttle to go to Tangea. When they arrive the find a planet that's is lush and jungle-like, with waterfalls and beautiful flora, and floating cities, hovering over their lush environment.

"There's where I live." Mira said pointing to a palace before asking a question. "Say, have I ever told you about the first time I met Buzz?"

"No, but I have a feeling you're going to." Rarity said.

"It was some time ago." Mira said as a flashback showed a confrence in the throneroom. "During a confrence with some members of the Galactic Alliance and my father."

"Commerce, Tourism, Nightlife." a video announcer said. "Now more than ever, The Galactic Alliance is the choice for tomorrow!"

"So, uh King Nova, is Tangea ready to join The Galactic Alliance?" one of the members asked.

"Most certainly not!" King Nova said in disgust.

"Father, they're right!" Mira said. "Tangea needs to come out of it's shell and join the galactic community.

"Nonsense!" King Nova said. "I will not fraternize with lesser lifeforms."

"Your Highness." Buzz said as. "Listen to your daughter. Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger and head of security for this conference."

"Some sort of talking ape." King Nova said. "Does it do tricks."

"King Nova, Galactic Alliance membership garrentees safety from the Evil Emperor Zurg." Buzz said, which caused the king to laugh.

"Zurg, oh pish posh." He said. "We Tangeans are capable of defending ourselves, in ways your crude mind can not hope to grasp." All of a sudden there was a loud explosion, causing some debris to fall on Buzz. Then a giant hornet landed into the room, with Zurg entering on his hovercraft.

"Hello pathetic Tangeans!" Zurg said. "Meet my Hyper Hornet. He's like the regular hornets only bigger and eviler, or is it more evil, grammar's not really not my strong suit, but anyway, HYPER HORNET, REMOVE KING NOVA!" The Hyper Hornet then obeyed it's master.

"Daddy!" Mira said as the Hyper Hornet put King Nova in a secret compartment in it's abdoman. The members of the Royal Court were snickering, as if they knew something even Zurg didn't know about.

"What?" Zurg asked "What's with the chuckling? WHAT'S SO FUNNY?!?"

"Oh, a poor, undeveloped buffon like you wouldn't understand." One of the counselers said.

"We Tangeans can ghost through any solid object." added another counseler.

"I expect King Nova to bounce out of your so called 'Hyper Hornet' any moment now." the first one concluded. Ofcourse, Zurg knew that but he had to make sure.

"Did we count on that?" He asked a Grub

"Oh, yes my Evil Emperor." The Grub answered. "The Hyper Hornet is outfitted with an Anti-Tangean hull."

"HA!" Zurg said in confidence. "So who's the poor, undeveloped buffon now, huh?"

"That would be you, Zurg." Buzz said after blasting out of the debris and blasted a lazer at Zurg, who dodges it.

"Ahh!" Zurg Screamed "Hyper Hornet! Destroy Buzz Lightyear!" The Hyper Hornet obeyed his master's commands and fired a large laser as Buzz, who jumps out of the way, but the Hyper Hornet then fires three energy rings that ensnare hin instantly. When the Hyper Hornet tryed to step on him, Buzz moved out of the way and fired his laser at the Hyper Hornet

"Shoudn't we do something?" Mira asked while she and the counselers watched the battle.

"Right." One of the counselers said. "We'll immedietely, uh, form a committy to evaluate the situation." The counselers the left to do just that, much to Mira's annoyance.

"Actually, I had something a bit more proactive in mind." Mira said as the councelers left through the wall. "You know maybe we could fight or some- aw craters!"

"I heard that Mira!" The king said inside the Hyper Hornet. "No need for force language!"

"You can't keep this up Lightyear!" Zurg said after laughing. "My Hyper Hornet never tires!"

"Neither does justice." Buzz said before being punched by the Hyper Hornet so hard, he flew right out of the room. Mira jumped onto a hover craft and caught him while he was falling.

"Hi." Mira said. "Need a hand?"

"Thank you princess, you saved my life." Buzz replied.

"Well I had to." Mira said as they returned to the palace. "You're Tangea's only hope"

"Not nessasarally." Buzz said when they got back. "Your people really are capable of defending themselves, in ways my crude mind can not hope to grasp." Meanwhile the counselers were writing a letter of complaint to Zurg.

"Ahem, dear Zurg." one of the Councelers said. "We wish to register our displeasure with your occupation of our planet."

"Is displeasure too harsh." another one of the coucelers said.

"Yeah, I don't know if we can count on my people." Mira said in dissapointment.

"Well then, it's just you and me." Buzz said.

"Yeah, right!" Mira said before laughing.

"Something funny, princess?" Buzz asked, a bit confused.

"Oh you're serious." Mira said after she stopped laughing. "Um, I'm a princess, a-a-a PRINCESS! I don't know anything about fighting evil emperors!"

"Princess there's one thing I've learned on my adventures." Buzz said. "You never win, if you count the ways you'll lose." Mira laughed at that just a bit

"Yeah right. Oh your, ahem, serious again. Right." She said.

"Dead serious." Buzz said. Meanwhile, Zurg was trying the throne to see if it fits.

"Oh, no!" Zurg said "No, no! This just won't do! I'll need a new throne! And get me one of those vibrating lower back massager thingies."

"As you command, Evil Emperor Zurg!" One of the grubs said. But just as he was beginning to leave, he bumped into Princess Mira.

"Cancel that order." She said. "Father likes his throne just the way it is." Zurg, however, was not to impressed.

"Hyper Hornet, destroy the princess." He commanded. The Hyper Hornet did as he was told and fired a blased of energy, but Mira dodged it and fired her laser pistol at the chadelier which trapped the Hyper Hornet. Saticfied the went through the wall to escape.

"Stop her!" Zurg commanded. The Hyper Hornet broke free of his bindings and chased after her by breaking down the wall and fire his lasers at her.

"Now Buzz!" Mira said as Buzz pulled a long strip of fabric around the legs of the Hyper Hornet, causing it to call and come apart. He then pryed open the torso and pulled King Nova, who was unharmed, out in time to hug Mira.

"Tell my that crash was the sweet sound of evil triumphing!" Zurg said as he came in on his hover craft.

"That was the sweet sound of freedom." Buzz said as he pointed his laser at him. "Tangea's freedom."

"CURSE YOU, BUZZ LIGHTYEAR!" Zurg said in rage.

"And..." Buzz started.

"Yes, yes, curse you too princess." Zurg said in irritation. Buzz gave Mira a thumbs up.

"Not long after that, Tangea joined The Galactic Alliance, and I joined Star Command." Mira said as she finished her story.

"Wow!" April said in amazement.

"Indeed, that story is incredible!" Rarity added.

"Thanks, girls." Mira said, with a bit of a blush, before shaking it off. "But back to the matter at hand." They soon landed on the palace, in front of the main entrance. They soon got inside the palace and saw that no one was around. Just then, a voice came out of some speakers that must have been added recently

"Come closer!" It said. Suddenly, it felt as if something was pulling them down the hall.

"Whoah!" They said as they arrived to the throne room, where Gravatina was seen sitting on the throne and wearing a strange but familliar looking helmet.

"Now you will surrender to me." She said with a grin.

"Hurghhh!" Rarity and April said.

"Ahhh!" Mira said

"I am Gravitina." Gravitina said. "The Mistress of Mass and all of its attraction. And... I welcome you to my summer house."

"Can't move!" Rarity said. "Gravity... crushing us! Hurgh! Huugh!"

"Not gra-vi-ty!" Gravitina corrected. "Gra-vi-ti-na! Ugh! Why must the cute ones be such himbles? It is my power that threatens holds you."

"Your power?" April asked.

"My new improved gravatomic abilities." Gravitina answered.

"Oh, yeah, of course!" Mira said. "Gravatomic abili--ugh!"

"Before my upgrade, I could only re-orient gravity fields from close by, causing the target to fall up." Gravitina explained.




"And the ever-popular, if mundane, down."

"Ahh!" Rarity said. "Thank you..."

"But now, I can do that from a distance, as you have seen, and keep them where they are for long amounts of gime." Gravitina added as she lifted them up again. "But it's still simply mind-over-matter. Incredible, no?"

"No!" Mira said "What I find incredible is that you insist on continuing to using these powers for evil! Now where's my Father?"

"Try looking up." Gravitina said, pointing up. Our heroes looked up to see King Nova and his royal councel stuck on the ceiling.

"This is more humiliating than it looks." King Nova said.

"How are you doing this?" Mira said.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." Gravitina said, before a watch on her wrist went off. "Oops, look at this, visiting hours are over." She then sent our heroes back to the shuttle, and then off into space, causing then to be dizzy as their ship floated into space.

"Okay, that was unexpected." April said.

"Now what?" Rarity asked.

"Don't worry, there's one guy who can tell us what's going on." Mira said, before charting a course to another planet. Before long, our heroes arrived at a planet that looks very seedy and gritty. "Girls, welcome to Tradeworld, the criminal capital of the Gamma Quadrant. It's here where we will find our answers." Soon they found just the guy they were looking for. He has all the traits of a seedy, poor, and slick conman: his hair is slicked back, he walks with a hunch, whispers as often as possible, and has crooked, yellowed teeth. He appears to be a rodent-like being, as evinced by his naked tail and elongated ears and snout. As soon as he saw our heroes he ran for it. He hid in an alley, only to bump right into our heroes. "Crumford Lorak, just the infromant we've been looking for."

"Hey, hey, what do you want from me?" Crumford asked.

"Aw, come on Crumford." Mira said. "You know more about an evil plan then even the planner."

"So, as my friend Rainbow Dash would say, make like a glass of OJ and spill." Rarity added.

"Maybe I was told a few things, but nothing too important." Crumford said. Just then, Mira got a hand inside his head, much to his discomfort.

"Eww, really need to clean this mind out." Mira said.

"Hey, hey, hey!" Crumford said. "Alright, i'll talk! Just be careful, that's my brain and stuff!" She pull her hand out of his head.

"Okay, it's about Gravitina." April said. "She's got a helmet that increases her gravity powers. Where did she get it?"

"She got the helmet from Zurg." Crumford said. "But he got the technology from some weirdos from an unknown planet."

"Weirdos?" Rarity said. "Who are they?"

"Hmmm, I don't know if they gave me a company name, per say." Crumford said.

"Okay, one brain omelette, coming up." Mira said, getting Crumford said.

"They calls themselves the Kraang!" He said. "That's all I know!"

"The Kraang?!?!" Rarity said in shock.

"Figures those guys would be involved." April added. "How do we turn off her helmet?"

"Well, they said the helmet's power can overload and cause it to blow up if Gravitina gets angry enought." Crumford said.

"Aw, see?" Mira said. "That wasn't so hard. Okay girls, back to Tangea. We can work on a plan on the way." Soon our heroes returned to Tangea and have come up with a plan. But this time they went in the back which was the only place that didn't have surveillance devices all over it.

"Okay, now remember the plan." Mira said. "We have to make her mad enough to cause her helmet to overload."

"Okay, Mira!" April and Rarity said. They each then went into down a different hall to put their plan into action. Later in the throne room, Gravitina was sitting on the throne, filing her finger nails, when King Nova was ranting about his situation, as usual.

"This is an outrage!" He said. "You won't get away with this!"

"Huh, I wish I had a fortune everytime I heard that." Gravitina said. Just then she felt that something was going on. She decided to investigate the matter when Mira came up from behind her.

"Hey, Gravitina!" Mira said in a playful matter. "Good to see you again. Wanna play a game of tag." She then went through a wall.

"Okay, let's play." Gravitina said, before trying to use her gavity powers to bring her back, but April lifted her off her feet with her telepathy powers. "Are you seriously trying to hold me up?" She asked.

"No, just wanting to see how far you can fly." April said before tossing Gravitina down the hall like a baseball. At this point, Gravitina was getting miffed. Then, Rarity tapped her on the shoulder. "What do you want?" She asked.

"Oh, just want to see how you like this." Rarity said before using her geode powers to push her back the way she came. At this point, Gravitina got very, very upset.

"Alright, I'm getting annoyed by all of this!" Gravitina said. She was just about use her powers to bring the whole place down when Mira came back and tapped her on the shoulder. "Now what do you want?!"

"Just thought I'd see of your brain needs a good cleaning." Mira said before going inside Gravitina, who got very mad at this point. The helmet was starting to malfunction and break apart.

"Grrrrr, this is making me angry!" Gravitina said. "Get out of my body! I mean it!"

"I don't know." Mira said after poping her head out. "This place is pretty spacious." Gravitina got furious at this point. The helmet shut down and came apart, causing King Nova and the others to fall to the floor. Mira then got out of Gravitina, who collapsed in exaustion as April and Rarity joined her. They then went to see of the King or his councilers were damaged.

"Is everyone okay?" Mira asked.

"Yes, thank you Mira." King Nova said. They then went to arrest Gravitina, but she dissapeared.

"Where'd she go?" April asked.

"I don't know." Rarity said. "She was right there a minute ago."

"Well, we'll find her later." Mira said. "Let's call Commander Nebula and tell him Tangea is safe." Unknown to our heroes, Gravitina was taken to Planet Z, where she met Zurg at a computer.

"Did you get the information you wanted?" She asked.

"Indeed, Gravitina!" Zurg said with a cackle. "That helmet I gave you managed to scan Rarity's geode and it's abilities, and the we are replicating that power into my new hornets, the Magic Hornets!" He then presented the blueprints for the Magic Hornets, showing them as robotic magicians. "Now we just have to scan the rest of the geodes, harness their power into the Magic Hornets, and with it we can take over the entire galactic alliance! HAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"

"Yes, but let's get to the matter of these new guys who'll be part of our little team." Gravitina said. "When are they going to show up?"

"Actually, one of them already arrived." Zurg said, while pointing behind Gravitina, who turned around and a huge reptilian creature.

"Who are you?" Gravitina asked, in kind of a lovestruck tone.

"Name's Reximus." The reptile man answered. "Troy Reximus. But you can call me a teammate."

Author's Note:

So our heroes have beaten Gravitina, but Zurg gets a new member in his team.


.This episode has references on the episodes FIrst Missions, Gravitina, and Swamped from The Batman.